EDEL 335- Fall session 2010 Study Guide EDEL 335

Information on Final Examination

Study Guide It would be valuable to review key points discussed throughout this class from it since it “sets the stage” for Social Studies. Make use of the links from the wiki (note: you do not need to read through every link). The topics covered during this class have tried to help EDEL 335 students to do the following: 1. Discover who they are as social studies teachers 2. Consider their own beliefs about teaching and learning 3. Develop a philosophical orientation towards Social Studies. 4. Understand and articulate some “problems” which must be faced by students teaching Social Studies. 5. Develop a clear understanding of Alberta’s Social Studies Program of Studies and what constitutes Powerful Social Studies.

Why is Social Studies taught in school? Are you familiar with the seven Citizenship Orientations?

How Should You Go about Locating and Selecting Resources to Assist in Teaching Social Studies Content? What do we mean by single or multiple authorities? How do student needs/interests affect choices? What are some considerations about textbooks? What are some considerations about Children’s Literature? What are some considerations about using news media? How can computers be used as valuable resources” How can technology be used to support learning in S.S?

What Approaches to Teaching Social Studies Should You Use to Best Meet Your Goals? What does a teacher-directed approach look like? What does a classroom with shared direction look like? What does a student-directed classroom look like? What are some learning needs of children, and how would they affect teaching approaches? How can a teacher promote Critical Thinking? How will you incorporate constructivist principles into teaching social studies? Powerful Social Studies, What are the 5 characteristics of Powerful Social Studies? What are some examples for implementation of these characteristics? What are some assumptions about Social Studies (these are things that are needed, and assumed to be in place for Powerful Social Studies to be in effect)? Are you able to use what you know about Powerful Social Studies to evaluate a lesson plan? Are you familiar with the Annenburg teaching videos that we watched during this course? (Celebrations of Light, Archeology and History, China Mapping)

What About the Use of Technology in S.S? What does it mean to use technology as a mindtool? For research – what do you need to consider when using technology to do research? Different technology tools shared in class- ideas for how can they support learning? Can you provide specific examples of how you might use several of the tools presented this term? Why is the infusion of technology an important part of Alberta’s new Program of Studies?

Integration of Literature into Social Studies. What place does the integration of literature have in teaching social studies? What are some of the cautions with this approach? What are some criteria to be used when looking at literature to be used?

Inquiry (November 24-25 class) Do you know the difference between project work and inquiry-based learning? Watch the short video clip of Dr. Sharon Friesen talking about Inquiry. Look over the Inquiry Rubric document .

Historical Thinking Why is Critical Thinking important to students of history? What are the benchmarks of historical thinking? Why is it important to teach students to think like a historian?

What are Constructivist Practices? What does a constructivist classroom “look” like? What does a constructivist classroom “sound” like? What is the teacher’s role in a constructivist classroom? The student’s role? Think about the place of prior knowledge, reflections, scaffolding in a constructivist classroom. In what ways does constructivism fit in the new POS? Can you name 2-3 practices that are not suitable in a constructivist model? Assessment. Do you know the difference between assessment of/as/for learning? What are different formative and summative assessment tools? What do you know about mastery learning (Teach Until You get It) and the use of reworks or rewrites class? When would different types of assessment tools be most appropriate? What are some forms of authentic assessment in Social Studies? Why are assignment sheets and benchmarks an important part of assignments?

Front Matter (POS) What are the key of the tenets found within the Program of Studies? What do you know about the Dimensions of Thinking? Are you able to explain the Big Idea for K-6? (see the scope and sequence chart on p.11 of the front matter). Are you able to discuss a General outcome and specific outcomes for one grade (a good choice would be the area you focused on for your Unit Overview this term) Are you able to use the front matter (first 13 pages) to evaluate a lesson plan? NOTE: Rewatch the David George videos from the June 1st wiki Literacy in Social Studies Why is it important to address reading and writing skills in social studies? Describe specific strategies that help prepare students to be successful in social studies? Lesson Plan Boot Camp What did you learn in each of the Lesson Plan Boot Camps?

Sample Examination Essay Questions Question One At the first parent conference of the year, you sense that Mrs. Register is somewhat annoyed with her daughter’s low mark in Social Studies. In the process of explaining reasons for the mark, you show some of the mapping activities that were done. She says (in a loud and angry voice), “What garbage! Why would you bother at all about teaching mapping? Kids at this age are far too young for that. And stuff in the world is always changing anyway, so maps are always out of date.” You know that you have to respond. How do you justify the teaching of mapping skills in the curriculum?

Question Two You are currently teaching in an elementary school in Calgary. Every month the school principal likes to feature a particular teacher and a curriculum area at the meeting of the School Council. For March, he has chosen you, and has asked you to describe the Social Studies program in your classroom. Describe what your presentation would look like, and how you would ‘highlight” your Social Studies program.