Week 3: Application Assignment s1

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Week 3: Application Assignment s1

EDLD 5333 Leadership for Accountability

Week 4: Action Planning and Personal Growth

Overview So far in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment of your selected campus, you have evaluated the various Academic Excellence Indicator System (AEIS) reports and selected a target area of weakness. You have written a measurable goal and objective for the target area, and you have researched strategies and activities, including specific professional development, to address the target area and meet the goal and objective.

This week, you will complete a campus action plan and an agenda for a one-day professional development that addresses the target weakness.

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Rubric Use the following rubric to guide your work.

Tasks Accomplished Proficient Needs Unacceptable Improvement

Week 4 Assignment: Action Planning and Professional Growth

Part 1: Create Completes Completes Completes Does not a campus action plan with action plan with action plan with complete an action plan all critical five to six critical one to four action plan. elements from elements from critical elements (0 points) the lecture and the lecture and from the lecture PowerPoint PowerPoint and PowerPoint addressed. addressed. addressed. Includes a Includes two Includes one minimum of strategies/ strategy/activity three activities to to address the strategies/activit address the objective in the ies to address objective in the action plan. the objective in action plan. (7 points) the action plan. (8 points) (10 points)

Part 2: Develops a Develops a Develops a Does not tie the Complete an professional professional professional professional agenda for one development development development development professional agenda that agenda that agenda that fails agenda to the development connects directly addresses the to address one goal/objective day. to the goal and goal/objective of the following: stated in the objective stated cited in the the action plan or in the action action plan but goal/objective state plan and does not specify cited in the strategies/activit includes the strategies/activit action plan or a ies for topic, subtopic, ies to deliver follow-up plan professional and professional for professional development strategies/activit development. development delivery. Does ies for the Creates a follow- and not create a agenda’s up plan that implementation. timeline or delivery. lacks sufficient (7 points) follow-up Completes a detail for professional detailed timeline timeline and/or development. and evaluation evaluation plan. (0 points) plan for follow- (8 points) up professional development to ensure implementation. (10 points)

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Responses and Few errors in Multiple errors in Mechanics grammar, grammar, spelling or spelling or punctuation. punctuation. (5 points) Responses lack clarity and depth. (0 points)

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Part 1: Campus Action Plan (ELCC 1.1 s-ii;1.2 s-i, 1.3 s-ii; 1.4 k-i, ii, iv; 2.1 k-i, s-i, ii, iii, iv; 2.2 k-i; 2.3 k-I, s-i, ii, iii; 2.4 k-i, ii, s-I, ii, iii; 2.5 k-i, s-I, ii, iii; 2.6 k-i, ii; 2.7 k-i, s-i; 2.8 k-i, s-i, ii; 2.9 k-i, s-i, ii, iii, iv) For a campus to make lasting change, school improvement must be an ongoing, continuous process. In Part 1, you will demonstrate your understanding of continuous improvement by creating an action plan for an area of weakness that you identified in an analysis of AEIS data. Your budget for the plan is $10,000.

Directions:  In Resources, locate and view the PowerPoint, District and Campus Planning and Decision Making, from Education Service Center XV. This PowerPoint provides information that will help you successfully complete the action plan for your Application assignment.  Review the Friend ISD Action Plan, and use it as an example for creating the action plan for your selected campus.  Complete the action plan for your selected campus. Remember your budget is $10,000.  This sample plan is “very” minimal. Research scientifically based strategies and programs including technology strategies and programs and professional development. (See Resources: Helpful Websites-Weeks 3 & 4). Be creative in your action plan.

Sample Action Plan

Goal: Friend ISD will have an Exemplary rating by 2013.

Objective: By May 2010, 86% of all students and student groups*, including special education students tested, will pass all portions of the state assessment, and the performance gap will be reduced by 10% between student groups.

Activity Person(s) Timeline Resources/Estimated Formative Strategy Responsible Cost Evaluation

Provide Sonia Jones Oct. – Nov. SCE Funds Students at- after-school 2010 Materials: $2038 risk for failure tutorials for will Jan. – April .4 FTEs: $11,480 students at- 2011 demonstrate risk for improvement failure. on six-week exams and benchmark tests, per disaggregated data reports.

Hire two Edward Aug. 2010 SCE 1.4 FTE: $42,000 Improved six- additional Goodwin – May 2011 (140 students, 5 math week grades math teachers, 70% at-risk for all students, teachers to especially reduce the Need 2 additional those at-risk student- teachers to reduce the for failure in teacher ratio to 20:1 math. ratio from Calculation: 2 teachers

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28:1 to 20:1 hired at $30,000 each; to meet the 70% of $60,000 needs of charged SCE)* students at- *Not included in the risk for plan failure in math.

Campus Action Plan

Goal: By 2011, West Brook Senior High School will earn a Recognized rating.

Objective: 80% of all 9th grade students will meet or exceed the state standard on the Mathematics portion of the TAKS test by the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

Target Group(s):

Activity/ Person(s) Timeline Resources/Estimated Formative Strategy Responsible Cost Evaluation (Include 3)

1. Math Marion Able September SCE Funds Students will “Power 2010 – Materials: $1500 take exams Hours” once April 2011 every three per week. Substitutes: $5000 weeks. Data Students are will be given a disaggregated. benchmark test to identify specific objectives on which they need help. They are then grouped with teachers that are strong in teaching that objective. Once students have mastered that skill they are moved to another group. Substitutes and

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volunteers will assist with the class during this time.

2. Math Brian Pitre September Software: $2500 Ongoing tutoring 2010 – testing in the software that April 2011 software that adapts to is tracked by grade level teachers. and student ability. Students can access the software from any Internet connection. Teachers are able to identify weaknesses by tracking student performance.

3. 5 minute Joan January SCE Funds Testing will Math – every Richards, 2011 – Materials: $1000 occur in Math class on Jeanne April 2011 classes every campus will Broussard, three weeks. devote 5 Steven Data will be minutes of Stallard disaggregated. class to a subject related math problem. Will demonstrate to students that math can be applied in many different environments.

Summative Evaluation: Explain the summative evaluation process for the campus action plan.

Students will take weekly quizzes that will consist of questions like those on the TAKS tests. They will consist of math problems that will cover all of the objectives on the TAKS. Some questions will be multiple choice type questions so the students can learn how to identify the “trap answers” on these style exams. Other questions will be open ended questions that the students must solve on their own. Students will also demonstrate proficiency by “teaching” the tutors how to solve an example problem.

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Students that were identified as “at-risk” and the beginning of the program will continue to practice testing on the objectives until the TAKS test to help alleviate test anxiety and to reinforce new knowledge.

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Part 2: Professional Development Agenda (ELCC 2.3 k-I, s-i, ii, iii; 2.4 k-i, ii, s-I, ii, iii; 2.6 k-i, ii, iii, s-i, ii, iii) Professional growth is an integral part of a Campus Improvement Plan. In professional learning communities, staff members understand that continuously honing one’s skills is necessary for ongoing school improvement. In Part 2 of this week’s Application, you will develop an agenda for a professional development day that addresses the targeted campus need and include a timeline for follow-up professional development. Directions:  In Resources, locate and view the PowerPoint, Professional Development Planning: Matching Trainings to Teacher and Student Learning Needs, from the School Improvement Resources Center (SIRC) of Region XIII Educational Service Center. This PowerPoint provides information that will help you successfully complete the professional development portion of this assignment.  Develop a one-day professional development agenda that does the following: - Connects directly to the goal/objective cited in the action plan. - Includes the topic and subtopics for the professional development day. - Includes strategies/activities from Week 3 research that are directly related to the goal/objective stated in the action plan.  Develop a timeline and plan for follow-up professional development to ensure implementation. Follow-up can include coaching, classroom observations with feedback, staff meetings, lesson plan reviews, and other appropriate activities.

Professional Development Agenda

Action Plan Goal: By 2011, West Brook Senior High School will earn a Recognized rating.

Action Plan Objective: 80% of all 9th grade students will meet or exceed the state standard on the Mathematics portion of the TAKS test by the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

Topic: Improving 9th Grade TAKS Math Scores

Subtopics: Data Driven Decisions, Learning Communities

Grade Level: Facilitator: Lynn Location: West Start Time: End-Time: 9th Grade Allen Brook Library 8:00am 3:30pm

Strategy/ Purpose Description Steps Estimated Activity Time

Welcome and Remind the Mrs. Allen Examine 45 minutes Review TAKS Math team of examines the campus-wide Scores the level of TAKS scores Math scores achievement on for the 9th grade by sub group; 8:00-8:45am the last TAKS class and examine 9th assessment compares West grade scores

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and to ensure Brook’s score by sub group; each is aware against compare of goal comparable scores to schools. other campuses in district and across the state

Data-Driven Data-Driven Train teachers From the SSC 2 Hours Decision Decision to examine test on the TEA Making Making training results in their site: types and from the Social class to make sources of 8:45-10:45am Studies Center adjustments to data that help on the TEA site. lesson plans, educators and Math teachers train Math team administrators at West Brook to use data to set curriculum can learn to use make planning the data from curriculum goals; how to the decisions that make assessments will improve curriculum and create student decisions curriculum learning. based on objectives. collected and Administration interpreted and faculty can data; then be sure understand that the correct how data steps are being contributes to taken to move student the Math success; students toward outline meeting the methods of campus TAKS staff objectives. development (including self- analysis) that equip educators in their continued use of data to increase student performance; develop a personal action plan to put into practice concepts

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learned in this module

Break 15 Min.

Review TAKS Review the Review the Examine 1 Hour Objectives objectives in content that is TEKS; order to ensure covered on the Success that the entire TAKS test for stories from 11:00-12:00pm 9th grade Math 9th grade Math. across the team is united Discuss any state; open in the goals of issues that discussion of the team. teachers are issues that having with teachers are covering the having objectives.

Lunch 1 Hour

Teach the Sharing Teachers that Introduce the 1 Hour Teachers successful have been teachers that teaching identified as will lead this techniques will strong in section of the 1:00-2:00pm allow teachers certain training; each to experience objectives will teacher alternatives to share their teaches the the way they teaching class of teach. This will techniques. trainees; open also encourage Discussion will discussion of teachers to be held about the create other possible techniques mentoring techniques that used and relationships can be used to ideas that that will increase could be continue after student implemented the training and proficiency in recognize those Math. that are excelling in the classroom.

Learning Creating a 9th The 9th grade Introduce the 1.5 Hours Communities grade Math Math learning concept of learning community will learning community will serve as the communities; 2:00-3:30pm give the pilot program how to form teachers an for this the opportunity to approach on communities; work closely the West Brook the together to campus. The community improve student community will meeting; what learning. meet once a to expect; how

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month to to move discuss the forward progress of their students, issues they are having and to introduce ideas that will further enhance student learning.

Professional Development Follow-up Explain in a paragraph how you would follow up your professional development agenda. Include the strategy/activity and a timeline.

The professional development agenda was designed with activities that will include additional follow up. Those areas are the Data Driven Decision Making process and the Learning Communities. The other topics on the agenda were there to support these two topics. Now that the 9th grade Math team has been introduced to the Data Driven Decision Making information they will begin the process of implementing what they have learned while further exploring the concept. This process will be used in and supported by the Math Learning Community (MLC). Two weeks after the original training the MLC will meet to review what was discussed in the training. A this meeting they will work together to complete a survey that will assist them their first analysis of test scores in their classes. The group will then establish an action plan for the following month. Individual member of the MLC will adapt the group action plan into a classroom action plan. This plan will be presented and discussed at the next MLC meeting which will occur one month later. The action plan will be adjusted monthly as the team works toward attaining the overall goal of an 80% passing rate for 9th grade students on the Mathematics portion of the TAKS test by the end of the 2010-2011 school year.

E-portfolio assignment: Complete II-007 “Decision Making and Problem Solving” Course- Embedded Internship Log 2. E-portfolio assignment: Complete “III-008 Budgeting, Resources Allocation, and Financial Management” Course-Embedded Internship Log 2. Continue to complete and post Campus-Supervised internship reflection logs in the e-portfolio. All Course-Embedded and Campus-Supervised logs must be completed by your 11th course in the program prior to the EDLD 5398 Internship course.

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