MINUTES For June 24, 2014

The St. Lawrence County Board of Health (hereafter typed SLCBOH) met on Tuesday, June 24, 2014 in the 2nd floor conference room of the Human Services Center, Canton, New York

MEMBERS PRESENT: Jim Bunstone, Dr. Gregory Healey, Victor Pisani, Dr. Scott Spicer, Dr. Andrew Williams

PUBLIC HEALTH STAFF PRESENT: Lorraine B. Kourofsky, Interim Public Health Director; Laurie Maki, Director of Prevent Services, Rosemary Brown, Administrative Assistant


President Dr. Gregory Healey called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m.


Ms. Kourofsky introduced Denise Young, Director of the Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization who was asked by Ms. Kourofsky to provide information on the Fort Drum North Country Healthcare System and the effects it would have on the included areas.

The Fort Drum Regional Health Planning Organization (FDRHPO) brings together MEDDAC Command with community healthcare providers to analyze the existing healthcare delivery options and to see new opportunities for leveraging healthcare resources to carry out a regional healthcare approach to meet the needs of the expanding military and civilian population in the Fort Drum health service area.

Accomplishments thus far are more than $100 million in master-planned upgrades to the five hospitals in the Fort Drum health service area to meet the growing need, $500,000 annual commitment from New York State to address growing behavioral health needs, millions of dollars directed for securement of technology infrastructure upgrades to connect healthcare facilities and clinics surrounding the installation to increase access and coordination of care, and $4.1 million in community, state and federal grant investment for physician and allied health professional recruitment in the Fort Drum region, resulting in eight new healthcare education programs and over 100 additional healthcare professionals in process.

DSRIP was rolled out by the state on April 14th of this year. Ms. Young told the committee that they were currently working on an application. There is a possibility of $69 billion over six years with this grant. The grant will include the geographic area of Jefferson, Lewis and Southern St. Lawrence Counties. We have to figure out how we can address the problems facing our acute infrastructure to meet our needs. The goal is to move from acute services to taking care of preventive services. Physicians are only paid for testing and not discussion of preventive measures. The aim of DSRIP is to improve population health, quality of care and control health care costs.

FDRHPO is currently applying for several grants, but regulations prevent them from applying for others. Therefore Samaritan Medical Hospital has been asked to be the lead agency enabling them to apply for others. The DSRIP year begins on April 1, 2015.

The Board had a question and answer session after the presentation.


A motion was made to move into executive session at 6:45 pm by Dr. Healey and it was seconded by Mr. Bunstone. Executive session ended at 7:55 pm

After the executive session, discussion continued regarding FDRHPO. Dr. Healey stated he was concerned because St. Lawrence County would have no control over the dollars granted for prevention purposes.


Dr. Healey asked if there were any corrections or additions to the April 22, 2014 minutes. There were none. He made a motion to accept the minutes as written. Mr. Bunstone accepted the motion and Dr. Williams seconded.


Ms. Kourofsky announced that Mr. Pisani and Mr. Gruda had sent letters resigning their positions on the SLCBOH. Ms. Kourofsky also announced that she was also resigning as Interim Director of Public Health. Her last day would be July 14th.

PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments.


Rabies Program – Laurie Maki

Ms. Maki distributed the 2013 Rabies Annual Report for St. Lawrence County. The summary stated that 141 animals were submitted for testing representing a 2% decrease from 2012. Of the 141 animals submitted, 31 tested positive for rabies. Of the 141 animals, 44 were raccoons (17 more than in 2012) with a positive rate of 50%.

Forty-five individuals received post-exposure treatment mainly due to bat exposures.

The average cost of post-exposure treatment is about $5,000 per person. The department is now billing for post-exposure treatment and will begin being reimbursed for the cost of the treatment. Public Health staff is very good about screening exposures so the department is not doing unnecessary submissions.

The USDA has been performing trap and release. The raccoons were trapped to perform blood sampling. The purpose is to confirm rabies antibodies in the animals. Animals were being submitted from areas with rabies issues.

Our Lyme disease numbers are very high and staff is dealing with a large number of weekly reports. Ms. Maki told the Board that she would send them the stats on Lyme disease as she did not have them with her. Physicians are doing a much better job of reporting Lyme disease cases. There are still a few practices out there that are are not cooperating and more education is needed.


Corporate Compliance

SLCBOH members were asked to read over the Corporate Compliance Plan and sign stating that they had done so.

Board Vacancy There was discussion regarding the replacement of Mr. Gruda and the filling of the position of Vice President. The Board expressed interest in someone who had an environmental background and felt that this would be very helpful. There was a suggestion made of Mr. Pedro Alverez by Mr. Pisani. Another area of interest for representation was dental health.

Annual Election of Officers at July Meeting

The election of officers and replacement of Ms. Kourofsky will be discussed at the July meeting. Dr. Healy asked that a meeting be scheduled for July 15th at 6:00.


There were no personnel issues




Dr. Healy asked for a motion to adjourn. Mr. Bunstone made the motion to adjourn and Mr. Pisani seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rosemary Brown Administrative Assistant