Job Aid C-1: Seminar/Tabletop Exercise Evaluation Form

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Job Aid C-1: Seminar/Tabletop Exercise Evaluation Form

Appendix C Exercise Evaluations

This section contains exercise evaluations for your program. It is not all inclusive and you may have your own evaluation that works fine with your district or school.

This section is broken down by type of exercise with job aids for exercise evaluation.

 Job Aid C-1: Seminar/Tabletop Student Evaluation Form

 Job Aid C-2: Drill Evaluation/Report Form

 Job Aid C-3: Functional/Full Scale Evaluation Template

Seminar/Tabletop Evaluation

The sample seminar/tabletop student evaluation form is designed for participant evaluation of your exercise. In addition to participant assessment, a staff member should be assigned to record deficiencies or other issues noted in participant responses. This includes emergency response plan and equipment problems.


The job aid provided for drills can be used depending on the type of drill under evaluation. For example, Job Aid C-2 is provided in your OSPI School Emergency Planning Manual and can be used to evaluate your safety drills. Additionally, the manual also contains checklists for evacuations and lockdowns that can serve as an evaluation of a school’s performance.

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 1 Training and Exercise Program Appendix C Exercise Evaluations

Drills (continued)

Appendix B-2.contains generic evaluations for each of the “Circle of 9” School Response Teams. These evaluations can be handed to stand alone evaluators or to team leaders (self-assessment) and will adequately evaluate performance and skills. Additional space is provided to add additional goals or observations to complement your individual school requirements.

Remember, your goals will define your evaluation. You can amend these forms to ensure you are validating your exercise objectives. Or you may simply want to develop your own forms to evaluate a single drill or multiple drills in a variety of topic areas and goals.

Functional and Full Scale Exercise

Should your district be consumed by Kitsap County into a full scale exercise, the exercise design team would develop specific checklists based on the goals of the exercise. These evaluations would be partially based on the Homeland Security Target Capabilities List (TCL) for response to major disasters. The TCL is designed to provide a standard for exercise evaluations to determine performance and equipment gaps and develop lessons learned based on the exercise results. The Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEGs) would be modified and provided to a participating school/district. In other cases, individual evaluation guides like those provided in Appendix B-2 would be used to evaluate the “Circle of 9” Response Teams. Job Aid C-3. is a sample generic evaluator checklist. In this case, points of view are recorded on the sheet that is specific to an exercise objective under evaluation.

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 2 Training and Exercise Program Appendix C Exercise Evaluations

Job Aid C-1: Seminar/Tabletop Exercise Evaluation Form

Please take a moment to evaluate today’s exercise. Your feedback is important to us and will be used to develop school exercises and improve school preparedness.

1. Your evaluation of the exercise. Using a scale of 1 – 5, with 5 being the highest value, check the box for the value of your choice for each question.

1 2 3 4 5 A. Did the exercise meet the described exercise purpose? B. Did the exercise test your knowledge to perform your intended emergency response team function during emergencies? C. Did the exercise re-enforce the skills you need to perform your team responsibilities? D. Were the handout materials useful in understanding and accomplishing the exercise objectives? E. Was the exercise presented at the level and pace suitable for your interest and understanding? F. Were the methods used in presenting the exercise interesting and effective? G. Visual aids were of good quality and helpful

2. What comments would you like to share concerning the time, location, materials, or content of this exercise?

3. What comments would you like to share about the overall use of this exercise to reinforce your skills and knowledge as a member of your emergency response team?

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 3 Training and Exercise Program Appendix C Exercise Evaluations

4. Please comment on any issues or deficiencies you have noted in your district/school’s emergency response plans, coordination, and equipment.

5. Please comment on any issues with your Circle of 9 Response Team and your ability to respond to an emergency

6. Please comment on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not prepared and 10 being strongly prepared, your readiness to respond to an event in your school. What other exercises or training would be useful to improve your preparedness.

7. Please comment on whether or not you are aware of lessons learned from previous school exercises.

______Name (optional) Contact info: (email or phone number)

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 4 Training and Exercise Program [Your School Name] Emergency Drill Reporting Form (For compliance with 2008 fire code revisions in WAC 51-54-000 and SSB 5097) Job Aid C-2 JjjjjJooo School: Date: District: School ID #: Person Completing # Students: # Staff: Form and Title:

Attach to this form a list of all staff who participated in the drill, and any visitors participating.

Time Alarm Sounded: Time Drill Concluded: Time to Evacuate: (fire evacuation drills only)

Type of Drill: Type of School: Weather Conditions:

 Fire / Evacuation  Elementary  Clear  Lockdown  Middle School  Cloudy  Modified Lockdown  Junior High School  Raining  Shelter-in-Place  High School  Rain and wind  Earthquake  K-8  Windy  Tsunami  K-12  Snow / Sleet  Medical Emergency  Alternative School  Hail  Lahar  Other  Weather Emergency  Other: ______Participants: (check all that apply) Notification / Alert Method: Situation at Start of Drill:

 School Administrators  Bell or Buzzer  Before School  Teachers / Para-educators  Enhanced Alert System  During Class Time  Custodial Staff  Intercom  Passing Time  Students  Phone  Recess  School Security Officers  Voice Notification  Lunch Time  Law Enforcement  Siren  Assembly  Fire Department  Other: ______ After School  Emergency Medical Services  Other: ______ County Emergency Mgmt. ______ Other ______School Mapping System: Staff previously trained on Students previously trained on emergency procedures this year? emergency procedures this year?  Mapping system used  Yes  Yes  Mapping system not used  No  No Incident Command System Used? Incident Commander: Operations Chief:  Yes  No OSPI intends that this document will serve as guidance to schools for compliance with fire code changes and SSB 5097. This form should be adapted for local use as appropriate, after consultation with local fire and emergency officials. Revision date: 5/8/08.

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 5 Training and Exercise Program [Your School Name] Emergency Drill Reporting Form (Cont’d) (For compliance with 2008 fire code revisions in WAC 51-54-000 and SSB 5097) Job Aid C-2

Problems Encountered: (Check all that apply)

 Congestion in hallways  Radio communication problems  Alarm not heard  Network / computer problems  Students unsure of what to do / proper  Noise impedes communications  Staff unsure of responsibilities / response  Students not out of sight (lockdown drill)  Weather-related problems  Long time to evacuate building  Unable to lock doors  Students not serious about drill  Windows not covered  Frightened students (lockdown drill)  Windows left open  Improper or unavailable supplies (SiP)  Doors left open  Confusion  Lights left on  Doors or Exits blocked  Students not accounted for / attendance  Transportation  Difficulties with evacuation of disabled  Interagency miscommunications students or staff  Incident command problems  Unable to access school mapping system  Other: ______ Students unaccounted for (note # below) ______

Extenuating Circumstances / Identified Factors / Special Conditions Simulated:

Mitigation / Plans for Improvement: (check all that apply and explain below)

 Additional staff training  Cooperative planning with responders  Additional student training  Revised emergency procedures  Address need for additional equipment   Improved emergency supplies

Explain corrective efforts here:

OSPI intends that this document will serve as guidance to schools for compliance with fire code changes and SSB 5097. This form should be adapted for local use as appropriate, after consultation with local fire and emergency officials. Revision date: 5/8/08.

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 6 Training and Exercise Program Appendix C Exercise Evaluations

Job Aid 3.Functional/Full Scale Evaluation Template

Evaluator: ______Date: ______

Location: ______

Objective No.: Function Being Evaluated:


Performance Criterion [#]

Points of Review:

Please answer the following: Y = Yes, N = No, NA = Not Applicable, NO = Not Observed

Y N NA NO 1.





KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 7 Training and Exercise Program Functional/Full Scale Evaluation Template (Narrative Summary)

Objective Number: ______Criterion Number: ______

Evaluator: ______Location: ______

Issue: A specific statement of the problem, plan, or procedure that was observed.


Discussion: A discussion of the issue and its specific impact on operational capability.


Corrective Action Recommendation: Recommended course(s) of action to improve performance or resolve the issue to improve operational capability. ______

Office of Primary Responsibility: The department, agency, or organization responsible for implementation of corrective actions.

Department, Agency, or Organization: ______

Individual Responsible: ______

Title: ______Date Assigned: ___ / ___ / ___ Suspense Date: ___ / ___ / ___

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 8 Training and Exercise Program Appendix C Exercise Evaluations



Participant Name: ______

Position: ______

1. What went well during today’s Exercise (top 3)? ______

2. What areas need improvement and how would you improve these areas? ______

3. What can we do to improve your capabilities as a member of the response team? (for example: processes, equipment, documents) ______

4. What changes would you make to improve the exercise? ______

5. Any additional recommendations for comments about school response or the exercise ______

KCDEM October 2009 School District Emergency Preparedness C- 9 Training and Exercise Program

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