Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE Core Skills 05/12

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Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE Core Skills 05/12

Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Core Skills in Religious Education taught through the Provincial Syllabus of the Church in Wales. Jesus

Developing the Whole person through Learning The Church & Experience

The Bible Spiritual development

Curriculum Cymreig Communication

Thinking & Problem Solving

Personal Social &Wellbeing Festivals Other Faiths

Christian Life & Values

Dear colleagues, 1 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

We are pleased to offer the latest update of guidance to support the development of core skills focusing on the Religious Education Syllabus of the Church in Wales. Recognizing the on - going work to develop key skills we have identified the following Core skills to support schools

Core skills:

Spiritual Development, Personal, Social Wellbeing, Communication, Thinking and Problem Solving, Curriculum Cymreig

These Core skills support learning in Religious Education. Implementing these core skills will have an impact on the development of the distinctive Christian character and the Well -being of children and staff in your school. This is a key resource for Church in Wales Schools.

We recognize how much has already been achieved through developing key skills across the curriculum. These core skills offer a further dimension to Church in Wales schools committed to high quality education with a distinctive Christian Character.

In this new resource you will find:

 Overview of statements of core skills - a continuum of progress - child assessment for learning statements - some examples of recording assessment data

This material will equip:

 Teachers & pupils to have a clear sense of progression

 Subject leaders in RE, with a clearer understanding of progress across year groups, key stages and data on children's progress.

 Schools to make clear judgments about their development of their distinctive Christian character.

 Schools to make robust judgments that will feed into an effective self-evaluation and school improvement process as well as supporting preparation for section 50 Inspection.

Provincial Religious Education Framework in The Foundation Phase – Core Skills Checklist - May 2011

Children should be given opportunities within the Church in Wales Syllabus to :- 2 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Engage with Fundamental Questions within the Strand studied

Explore beliefs & practices & the ideas studied

Express personal responses in a variety of methods i.e.: speaking, writing, drama, art, music, ICT etc.

Spiritual Development  Reflect on the decisions made in stories and situations, or  Experience exciting, wonderful, inspirational, creative/and or personally, suggesting alternative responses from a religious quiet times and given the opportunity to express their feelings perspective [ What would Jesus do?] and thoughts about these times in different ways [ i.e. through Art, Music, Dance etc.]  Respond to ideas & questions sensitively, creatively & intuitively

Thinking & Problem Solving  Realize that Christianity & Other Faiths involve times of Reflection & preparation as well as joy [Festivals & Other  Take responsibility & cooperate with others [CLV] Faiths]  Begin to apply Jesus’ teaching on the treatment of others  Appreciate the feelings of those who met Jesus & realize & on prayer to their own lives [Jesus] something of his unique nature [ Jesus] {Thinking skills Games?}  Show curiosity, develop positive attitudes and become independent thinkers and learners .

Communication  Talk about a variety of church services & their purpose  Respond with their own ideas & feelings [ Bible] [Church]  Talk about things that happen at celebrations including  Responding to their own ideas and the ideas of others, taking part in a service] including their hopes, dreams, opinions, rules and ways  Respond with own feelings about celebrations [ Festivals in which they approach happy and sad times

3 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Curriculum Cymreig  Realize the Bible is to be both enjoyed & treasured –  Explore a church building and its artefacts with confidence Mary Jones [Bible]  Show a sense of awe & wonder  Respond with respect & interest to aspects of the church highlighted [Church]

Personal Social & Wellbeing  Develop a positive self image and sense of belonging as  Be sensitive to the needs of others & understand that part of different and treat people in a manner that shows living things should be treated with respect [CLV] curiosity of and respect for their cultural backgrounds  Be aware that sharing & caring are an important part of [ OT + Festivals] Christian life and the Gospel Values [CLV]  Begin to understand the concepts of thankfulness, caring  Understand concept of right & wrong & that Christians & belonging [CLV] learn about that from the Bible [CLV]  Realize that church is not only the building but a community of people [Church]

4 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Provincial Religious Education Framework Key Stage 2 – Core Skills Checklist - May 2011

Children should be given opportunities within the Church in Wales Syllabus to :-

Engage with Fundamental Questions within the Strand studied

Explore beliefs & practices & the ideas studied

Express personal responses in a variety of methods i.e.: speaking, writing, drama, art, music, ICT etc

Spiritual Development  Learn how religions show through stories, celebrations & activities, that  Be encouraged to ask questions about what is important in life from a life is spiritual [ more than material/physical] personal perspective & in discussion with others.  Gain knowledge & experience regarding the Spiritual [ non-material] –  Explore and consider why religious & non-religious people value & seek how religious/spiritual experience is developed & understood e.g. times of creativity, inspiration, awe & wonder, peace & tranquility and relationship with God, lifestyle, commitment, worship, prayer, music, revelation dance, meditation & fasting.

Thinking & Problem Solving  Recognize and begin to interpret layers on meaning/symbolism within  Able to identify with the emotions of those, especially children, religious stories, rituals and beliefs who came into contact with Jesus [ Bible]  Explore the similarities and differences within Christianity and other {Thinking Skills emotions graph + other games} faiths investigated

Communication  Express and begin to justify their own feelings and opinions in different ways e.g. orally, in writing, and through creative arts  Talk about a variety of church services & their purpose [Church]  Use ICT and other means to gain access to information and to  Describing what they have found out about People, beliefs and communicate religious concepts. questions and offering explanations [Bible & OT]

Curriculum Cymreig  Gain knowledge and experience by exploring and participating in

5 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

 Realize that Prayer is a vital part of Christian life and that hymns national and local traditions and music are a great source of inspiration in Welsh life  Investigate and become aware of the important role faith communities play in Wales, both past and present

Personal Social & Wellbeing  Aware of the difficulty of making moral decisions & approach  Wonder at the beauty & variety of creation & see the value of them thoughtfully & sympathize with the views of others Christian teaching on family relationships in school and beyond  Begin to understand & value Christian thinking on moral issues,  Encouraged to question the values and aspirations of their own within school and beyond, such as poverty, justice, responsibility, lives, the lives of others and of society. sustainable and global citizenship & formulate & be able to [CLV] defend a code of conduct for themselves

6 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

RE Core Skills Outcomes 1-2- Outcome - 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Level 4 Level 5 3 Can share ideas Can begin to talk Can give their Can begin to Can say how Christian Can express a clear about things about faith and opinions on accept concept of beliefs and other faith sense of their own Spiritual which are Collective aspects of faith--what one beliefs affect people’s identity [ age Development important worship in religion cannot see. lives.[ Faith Stories] appropriate] Can Can begin to simple terms Can explore their [Marriage feast of Can begin to formulate recognize that faith observe and talk [use a simple own feelings Cana – Jesus their own belief systems & belief can support about quiet vocabulary with about the strand] leading out of everyday them in their lives, times and saying words eg. beginnings of actions into thoughts and help them to prayers. People believe their own faith Can explore about their place in the help others things, they ask journey. shared values wider world [Reflection areas, for things, say What would personal identity Eco schools, Schools prayer trees, pebble prayers, go to a Jesus do…Moses’ a sense of Values, Personal Choices, pools] place of journey, belonging Charitable Giving Can begin to worship] parables, a way develop a growth in of life School values, their ‘inner life’ Sacred spaces- Response to playground journey using their how the hall Collective lunchtime values , intellect, curiosity, changes from worship and a sense of open-mindedness, dining room or reflection time.. personal worth, reflection & gym into a place [celebrating intuition & a off worship success] relationship with [pupil evaluation creativity, love, God – reflection imagination. time]

7 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Statements to support assessment for learning targets - Spiritual Development

Outcomes 1 & 2 & 3

I can share special quiet times with my friends

Outcome 4

I can talk about Worship/Jesus/Church/Mosque/Synagogue

Outcomes 5

I can say what I think about ……

I can say how I feel about …..

Outcome 6

I can write/draw/paint/sing/ a prayer

Level 4

I can say what I believe about …..

Level 5

I can express through art/music/ICT/words, written or spoken how I feel about …..

8 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

RE Core Skills Outcomes 1-2-3 Outcome - 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Level 4 Level 5 Can listen to Can recall and Can recognize Can research and Can compare Can compare and some stories of respond to some the importance explain why we churches in the contrast the past Curriculum Cymreig Welsh Saints and cultural issues of local and need to care for locality and study with the present. characters e.g. raised in some of National God’s world and their religious Can reflect and Saint David and the stories. To be traditions and what are the and linguistic consider suitable Mary Jones. able to also explore strengths and backgrounds. solutions for Get to know understand the these with weaknesses of Can use a range some of the about people significance and traditions from the local of evidence and challenging who help in importance of other cultures. environment. sources to questions Parish life e.g. Church Schools. Can say what present their associated with Wardens and Lay they have findings. Wales and Welsh Readers. learned and why culture. Can Encourage them these traditions compare local to ask questions are important in churches with and listen to Wales. other places of answers. worship.

9 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Statements to support assessment for learning targets - Curriculum cymreig

Outcomes 1 & 2 & 3 I can listen to the stories about…. I can ask questions about…….

Outcome 4 I can say what I think about…….

Outcomes 5 I can say why I think………is important for us in Wales.

Outcome 6 I can find out about….. I can explain why…..

Level 4 I can explore…. using a variety of local sources. I can explain different viewpoints.

Level 5 I can explain what I have learned about the past I can reflect on how this affects us today

10 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

RE Core Skills Outcomes 1-2-3 Outcome - 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Level 4 Level 5 Ask questions Can recall and Can ask Can talk/write Can Can express and about respond to some questions about about discuss/produce justify ideas and Communication themselves, basic religious their own values/rules we evidence of their opinions about other people beliefs, experiences, the have at own and others fundamental and living things, teachings and world around home/school responses to questions and listen to the celebrations them and and offer questions about relating to answers investigated. aspects of explanations of religion, life and investigations religion and how these come the world and experiences. suggest some from Jesus' around them. They can express answers example, how They can use a links between they apply these range of the religious in their own lives religious beliefs, e.g. respecting, vocabulary teachings and praying, caring, appropriately. practices behaving explored appropriately. Can use words such as respect, forgiveness, gratitude etc when discussing the above

11 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Statements to support assessment for learning targets - Communication

Outcomes 1 & 2 & 3

I can ask questions

I can listen

Outcome 4

I can say what I think about ......

Outcomes 5

I can ask questions and give my ideas from what I know about ......

Outcome 6

I can give my opinion.

I can explain some of my values and I can link this to what Jesus said

Level 4

I can explain, using the right words, some things about my faith and the faith of others.

Level 5

I can explain and justify what I know and think about ......

RE Core Skills Outcomes 1-2-3 Outcome - 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Level 4 Level 5

12 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Can say what they Can express feelings Can ask and answer Can ask questions Can suggest Can ask appropriate like/dislike. about exciting, questions about about world events questions for religious questions Can show by inspirational times how belonging to a and how world investigation into which show Personal Social actions how they in a creative way. religion (usually religions help people how belief in a awareness of own Wellbeing feel. Can begin to talk their own) can to cope with religion helps sense of connection Can say how they about faith/worship affect the way difficulty/unfairness people live happily, between faith, daily feel. in simple terms believers live. productively. life and world events. Are aware of the Can give opinions on Can put him/herself feelings of those Can recognize that Can begin to aspects of religion. Can discuss effects in place of others around them. people celebrate recognize that Can explore own of living according with different beliefs religious belief in there are reasons feelings in a variety to different beliefs to understand the different ways. why people of situations. openly important aspects of celebrate in Can begin to accept Can say how their daily lives. Celebrations for different ways. concept of faith-- belonging to a faith Can recognize that harvest, Christmas, what one cannot see. can affect peoples’ faith and belief can Divali. Values lives. support them in their Family celebrations- Community, caring Can understand own lives, help them weddings, baptisms for each other Ten commandments- that other people to help others. Saying sorry, rules for life. have feelings and Can show respect for forgiving. beliefs that affect the belief of others Telling the truth, Prayers for …… how they think and Moral dilemmas. honesty. behave (and in Sermon on the Lent-giving things relation to living Mount. up. things and the environment.) Easter egg, new life Community Jewish Sabbath- relationships food Following Special clothes commandments Eco schools Personal values

13 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Statements to support assessment for learning targets - Personal Social Wellbeing

Outcomes 1 & 2 & 3

I can show how I feel and what I think by my actions Outcome 4

I can say how I feel

Outcome 5

I can say how my friend feels - I know it may not be how I feel

Outcome 6

I can say how what I think affects what I do

I can say how the beliefs of someone of another faith affects what they do.

I am beginning to be able to explain some of my values

Level 4

I can explain how what I believe affects how I live.

I can explain how the beliefs of people of other faiths affect how they live.

I can compare religions by describing some of the similarities and differences

Level 5 I can give an account of the impact of my faith on my life so far. I can explain the impact on people of other faiths of belonging to their religion . I can talk about my values and aspirations and how they contribute to my response to world issues.

14 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

RE Core Skills Outcomes 1-2-3 Outcome - 4 Outcome 5 Outcome 6 Level 4 Level 5 Can reflect on what Can show Can suggest in Can explore Can use a range of Can develop and makes them curiosity and simple terms, questions raised evidence from a consider alternative Thinking & Problem happy/sad/excited/lonely interest in why religious by their own variety of sources explanations and Solving religious stories, stories and experience and effectively, in suggest new Are competent in and special celebrations are the world around order to present possibilities. identifying problems and celebrations important to them and give and support coming up with solutions some people. their own opinions in an Is prepared to accept to solve them. opinions open-minded way. Challenges in the light of Can say what New information or they have Evidence. learned and realize that not all questions have answers.

15 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Statements to support assessment for learning targets - Thinking & Problem Solving

Outcomes 1 & 2 & 3

I can say what makes me happy/sad

Outcome 4

I know when there is a problem

I like to find out about ......

Outcome 5

I can say what I have found out about ...... celebration/stories and why it is special to some people.

Outcome 6

I can find out about ...... and say what I think.

Level 4

I can use a range of sources to answer a question.

I can explain different view points

Level 5

I know when a problem needs another solution.

I can begin to find new ways to explore possible solutions

16 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

To assist in record keeping, an excel spreadsheet has been designed and is available to download from www.churchschoolscymru.org Teacher Resources – password required.

or email copy from [email protected]

For Further information regarding this document, please contact:

St Asaph Diocese: Mrs Anne Suter email: [email protected]

Bangor Diocese: Rev. Robert Townsend email: [email protected]

St David’s Diocese: Mrs Jean Voyle- Williams email: [email protected]

Swansea & Brecon Diocese: Rev. Helen Rees email: [email protected]

Monmouth Diocese: Mrs Sue James email: [email protected]

Llandaff Diocese: Mrs Kathie Mayer email: [email protected]

17 Outcomes 1 -6 / Levels 4 & 5 RE core Skills 05/12

Pupil Name Spiritual Dev CC Well being Thinking & PS Comm


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