itSMF USA 2014 LIG/SIG Leader Nomination Form

The itSMF USA is opening the call for nominations to serve as part of one of the Local Interest or Special Interest Group leadership teams across the Chapter. Those elected to serve on these leadership teams will contribute to the Service Management community and deliver value to our members across the country. LIG / SIG Leader elections are held annually in November. The leadership roles for this election are:

President-Elect: This leadership role participates in the development, growth and planning of the LIG / SIG, is mentored by the President and serves in the absence of the President. The individual elected to this position will become the President at the end of their term as President-Elect. In addition, this role supports the committees and event functions, assisting in planning and volunteers at LIG / SIG events.


Secretary: This leadership role maintains the records of the LIG / SIG, to include correspondence, meetings, proceedings and records. The individual elected to this position will manage the distribution and maintenance of meeting agendas, minutes, pre- and post- event activity summaries, planning sessions and leadership decisions. Where necessary, the Secretary will submit requisite information to itSMF USA Chapter resources, to include but not limited to expense reports, release forms and event attendance reports. This role is elected to serve for a two year period.

As you complete this nomination form, please consider the information below.

Qualifications: • Committed to helping to meet the itSMF USA Mission and achieve the annual objectives of itSMF USA. • Dedicated to building a community of professionals for the purposes of networking, knowledge sharing and education that advances the service management profession and strengthens our members. • Current voting member in good standing of itSMF USA. • Understanding of and acceptance of the responsibilities of the leadership role.

Key Dates: • Nomination forms will be accepted 13 October through 2 November, 2014 • Member & Student voting period begins 7 November and ends 22 November, 2014 • New leadership team members will be announced 12 December 2014 • New leadership team members seated to begin service 5 Jan 2015

Send your completed form to: [email protected] If you experience any difficulty with the form or your submission, please e-mail the submission address: [email protected]

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Nomination for President-Elect Leadership Role: Nominee Name First Name. Last Name

Nominee Company Company Name (leave blank if N/A) Position Position (leave blank if N/A) Current Responsibilities Current Responsibilities

Primary Phone Phone

Primary E-mail E-mail Address

LinkedIn Web Page ? LinkedIn Web Address

To allow voters to contact you directly , may we publish your: E-Mail: E-Mail Phone Phone:

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Your response to the following three questions should total no more than 200 words. This information will be provided to members and posted to the website. Here’s your opportunity to provide information that will help voters to differentiate you from others.

I am a good candidate for Good candidate input here this position, because …

Relevant Service, Relevant Experience Volunteer or Work Experience

Cite your experience(s) Share your leadership experience here leading a team (volunteer or corporate)

I Your Name do confirm that the above information about myself is true and accurate. I have read the expectations and requirements of the LIG / SIG Leadership Team position and understand and accept and agree to them. I hereby agree to run for a seat on the itSMF USA LIG / SIG Name LIG / SIG Leadership Team and will serve, if elected.

______(Signature) Signature date (Date)

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