Name: Choose the Letter of the Best Answer

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Name: Choose the Letter of the Best Answer

Name: Date: Choose the letter of the best answer. 1. Which European country was the leader in developing and applying 15th century sailing innovations? A. Italy B. Spain C. Portugal D. the Netherlands 2. Who were the first Europeans to arrive on Japanese soil? A. Italians who traded firearms B. shipwrecked Portuguese sailors C. Christian missionaries D. Dutch merchants from the Dutch East India Company 3. Why was the caravel an important development in navigation? A. It was able to sail against the wind. B. It was able to sail in shallow waters. C. It was able to withstand storms at sea. D. It was able to carry large numbers of crew members. 4. Korea was a vassal state of which country during the 1700s? A. Japan B. China C. Portugal D. the Netherlands 5. During the 1500s, what was China's official trade policy? A. China openly traded with all European countries. B. Only the government was allowed to trade with foreign countries. C. China traded only with Japan and other Asian countries. D. The government lowered taxes to promote trade. 6. Why did Lord Macartney give a letter from King George III to Qian-long? A. Great Britain wanted China to follow certain trade rituals. B. Great Britain wanted China to stop trade with the Dutch. C. Great Britain wanted to import manufactured goods from China. D. Great Britain wanted to increase trade with China. 7. Who captained the first European ship to sail around the tip of Africa, now known as the Cape of Good Hope? A. Prince Henry B. Vasco da Gama C. Bartolomeu Dias D. Christopher Columbus 8. What did Hongwu do first to help China become a dominant power? A. He sent explorers to western Europe to learn about science and medicine. B. He overthrew the Mongols and established the Ming Dynasty. C. He reduced government expenses and lowered taxes. D. He opened all ports to trade with European countries. 9. What type of policy did Japan institute to control foreign ideas? A. a closed country policy B. a policy of persecution C. a policy of colonization D. a Zen Buddhist policy 10. What type of poetry presents images rather than expresses an idea? A. kabuki B. kowtow C. haiku D. Saikaku

11. What was the easternmost city da Gama reached? A. Nagasaki B. Macao C. Malacca D. Calicut 12. Which European country controlled trade in the East Indies? A. Portugal B. the Netherlands C. England D. France 13. Which European countries had the most trading posts in India? A. Portugal and England B. Spain and France C. France and the Netherlands D. England and the Netherlands 14. About how many miles did a trader sail to go from Mombasa, Africa, to Calicut, India? A. 3,500 B. 2,000 C. 4,000 D. 2,800 15. Where did Dias' route stop? A. east of Calicut B. south of Mombasa C. east of Cape Town D. west of Fernando Po

16. How many years after China began voyages of exploration did Portugal conquer the city of Ceuta in North Africa? A. 5 B. 93 C. 10 D. 52 17. How many years did it take Europeans to reach Japan after they conquered Ceuta? A. 128 B. 122 C. 132 D. 154 18. Which European nation had the latest entry into the Asian trade? A. Portugal B. Italy C. France D. the Netherlands 19. How many years after Portugal gained control of the Strait of Malacca did the Netherlands seize the port? A. 13 B. 108 C. 121 D. 45 20. Which event happened before the other events in China? A. policy of isolation B. exploration of foreign lands C. completion of the Forbidden City D. Mongols driven out True/False Mark A for true and B for false 21. The Tokugawa Shogunate ruled during a time of peace. 22. Portugal explored the African coast to find an all-water route to Asia. 23. Portugal, the Netherlands, England, and France competed for control of the Atlantic Ocea trade. 24. The Chinese Muslim explorer Zheng He led seven voyages of exploration that ranged from Southeast Asia to eastern Africa. 25. Unlike the British, the Dutch were able to win the favor of the Japanese emperors by accepting trade restrictions, paying tribute, and kowtowing. 26. Under Japan's system of feudalism, the daimyo functioned most similarly to what, in Europe's system of feudalism, were the lords. 27. The Italians established good trade relations with Japan, partly because they had introduced the musket and cannon to this nation. 28. Kangxi and Qian-long were emperors of China's Ming Dynasty. 29. In 1612, Tokugawa Ieyasu began a successful campaign to rid Japan of all Buddhist belief. 30. After the Crusades ended, the Spanish and Portuguese controlled the trade of goods from East to West. 31. Both Dias and da Gama sailed from which city? A. Seville B. Lisbon C. Melilla D. Madeira 32. Which European country had trading posts in the Canary Islands and the Philippines? A. Spain B. England C. France D. the Netherlands 33. How many trading posts were located east of the longitude line 80°E? A. 9 B. 10 C. 6 D. 12 34. Which European countries had the most trading posts in Africa? A. Portugal and Spain B. France and the Netherlands C. Spain and England D. Portugal and the Netherlands 35. Approximately how many miles did da Gama have to travel to get from Mombasa, Africa, to his last destination? A. 2,000 miles B. 1,000 miles C. 750 miles D. 3,000 miles 36. What might be one result of Europeans reaching Japan? A. the unification of Japan B. the borders of Japan closing C. the end of the feudal system D. Christian missionaries arriving in Japan 37. Which country began explorations first? A. the Netherlands B. Portugal C. China D. Japan 38. Which two countries did NOT actively seek trade? A. Portugal and France B. France and the Netherlands C. China and Portugal D. China and Japan 39. How many years after Europeans gained control of the Moluccas did they reach Japan? A. 32 B. 22 C. 52 D. 12 40. Why was Japan most likely NOT exploring new lands at the time the other countries were? A. Japan felt it didn't need to explore other countries or find other trading partners. B. Japan didn't have the technology to build ships or travel to far away lands. C. Japan was not unified, so its priority was solving internal problems. D. Japan had already explored and was done exploring when the other countries began. Choose the letter of the best answer. (4 points each) 41. What were Europeans' main motives for making voyages of exploration? A. to test their new technology B. to grow wealthy and spread Christianity C. to break the Portuguese monopoly on trade D. to gain extra land for a growing population 42. Why was Zheng He important? A. He was China's first Chinese emperor. B. He was China's first non-Chinese emperor. C. He led seven Chinese overseas explorations. D. He overthrew the Mongol rule. 43. Why was the introduction of European firearms in Japan successful? A. It corresponded with the end of the closed country policy. B. It corresponded with the warring states period of new feudalism. C. It corresponded with the attempts of powerful shoguns to unify Japan. D. It corresponded with the civil war that destroyed the old feudal system. 44. What were China's main reasons for rejecting British offers of trade? A. British merchants refused to kowtow to the emperor. B. Britain wanted to be the exclusive trading partner with China. C. China's emperor did not like the gifts the British merchants offered. D. China believed it was self-sufficient and didn't need outside goods. 45. How did Prince Henry of Portugal influence exploration? A. He was the first to sail around the southern tip of Africa. B. He founded a navigational school on the coast of Portugal. C. He invented the caravel, a sturdier ship with triangular sails. D. He improved the astrolable and invented the compass. 46. Which of the following was NOT an attitude reflected by China's Forbidden City and the way it was used? A. the nation's isolationism B. the power and wealth of the emperor C. the importance of Confucianism in China D. the distinction between social classes in China 47. What major barrier hindered effective centralized government in Japan? A. the power of the daimyo B. the difficulties of collecting taxes C. the dissatisfaction of the peasant class D. the interference from Christian missionaries 48. Why was Tokugawa Ieyasu upset by the success of Christian missionaries? A. The missionaries refused to pay taxes to him. B. The missionaries refused to kowtow and follow the rules of his court. C. He believed the missionaries were barbarians and would harm his people. D. He feared religious uprisings and Christian interference in politics. 49. What was the purpose of the Treaty of Tordesillas signed by Portugal and Spain? A. to divide up the trade routes to the East B. to decrease conflict over the claiming of new lands C. to promote cooperation in the sharing of technological advances D. to create an alliance that would offset Dutch domination of sea routes 50. What two main reasons kept China from becoming highly industrialized? A. The idea of commerce offended Confucian beliefs, and taxes on manufactured goods were high. B. Missionaries made little impact, and policy favored agriculture. C. Demand for Chinese goods was low, so merchants traded grain. D. Merchants had to smuggle cargo to trade, and the silver that bought smuggled goods forced inflation.

51. About how far in miles did da Gama travel from Lisbon, Portugal, to Calicut, India? A. 3,200 B. 6,500 C. 16,000 D. 20,000 52. About how far in miles was it from Seville to Spain's most distant trading post? A. 1,000 B. 4,500 C. 10,000 D. 16,000 53. Besides Dias' route being shorter, how did the two explorers' routes differ? A. Dias sailed near the coast of Africa; da Gama sailed out in the Atlantic. B. Da Gama sailed near the coast of Africa; Dias sailed out in the Atlantic. C. Da Gama stopped at more trading ports than Dias had. D. Da Gama encountered more danger on his trip because of storms. 54. What reason might explain the difference between the two explorers' routes? A. Dias aroused French anger, so da Gama avoided their trading posts. B. Da Gama visited trading posts that were founded after Dias' voyage. C. Dias and da Gama hated each other and would not sail the same waters. D. Da Gama did not hug the coast because Dias had already mapped it. 55. In what region did the Netherlands have the majority of its trading posts? A. Africa B. India C. East Indies D. China


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