Name: ______Group: ______The Main Linguistic Groups


Migration: To move from one place to another (Immigration and Emigration are types of migration)

Sedentary: When a person or group lives in ______place for long periods of time.

Nomadic: When a person or group constantly ______around in search of food.

Dwelling: Where a person ______- house, igloo, apartment, etc.

Subsistence: To live with only the minimum required to survive

Patriarchy: A form of social organization in which the eldest ______in the family, clan or tribe is the supreme authority

Matriarchy: A form of social organization in which the eldest ______in the family, clan or tribe is the supreme authority

Notes: There are 3 main linguistic families. Each family consists of nations with similar languages.  ______ ______ ______

The Aboriginal societies developed a close relationship with their ______. Algonquians: 1. Location: ______2. Natural environment: • North: o ______, ______winters and short, cool summers o Coniferous trees

Chapter 1 – Part 1 • South: o temperate to hot summers, milder winters o Coniferous & deciduous trees 3. Way of life: ______4. Subsistence activities:  ______and ______(caribou, moose deer, fish)  Gathering ______and plants 5. Type of Dwelling: ______6. Social Organization: ______7. Transportation:  Canoe  Toboggan  ______Iroquois: 1. Location: ______2. Natural environment:  Cold winters and long, hot summers  Mixed ______(deciduous and coniferous)

3. Way of life: ______4. Subsistence activities:  Mainly ______(corn, squash, beans) 5. Type of Dwelling: ______6. Social Organization: ______7. Transportation:  Canoe  Toboggan  snowshoes


1. Location: ______2. Natural environment:  Harsh climate, ______subsoil

Chapter 1 – Part 1  Sparse (not a lot) ______.

3. Way of life: ______

 4. Subsistence Activities: ______, and fishing (seal, walrus, beluga, caribou)

5. Type of Dwelling:  ______(winter)  Hide tents (summer)

6. Social Organization: ______7. Transportation: • Sleds • ______• Umiaks

Chapter 1 – Part 1 Division of Labour

First peoples and Inuit had a clear division of labour between men and women. Use textbook pages 17-23 to identify some of the different roles assigned to each gendre.

Men Women

Chapter 1 – Part 1