Women Veterans Organization
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1. TYPE OF MEETING. Regular Date of meeting: 20 June 2009 Location of meeting: American Legion Post #73, Del City, OK President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary were present Meeting was called to order at 1110
2. SIGN IN. 25 members were present
3. INVOCATION. Shirley Taylor, Chaplain
4. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. President Regina Middleton
5. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Reminder: Silence your cell phone; a ringing cell phone will be your $2 donation to our fund raising kitty
The minutes were accepted after the correction that monies accepted for the brick were going to be handled by Running.
The treasurers report was accepted for audit.
Running reported on the Veteran’s Council meeting. The brochure about veteran organizations has the web site only. The web site has the link to officers. Gail Loula moved we leave the web site rather than putting telephone numbers in the brochure and Denice Young seconded it. The vote passed. A tentative date has been set for the contact booth for veterans at the capitol 4th floor. This is tentatively scheduled for 3/19/10. We can have flags, brochures, but no sale items. The WVO Brochure on the web site needs fixing. Brenda Blair and Pam Bloustine will work with Running on this. Loretta Rethard reported on the meeting of the VA Medical Center committee. The beds are not reserved for anyone, but are used on a as needed basis. The women’s clinic has been having good report according to Regina. Check in is in Mod D. Dr. Baktar is the VA contact at the clinic. Transfers have gone smoothly. Diane Loser was absent, so Running stated a WWII vet Margaret Marjorie Sue Bleakley died. Twenty-five dollars ($25) was donated to WIMSA in her name and a card was mailed to her family. Dorothy Rimbold gave a HUGS Project update. The organization is needing money and have a donation dates scheduled for 8/14-16/09. Regina Middleton gave a report on the Del City parade. It was rainy, but there was a good show of people and everyone had a good time. Pictures were sent to Phyllis for the website. Regina Middleton also reported on Ponca City children's day. Pam Bloustine sent a donation and received a letter of thanks from the girl. Pam Bloustine thought a project was needed so others could get involved with the children. She suggested everyone take one day a month to visit a girl. Gail Loula had a brochure explaining the memorial bricks for Woodlands Veterans Park in Shawnee. Sharon Smith suggested the money for bricks be taken from the trea- sury in the future. Pam Bloustine reminded us of the dance 26 September 09 at the American Legion. Ronnie Kay is locked in, but there are still others to contact and set up. The hours of the dance have not been decided at this time. Pam Boustine also reminded us of Women Veteran’s Recognition Day, 7 November 09. BG Vought will be the guest speaker. There is a large hospitality room at the Biltmore with the general going to be present. Linda Waldrup will co-chair with Running to work on the silent auction, with that money going to WIMSA. Gail Loula spoke with Representative Chris Steele and gave him a copy of the information about lottery tickets. She will wait for him to get back to her before going the next step.
Denice Young signed up with the Oklahoma Patriot Guard and will be the point of contact for those interested. She is looking for a list of fallen Oklahoma Soldiers. Shirley Taylor brought up the need for a copier. Pam Bloustine suggested getting money to take the copying to a commercial service until a copier is found. Running is looking for a copier and Regina Middleton will get the paper and supplies.
1215- 1250 hours - break for lunch
Phyllis Dorough-Barker and Deborah McQuillar gave us an update on the retiree day at Tinker. She stated quite a few female veterans stopped by and were given applications. She also had brochures and information on space-available flights, retirement information for Air Force, a brochure about readjustment counseling services for women veterans and “Air- man” magazine. Regina Middleton asked for ideas on lifetime memberships. At this time, a committee will be formed to get ideas and will report at the October meeting on their findings. Other mem- bers of the committee include Phyllis Dorough-Barker, Deborah McQuiller, Jean Birdsell and Denice Young. Regina Middleton showed the flag from Sgt. Lisa Gray. This flag flew over their post in Iraq and wanted to thank us for our support. After it gets cleaned, it will be turned over to Angie Anderson for framing. Running stated $25 was given to WIMSA for any women veteran who dies. WIMSA is having letters sent out for more donations, but Pam Bloustine suggested we donate when the General is here. This motion was seconded by Joan Willauer. Running will be handling the t-shirts for Race for the Cure. They are $10 and she needs the or- der by August. Phyllis Dorough-Barker is the captain. Regina Middleton stated we had $117 for the bricks. With the money left over, we will use it for other bricks.
Loretta Rethard told us about DAV is offering school for service officers on 2 July 09 from 1000- 1200 hours at the DAV Chapter in Midwest City. She reminded us that the DAV is the or- ganization that provides transportation to the VA Hospital for veterans. Phyllis Dorough-Barker stated Fort Sill Retiree Appreciation Days are 17-19 September 09. Pam Bloustine showed a picture she got form WIMSA of the Memorial. Running said the Purcell parade is on the same day as the next meeting. It was suggested some officers stay for the meeting. Pam Bloustine stated nominees for Female Veteran of the Year need to be in by the August meet- ing.
Meeting adjourned at 1325 hours with Gail Fackler placing the motion and Running second.
8. NEXT MEETING. Saturday, 15 August 2009, 1100, American Legion Post #73, 5000 SE 24th St, Del City
Approved: Shirley Taylor June 2009 Shirley Taylor, WVO Secretary
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to those ladies celebrating their Birthday between now and our next meeting!