Becta Viewpoint - Computer Games in the Classroom

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Becta Viewpoint - Computer Games in the Classroom

Becta viewpoint - Computer Games in the Classroom

Better Learning with ICT - Computer Games in the Classroom The Becta viewpoint

We were delighted to be asked to review these new ICT programmes from Teachers TV. In our role of driving effective and innovative use of technology in learning, we would like to share our perspectives on these videos.

 What can teachers get out of them?

 What are the key elements in terms of effective practice and professional development?

 How do they link with other videos in the series?

Effective practice Effective teaching involves preparation whether or not technology is being used. The lessons were Inclusive and interactive helping to keep the learners on task and focused on learning, allowing a wide range of learners to succeed. Neil arranged with the Local Authorities internet service provider (ISP) for the unblocking of moshi monsters for use in lessons. .

Dawn is able to articulate the benefits of using online games like Tutpup and how pupils are able to use this at home, giving access to learning beyond the school. She gave good advice on e-safety, the need for anonymity online e.g. use online games which have no real names on screen so players are anonymous.

Professional Development

ICT professional development needs to balance skills training with an understanding of pedagogy. Good professional development has a number of key elements some of which are demonstrated by the teachers/schools in this video:

Neil was supported by his Headteacher to encourage his professional development in games based learning, he was allowed release time to visit another school to watch Dawn using technology effectively.

Other points to consider

Some issues highlighted by the programme that schools could consider when applying this technology in learning and teaching

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 While the examples used in this video are good online educational games teachers might like to look for other examples, there are lots available. (see other sites that are recommended on the Teachers TV website?)

 The programme shows the motivational power that games technology can have on children. In this example the school reward the pupils for good behaviour by allowing pupils to use the Nintendo DS for recreation, in break times. Schools need to balance the generic access to technology for learning as an entitlement for all pupils with the additional motivational and behavioural benefits of technology used as a reward.

Key points highlighted in other programmes in the series

e-safety advice

 Obtaining parental permission before posting digital images / video of children on the internet (

 When posting pictures on the internet of pupils don’t include their names (

 Ensure privacy settings are set to an appropriate level when setting up online areas which children access (

 educating pupils on responsible use of the internet which can then be applied in and out of school ( :–

 Teaching children safety rules

 When communicating online don’t give out your full name, if you have to share information use first name only

 Don’t give out personal details, e.g. address, phones number, email etc to online contacts

 Identifying the benefits of using technology, e.g. Voki (avatars): stressing safety issues, the avatars offer anonymity good safety practice plus avoid embarrassment to pupils (

 Sharing practice and resources with colleagues (

 Being able to transfer an activity between settings and context e.g. a year 5 activity applied to year 2 and in different subjects (

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Useful websites

Becta e-safety (

This section of the Becta website sets out basic good practice for keeping learners safe.

Becta Professional Development (

All education professionals need to be equipped with technological skills and capabilities to support the delivery of high quality education in the 21st century

Becta Schools – Learning and Teaching section (

Teaching staff should integrate technology effectively into their teaching to create an inclusive, innovative and exciting learning environment.

Becta Publication - Getting started with your learning platform: Advice for schools

August 2009 page 3 of 3 © Becta 2009

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