Parents Ingredient Sheet
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COTTAGE PIE SOUP WITH IRISH SODA Yr 9 CALZONE WITH MEATBALLS 1 onion BREAD Base 3-4 medium potatoes INGREDIENT *150g strong plain flour 250g lean minced beef or lamb SHEET FOR 20g (2tsp) margarine 1 tablespoon plain flour VEGETABLE CHOWDER *1 heaped tsp dried yeast 1 tablespoon tomato puree 1 onion PARENTS *1 tsp sugar 1 tablespoon Worcestershire 1 carrot Meatball filling: sauce 1 leek 2016-17 100g minced beef 1 stock cube 1 potato ½ small onion + family favorite adaptations eg 1 celery stick (SHEET 1) 1 clove garlic carrot, peas 1x tablespoon oil 1 teaspoon mixed herbs/oregano Ovenproof dish or 10p foil tray 1 chicken or veg stock cube FRUIT CAKE 1 slice bread (for breadcrumbs) 1x tablespoon coriander, 150g self-raising flour 75g cheddar cheese/mozzarella Container to take home in chopped 1 heaped teaspoon mixed spice 3 tablespoons tomato puree OR (school can provide) 1 egg CHILLI CON CARNE 75g butter or margarine * CAN BE BOUGHT FROM 1 large onion SPICY TOMATO SOUP 1 egg SCHOOL 40p 1 clove garlic 1 onion 75g sugar Container to take home in Bunch fresh coriander (optional) 1 carrot 125g dried fruit or cherries 1 tablespoon oil 1 potato 5 tablespoons milk GRANOLA FRUIT TART 250g minced beef or quorn 1x can chopped tomatoes (400g) 10p foil tray from school For the pastry 1 tablespoon tomato puree 1 stock cube Container to take home in 125g flour 1 tin red kidney beans (in water) 1/2 teaspoon dried chilli flakes 25g wholemeal flour 1 tin tomatoes 1 tablespoon tomato puree TUNA AND BROCCOLI BAKE (Wholemeal from school) 1 pepper, deseeded and Container to take home in 100g pasta shapes eg penne 75g margarine chopped (any colour) 40g cheese For the filling 1 red chilli or 1 level teaspoon IRISH SODA BREAD 100g broccoli 1 tin pie filling crushed dried chilli or 170g self-raising wholemeal flour small can of tuna E.g. apple or cherry or suitable chilli powder 170g plain flour 25g soft margarine fresh fruit eg apples 1 level teaspoon cumin 290mls buttermilk 25g plain flour For the topping (spices from school 10p) 250ml semi-skimmed milk 150g oats Suitable container to take 1 teaspoon dried oregano 3 tablespoons syrup or honey Container to take home in soup home in 50g sweetcorn (canned or 50g margarine frozen) + 1 tbsp. of extra fruit/nuts of your choice e.g. raisins, nuts, Oven proof dish or 10p foil apricots, dried cherries etc. tray 10p foil tray from school Container to take home in CHELSEA BUNS GINGERBREAD PEOPLE SAUSAGE MEAT PLATE PIE CHICKEN GOUJONS/KIEVS To make the dough 300g self raising flour Pastry 75g bread (for breadcrumbs) 250g strong flour 3 teaspoons ground ginger 250g plain flour 2 chicken breasts 25g margarine 100g caster sugar 125g margarine or butter 25g plain flour 180 ml milk 50g margarine 25mls milk 1 egg 2 rounded teaspoons yeast 3 tablespoons golden syrup Filling Optional flavourings: 1 teaspoon sugar 4 tablespoons milk 1 packet sausage meat Paprika, Cumin, Chilli, Thyme Filling Currants and glace cherries to 1 onion For Kievs: 75g dried fruit or choc chips. decorate 1 egg 50g butter 25g sugar Icing sugar for glace icing Optional extras: 1 garlic clove 25g margarine Container to take home in Sage and onion stuffing Sprig fresh parsley (optional) Glaze – provided by school Small tin baked beans (Herbs and spices from school) STRONG FLOUR AND YEAST 1 eating apple Container to take home in CAN BE BOUGHT FROM SWISS ROLL SCHOOL 40P 3 eggs Foil plate 10p 18CM SANDWICH TIN or 10p 75g caster sugar Container to take home in MUSHROOM RISOTTO 150g chestnut mushrooms foil container from school 75g self-raising flour FISHCAKES and TARTARE 1 onion 3 tablespoons jam SAUCE 2 cloves garlic VICTORIA SANDWICH Container to take home in 175g margarine 1 tin tuna, salmon or 2 fillets of 1 tablespoon olive oil 175g sugar smoked mackerel 250g risotto rice 1x vegetable stock cube (oxo) 175g self raising flour 250g potatoes AUSTRALIAN CRUNCHIE 15g margarine 1 tablespoon parmesan, grated 3 eggs 225g margarine 1 tablespoon fresh parsley or dill 1 dessert spoon thyme, chopped 3 tablespoons jam. 150g caster sugar (optional) 1teaspoon baking powder 75g desiccated coconut 1 teaspoon capers (optional) Container to take home in (Baking powder from school) 75g crushed cornflakes Container to take home in 1 tablespoon cocoa powder For the Tartare Sauce (not drinking chocolate) 4 tablespoons mayonnaise THAI GREEN CURRY BAKEWELL TARTS 150g self-raising flour 1 tablespoon capers 1 dessert spoon oil 150g flour 100g chocolate (dark or milk) 2 large gherkins or 4/5 small 3 spring onions 75g margarine Container to take home in cornichons 1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons jam 1 small shallot or ¼ onion or 2 80g sugar snap peas 50g margarine spring onions 1 small chicken breast 50g sugar 1 lemon 2 tablespoon Thai green curry 50g self-raising flour 1 tablespoon chopped parsley paste 1 egg (Making the sauce is optional) 200ml coconut milk Almond essence – 5p from Container to take home in 1/2 lime school Small bunch coriander 100g icing sugar Container to take home in 6 glace cherries Container to take home in SAUSAGE GOULASH UPSIDEDOWN PUDDING 250g sausages 1 small can pineapple rings (or 1 tablespoon oil another fruit eg pear, peach, 1 tablespoon flour apricot) 1 onion 5 glace cherries 1 pepper 2 tablespoons golden syrup 100g mushrooms 75g self-raising flour large tin chopped tomatoes 75g soft margarine 1 teaspoon paprika 75g caster sugar 1 teaspoon sugar 1 large egg Bay leaf 10p foil tray Container to take home in Container to take home in
CHEESE & TOMATO QUICHE VEGETABLE SAMOSAS 100g plain flour 1 packet filo pastry 50g margarine 1 potato 125ml milk 1 carrot 2 eggs 2 cloves garlic 50g cheese 1 onion 1 tomato 50g frozen peas (or small tin) 10p foil tray 1 tablespoon oil Container to take home in 2 teaspoons curry powder (or own spices to taste) SMOKED MACKEREL PATE + 1 vegetable or chicken stock MELBA TOAST cube 2 smoked mackerel fillets 125g cottage cheese LEMON TART 150g soured cream or crème 250g digestive biscuits fraiche 120g butter or margarine 1 lemon 300mls double cream Grated nutmeg (optional) 397g can condensed milk Pinch cayenne pepper (optional) 2 large lemons 10p foil tray - container for home