Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service s1

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Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service s1

National Advisory Committee Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Perth 9-10 July 2014



Dr Tony Austin AM, Chair Mrs Mel Pyrah - Member (representing partners and families) Professor Malcolm Battersby - Member (Psychiatrist) Dr David Cockram - Member (representing Vietnam Veterans) Ms Leanne Galayini - Member (representing Sons and Daughters) Dr Mike Seah – Member (General Practitioner) Mr Paul Copeland OAM JP - Member (representing Peacekeeper/Peacemakers) Ms Heike Brown CSM – Member (representing Contemporary Veterans) MAJGEN Mark Kelly AO DSC – ex-officio (Repatriation Commissioner) WO Martin Holzberger Warrant Officer of the Navy – ex-officio (representing WO David Ashley AM RSM-A) Ms Josephine Bryant - ex-officio (Regional Director, Defence Community Organisation (representing Mr Ray Bromwich, Director General DCO) Dr Andrea Phelps - ex-officio (Director, Policy and Service Development, Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (ACPMH) (representing Professor David Forbes (ACPMH) Mr Wayne Penniall – ex-officio (National Manager, VVCS) Ms Karen Campbell, VVCS (NAC Secretariat)

Apologies: Mr Brenton Russell DSM (Contemporary Veteran – member) Mr Ray Bromwich – ex-officio (Director General Defence Community Organisation) Professor David Forbes – ex-officio (ACPMH) David Ashley AM RSM-A – ex-officio

Agenda Item - 1 Welcome, apologies and introduction of new members The Chair opened the meeting and acknowledged the traditional owners of the land on which the meeting is being held, and paid his respects to their elders, past and present. Dr Austin noted that it was NAIDOC week which has the theme of celebrating ASSI culture and an opportunity to recognise the contribution that indigenous Australian make to our community and our society, including recognition of those who have served in uniform.

Dr Austin also acknowledged the Vietnam veterans, for the role they played in founding and supporting the VVCS.

Dr Austin welcomed new NAC members, Dr Michael Seah, general practitioner and Ms Leanne Galayini representing sons and daughters of Vietnam Veterans.

Dr Austin welcomed those attending who were standing in for members unable to attend the meeting (WO Holzberger, Ms Bryant and Dr Phelps). The possibility of rotating attendance of Warrant Officers of Army, Navy and Airforce was discussed.

Dr Austin formally congratulated WO Dave Ashley AM and Ms Heike Brown CSM on their recent awards in the Queen’s Birthday 2014 Honours List as well as former NAC member, Mr Bob Elworthy AM.

1 National Advisory Committee Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Perth 9-10 July 2014

Dr Austin noted the new appointment for Mr Shane Carmody in DVA and congratulated Commissioner, Maj Gen Mark Kelly on his appointment overseeing VVCS.

Dr Austin also congratulated Mrs Mel Pyrah on her appointment to the Prime Ministers Advisory Committee on Mental Health (PMAC) as a young contemporary partner of a veteran and noted that her knowledge of VVCS and her role on the NAC will be useful to her PMAC role.

Agenda Item 2 – Debrief on consultation meetings

The committee discussed the issues arising from the consultation meetings held on 9 July 2014. These included:

 The multidisciplinary approach taken by the PSU at HMAS Stirling was highly supported by the NAC. A lack of inpatient access in Rockingham was noted.

 The NAC noted the small number of clients attending the client consultation and discussed the idea of sending a short survey to those who wish to provide feedback but are unable to attend the consultation. Mr Penniall noted that VVCS also receives feedback via its Client Feedback forms. Dr Cockram noted that he uses a research based evaluation before and after each session and suggested that this could be explored as an option for VVCS.

 The Peer support initiative undertaken by VVCS Perth needs to tie in with the draft Veteran Social Health Strategy which includes a peer to peer support program. Maj Gen Kelly requested that the draft Social Health Strategy be sent to NAC members.

Action 1: NAC Secretariat to send the draft Veterans Social Health Strategy to NAC members.

Agenda Item 3 - Chairman’s Report The Chair’s report was covered in Agenda tem 1.

Agenda Item - 4 Correspondence Correspondence Inwards  May 2014 – 4 emails from Mr F J O’Neill providing budget commentary – NAC response not required.  June 2014 – Letter from the Minister to Chair regarding Minutes of Townsville and Canberra meetings.  June 2014 – Letter from Shane Carmody, former Deputy President, DVA regarding new arrangements for oversight of VVCS.


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 April – Letter from Chair providing Minutes of Townsville (20-21 November 2013) and Canberra (10-11 Feb 2014) meetings  April 2014 – Letter from Chair to Minister providing Clinical Governance paper.

Agenda Item 5 - Minutes of 10-11 July 2013. The Minutes of the previous meeting were endorsed.

Agenda Item 1.5 - Actions arising from the Minutes of 10-11 July 2013

Action Who Outcome Finalise Clinical Governance paper and NAC Clinical Governance paper forward to the Minister for Veterans’ was sent to Minister by Chair Affairs. on 8 April 2014. Distribute a summary of the CPT Professor Forbes Abstract sent to NAC research results to NAC members. members 21 July 2014.

Agenda Item 6 - Perth Presentation Ms Helen Wauchope, Acting Director, VVCS Western Australia provided a presentation on regional services and trends. Highlights included:

 The team in Perth VVCS centre work as a disciplinary team with referrals from ADF and more complex cases seen by in-centre counsellors.  Low numbers of referrals through the ADF Agreement for Services due to preference for self referrals to ensure privacy.  Videoconferencing used with small number of clients in remote areas.  A slight decline in group numbers was noted however Stepping Out remains a highly supported and well attended Group Program.  The Beyond PTSD group is being provided in conjunction with Hollywood Hospital’s program.  Clinical staff receiving clinical supervision in CPT through an ACPMH program. Internal supervision is provided by the Deputy Director VVCS and counsellors can also access external clinical supervision.  The logistics of establishing the Rockingham outpost are under discussion,  Some VVCS staff are still familiarising themselves with the new VVCS information management system.

The Chair thanked Ms Wauchope for a positive presentation.

Agenda Item 7. National Manager Report (Attachment A)

7.0 Overview of services The NAC noted the update provided.

7.1 2013-14 Budget Measure - Veteran Mental Health Services Expansion (includes Strategic Promotions Update) The NAC noted the update provided.

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Mr Copland sought clarification regarding eligibility for disaster relief personnel and Defence Abuse Response Taskforce (DART) participants. Maj Gen Mark Kelly noted that the new eligibility covered all border protection and disaster relief personnel and is inclusive rather than exclusive. He also noted that the management of counselling for DART participants is being handled though a specialist counselling service established though DART.

Mr Penniall noted that there had been 10,000 views on the DVA Facebook site regarding the item highlighting the launch of new stand-alone VVCS website. Dr Austin suggested that there needs to be more emphasis in the website that identifies the place to go for help for those who need immediate support. Maj Gen Kelly suggested a help symbol in the right hand corner. Professor Battersby suggested the inclusion of testimonials. Mr Penniall advised these issues will be explored and that VVCS is happy to receive any other feedback on the VVCS website.

Action 2: NAC members to provide any feedback on the new VVCS website to the NAC Secretariat.

7.2 VVCS Functional Review The NAC noted the update provided.

Mr Penniall reported that the Clinical Governance Paper developed by the NAC has been circulated to VVCS Directors and DVA Mental and Social Health Policy Branch.

Mr Penniall noted that the Clinical Governance paper developed by the NAC will be considered in conjunction with the Functional Review.

7.3 Accreditation Update The NAC noted the update provided.

7.4 Clinical Policy The NAC noted the update provided.

Mr Penniall advised that the VVCS Policy and Procedures document had been updated with advice from an independent legal firm. The document will be put on the VVCS website once finalised.

7.5 Delivery of VVCS Services to Serving Members The NAC noted the update provided.

WO Holzberger asked if AfS data is provided by service or at base level. Mr Penniall advised that this would need to be discussed with Joint Health Command, and would see if a breakdown into Army, Airforce and Navy was possible. A breakdown to base level may allow identification in a small unit and was not supported.

7.6 F-111 Deseal-Reseal Update The NAC noted the update provided.

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7.7 Operation Life Update The NAC noted the update provided.

Mr Penniall noted that there had been a reduction in numbers of Operation Life workshop participants over the last few years and would welcome any ideas on how to increase participation or provide suicide awareness training in the future.

Action 3: NAC members to send any ideas regarding the provision of suicide awareness workshops/training to National Manager, VVCS. . 7.8 Complaints and Compliments The NAC noted the update provided.

7.9 Learning & Development Update The NAC noted the update provided.

7.10 Regional Consultative Forums Update The NAC noted the update provided.

Action 4: NAC Secretariat to provide details of new NAC members to Director VVCS NSW to arrange invitation to locals RCFs.

7.11 Property Update The NAC noted the update provided.

Dr Austin commended DVA and VVCS on the property improvements for VVCS centres and taking the NAC views into account.

7.12 VVCS Management Information Project The NAC noted the update provided.

Agenda Item 8 – NAC Strategic Plan 2014-15 The purpose of having a strategic plan were discussed including:

 As a reference point for last meeting of the year  As more of a business plan  To outline key themes for the NAC to focus on

Action 5: NAC Chair to ask Mr Russell to review the draft strategic plan and provide advice on alternative formats.

Agenda Item 9 Other business

VVCS Name change Dr Cockram, noting the Vietnam Veterans statement is to be retained, that as more than 50% of VVCS clients are now under 50, it may be time for a name change to reflect the changing nature of the VVCS service.

Dr Seah suggested that we may not necessarily need a name change but more education about what VVCS provides.

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Action 6: NAC members to circulate ideas and concepts for a potential new name for VVCS and this to be an agenda item for the November meeting for a possible suggestion to the Minister.

Pay Levels for VVCS Counsellors Dr Cockram suggested that if VVCS wants to attract clinical psychologists, the current pay rate may be too low.

Mr Penniall advised that the VVCS Functional Review will look at the staff mix and this may have a flow on effect into functional levels.

Next Meeting The next meeting proposed for 12-13 November in Adelaide needs to be changed due to Remembrance Day commitments.

Action 7: NAC Secretariat to organise another date for meeting in Adelaide.

Meeting Close – 3.00pm

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Summary of Actions Action Who Outcome 1. NAC Secretariat to send the draft NAC Secretariat Complete 21/07/2014 Veterans Social Health Strategy to NAC members 2. NAC members to provide any NAC members feedback on the new VVCS website to the NAC Secretariat. 3. NAC members to send any ideas NAC members regarding the provision of suicide awareness workshops/training to National Manager, VVCS. 4. NAC Secretariat to provide details of NAC Secretariat Complete 25/07/2014 new NAC members to Director VVCS NSW to arrange invitation to locals RCFs.

5. NAC Chair to ask Mr Russell to review Brenton Russell the draft strategic plan and provide advice on alternative formats. 6. NAC members to circulate ideas and NAC Members concepts for a potential new name for VVCS and this to be an agenda item for the November meeting for a possible suggestion to the Minister. 7. NAC Secretariat to organise another NAC Secretariat Complete 24/07/2014. 13-14 date for meeting in Adelaide. November 2014 confirmed.

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Attachment A VVCS National Manager’s Update Purpose: To update the NAC on key VVCS activities since the February 2014 NAC meeting.

7.0 Overview of Services – see Attachment 1

7. 1 2013-14 Budget Measure - Veteran Mental Health Services Expansion The Veterans’ Affairs Legislation Amendment (Mental Health and Other Measures) Act 2014 (No. 74 of 2014) received Royal Assent on 30 June 2014. This Act: - enables the expansion of the mental health conditions and persons eligible for non- liability health care from 1 July 2014; - enables the expansion of the client groups eligible for VVCS from 1 July 2014; - changes the portability status of senior supplement and Commonwealth Seniors Health Card to reduce the administrative demand on clients; - enhances the operation of the Veterans’ Review Board including providing for alternative dispute resolution processes, improving case management powers and administrative and business procedures of the Board; - changes a date relating to operational service in Schedule 2 of the Veterans’ Entitlements Act 1986; - expands the circumstances under which an eligible young person is taken to be wholly dependent on a member under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004; and - enables the Chief Executive Officer of Comcare to be nominated for appointment to the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Commission.

The Act facilitates three measures announced in the 2013-14 budget measure, Veteran Mental Health Services – Expansion. Costing $26.4 million over four years, these initiatives am to improve access to mental health services for current and former members of the ADF and their families through a range of initiatives. Three initiatives launch 1 July 2014:

Expanding and extending eligibility for non-liability healthcare DVA’s non-liability healthcare arrangements provide current and former serving members with access to treatment for certain diagnosed conditions, regardless of whether the condition has been determined to be service-related.

From 1 July 2014, access to treatment under non-liability healthcare arrangements will be expanded to include diagnosed conditions of alcohol use disorder and substance use disorder. This means that treatment for PTSD, anxiety, depressive disorders and alcohol and substance use disorders will be available without the need for the condition to be accepted as related to the member’s service.

Where one of these conditions has been properly diagnosed, non-liability healthcare may be provided to eligible persons where: - a claim for liability or a claim for compensation has been lodged, but not yet determined; - no claim for liability or claim for compensation has been lodged; or - a claim for liability or claim for compensation has been lodged and rejected. Also from 1 July 2014, eligibility for non-liability healthcare arrangements will be extended to any member with peacetime service only who has rendered three years continuous full time service, whether before, on or after 7 April 1994.

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ADF Post-discharge GP health assessment From 1 July 2014, ex-serving personnel will be able to access a comprehensive physical and mental health assessment from their GP. The assessment will help GPs diagnose and identify early any mental or physical health conditions and to treat or refer appropriately to other services. The health assessment is available to former ADF members, including former serving members of permanent and reserve forces. A Medicare rebate is available for this assessment. This assessment is not affected by the Medicare patient contribution announced in the 2014-15 Budget.

The ADF Post-discharge GP Health Assessment Tool is available to GPs on the At Ease website (

Expanding eligibility to the Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS) From 1 July 2014, in addition to those already eligible for support from the Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS), current and serving members who have border protection service, served in a disaster zone either in Australia or overseas, served as a submariner, were involved in training accidents or were medically discharged will become eligible.

Access to VVCS services will also be available to partners and their dependent children, up to the age of 26, of these newly eligible service men and women. In addition, the partners, dependent children aged up to 26, and parents of members killed in service-related incidents will be eligible for VVCS support.

VVCS Client Eligibility Development of the definitive list of VVCS client eligibility has been a long and carefully researched process (see list below). Now that it is resolved, from 1 July, client eligibility criteria will be listed in three places only:  VCS01 factsheet that will be available on both the VVCS and DVA websites;  Eligibility at a Glance page on the VVCS website; and  the VVCS Clinical Policy (which will also be available on the VVCS website once released). The version in the clinical policy will include a table stating where in the legislation eligibility comes from.

VVCS CLIENT ELIGIBILITY (from 1 July 2014) The following members of the veteran and defence community presenting with mental health and wellbeing concerns, can seek help from the VVCS: 1. Veterans, whether current or former serving with the Australian Defence Force; 2. Other current and former Australian Defence Force members who have: i. served in domestic or international disaster relief operations; ii. served in border protection operations; iii. served in the Royal Australian Navy as a submariner; iv. been medically discharged; or v. been involved in a training accident that resulted in serious injury to any person. 3. Participants in the Veterans’ Vocational Rehabilitation Scheme. 4. Certain United Nations and Australian police approved peacekeepers. 5. The partners and dependent children (up to age 26) of those members listed above. 6. The ex-partners of Vietnam veterans within five years of separation. 7. Sons and daughters (of any age) of Vietnam veterans.

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8. War Widow[er]s. 9. Those with a DVA Health Card – for All Conditions (Gold). 10. Those with a DVA Health Card – for Specific Conditions (White) for specified mental health conditions. 11. The partners, dependent children and parents of members killed in service-related incidents. 12. Participants in the Study of Health Outcomes in Aircraft Maintenance Personnel scheme. 13. Current serving members who are referred to VVCS by the Australian Defence Force under an Agreement for Services.

Preparation for Expansion Staffing - VVCS has recently advertised externally to fill a range of clinical roles, including seven relating to the eligibility expansion (and ten other existing positions). This recruitment is underway.

Strategic Promotion The VVCS Website ( will be announced in early July 2014. Further moves into social media are under development with a dedicated e-Mental Health project officer to be engaged. In addition, as part of the 2014 Eligibility change, a print and social media marketing campaign and an update of products with the modernised logo that can be used to engage clients (including balloons, stress cubes etc is rolling out across centres. An update of all written brochures has also occurred, with a range of brochures that are used less often either being consolidated or transferred to e-PDF form for centre printing as required.

Training - the VVCS Practitioner’s Guide online training program provides an overview of VVCS clinical treatment expectations and VVCS systems that are in place to assist clinicians with service delivery to clientele. It delves into the military experience and exposure to psychological resilience training that recent veterans would have received whilst in the ADF. It then explores the VVCS client cohorts, their mission experience (if applicable) and potential associated military trauma and mental health impacts. Finally it provides information on additional support services and resources available as counsellors assist VVCS clients. All staff will complete this training and VVCS strongly encourages all providers to undertake this course as part of their commitment to maintaining a specialist knowledge and understanding of veteran and military culture.

7.2 VVCS Functional Review The Department of Veterans’ Affairs commissioned Health Outcomes International (HOI) to undertake a Functional Review (the Review) of the VVCS, including current VVCS roles, responsibilities and organisational structures.

The Review is overseen by a Project Board consisting of the National Manager VVCS, a representative from the VVCS National Advisory Committee (Mr Brenton Russell), Assistant Secretary, People Services Branch and Assistant Secretary, Mental and Social Health Branch.

10 National Advisory Committee Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Perth 9-10 July 2014

The Review commenced on 7 April 2014 and will be delivered in July 2014. The Review will provide VVCS with independent advice and best practice recommendations for an organisational structure that:  Maintains and supports a highly skilled, well managed and committed workforce of qualified clinicians and administrative staff who are able to support VVCS clients, including the additional cohorts that will become eligible for VVCS services from 1 July 2014;  Has a sustainable and flexible composition of teams in each VVCS Centre (major, regional, outpost and Central Operations) that allows for appropriate developmental opportunities and a career progression structure;  Allows for the engagement and maintenance of skilled administrative and clinical staff at the appropriate work level standard levels to facilitate high level client service;  Enables more effective and nationally consistent service delivery via the provision of best practice clinical intervention that meets the needs of a diverse client group; and  Enables more efficient work practices, by reducing duplication, streamlining business processes.

A total of 96 VVCS staff, representing every role within the VVCS, participated in consultations for the project, and written submissions were received from seven VVCS staff.

7.3 Accreditation Update VVCS recently submitted its mid-cycle update against the projects it committed to undertake in the Quality Improvement Council’s (QIC) Health and Community Services Standards (6th Ed.) Quality Work Plan. Progress against the plan is on track for completion by the conclusion of the accreditation cycle.

7.4 Clinical Policy A redraft of the policy incorporating changes is now complete and the document is under final review by legal advisors prior to public release. It is anticipated that the VVCS Clinical Policy and associated procedures and practice standards will be finalised by no later that the third quarter of 2014. The policy will be placed on the, yet to be released, VVCS website (

7.5 Delivery of VVCS Services to Serving Members – see Attachment 2

7.6 F-111 Deseal-Reseal Update In line with Recommendation 12 of the Government’s response to the Parliamentary Inquiry report, Sealing a just outcome: Report from the Inquiry into the RAAF F-111 Deseal/Reseal workers and their families, mental health support services were extended to both Group 1 and Group 2 SHOAMP Health Care Scheme participants.

From 2010-11 to 2013-14, VVCS conducted fifteen F-111 Lifestyle programs for 241 participants.

In 2013-14 VVCS delivered three F-111 Lifestyle programs (two in south-east Queensland and one in Sydney) for 68 participants comprising 41 former F-111 personnel and 27 partners. Planning is underway for the likely delivery of more F-111 Lifestyle programs in 2014-15.

In addition to the Lifestyle programs, F-111 clients are eligible for the range of VVCS services, including individual, couple and family counselling and general group programs.

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7.7 Operation Life Update Operation Life, the National Suicide Prevention Strategy for the Veteran Community was developed in 2007 as a framework for action to prevent suicide and promote mental health and resilience across the veteran community. The major components of the framework consist of a choice of suicide prevention workshops, as well as the provision of information on treatment services that are readily available to the veteran community.

From 25 January to 30 June 2014 the following workshops were conducted:  4 Safe Talk half-day introduction workshops in Mudgee (NSW). Hobart (TAS) and Albury (NSW)  5 ASIST two-day skills training workshops in Warburton (VIC) Canberra (ACT), Townsville (QLD), Cairns (QLD) and Hobart (TAS).

Forthcoming Workshops

Suicide alertness for everyone: (safeTALK) 7 August – Perth, WA 25 & 26 August tentative - Wide Bay Burnett region, Sth Qld

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training: (ASIST) 5-6 August – Perth, WA 31 July-1 August – Sydney CBD 25 -26 August – Mudgee, NSW

7.8 Complaints and Compliments Since the last NAC meeting, 8 complaints and 12 compliments received from 25 January 2014 to 20 June 20134 as follows. In this period approximately 30,000 counselling sessions were delivered.

All States Compliments Complaints VVCS - Counsellors 5 2 VVCS - Group Programs 2 VVCS – Outreach Program 1 2 VVCS - Other 1 3 VVCS – Community Liaison VVCS – General Compliment VVCS services 3 Total 12 7 Table: VVCS Feedback – all states 25 January 2014 – 20 June 2014. Note: this excludes compliments received by VVCS on Client feedback forms.

7.9 Learning & Development Update As part of its preparations for the expansion of VVCS client eligibility criteria on 1 July 2014, VVCS has developed its first online training module for clinicians (both centre based and contracted providers). The VVCS Practitioner’s Guide is designed to compliment the Department’s publically available online training program, Understanding the Military Experience.

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The Understanding the Military Experience program has been developed in consultation with the Outreach Provider Coordinator Peer Group to ensure its relevance to this cohort in particular and provides an overview of:  clinical treatment expectations that VVCS has of its clinicians and service providers and the VVCS systems that are in place to assist with service delivery;  the military experience and exposure to psychological concepts and resilience training whilst in the ADF (esp. for recent ADF members);  the ‘typical’ VVCS client for each eligible cohort, their mission experience (if applicable) and potential associated military trauma and mental health impacts - recognising that every VVCS client’s military experience or interaction with the service community is unique. This section will also look at the common experience of their families and partners whilst a partner/parent is in the military;  information on additional support services and resources available to assist both VVCS clients and the clinicians who support them, including the At Ease initiative and the ADF’s Transition Support Services.

Cognitive Processing Therapy Update The project is progressing well across a number of areas of activity. The articulation of CPT in policy and procedure documents largely complete ensuring the embedding of CPT into VVCS service provision. Customised reports are soon to be published in the VERA reporting portal which will provide valuable data on CPT provision across VVCS.

A four question PCL screener used to determine the presence of symptoms of trauma has been imbedded into VERA and is now a mandatory part of VVCS’s intake process.

Promotion of CPT within centres and to OPC is ongoing and will be enhanced via the promotion of an agreed online training program, the online CPT Training program run by the Medical University of South Carolina.

A clinical supervision framework, with supervision being provided by the Australian Centre for Posttraumatic Mental Health (ACPMH) has been established to ensure the maintenance of clinical CPT skills. The first supervision session was held on 16th June 2014 and sessions will continue over a two year period.

Family Inclusive Practice Update In 2010 VVCS introduced a family inclusive approach to working directly with clients and as an overall approach to all service provision. Family inclusion is viewed as a significant improvement in providing services to veterans and their families and has an evidence base in supporting the well being of the client and also their children. This service delivery enhancement demonstrates VVCS commitment to implementing government mental health policy, particularly for children who have a parent/s with a mental illness or disability which impacts on their capacity to parent. This work will also assist the Department in addressing results that may emerge from the Vietnam Veterans Family Study , the Timor Leste Family Study and the Family Well Being Study (part of the ADF/DVA 'Transition and Wellbeing Research Program).

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The VVCS Family Inclusion Practice Reference group is meeting bi- monthly and monitoring service provision at the state level. In 2014 the activities that will be completed include:

 The second national professional development workshop with Dr Di Szarkowicz on the topic of anxiety and children. Di is specialist child and adolescent psychologist based in Darwin and the workshop sessions are being held via video conference. The next topic will be the impact of family violence on children.  A discussion paper on family violence with a view to this research informing enhancements to the current VVCS Clinic Policy and Procedure manual.  VERA stats for Sept 13 - Feb 14 - 152 sessions recorded. At this stage VERA can only provide session numbers by centre – there are no custom reports to provide more detailed demographic data.  Resources to be made available for new staff and OPCs for FIP interventions - to include 4 options: - ‘Let’s Talk’ online training through the COPMI website - Bouverie family consultation DVDs - VVCS train the trainer package -a VC session for new VVCS staff will be organised - inclusion of FIP material in the new on line VVCS practitioner guidelines

7.10 Regional Consultative Forums Update Regional Consultative Forums have continued to be held as a mechanism for the ongoing development of strategic relationships and partnerships between the VVCS and other key services in each VVCS region and to identify and discuss issues and opportunities to better meet the current and future needs of Veterans, Peace Keepers and their families. Meetings have been scheduled as follows:

Region Date of last RCF Date of Next RCF Adelaide 14 August 2013 30 July 2014 Southern Queensland 18 June 2014 18 June 2014 Northern Rivers 21 May 2014 tbc Northern Queensland 8 May 2014 24 July 2014 Canberra Regional 16 May 2014 tbc Darwin 9 October 2013 9 October 2013 Sydney 10 December 2013 18 July 2014 Tasmania 7 November 2013 3 April 2014 Victoria 10 April 2014 17 July 2014 Newcastle 28 November 2013 tbc Perth 19 June 2014 tbc

Further details are at Attachment 3.

7.11 Property Update The Launceston VVCS centre’s lease expired in March 2014. VVCS counselling staff now provide services from new facilities in both Launceston (The Branch Office Business centre – Corner George and Cameron Sts Launceston) and Devonport ( Medical Super Clinic, 8 Wenvoe St). This is in addition to 16 outreach counsellors across Northern Tasmania. All VVCS services in Tasmania are managed from Hobart.

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The move form Southport to new premises in Broadbeach, Gold Coast will take place in September 2014. The new location provides better transport options, car-parking and access for the veteran community. Separate access to VVCS and greater client privacy will be established.

The refurbishment of the VVCS Brisbane Office is now complete.

7.12 VVCS Management Information Project The roll out of VERA is almost complete with the links to the Personally Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR) established and tested in readiness for access by clinicians to clients e-Health records. A consent form has been developed and will be completed and loaded onto VERA. PCEHR will be rolled out once contract details have been finalised with DOH and all staff have received training to ensure that appropriate policies and procedures and information is available for clients in regard to PCEHR.

Billing and invoicing in VERA is now finalised and functional with OPC's having begun to receive payment through VERA. The OPC rollout is progressing well with contractors from SA, NT, WA & QLD all now using VERA and the other states being progressively rolled out. It is expected that all contractors will be using VERA by 1 July 2014. The VERA User Manual has been updated with feedback from the pilot and further processes based on operational experience, to provide guidance on VERA processes and the Train-the-trainers have been providing information sessions in all VVCS centres.

Recommendation That the NAC note the key activities undertaken across VVCS since the February 2014 NAC meeting.

Wayne Penniall National Manager, VVCS July 2014

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Attachment 1 7.0 National Manager Report and Updates - Overview of services Data for the January to March 2014 quarter are below. VVCS Regional Quarterly Report to NAC 01/01/2014 - 31/03/2014 NT VIC SA NSW/ FNQLD SQLD WA TAS All ACT Region s Total CENTRE COUNSELLING Total number of centre 104 306 138 268 57 575 188 73 1709 based clients that had sessions Total number of Centre 335 1159 448 924 210 1948 756 313 6093 based services (sessions) OUTREACH Total number of outreach 197 826 256 1763 1087 1209 425 154 5917 clients that had sessions Total number of Outreach 762 2654 935 6010 4321 4130 1471 576 20859 sessions INTAKES Total number of intakes 261 978 238 1437 624 1208 519 363 5628 Total number (Not for 57 220 78 322 209 258 122 131 1397 further action) Percentage of New 42.15 56.54 46.22 53.17 43.75 42.72 56.65 81.82 51.83 clients OTHER Total number of partners 1 6 2 5 1 11 2 0 28 and sons and Daughters referred to psychiatrist Total number AFS 38 2 4 16 94 93 0 3 250 referrals EXTERNAL Veterans Line call types Veteran Partner Related Other Not stated Peace- War Current Total keepers Widows Serving Calls 449 46 671 107 584 2 70 160 2089

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Attachment 2

7.5 Delivery of VVCS services to serving members

Background Referred ADF members are seen Under Schedule 6 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of Defence and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for the Cooperative Delivery of Care and Support to Entitled Persons (the Agreement Between the Department of Defence and the Department of Veterans' Affairs for the Provision of Mental Health Support Services by the Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service (VVCS) to Australian Defence Force Personnel that was signed on 3 June 2013. This extended an agreement that has been in place since 2000.

Issues Transition of client data to VERA Note that in the period since July 2013 collection of client data has been transitioned to VERA and reporting from this source is still under development. The effect of the transition from VMIS to VERA will continue to be monitored.

Quarterly AfS Statistics There were 219 Defence referrals to VVCS in the third quarter of the 2013-14 financial year. This compares to 236 in the same quarter in 2012-13 and 174 Defence referrals in the second quarter 2013-14. A national eight quarter trend for current serving members and a summary of major presenting issues is on the following page. Note that Defence referrals in the quarter are affected by deployment cycles and the “close down” in January.

In the third quarter of the 2013-14 financial year, of the 219 Defence referrals, 168 were in Queensland (refer Table 1).

Of the 856 currently serving members either referred under the AfS, or self referring to VVCS during this quarter, 852 received individual counselling. The remaining 4 clients participated in group programs.

VVCS Jurisdiction Defence referral Self referral Total presentations current serving South Queensland 90 168 258 North Queensland 78 120 198 New South Wales 6 129 135 Northern Territory 31 50 81 Victoria 4 51 55 Aust. Capital Territory 6 58 64 Western Australia 1 30 31 South Australia 1 26 27 Tasmania 2 5 7 Total 219 637 856 Table 1: ADF members presenting at VVCS from 1 January to 31 March 2014 Of the 219 Defence referred personnel in this quarter, 218 members (99.5 percent) participated in individual counselling, and 1 member (0.5 percent) participated in group programs.

17 National Advisory Committee Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Perth 9-10 July 2014


Current Serving Member Presentation Eight Quarter Trend

Current Serving Member Presentations - 8 Quarter Trend







M 800 Defence referred S C Self referral r

e 700

b Linear (Defence referred) m

u 600 Linear (Self referral) N






0 3Q12 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 1Q14 Quarter

Presenting Issues Presenting issues cannot be reported at this time as VERA reporting is still under development.

18 National Advisory Committee Veterans and Veterans Families Counselling Service Perth 9-10 July 2014

Attachment 3 Regional Consultative Forums Update

Victorian RCF on 10 April 2014 Recommendations:

Operation Life Update VVCS review current ASIST, SafeTALK and Tune Up programs and assess whether there are more suitable suicide awareness program available that are also more in line with what the ADF are currently providing to members.

Update from the National Advisory Council (NAC) VCF members requested the AfS statistics for each VVCS centre in 2013.

Education Item – DVA Phone Apps available to the Veteran Community The VCF put forward the idea for an app relating to smoking.

Northern Rivers Area RCF 21 May 2014 Recommendations and Actions

Recommendations, Decisions and Action Who When VVCS Comment The RCF commends the development of the VVCS RCF standalone website.

The RCF recommended that options are explored in Director Next RCF Director VVCS regards VVCS street signage and internal security NSW NSW to issues. investigate and respond The RCF recommended that marketing and VVCS Ongoing promotion of VVCS service remains a priority particularly towards the young Veteran cohorts and their families

The RCF recommends that key family support VVCS Ongoing services are provided briefings on the needs and issues of younger Veterans and the implication for their families. The RCF recommends a high resolution copy of the VVCS Next RCF This will be new VVCS logo be made available to stakeholders available on the for use in their publications. new VVCS website The RCF recommends that VVCS consider placing VVCS Next RCF The new navigation maps on the new website to assist people website has in finding the office locations. street, postal address and a 1800 number which directs clients to their nearest centre


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