Symposium Towards Excellence in Higher Education
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Symposium Towards Excellence in Higher Education Time: 9:00 – 12:30, June 4, 2016 Venue: RMS 206 Theme: Efficiency and Effectiveness, Accountability and Autonomy
Internationalization, Prof. Kai-ming Conceptualization first comes from classification
Trends in HE Rebuilding national system Repositioning the private sector Revisiting student learning Internationalization
Levels of internationalization L1 One-way communication L2 One-way mobility L3 International membership L4 Collaborations L5 Two-way exchange L6 Isolated international sector L7 International campus
Language is critical factor!!
Lead-in, Dr. Nopraenue
Issues to be considered, governance at different levels Recent transformation – national level Alignment between reforms and laws on institutional practices Impact of increasing autonomy – options
Possible answers Inaccurate to depict one single form of HE governance Variations on HE governance model
Thailand Autonomous university, self-generated fund Autonomy is not an answer to everything QA in charge of accountability, funding expenditure is randomly checked by auditor Dual-tracks systems of civil servants and university employees – Cluster 2
Prof. Kai-ming’s Comments No definite private/public funding resources Funding, Example of Harvard University Private university 60% from project, 30% tuition, 10% donations 65% of project funding goes to university, 35% goes to individual 50% scholarship used in need-blind admission policy Scholarship used to for students from low-income family, annual income USD60,000; after financial crisis, raised the bar to middle income family, annual income USD120,000 -160,000 Largely proportion of funding comes from donation - 38 billion USD
Dr. Molly’s Comments Tensions between state and institution Accountability and autonomy as a trade-off - the university wants more autonomy, the government want you to be accountable
4 th Group presentation, Dr. Nopraenue Group members from Cambodia, Mongolia, and Laos
Governance and autonomy Cambodia: Everything is under tight control of government Parent ministry – 15 parent ministries Current reform: new reforms agenda on governance and financing - draft level Guideline from parent ministry for technical advice PAIs can recruit part-time staff, public universities - government officials
Mongolia MECX controls all the universities, MECS reports to MOF Academic freedom –MECS Finance - MOF
Laos 4 public universities under Ministry of Education and Sports, 1 under Ministry of Health of health Academic freedom – MOE Finance – government Staffing - government officials
Case 8 Cambodia Members from government Decision-making from the rector/government
Case 9 Irrelevant - all three countries no need to respond to media
Case 10 Fundraising - all three countries no systemic fundraising initiatives
Case 11 How do you evaluate? – Mongolia: Office of Academic and Student Affairs Is there appeal way? – Cambodia, Laos: Feedback box – informal way How the evaluation is being used? Evaluation used for teaching development but not for promotion
Summary, Prof. Kai-ming Evaluation, Example of Harvard University Questions like how will you introduce this course to other people, tutor, and diversity of the course? Students completed the evaluation like write essays, the university will compile and archive the paragraphs into the library for future student and teacher use UC Berkley, evaluation results even published
How to fix the kind of carelessness and bargaining? Students are serious about the evaluation Depends on what you want from the evaluation
Why should we have academic autonomy? Exploring the unknown Preparing for failures - science Expressing the odd - social sciences You are not told what to do.
Autonomy NOT limited to academics, also applies to professionals Example as Medical doctors Though answerable to hospital authority, patient Professional autonomy based on professional training, knowledge, and judgment Autonomy at his/her discretion for the patient, it’s a right Think about what I am doing, betterment of society?
Media cases Academics’ interest Academic autonomy – academic conscience, research area Employee welfare – promotion, go beyond from autonomy Freedom of speech - public intellectual contribute to society, should be protected Speech is taken as an action in East Asia
Fast development in Mongolia and Cambodia Moving fast, new stage in months Decision-making meets dilemmas and tensions Summary, Dr. Molly Neo-liberal ideology occurs in every country Marketisation Increasing autonomy – on university appointment Increasing public accountability - QA/ KPI Managerialism – systems used in private sectors adopted by the public universities Managerial control
Democratic Governance, Prof. Kai-ming Democratic administration – difficult Basic: voting – approaching political officers / Australia case: must vote Second: participate in consolidating? / decision-making, population control Who owns the university? - Society owns: university council Notion changes a little bit, now constituency of university council involves non- professionals in decision-making process
HKU Case on Democratic Administration, Prof. Gerard 1990s full democracy - Outflow of talents, due to reunification of HK and motherland in 1997 Dean elected by the members of faculty – democratic election of university leadership VC cannot do anything – complicated decision-making process What is the skillset of university council members?
Response from Prof. Kai-ming What we want – voice from grassroots Senate - one paper cost 6 years to pass Tricky politics, government may change overnight Academic integrity