Supplementary Appendix I: Tables of Excluded Studies

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Supplementary Appendix I: Tables of Excluded Studies

Supplementary appendix I: Tables of excluded studies

Clomiphene citrate No Citation Reason for exclusion . 1 Badawy, A., H. Inany, et al. (2009). "Luteal phase clomiphene citrate for ovulation This article addresses the timing of clomiphene induction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a novel protocol." Fertility and citrate treatment. Sterility 91(3): 838-841. 2 Badawy, A. M., A. Allam, et al. (2008). "Extending clomiphene treatment in The type of gonadotrophin used in this study is not clomiphene-resistant women with PCOS: A randomized controlled trial." applicable to this evidence review. Reproductive BioMedicine Online 16(6): 825-829. 3 Barbieri, R. L. and R. L. Barbieri (2007). "Clomiphene versus metformin for ovulation This article is an editorial. induction in polycystic ovary syndrome: the winner is." Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 92(9): 3399-401. 4 Bayram, N., M. van Wely, et al. (2005). "Treatment preferences and trade-offs for This article does not report any relevant outcomes. ovulation induction in clomiphene citrate-resistant patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.[Erratum appears in Fertil Steril. 2005 Nov;84(5):1557 Note: Nieuwkerk, Pythia [added]]." Fertility & Sterility 84(2): 420-5. 5 Dehbashi, S., H. Vafaei, et al. (2006). "Time of initiation of clomiphene citrate and This article addresses the timing of clomiphene pregnancy rate in polycystic ovarian syndrome." International Journal of citrate treatment. Gynaecology & Obstetrics 93(1): 44-8. 6 El Bigawy, A., U. Fouda, et al. (2008). "A randomized trial of letrazole versus This article is a quasi RCT. clomiphene citrate in induction of ovulation in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)." 7 Gada, D. (2009). "Luteal-phase clomiphene citrate in PCOS." Fertility and Sterility This article is a letter to the editor. 92(4): e51. 8 Saini, P. (2005). "Clomiphene citrate versus recombinant FSH for ovulation induction This article is a conference abstract. in sub fertility associated with polycystic ovarian syndrome." 9 Seki, K. and K. Kato (1985). "Dose-response relationship between dose of This article is not an RCT. clomiphene citrate and incidence of ovulation." Asia-Oceania Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 11(1): 23-6.

1 Metformin No Citation Reason for exclusion . 1. (2003). "Metformin is effective for polycystic ovary syndrome." Pharmaceutical Journal 271(7273): This is a news piece. 607. 2. Acbay, O. and S. Gundogdu (1996). "Can metformin reduce insulin resistance in polycystic ovary This study is not an RCT. syndrome?" Fertility and Sterility 65(5): 946-949. 3. Al-Inany, H. and N. Johnson (2006). "Drugs for anovulatory infertility in polycystic ovary syndrome: This article is a narrative review. reserve metformin for second line treatment for women with clomifene resistance." BMJ: British Medical Journal 332(7556): 1461-1462. 4. Aubuchon, M., H. Lieman, et al. (2009). "Metformin does not improve the reproductive or metabolic This study does not address outcomes that are profile in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)." Reproductive Sciences 16(10): 938-946. relevant to this evidence review. 5. Balen, A. H. (2007). "Is metformin the treatment of choice for anovulation in polycystic ovary This article is a narrative review. syndrome?" Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology and Metabolism 3(6): 440-441. 6. Carlsen, S. M., S. Kjotrod, et al. (2007). "Homocysteine levels are unaffected by metformin treatment This study does not address outcomes that are in both nonpregnant and pregnant women with polycystic ovary syndrome." Acta Obstetricia et relevant to this evidence review. Gynecologica Scandinavica 86(2): 145-50. 7. Costello, M. F., M. Chapman, et al. (2006). "A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized This study addresses metformin in combination with controlled trials on metformin co-administration during gonadotrophin ovulation induction or IVF in other interventions and doesn’t address metformin women with polycystic ovary syndrome." Human Reproduction 21(6): 1387-99. alone. 8. De Leo, V. and A. La Marca (2002). "Metformin and FSH for induction of ovulation in women with This article is a letter to the editor. polycystic ovarian syndrome." Human Reproduction 17(9): 2481-2482. 9. De Leo, V., A. la Marca, et al. (1999). "Effects of metformin on gonadotropin-induced ovulation in This study addresses metformin in combination with women with polycystic ovary syndrome." Fertility and sterility 72(2): 282-5. other interventions and doesn’t address metformin alone. 10. French, L. (2002). "Is metformin useful in the treatment of infertility for women with PCOS that have This article is a summary of another primary study failed ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate?" Evidence-Based Practice 5(5): 5, 2p. which is included in this evidence review. 11. Glueck, C. J., K. C. Golnik, et al. (2005). "Response to diet and metformin in women with idiopathic This article is a letter to the editor. intracranial hypertension with and without concurrent polycystic ovary syndrome or hyperinsulinemia." Medgenmed [Computer File]: Medscape General Medicine 7(4): 41. 12. Haas, D. A., B. R. Carr, et al. (2003). "Effects of metformin on body mass index, menstrual cyclicity, This article is a narrative review. and ovulation induction in women with polycystic ovary syndrome." Fertility & Sterility 79(3): 469-81. 13. Hutchison, S. K., S. Zoungas, et al. (2007). "Insulin levels, insulin resistance and the use of metformin This article is a letter to the editor. in polycystic ovary syndrome [2]." Medical Journal of Australia 186(5): 268-269. 14. Johnson N. Metformin is a reasonable first-line treatment option for non-obese women with infertility This systematic review is superseded by a meta- related to anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome - A meta-analysis of randomised trials. Australian analysis conducted by our group and only includes 3 and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2011:2; 125-129. RCTs, where 4 RCTs are available. 15. Kocak, M., E. Caliskan, et al. (2002). "Metformin therapy improves ovulatory rates, cervical scores, This article has been retracted. and pregnancy rates in clomiphene citrate-resistant women with polycystic ovary syndrome." Fertility and sterility 77(1): 101-6. 16. Kumar, H. K. and H. K. V. S. Kumar (2008). "Dietary intervention versus metformin to improve the This article is a letter to the editor. reproductive outcome in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome." Saudi Medical Journal 29(4): 625. 17. Lord, J., T. Wilkin, et al. (2004). "Metformin in polycystic ovary syndrome." Current Opinion in This article is a narrative review. Obstetrics & Gynecology 16(6): 481-6. 18. Nawaz, F. H., R. Khalid, et al. (2008). "Does continuous use of metformin throughout pregnancy This study is not an RCT. improve pregnancy outcomes in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?" Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Research 34(5): 832-837. 19. Nestler, J. (2006). "Is metformin or clomiphene citrate more effective for ovulation induction in This article is a summary of another primary study polycystic ovary syndrome?" Nature clinical practice. Endocrinology & metabolism. 2(3): 128-9. which is included in this evidence review. 20. Nestler, J. E. (2008). "metformin for the treatment of the polycystic ovary syndrome." New England This article is a narrative review. Journal of Medicine 358(1): 47-54. 21. Nothnagle, M. and J. S. Taylor (2003). "Does metformin improve clinical features of polycystic ovary This article is a summary of another systematic syndrome?" American Family Physician 68(11): 2163-2164. review which is included in this evidence review. 22. Palomba, S. and A. Falbo (2008). "Metformin in therapy naive patients with polycystic ovary This article is a letter to the editor. syndrome [1]." Human Reproduction Update 14(2): 193. 23. Palomba, S., A. Falbo, et al. (2009). "Evidence-based and potential benefits of metformin in the This article is a narrative review. polycystic ovary syndrome: a comprehensive review." Endocrine Reviews 30(1): 1-50. 24. Pfuller, B., E. Ibragimova, et al. (2004). "Effect of metformin treatment combined with lifestyle This article is a conference abstract. modification on reproductive features, endocrine and metabolic profiles in obese infertile women with PCOS." The 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. 2 i176p. 2004. 25. Qublan, H. S., E. K. Yannakoula, et al. (2007). "Dietary intervention versus metformin to improve the This study does not address a comparison reproductive outcome in women with polycystic ovary syndrome. A prospective comparative study." intervention that is relevant to this evidence review. Saudi Medical Journal 28(11): 1694-1698. 26. Rashidi, B., F. Haghollahi, et al. (2009). "The Effects of Calcium-Vitamin D and Metformin on This study does not address a comparison Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: A Pilot Study." Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 48(2): intervention that is relevant to this evidence review. 142-147. 27. Ruddock, B. (2004). "Metformin for infertility due to polycystic ovary syndrome." Canadian This article is a narrative review. Pharmaceutical Journal 137(2): 35-36. 28. Schachter, M., A. Raziel, et al. (2007). "Prospective, randomized trial of metformin and vitamins for This study addresses metformin in combination with the reduction of plasma homocysteine in insulin-resistant polycystic ovary syndrome." Fertility & other interventions and doesn’t address metformin Sterility 88(1): 227-30. alone. 29. Sinawat, S., P. Buppasiri, et al. (2008). "Long versus short course treatment with Metformin and This study addresses metformin in combination with Clomiphene citrate for ovulation induction in women with PCOS." Cochrane Database of Systematic other interventions and doesn’t address metformin Reviews(1). alone. 30. Tsilchorozidou, T. and G. M. Prelevic (2003). "The role of metformin in the management of polycystic This article is a narrative review. ovary syndrome." Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 15(6): 483-488. 31. Vanky, E., K. A. Salvesen, et al. (2006). "Beneficial effect of metformin on pregnancy outcome in This article includes women who are already women with polycystic ovary syndrome is not associated with major changes in C-reactive protein pregnant. levels or indices of coagulation." Fertility & Sterility 85(3): 770-4. 32. Yarali, H. and B. Yildiz (2002). "Metformin and FSH for induction of ovulation in women with This article is a letter to the editor. polycystic ovary syndrome." Human Reproduction 17(11): 3007-3008.


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