GPSO Representatives Meeting Minutes Friday, January 17, 2003

Brief List of Topics (see below for detailed minutes)

I. Introductions II. Elections for GPSO positions A. Sgt-At-Arms B. IUSA Liaison III. 2003 GPSO Social Events IV. GPSO Committee Reports from 2002 V. 2002 Accomplishments VI. 2003 Goals and Aspirations


Detailed Minutes

- Introductions - We are looking at better rooms for reps meetings, pardon room changes. Suggestions for meeting spaces would be welcome. - Elections: IUSA liason, Sergeant-at-arms - Sergeant-at-arms, Mary Stormer nominated herself, and was elected unaminously. - Duties of the sergeant-at-arms are stated in the GPSO bylaws, Section 4. - IUSA liason: Helen Dieteman elected. - Duties of the IUSA liason are stated in the GPSO bylaws, Section 5. - new handbook, on floppy, also on the web. - Semester meetings: committee mtg on 24Jan. meeting schedule was announced. - Erika speaks about GPSO events: - Ballroom club&GPSO Valentines day dance on 16 Feb 2003. - MLK jr day on Monday. details on weeks events available online, handed out. - Other suggestions for social events (educational, professional, social): desired. - Committee reports: - Research and curriculum. Bethany Kissel is chair but not a rep. They gave away money, travel and research grants. Due dates for the next round of grant applications will be coming soon. - Grad employees: John Johnson was chair. spoke with Bursar about non-remittable fees, employment survey analysis - Ulife: began projects, 3 goals for spring. Final explanation on ticket discounts on dependants, listing cheap entertainment on the web, follow up on housing survey - Health care: As of the end of fall: professsional student health care options are really bad. Options: mandatory health insurance for masters/professional students? or modify the SAA policy (examine exclusions for possible action)? Also, the committee will revive "gradcare" health information email address for student questions. - External relations: 3 ideas: draft letter to all incoming grad students about GPSO, lobby (with Hoosiers for higher education) IN to increase education funding, work with social cmte to get the word out about fun/leisure/social activities for grad students. - Misc. about committees: Keep up on committee work in order to keep your constituents informed, and encourage them to join a committee. - GPSO accomplishments last year: recognized as official grad student gov't, we ratified our new constitution and bylaws. - Goals for GPSO this year: if you think of that GPSO should get involved in, or events, or anything, suggest it to your rep, or send it to the [email protected] e-mail. Suggestions were made at the meeting, but more are welcome. - A motion to form an "internal affairs" committee formed of reps was made by Matt Lesher, and passed as ammended. - An ad hoc committee will be formed, with 5 members which will report on 7 March, and have one open meeting before 7 March. The mission statement of the committee is: "Being mindful of the GPSO mission statement, this committee will provide an asseessment of the the GPSO's present strengths and weaknesses; they will also develop and present a 5-year action plan. If you are interested in being on the committee, mail the [email protected] address, or speak to your rep.

(minutes painstakingly provided by the longsuffering john johnson)