Project Title: California Courts Computer-Aided Facilities and Maintenance Management Solution RFP Number: ISD2004CAFM

8.2 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS MATRIX Functional / Technical Requirements

The following answer key must be used when responding to the requirements:

F=Fully Provided "Out-of-the-Box” C=Custom Development Required NV=Provided in the Very Next Version (Change in Code) TP=Third Party Software Required R=Provided with Reporting Tool M=Modification (Change Using Built-in NA=Not Available Toolset)

Please interpret each numbered line as a question or requirement.

What is the full product name, version and release number of all of the products in the solution being proposed? Add additional lines if required. Publisher and Product Name Version Date Released

Respond to the requirements and questions below only in reference to the products in the versions list above.

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Property Portfolio Req’ Property Portfolio Response Comments t # Requirement / Feature Code 1 Property database with structured property data. .

2 Structured U.S. address data. .

3 Address data validation. .

4 Legal property description fields. .

5 Designed capacity .

6 Current population .

7 Facility contact fields .

8 Hierarchical categorization of property by . geography.

9 Hierarchical administrative categorization of . property.

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Req’ Property Portfolio Response Comments t # Requirement / Feature Code 1 Property database with structured property data. .

1 Categorization by construction type. 0 .

1 Can site plans be tied to GIS tools using the 1 California Coordinate System? .

1 Ability to include property site and floor plans 2 associated with database record. .

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Program / Project Management Req’t Program Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 13 Project linkage to programs .

14 Condition Assessment .

15 Deficiency Tracking .

16 Deficiency Cost Estimating .

17 Deficiency Aging .

18 Condition Assessment linked to Work Orders? .

19 Condition Assessment linked to Projects? .

20 Wireless handheld integration? (i.e. can . surveyed deficiencies be entered by wireless device) 21 Query / sort deficiencies by date, priority, CSI . code, location, trade or building component.

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Req’t Program Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

22 Must be able to calculate Facility Condition . Index (FCI) as defined by R.S. Means

23 Graphic display of FCI and investment . decisions.

24 Lifecycle costing and analysis. .

25 Multi-year planning and analysis. .

26 Project funding source accounting (i.e. a bond . measure funding many projects)

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Req’t Projects Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 27 Master and sub-projects. .

28 All projects exist in a hierarchy; all costs rollup. .

29 Track estimates, budgets, commitments, . expenditures and forecasts.

30 Project budgets can draw from multiple funding . sources?

31 Customizable CSI-Style and Uniformat Chart- . of-Accounts for Tracking project estimate, budget and expenditures 32 Is original project estimate preserved, after . budget revisions? (i.e. separate fields for original budget, revised budget etc.) 33 Ability to develop multiple budget scenarios. .

34 Project budget templates. .

35 Budget routing, approval and lock-down (i.e. . budget cannot be changed after approval).

36 Track milestones, budgets, expenditures against

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Req’t Projects Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code approved budgets. 37 Produce project status reports showing budgets, . progress, expenditures and commitments.

38 Project invoice tracking against budget .

39 MS-Project Integration .

40 MS-Project Import / Export .

41 Other Project Management software linkage? .

42 Project Templates .

43 Project checklist/ task management .

44 Submittal tracking .

45 RFI tracking .

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Req’t Projects Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 46 Online submittals .

47 Project issue routing and tracking .

48 Project – linked purchase order creation .

49 Online bidding .

50 Vendor / Contractor login .

51 Application for payment .

52 Online invoicing .

53 Construction inspection reports entry. .

54 Change order management .

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Req’t Projects Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 55 Support for invoice retention? .

56 Work Authorization .

57 Project time sheets .

58 Project workload reports by project manager .

59 Work orders linked to / issued from projects. .

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Req’t Field Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 60 Accident Reports .

61 Field Work Directives .

62 Inspections and Tests .

63 Notices to comply .

64 Punch lists .

65 Safety Notices .

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Lease / Agreement Management Req’t Lease abstracts Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 66 Ability to track landlord vs. tenant maintenance . responsibilities.

67 Maintenance Management module is landlord- . tenant responsibility aware.

68 Standard lease clauses .

69 Gross, rentable and usable square footage . tracking

70 Building access details (hours of operation) .

71 Lease cost escalation support .

72 Lease cost summary calculation .

73 Leased vs. Owned analysis .

74 Lease templates .

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Req’t Lease abstracts Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

75 Generate rent-roll .

76 Rent roll export to ERP systems .

77 Critical date reminders and expiration reports .

78 Manager notification when action item, critical . date is not resolved.

Req’t Transaction Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 79 Template transactions. .

80 Due diligence (and other) managed task lists. .

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Space Management Req’t Space Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 81 Person assignment to space .

82 Asset assignment to space .

83 Departmental assignment to space .

84 Direct, common and net square area allocation . by organizational hierarchy?

85 Stacking Analysis .

86 Graphical stacking reporting. .

87 “What-if” space analysis .

88 Current vs. projected space usage. .

89 Parking management .

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Req’t Space Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

90 Multiple “what-if” scenarios .

91 Does the system support the creation of space . standards? (e.g. “Manager Office”, “Manager Cube” etc) 92 Does the system have support for space type . standard equipment schedules?

93 Does the system have built-in support for . security diagrams?

94 Proximity analysis / Department affinities .

95 CAD tools to facilitate Polyline creation. .

96 Safety/ risk/ incident tracking against space .

97 Common area allocation according to BOMA . and/or IFMA standards.

98 User-definable space attributes, that can be . searched.

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Req’t CAD Integration Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 99 CAFM System able to access facility drawings . in AutoCAD 2000 format? Specify whether this is view or edit access. 10 Database – CAD Drawing linkage 0.

10 2-way updates between drawings and database 1.

10 Ability to generate multiple what-if scenarios. 2.

10 Ability to execute a single scenario and carry 3. out the change.

10 Find personnel from the drawing. 4.

10 Assign, move, remove, edit personnel from the 5. drawing.

10 Find, move add, delete furniture, fixtures and 6. equipment from the drawing.

10 Find, move, edit business units from the 7. drawing.

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Req’t CAD Integration Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 10 Query work orders from the drawing. 8.

10 Query projects from the drawing. 9.

11 Query equipment warranties from the drawing. 0.

11 Occupancy / Cost mapping on drawing 1.

Req’t Occupancy Cost Chargeback Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 11 Allocate costs for area, building, region based 2. on space utilization

11 Download other costs from the ERP to allocate 3. based on space utilization

11 Configurable chargeback rules. (e.g. override 4. space or space + fixed charge for certain account codes) 11 Organizational space assignment 5.

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Req’t Occupancy Cost Chargeback Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 11 Individual space assignment 6.

Req’t Hotelling Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 11 Room Reservation 7.

11 Search for room with specific 8. features/equipment.

11 Part-time office assignment 9.

12 Hotelling charge accumulation 0.

Req’t Move Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 12 User-defined move classes, for reporting 1.

12 Multiple move scenarios 2.

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Req’t Move Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

12 Move cost estimating 3.

12 Automated association of an organization’s 4. assets and equipment with the move.

12 Automated work order generation to execute an 5. approved move

12 Ability to edit planned move. 6.

12 Integrated with space and workflow 7.

12 Move status monitoring 8.

Maintenance Management Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 12 Support multiple properties, shops and 9. schedules.

13 Provide for maintenance scheduling around 0. other critical activities. (i.e. court sessions,

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code prisoner transfers etc.) 13 Link to external equipment / activity /space 1. reservation calendars.

13 Maintain work histories 2.

13 Warranty management/checking 3.

13 Automated work order assignment to shop 4.

13 Automated work order assignment to individual 5.

13 Automated work order assignment to vendor 6.

13 Dispatch to employee 7.

13 Dispatch to vendor/contractor 8.

13 Dispatch to wireless device, pager, fax or e- 9. mail.

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 14 Status update/ data entry from wireless device 0.

14 Work Order labor tracking 1.

14 Unlimited labor line entry against work order 2.

14 Rate multipliers 3.

14 Shift differentials 4.

14 Overtime calculation 5.

14 Work-order parts/material entry 6.

14 Unlimited parts/material entry against work 7. order

14 Auto-elapsed time calculation 8.

14 Ability to gather technician’s notes of action

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code taken 15 Dynamic work order prioritization 0.

15 Call center / help desk interface and features 1.

15 Trades/ skills tracking 2.

15 Split billing of work charges 3.

15 Multiple technicians assigned to one work order 4.

15 Automated work order time & cost estimating 5.

15 Work order closure questionnaires 6.

15 Work orders referenced to CAD drawings 7.

15 Reference drawings on work order 8.

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 15 Documents linked to work order 9.

16 Work-order rollup to projects 0.

16 Work order rollup to maintenance contract 1.

16 Multiple approval levels and workflows 2.

16 List /sort requests by status 3.

16 List /sort work orders by status 4.

16 List /sort work orders by building 5.

16 List / sort work orders by problem code 6.

16 List / sort work orders by dipatchee 7.

16 Lookup / validation of buildings, space,

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code equipment, trades, failure codes etc. across maintenance modules 16 Accumulate labor, material, services costs by 9. SAP/Oracle/Other ERP accounts

17 Allow materials to be assigned to tasks 0.

17 Built-in support for OSHA safety reporting 1.

17 Insert emergency work into the planned work 2. schedule.

17 Allow scheduling of labor, tools and materials 3. for work orders.

17 Monitor work orders for labor, material, costs 4. or schedule exceptions.

17 Monitor, query, sort and display work order 5. backlog by status, shop, priority, facility and asset type. 17 Work permit tracking 6.

17 Maintenance dispatch scheduler / whiteboard 7.

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

17 Work order re-assignment. 8.

17 Is the user able to selectively print attached 9. reference information such as drawings, manuals, and maps? 18 Does the system have a Work Order Review 0. form for reviewing daily work uploaded from field devices? 18 Does a user have the option to accept, modify, 1. or reject (delete) data from the field devices?

18 Does the CAFM System allow incomplete work 2. orders to be reassigned?

18 Can multiple work orders be selected for 3. closure?

18 Does the system support work order sub-tasks? 4.

18 Can work order sub- tasks be independently 5. closed?

18 Does each sub-task have a comment field? 6.

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Req’t Maintenance Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 18 Work order templates? 7.

Req’t Request Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 18 Un-named requestor web-based entry 8.

18 Un-named requestor status checking 9.

19 A method to record, validate, approve or deny 0. requests

19 Automated requestor status updating 1.

19 Call center entry on-behalf-of entry… 2.

19 Call duration logging? 3.

19 Duplicate request flagging 4.

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Req’t Request Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 19 IVR Features (check request status from 5. telephone)

19 Request cost estimates? 6.

19 Are requests linked to work orders? 7.

19 Can multiple work orders be generated from 8. one request?

19 Can multiple requests be associated with one 9. work order?

20 Does the work order management system 0. include all of the following work order date fields: Date initiated, date scheduled, date assigned, date completed, date closed. ? 20 Can multiple work orders be generated from 1. one request?

Req’t Demand Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 20 Failure Codes 2.

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Req’t Demand Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

20 Hierarchical failure coding 3.

20 Linked dispatch of upcoming PM to the same 4. asset

20 Integrated customer-satisfaction and signoff 5.

20 Can reference documents be attached to work 6. orders?

20 Can reference drawings be attached to work 7. orders?

20 Can reference drawings be printed on work 8. orders?

20 Does the CMMS System support bar code or 9. RF tags on maintained assets?

21 Can reading the ID tag of a maintained asset, 0. remotely retrieve associated work orders?

21 Work order dispatch to wireless handheld 1. device?

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Req’t Demand Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 21 Can equipment readings be gathered by the 2. handheld device, for upload to the CAFM system? 21 Will out-of-range reading generate automatic 3. work orders?

21 Can work orders be initiated in-the-field from 4. the handheld device?

21 Can work orders be closed-out in the field from 5. the handheld device?

21 Does the CAFM System support time entry 6. with the handheld device?

21 Can time card data be exported to ERP/HR 7. systems?

21 Are any time card export functions included 8. out-of-the-box?

21 Does the system provide the ability to enter 9. corrective and emergency work requests on-line by any authorized user of the CAFM System?

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Req’t Scheduled Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 22 PM Can be generated for spaces, 0. assets/equipment, tools and vehicles

22 PM can be generated for all similar assets (i.e. 1. Generate annual PM route for all Trane chillers, across a specified geography) 22 Calendar-based maintenance 2.

22 Inspection / condition-based maintenance 3.

22 Meter-reading / Run-time based maintenance 4.

22 Job Plans; identify the resources, materials and 5. equipment required for recurring tasks.

22 Maintenance standards 6.

22 Maintenance templates and standards 7.

22 Linked documentation and task instructions 8.

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Req’t Scheduled Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 22 Assignment tracking / workload balancing 9.

23 Maintenance routing. 0.

23 Automatic suspension of PM for out-of-service 1. equipment.

23 Integrated tool scheduling 2.

23 MS-Outlook Integration 3.

23 Maintenance task shadowing/consolidation 4.

23 Assignment transfer 5.

23 PM Generation by priority 6.

23 PM Generation by building 7.

23 PM Generation by date range

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Req’t Scheduled Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

23 PM Generation by shop 9.

24 PM Generation by technician 0.

24 PM Generation by contractor/vendor 1.

24 Labor / Manpower requirements reporting 2.

24 Does the system allow PM activities by a fixed 3. method (for example, every month regardless of when the last PM was complete)? 24 Does the system allow PM activities by a 4. floating method (for example, 30 days from the previous PM close date)? 24 Does the system allow PM activities by 5. frequency (days), meter readings, or both (such as 90 days or 1500 run hours, whichever comes first)? 24 Does the system have the ability to set up and 6. schedule seasonal PM activities?

24 Does the system allow a work order to be 7. placed on a hold status?

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Req’t Scheduled Maintenance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

24 Does the system allow a PM schedule to be 8. placed on a hold status?

24 Does the system allow the generation of a 9. single work order for a single activity to be performed across multiple assets of the same type? (For example, generate a work order to all fire extinguisher units in a given area.) 25 Does the CAFM System provide the capability 0. to review, modify, trend and forecast PM work order schedules?

Asset Management Req’t Asset Catalog Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 25 Online hierarchical asset catalog 1.

25 Allow search and sort by keyword, location or 2. part number catalog searching

25 Catalog awareness of differing asset ownership. 3.

25 Hierarchical asset categorization tree 4.

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Req’t Asset Catalog Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 25 Assets can exist in multiple hierarchies. I.e. 5. equipment type classification, and system/role assignment. 25 Serialized unit(component) tracking. 6.

25 Equipment criticality ratings. 7.

25 Work order scheduling based on asset 8. criticality.

25 Asset role/ assignment tree 9.

26 System / Subsystem / Assembly cost rollups 0.

26 Asset system/sub-system / assembly 1. relationships

26 Asset dependency 2.

26 Asset symbol management 3.

26 Asset link to drawing symbols

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Req’t Asset Catalog Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

26 Asset location tracking on drawings 5.

26 Asset locator/ drilldown from a map 6.

26 Asset procedures library 7.

26 Asset roles 8.

26 Asset assignment history 9.

27 Downtime history tracking and monitoring. 0.

27 Maintenance History 1.

27 Asset can be assigned to building; costs rollup 2. to building

27 Asset linkage to unlimited number of 3. documents

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Req’t Asset Catalog Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 27 Safety/ risk/ incident tracking against assets 4.

27 CAFM System able to use GPS coordinates in 5. identify/locating assets?

27 Can assets be linked to an external fixed-asset 6. module in an ERP?

27 Can individual assets be linked to different ERP 7. fixed-asset modules? (For example some assets link to an SAP Fixed Asset system, others to an Oracle one) 27 Retired and disposed assets remain in the 8. database, with a special status.

27 Inactive / retired asset history retained? 9.

28 Warranted asset monitoring/ flagging 0.

28 Warranty term and provider tracking 1.

28 Assemblies of assets supported? 2.

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Req’t Asset Catalog Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 28 Does the system have the ability to structure 3. facilities and equipment in unlimited hierarchies, allowing parent-child relationships (such as mechanical, electrical, control systems etc.)? 28 Does the system provide an on-line display of 4. information concerning work history sorted by any field for plant facilities, equipment, and vehicles? 28 Does the system have the ability to track 5. unlimited user-defined asset types (i.e. motor, pump, control loop)? 28 Does the system have the ability to track 6. unlimited user-defined attribute types (i.e. name plate data, specifications) for each user-defined asset type in the database?

Req’t Technology Assets Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 28 Cable Management 7.

28 Terminals 8.

28 Devices 9.

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Req’t Technology Assets Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

29 Sockets 0.

29 User-defined cables 1.

29 User-defined terminals 2.

29 User-defined devices 3.

Req’t Parts/ Tools/ Material Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code Inventory fields include: 29 1. Quantity on hand 4.

29 2. Quantity reserved 5.

29 3. Reserved by 6.

29 4. Date expected

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Req’t Parts/ Tools/ Material Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

29 5. Quantity available now 8.

29 6. Where used 9.

30 Automatic update of inventory when parts are 0. assigned to a work order

30 Reorder points 1.

30 Reorder point automated notification / 2. workflow launch

30 Economic order quantities 3.

30 Serialized parts 4.

30 Stockroom control 5.

30 Tool reservation 6.

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Req’t Parts/ Tools/ Material Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 30 Linked purchase order creation 7.

30 Emergency picking 8.

30 Material receiving 9.

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Supporting Modules Req’t Integrated Reporting Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 31 Ability to combine and join data across any 0. modules, for reporting purposes.

Req’t Contact/ Vendor Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 31 Centralized contact data for all modules. 1.

Req’t Contract Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 31 Centralized contract data for all modules. 2.

31 Contract routing for approval. 3.

31 Warnings, workflow launch as contract 4. expiration approaches.

31 Warnings, workflow launch as contract 5. maximum expenditure approaches.

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Req’t Document Management Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 31 Markup & Redlining 6.

31 Routing 7.

31 Approval 8.

31 Publish 9.

32 Threaded discussions 0.

32 Check-in/Check-out/Download 1.

32 Version Control 2.

Req’t Workflow Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 32 End-user configurable 3.

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Req’t Workflow Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

32 Graphical representation 4.

32 Access to all data elements 5.

32 Value-based branching (i.e. Not-to-exceed 6. limits)

32 Workflow can generate new documents from 7. templates?

System/ General Req’t User Interface Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 32 Facilities dashboard (single screen for items 8. requiring a user’s attention)

32 Customer portal 9.

33 Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) 0.

33 Ad-hoc end-user Query and Data Mining 1.

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Req’t User Interface Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

33 Ability to add fields / custom data elements 2.

33 Configurable object attributes 3.

33 Does the CAFM System provide the ability to 4. move from one module or function (i.e. work orders to inventory control) without logging into each module separately? 33 Tabular data entry screens, for large volumes 5. tasks?

33 Does the CAFM System provide a toolbar with 6. graphical buttons to perform common functions? 33 Do all forms, pages and dialog boxes fit on the 7. screen, or is scrolling or paging required?

33 Does the online help document all features, 8. functions and tasks?

33 Is the online help context-sensitive? 9.

34 Does the CAFM System allow for the ability to 0. customize the on-line help files?

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Req’t User Interface Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

34 Global “Find” data value feature? 1.

34 Wildcards supported in Find feature? 2.

34 Partial match supported in Find feature? 3.

34 Comparators (<,>, ) supported in Find screens? 4.

34 Does the CAFM System allow the system 5. administrator to define fields that are required and fields that are not required? 34 Does the CAFM System visually distinguish 6. between fields that are required and fields that are display only? 34 Single point of entry for accounting clerk 7. functions.

34 Support for electronic invoicing? 8.

34 Support for paper invoicing? 9.

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Req’t User Interface Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 35 Paper voucher generation from electronically- 0. entered invoices?

35 Interface for mass changes or large-volume data 1. entry? (i.e. change all Compaq references to Hewlett-Packard)

Req’t Security Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 35 Unlimited depth to organizational hierarchy 2.

35 System administrator may grant no access, 3. read-only access, update, delete permissions to any user 35 Security can be established by system 4. administrator for each table/ screen/ procedure

35 Module-level security? 5.

35 Screen-level security? 6.

35 Menu/Function level security? 7.

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Req’t Security Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 35 Record-level security? 8.

35 Field-level security? 9.

36 Does the CAFM System provide the ability to 0. print an audit report of daily transactions by user ID, date, time, and transaction type? 36 System administrator may reset user 1. passwords?

36 Does the system have a concept of “user role”? 2.

36 Does the system have a concept of “user 3. group”?

36 Is direct query of the database supported 4. through SQL or ODBC?

36 Is direct update of t he database supported 5. through SQL or ODBC?

36 Can access to application modules be controlled 6. by user login ID?

36 Can access to application modules be controlled

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Req’t Security Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code by user role? 36 For all changes, is userID, datestamp, before 8. and after values captured?

36 Does the system have built-in features to 9. facilitate archiving of old data?

Req’t Platform Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 37 Fully web-based solution? 0.

37 J2EE Compliant 1.

37 Data accessible through XML / as a web service 2.

37 Is any client-computer software installation 3. required?

37 Does the package include any user- 4. customization tools, or is all customization through third-party tools? 37 Can the system administrator hide or expose 5. existing fields on screens?

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Req’t Platform Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

37 Can field titles and screen text be changed 6. without programming tools?

37 Does the system allow re-arrangement of fields 7. on the screen?

37 Can user-defined fields be added to screens? 8.

37 Is the CAFM System GIS-Aware? 9.

38 Does the CAFM System support GIS Shape 0. files?

38 Does the CAFM System support ArcInfo 1. coverages.

Req’t Field Platform Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 38 Is the system compatible for use with a 2. network-detached laptop computer?

38 Non-networked pen-based tablet computer? 3.

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Req’t Field Platform Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

38 Non-networked, docking handhelds? 4.

38 Wireless, networked handhelds? 5.

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Req’t Standards Compliance Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 38 OSCRE Compliant 6.

38 Bar-code reader integration 7.

38 OSCRE Compliant 8.

38 List data formats the system can natively export 9. to.

39 AIA Layer standard adherence in CAD 0. features?

39 CSI Codes used in construction budgeting 1. features?

39 Support for BOMA and IFMA space types in 2. Space Management?

Req’t Reporting Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 39 Will an entity-relationship diagram be supplied

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Req’t Reporting Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code with the proposed system? 39 Third party and new reports can be added to the 4. system and accessed from system menus?

39 List all supported third-party report writers. 5.

39 Can Non-technical users create reports, without 6. a third-party tool?

Includes the following Maintenance Management & Operations Reports out-of-the- box. 39  Work Order Status–Monthly & 7. Daily

39  Open work orders 8.

39  Closed work orders 9.

40  Completed work orders 0.

40  Work order backlog/aging 1.

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Req’t Reporting Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 40  PM schedule 2.

40  Planned vs. Actual Labor Hours 3.

40  Master Equipment List 4.

40  Equipment History 5.

40 Includes Space, Lease and Property 6. Management Reports out-of-the-box.

40 Includes Asset Management Reports out-of-the- 7. box.

40 Includes Program/Project Reports out-of-the- 8. box.

40  Program Level Budget Status 9. Report

41  Project Level Budget Status 0. Report

41  Program Level Payment Status

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Req’t Reporting Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code Report 41  Project Level Payment Status 2. Report

41  Executive Reports 3. (i.e. Projects Behind Schedule Project Over Budget) 41 Ad-hoc reporting ability. 4.

41 Meeting reports 5.

Req’t Messaging Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code 41 SMTP/POP3 Dispatch 6.

41 Direct login from received e-mail (i.e. recipient 7. can login to the appropriate context from a link in a system dispatched e-mail message) 41 Fax Dispatch 8.

41 Wireless handheld messaging 9.

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Req’t Messaging Response Comments # Requirement / Feature Code

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