General Implementation Guide

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General Implementation Guide



Address : Eurostat Secretariate eBES/EG6 c/o Wolfgang Knüppel Joseph Bech Building, A3/158 L-2920 Luxembourg Phone : (+352) 4301 33221, (+352) 4301 35373 (Secretariat) Fax : (+352) 4301 32139 Internet: [email protected]

Date of issue: December 1, 1997 Last updated: July 30, 2003 Reference to be quoted : EG6/WG3/MigGeneral_02 Status : Final/1 Author : WG 3


General Implementation Guide

Mail: Bâtiment Jean Monnet, Rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-2920 Luxembourg Offices: Bâtiment Joseph Bech, 5 Rue Alphonse Weicker, L-2721 Luxembourg Telephone: switchboard 43011 Telex: COMEU B 21877. Telegraphic address: COMEUR Luxembourg EG6/WG3/MigGeneral_02 2

1 Introduction

The European Board for EDI Standardisation, Expert Group 6 (EBES/EG6) has sought solutions to the specific problem of representing classifications in the EDI environment. The EG6 has the active participation from other international organisations such as OECD an UN/ECE and from national statistical agencies, customs authorities and central banks. As a result, a Classification Information Set Message, CLASET was designed. It is specially adapted to exchange tree structures (such as classifications) or code lists and the links between them into one combined message. The CLASET message is implemented in three EDI syntax:  XML;  EDIFACT;  SGML. The current implementation guide contains the information that is common to all formats. It makes the link between :

 CLASET Merise Data Model (document reference: EG6/WG3/ ModMerise_09)

 CLASET UML Data Model (document reference: EG6/WG3/ CLASETUMLModel_02)  XML Message Implementation Guide (document reference: EG6/WG3/MigXML_01)  EDIFACT Message Implementation Guide (document reference: EG6/WG3/ MigEDIFACT_02)  SGML Message Implementation Guides (document reference: EG6/WG3/MigSGML_02).

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2 Table of Content

1 Introduction...... 2 2 Table of Content...... 3 3 List of the entities...... 4 3.1 Message Information Entities...... 5 3.1.1 CLASET...... 5 3.1.2 CLASET PARTY...... 6 3.1.3 CLASET CONTACT...... 7 3.1.4 CLASET COMMUNICATION...... 8 3.2 Classification entities...... 9 3.2.1 CLASSIFICATION...... 11 3.2.2 LEVEL...... 13 3.2.3 ITEM...... 15 3.3 Classification’s Link Entities...... 17 3.3.1 LINK SET...... 18 3.3.2 CLASSIFICATION LINK...... 19 3.3.3 LEVEL LINK...... 20 3.3.4 ITEM LINK...... 21 3.4 General Information Entities...... 22 3.4.1 PROPERTY...... 23 3.4.2 PROPERTY TEXT...... 25 3.4.3 EVENT LOG...... 26 3.4.4 RESPONSIBLE AGENCY...... 27 3.4.5 NAME AND ADDRESS...... 28 3.4.6 NAME COMMUNICATION...... 29 3.4.7 SUBSET...... 30 4 Implementing of EDIFACT and SGML formats...... 31

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3 List of the entities

This chapter lists the entities composing the CLASET data model. These entities are classified into four groups:  the message information entities used to give the reference of the message such as the sender and the recipient;  the classification entities used to describe the structure of a classification;  the classification links entities used to describe the links between two classifications;  the general information entities used to define general information about classifications such as the responsible agency and the content of it such as the labels. The following information is given for each entity:  a description of the entity;  a table describing the attributes of the entity;  the implementation rules;  tables describing the values allowed for the coded attributes.

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3.1 Message Information Entities

3.1.1 CLASET

Description: An entity used to transmit general information about the message.


Attributes Description M/C Type claset_reference Message reference number M an..14 claset_version Message version number M an..3 claset_release Message release number M an..3 claset_controlling Identifies the agency controlling the message M an..2 claset_date Date (and optionally the time) of preparation C an..35 claset_subset_id Reference to another message containing the subset definition. C an..35 claset_function Code identifying the function of the message. C List

Implementation Rules: When the message is a response, it is recommended to mention the reference of the related request in the claset_subset_id attribute.

Code Lists:

Claset function Name Description REQUEST The message is a request. RESPONSE The message is a response to a request DEFINITION The message contains the definition of a classification, link set or subset.

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Description: An entity used to define the parties involved in a message.


Attribute Description M/C Type party_id Identifier of the party M an..35 party_name Name of the party C an..70 party_type Type of the party M List party_address Address component. C an..70 5 lines party_city City of the party C an..35 party_postcode Postcode of the party C an..9 party_country Country of the party. ISO 3166 (alpha 2 format C an..3 recommended)

Implementation Rules:

Code Lists:

Party type Name Description SENDER Name of the sender. RECIPIENT Name of the recipient

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Description: An entity used to give the name of contact persons or department of a party.


Attribute Description M/C Type claset_contact_id Identifier of the contact person or department C an..17 claset_contact_name Name of the contact person or department C an..35 claset_contact_function Function of the contact person or department C an..3

Implementation Rules:

Specify the identifier and/or the name of the contact.

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Description: An entity to give the communication number of a party.


Attribute Description M/C Type claset_com_number Communication number. M an..512 claset_com_type Type of the communication number. M List

Implementation Rules:

Code Lists:

Com type Name Description TELEPHONE Telephone number FAX Fax number EMAIL Email address … Unlimited list.

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3.2 Classification entities

A classification can be flat (or linear), e.g. a code list, or hierarchical such as the NACE Rev.1. A flat classification has only one level and all the items are contained in this level. A hierarchical classification has many levels and each level contains one to many items. The next figure shows the structure of a hierarchical classification:




There are 3 ways of sending a hierarchical classification: 1. Flat Method: the hierarchical classification is flattened: the levels are sent together at the beginning of the message before all the items. For each level, a sequential hierarchic number is sent in the “level_hierarchy” attribute. For each item, the hierarchic number of its related level is specified in the “item_hierarchy” field. The sequence of objects in the message using this method is: LEVEL 1 hierarchic number = 1 LEVEL 2 hierarchic number = 2 LEVEL 3 hierarchic number = 3 ITEM A hierarchic number = 1 ITEM AA hierarchic number = 2 ITEM 01 hierarchic number = 3 ITEM 02 hierarchic number = 3 ITEM AB hierarchic number = 2 ITEM 11 hierarchic number = 3 ITEM 12 hierarchic number = 3 Sending the items in this sequence, the relationship parent-child between the items can be deduced from the hierarchic number: AA and AB are the children of A, 01 and 02 are the children of AA, 11 and 12 are the children of AB. 2. Preorder Method: the levels and items are sent in the strict sequence of the hierarchy. A level is sent at each change of level. The sequence of the objects in the message using this method is: LEVEL 1 ITEM A LEVEL 2 ITEM AA LEVEL 3 ITEM 01 ITEM 02 LEVEL 2 ITEM AB LEVEL 3 ITEM 11 ITEM 12

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The related information for a level is sent only with its first occurrence (e.g. label, version number, visibility criteria, etc.). The relationship parent-child between the items can be deduced from the sequence of the levels and items: AA and AB are the children of A, 01 and 02 are the children of AA, 11 and 12 are the children of AB. 3. Levels Method: the levels and all their items are sent sequentially, e.g.: LEVEL 1 hierarchic number = 1 ITEM A hierarchic number = 1 LEVEL 2 hierarchic number = 2 ITEM AA hierarchic number = 2 parent item = A ITEM AB hierarchic number = 2 parent item = A LEVEL 3 hierarchic number = 3 ITEM 01 hierarchic number = 3 parent item = AA ITEM 02 hierarchic number = 3 parent item = AA ITEM 11 hierarchic number = 3 parent item = AB ITEM 12 hierarchic number = 3 parent item = AB As for the flat method, the hierarchic number must be specified for each level and item. The identifier of the parent item must be specified in the “item_parent” attribute of each item.

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Description: A classification describes the division of a set of objects, such as activities, products and goods into subsets. Often subsets are divided again into subsets of a deeper level up until the deepest and final level is reached. A classification divided into several levels is called “hierarchical”, a one- level classification is called “linear”.


Attributes Description M/C Type clas_id Identifier of the classification, language independent. M an..35 clas_version Identifier of the version number which is part of the second C an..17 level of identification for a classification. clas_number_of_levels Number of official levels in the classification. C n..15 clas_status Current status of the classification C List clas_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria describing the access rights for all C List information associated with this classification. clas_start_valid_period Represents the beginning of the validity period for the C an..35 classification clas_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period. C an..35 clas_function Code identifying the action to perform on the classification C List definition. clas_type Type of the classification contained in the message. M List

Implementation Rules:

Specify the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes for the classification, they will be inherited as default value for the classification components.

Code Lists:

Clas status Name Description DRAFT The classification status is draft LIVE The classification status is live EXPIRED The classification status is expired

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

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Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

Type Name Description CLS Classification VLI Value List OCH Organisation Chart

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3.2.2 LEVEL

Description: A level can be defined as consisting of all separate items which cover the entire field of a classification and which are characterised by homogeneous coding.


Attribute Description M/C Type level_id Identifier of the level M an..35 level_type Type of level. C List level_coding_structure_of_items Description of the generic method of codification of the C an..35 items in the level. level_id_qualifier Qualifier of the level describing the role played by the C an..35 level in the classification (generic name of the level) level_number_of_items_in_ref Exact number of all items in the level in the initial C n..15 classification level_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for all C List information associated with this level. level_version Specifies the version of the current level. C an..17 level_start_valid_period Represents the beginning of the validity period for the C an..35 level. level_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the level. C an..35 level_function Code identifying the action to perform on the level C List definition of the current classification level_hierarchy Sequential number specifiying the hierarchic level. C n..2

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Level type Name Description DUMMY The level is a dummy level UNCODED The level is an uncoded position

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

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Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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3.2.3 ITEM

Description: An item is the elementary unit in each level (can be broken down into items of a lower level).


Attribute Description M/C Type item_id Identifier of the Item M an..35 item_type Type associated with an item in order to specify grouping C List or structural relationship. item_version Specifies the version of the item. C an..17 item_status Status of the item. C List item_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for all C List information associated with this item. item_start_valid_period Represents the beginning of the validity period for the C an.35 item item_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the item C an..35 item_function Code identifying the action to perform on the item C List definition of the current classification item_hierarchy Hierarchic number (level_hierarchy) of the level C n..2 containing the item. item_parent Identifier of the parent item. C an..35

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Item type Name Description DUMMY GROUPING The item is a dummy grouping item DUMMY DE-GROUPING The item is a dummy de-grouping item OFFICIAL GROUPING The item is an official grouping item UNCODED The item is an uncoded position

Status Name Description PROVISIONAL The status of the item is provisional UPDATED The status of the item is updated REVISED The status of the item is revised FINAL The status of the item is final

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Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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3.3 Classification Links Entities

The classification links entities are used to describe relationships between classifications. In CLASET, the common information related to the set of links between two classifications, such as the version number is sent with the “Link set” entity. Each type of link (classification, level and item) has its own entity (classification link, level link, item link) to describe the information relative to the link. For each link, the sender may specify the source and target object(s). Example of links between two classifications:

Source Source label Target Target label Weight Weight Start End id id of source of target validity validity in target in source date of the date of link the link CL1 classification 1 CLa classification 2 01/01/97 L1 level 1 La level a 01/01/97 1 item 1 a item a 0,84 1,00 01/01/97 31/12/97 L2 level 2 Lb level b 01/01/97 2 item 2 3 item 3 b item b 0,57 1,00 01/01/97 31/12/97 3 item 3 c item c 0,43 0,95 01/01/97 31/12/97

This table of links will be sent in the following way: Classification Link: 01/01/97 Source: CL1 classification 1 Target: CLa classification 2 Level Link: 01/01/97 Source: L1 level 1 Target: La level a Item Link: 01/01/97 31/12/97 Source: 1 item 1 0,84 Target: a item a 1,00 Level Link: 01/01/97 Source: L2 level 2 Target: Lb level b Item Link: Source: 2 item 2 Item Link: 01/01/97 31/12/97 Source: 3 item 3 0,57 Target: b item b 1,00 Item Link: 01/01/97 31/12/97 Source: 3 item 3 0,43 Target: c item c 0,95 If a source item has many target items and if the information related to the link is the same for all the target items, the sender must not repeat the item link and the source item. Example: Item Link: 01/01/97 31/12/97 Source: 3 item 3 Target: b item b Target: c item c The classification links part of CLASET is designed to send the links between two classifications. If the sender need to send links between more than two classifications, he has to create further messages.

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3.3.1 LINK SET

Description: This entity groups occurrences of “Classification link”, “Level_link” and “Item_link” to give them common properties.


Attribute Description M/C Type link_set_id Identifier of the link set. M an..35 link_set_type Type of link_set. C List link_set_version Specifies the version of the current link_set. C an..17 link_set_start_valid_period Represents the start of the validity period for the C an..35 link set. link_set_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the C an..35 link set. link_set_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights C List for all the information associated with this link set. link_set_function Code identifying the action to perform on the C List current link set.

Implementation Rules:

Specify the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes for the link set, they will be inherited as default value for the link set components.

Code Lists:

Link set type Name Description CORRESPONDENCE The link set is a correspondence table: the item linked are not of the same concept (that means they are related but cannot overlap each others). OVERLAPPING The link set is an overlapping table: the item linked are of the same concept (that means they are mathematically overlap each others). GROUP LINK The link set is a group link table: the relation groups normal items of a level with items above this level and between two levels. DE-GROUP LINK The link set is a de-group link table: the relation de-groups normal items of a level with items under this level and between two levels. HISTORIC The link set is a historic table: links between successive items (with or without time interrupt). HIERARCHIC The link set is a hierarchic table: links between father and sons items of a structure. A father can have one or more childrens, but a child can only have one father.

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value

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NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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Description: Description of the links between two classifications ( the source and the target).


Attribute Description M/C Type clas_link_id Identifier of the classification link. M an..35 clas_link_type Type of classification link. C List clas_link_version Specifies the version of the current classification link. C an..17 clas_link_start_valid_period Represents the start of the validity period for the C an..35 classification link. clas_link_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the C an..35 classification link. clas_link_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for C List all the information associated with this classification link. clas_link_function Code identifying the action to perform on the current C List classification link.

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Link type Name Description NORMAL Normal link CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence link DEPENDENCY Dependency link SUCCESSOR Successor link – historical link. PREDECESSOR Predecessor link - historical link. SIMPLE Simple link – one to one link. MULTIPLE Multiple link – one or many to many link. HIERARCHIC Hierarchic link

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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Description: Description of the links between two levels (the source and the target) of the related classifications.


Attribute Description M/C Type level_link_id Identifier of the level in the correspondence link. M an..35 level_link_type Type of level link.. C List level_link_version Specifies the version of the level in the link. M an..17 level_link_start_valid_period Represents the start of the validity period for the level C an..35 in the link. level_link_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the level C an..35 in the link. level_link_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for C List all the information associated with this level link. level_link_function Code identifying the action to perform on the current C List level link.

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Link type Name Description NORMAL Normal link CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence link DEPENDENCY Dependency link SUCCESSOR Successor link PREDECESSOR Predecessor link SIMPLE Simple link MULTIPLE Multiple link HIERARCHIC Hierarchic link

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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Description: Description of the links between items (the source item and the target items) of the related classifications


Attribute Description M/C Type item_link_id Identifier of the item link. M an..35 item_link_type Type of item link.. C List item_link_version Specifies the version of the item in the link. C an..17 item_link_start_valid_period Represents the start of the validity period for the item in C an..35 the link. item_link_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the item in C an..35 the link. item_link_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for all C List the information associated with this item link. item_link_function Code identifying the action to perform on the current C List item link.

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Link type Name Description NORMAL Normal link CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence link DEPENDENCY Dependency link SUCCESSOR Successor link PREDECESSOR Predecessor link SIMPLE Simple link MULTIPLE Multiple link HIERARCHIC Hierarchic link

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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3.4 General Information Entities

This section describes the entities that are used both to send a classification and a link set.


Description: A generic entity that is used to define any type of property and its value on the one hand, and to detail, on the other, the classification, the levels and finally the items. This entity plays an important role when specifying the nature of information exchange within a message and should by its use, allow for exchange of data which do not directly frame in predifined structure.


Attribute Description M/C Type property_name Name, appellation, denomination of a property in a M List given language. property_type Identifies the type of the property. C List property_data_type Code describing the property value type C List property_minimum_length Minimum length of the property value C n..3 property_maximum_length Maximum length of the property value C n..3 property_generic_name Name of the generic property C an..35 property_status Status of the generic property C List property_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for C List this Information. property_start_valid_period Represents the beginning of the validity period for the C an..35 property. property_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the C an..35 property. property_function Code identifying the action to perform on the property C List definition of the current classification

Implementation Rules:

Inheritance rule: if the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period and function attributes are not specified, they are inherited from the upper level.

Code Lists:

Property name Name Description LABEL Label of the related object FOOTNOTE Footnote attached to the related object EXPLANATORY NOTE Explanatory note of the related object NOTE Common note attached to the property COMMENT Comment or description attached to the related object GENERIC Generic property. The name of the property has to be specified in the “generic name” field. WEIGHT Weight of the related component inside the link.

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Property type Name Description OFFICIAL Official value UNOFFICIAL Unofficial value

Status Name Description PROVISIONAL The status of the property is provisional UPDATED The status of the property is updated REVISED The status of the property is revised FINAL The status of the property is final

Data type Name Description ALPHABETIC Property value is an alphabetic string ALPHANUMERIC Property value is an alphanumeric string NUMERIC Property value is a numeric string

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Property function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the property value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the property value FREEZE Freeze the property value NEW Add the new property value REPLACE Replace the previous property value

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Description: An entity that is used to define the text attached to a property. Many occurrences of this entity allow the user to define structured text.


Attribute Description M/C Type property_text_name Name, appellation, denomination of a property text in a M List given language. property_text_type Identifies the type of the property text. M List property_text_language Language of the property text. C an..3 property_text_value Value associated with this property C text

Implementation Rules:

The allowed values of the “property_text_name” attributes depend of the related “property_name” value. See the property text name code list.

Code Lists:

Property text name Name Description PLAIN TEXT Textual value of the property COMMENT Remark, comment or description of the property VALUE Value of the property.

When property name is “Label” FULL Full label – no length limitation. USUAL/SELF Usual, Self explanatory label. EXPLANATORY NORMALISED Normalised label – normalised length. CONTEXT Context where the label can be used (origin: BSR).

When property name is “Explanatory note” CENTRAL CONTENT Central content of the explanatory note (“This class includes”). LIMIT CONTENT Limit content of the explanatory note (“This class also includes”). EXCLUSIONS Exclusions of the explanatory note (‘This class excludes”). RULES Rules attached to the explanatory note.

Property text type Name Description SUB-TITLE Title. CONTENT-VALUE Content, value. EXAMPLE Example. DESCRIPTION Description.

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Description: An event_log represents the historical list of all the events that have affected a classification, a level, an item or a subset.


Attribute Description M/C Type event_life_cycle_step Specifies the logical phase in the life-cycle of the current M List classification. event_operation Describes the operation carried out. M List event_date Specifies the date of the operation. M an..32

Implementation Rules:

Code Lists:

Life cycle step Name Description COMPILATION The event appeared during the compilation step MAINTENANCE The event appeared during the maintenance step DISSEMINATION The event appeared during the dissemination step REFERENCE The event appeared during the reference step

Operation Name Description CREATED The object was created UPDATED The object was updated DELETED The object was deleted RECTIFIED The object was rectified

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Description: A responsible agency is a body responsible for the compilation, the maintenance, the dissemination or the reference of a Classification or a sub-Classification.


Attribute Description M/C Type responsible_agency_id Identifier of a responsible agency M an..35 responsible_agency_name Name of the responsible agency C an..70 responsible_agency_role Role of the responsible agency M List responsible_agency_language Language of writing of the agency name. ISO 639- C an..3 1988 code of the languages.

Implementation Rules:

Code Lists:

Role Name Description COMPILATION The agency is responsible of the classification compilation. MAINTENANCE The agency is responsible of the classification maintenance. DISSEMINATION The agency is responsible of the classification dissemination. REFERENCE The agency is responsible of the classification reference.

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Description: Defines the name and address of a contact of a responsible agency.


Attribute Description M/C Type name_contact Reference of individuals. M an..35 name_function Function of the contact person C an..70 name_address Address (zipcode, locality, ...). C an..70 5 lines name_city City of the contact C an..35 name_postcode Postcode of the contact C an..9 name_country Country of the contact. ISO 3166 (alpha 2 format C an..3 recommended)

Implementation Rules:


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Description: Defines the communication number of a contact of a responsible agency.


Attribute Description M/C Type com_number Communication number M an..512 com_type Type of the communication number M an..35

Implementation Rules:

Code Lists:

Com type Name Description TELEPHONE Telephone number FAX Fax number EMAIL Email address X400 X400 address … Unlimited list

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3.4.7 SUBSET

Description: A subset represents a part of a classification. The subset is defined by the user. The subset is composed of a set of fields and/or areas. A subset represents a separate unit.


Attribute Description M/C Type subset_id Identifier of the subset provided by the requester M an..35 subset_type Type of the subset. C List e.g. domain, field, area, etc. subset_version Specifies the version of the current subset. M an..17 subset_start_valid_period Represents the start of the validity period for the subset C an..35 subset_end_valid_period Represents the end of the validity period for the subset. C an..35 subset_visibility_criteria Visibility criteria which describe the access rights for all the C List information associated with this subset. subset_function Code identifying the action to perform on the current subset. C List

Implementation Rules:

Specify the visibility criteria, start valid period, end valid period, version number and function attributes for the link set, they will be inherited as default value for the link set components.

Code Lists:

Subset type Name Description DOMAIN The subset is a domain FIELD The subset is a field AREA The subset is an area

Visibility criteria Name Description RESTRICTED Restricted access to the data UNRESTRICTED Unrestricted access to the data

Function Name Description ADD AND REPLACE Add the value or replace it if it already exists DELETE Delete the value FREEZE Freeze the value NEW Add the new value REPLACE Replace the previous value

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4 Implementing of EDIFACT and SGML formats

This chapter makes the parallel between the EDIFACT and the SGML implementations of the CLASET message.

The labels of the columns codes are:

M/C Mandatory/Conditional Lv Level of the segment in the EDIFACT message Gr Number of the EDIFACT segment group Seg Name of the EDIFACT segment Cmp Number of the EDIFACT composite element Elem Number of the EDIFACT element Format Format of the element Value EDIFACT code value Element Name of the SGML element Cmp Name of the SGML sub element or attribute Value SGML attribute value

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET M 0 UNH S009 0065 an..6 CLASET claset imposed value reference M 0 UNH 0062 an..14 head ref user value version M 0 UNH S009 0052 an..3 D head version 1 imposed value release M 0 UNH S009 0054 an..3 96B head release 0 imposed value controlling M 0 UNH S009 0051 an..2 UN head control EG6 imposed value function C 0 BGM C002 1001 an..3 head function coded value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET DATE date/time M 1 DTM C507 2005 an..3 137 date type MPR message preparation date C507 2380 an..35 date user value format M 1 DTM C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET REFERENCE subset id C 1 1 RFF C506 1153 an..3 AGI clref type RQS request number C C506 1154 an..35 clref ref user value subset date C 1 DTM C507 2005 an..3 318 date type RQS request date C C507 2380 an..35 date user value C 1 DTM C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET PARTY type M 1 2 PNA 3035 an..3 clparty type coded value name M 1 2 PNA C816 3398 an..70 clparty pname user value address C 2 2 ADR C090 3477 an..3 1 imposed value C090 3286 an..70 clparty address user value city C 2 2 ADR 3164 an..35 clparty city user value postcode C 2 2 ADR 3251 an..9 clparty zip user value country C 2 2 ADR 3207 an..3 clparty country user value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET CONTACT id C 2 3 CTA C056 3413 an..17 pcontact cid user value name C 2 3 CTA C056 3412 an..35 pcontact cname user value function C 2 3 CTA 3139 an..3 pcontact function coded value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASET COMMUNICATION number M 3 3 COM C076 3148 an..512 com user value type M 3 3 COM C076 3155 an..3 com type coded value

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASSIFICATION M 1 4 VLI C780 7405 an..3 classif qualifier coded value id M 1 4 VLI C780 1518 an..35 classif id user value version C 1 4 VLI C240 7037 an..17 classif version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number number of levels C 2 4 EQN C523 6350 n..15 classif nbcomp user number status C 1 4 VLI 4405 an..3 classif status coded value visibility criteria C 2 7 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 data privacy C601 1131 an..3 S03 status type C555 9011 an..3 classif viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 2 2 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 2 2 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value function C 2 7 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 data contents C601 1131 an..3 S03 status type C555 9011 an..3 classif function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value RESPONSIBLE_AGENCY id M 2 5 PNA C082 3039 an..35 agency pid user value name C 2 5 PNA C816 3405 an..3 10 organisation name C816 3398 an..70 agency pname user value role M 2 5 PNA 3035 an..3 agency role coded value language C 3 5 LAN 3455 an..3 4 written language C508 3453 an..3 agency lg coded value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value NAME AND ADDRESS id C 3 6 CTA C056 3413 an..17 acontact cid user value name C 3 6 CTA C056 3412 an..35 acontact cname user value function C 3 6 CTA 3139 an..3 acontact function coded value address C 4 6 ADR C090 3477 an..3 1 imposed value C 4 6 ADR C090 3286 an..70 acontact address user value city C 4 6 ADR 3164 an..35 acontact city user value postcode C 4 6 ADR 3251 an..9 acontact zip user value country C 4 6 ADR 3207 an..3 acontact country user value

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value NAME COMMUNICATION number M 4 6 COM C076 3148 an..512 com user value type M 4 6 COM C076 3155 an..3 com type coded value

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value PROPERTY ATT 9017 an..3 7 structure attribute name M ATT C955 9021 an..3 prop name coded value C955 1131 an..3 S06 imposed value type C ATT C956 9019 an..3 prop type coded value C956 1131 an..3 S31 imposed value data type C ELM 9153 an..3 prop datatype user value minimum length C ELM 9158 n..3 prop minlg user value maximum length C ELM 9156 n..3 prop maxlg user value generic name C ATT C956 9018 an..35 prop gname user value status C STS C601 9015 an..3 2 object status C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 prop status coded value C555 1131 an..3 S04 data elaboration start valid period C DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 prop viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 prop function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value PROPERTY TEXT name M CAV C889 7111 an..3 qual name coded value C889 1131 an..3 S32 imposed value type C FTX 4451 an..3 p type coded value language C FTX 3453 an..3 p lg coded value value C FTX C108 4440 an..70 p text value (5 lines)

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value EVENT_LOG life cycle step M STS C601 9015 an..3 event step coded value C601 1131 an..3 S03 status type operation M STS C555 9011 an..3 event operation coded value C555 1131 an..3 S05 life cycle event date M DTM C507 2005 an..3 7 date type EFF effective date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value LEVEL 2 11 SCD 7497 an..3 Z07 Tree structure level id M SCD C786 7512 an..35 level id user value version C 2 11 SCD C240 7037 an..17 level version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type 3 13 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 35 structure level type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 level type user value C956 1131 an..3 S30 structure level type number of items C 3 11 EQN C523 6350 n..15 level nbcomp user number coding structure of items C 3 13 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C956 9019 an..3 29 coding structure of component C956 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9018 an..35 level coding user value id qualifier C 3 13 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C956 9019 an..3 31 identifier qualifier C956 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9018 an..35 level qualifier user value visibility criteria C 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 level viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value function C 3 11 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 level function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation hierarchy C 2 11 SCD 1222 n..2 level hierarchy user number

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value ITEM 2 11 SCD 7497 an..3 Z08 Structure item id M 2 11 SCD C786 7512 an..35 item id user value version C 2 11 SCD C240 7037 an..17 item version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type C 2 11 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 34 structure item type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 item type user value C956 1131 an..3 S10 imposed value status 3 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 2 object status C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 item status coded value C555 1131 an..3 S04 data elaboration visibility criteria C 3 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 item viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value function C 3 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 item function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation parent item C 2 11 SCD C778 7164 an..35 item tree related item id hierarchic level C 2 11 SCD 1222 n..2 item hierarchy user number

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value LINK SET 1 4 VLI C780 7405 an..3 ZC Link Set id M 1 4 VLI C780 1518 an..35 linkset id user value version C 1 4 VLI C240 7037 an..17 linkset version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type C 1 4 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 33 link set type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 linkset type user value C956 1131 an..3 S09 object relationship start valid period C 2 4 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 2 4 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C 2 7 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 linkset viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C 2 7 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 linkset function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASSIFICATION_LINK 2 11 SCD 7497 an..3 Z09 Tree structure link id M 2 11 SCD C206 7402 an..35 cllink id user value type C 2 11 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 32 object link type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 cllink type user value C956 1131 an..3 S09 object relationship version C 2 11 SCD C240 7037 an..17 cllink version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number start valid period C 3 12 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 3 12 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C 3 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 cllink viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C 3 12 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 cllink function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value SOURCE CLASSIFICATION M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z10 Linked source tree structure TARGET CLASSIFICATION M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z11 Linked target tree structure id M 3 15 IDE C206 7402 an..35 clsource id user value cltarget version C 3 15 IDE C240 7037 an..17 clsource version user value cltarget C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number number of levels C 4 15 EQN C523 6350 n..15 clsource nbcomp user number cltarget status C 3 15 IDE 4405 an..3 clsource status coded value cltarget visibility criteria C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 clsource viscrit coded value cltarget C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value function C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 clsource function coded value cltarget C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value LEVEL_LINK 2 10 SCD 7497 an..3 Z10 id M 2 10 SCD C206 7402 an..35 lvlink id user value type C 2 10 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 32 object link type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 lvlink type user value C956 1131 an..3 S09 object relationship version C 2 10 SCD C240 7037 an..17 lvlink version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number start valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C 3 11 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 lvlink viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C 3 11 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 lvlink function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value SOURCE LEVEL M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z12 Linked source tree structure level TARGET LEVEL M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z13 Linked target tree structure level id M 3 15 IDE C206 7402 an..35 lvsource id user value lvtarget version C 3 15 IDE C240 7037 an..17 lvsource version user value lvtarget C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type C 3 15 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 35 structure level type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 lvsource type user value lvtarget C956 1131 an..3 S30 structure level type nb items C 4 15 EQN C523 6350 n..15 lvsource nbcomp user number lvtarget coding items C 4 17 ATT 9017 an..3 3 imposed value C956 9019 an..3 29 coding structure of component C956 1131 an..3 S06 C956 9018 an..35 lvsource coding user value lvtarget visibility criteria C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 lvsource viscrit coded value lvtarget C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value Version 1.0: December 97 CLASET General Implementation Guide EG6/WG3/xx/97001 45

function C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 lvsource function coded value lvtarget C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation hierarchy C 3 15 IDE 1222 n..2 lvsource hierarchy user number lvtarget

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value ITEM_LINK 2 10 SCD 7497 an..3 Z11 Structure item link id M 2 10 SCD C206 7402 an..35 itlink id user value type C 2 10 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 32 object link type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 itlink type user value C956 1131 an..3 S09 object relationship version C 2 10 SCD C240 7037 an..17 itlink version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number start valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 3 11 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C 3 11 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 itlink viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C 3 11 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 itlink function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value SOURCE ITEM M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z14 Linked source item TARGET ITEM M 3 15 IDE 7495 an..3 Z15 Linked target item id M 3 15 IDE C206 7402 an..35 itsource id user value ittarget version C 3 15 IDE C240 7037 an..17 itsource version user value ittarget C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type C 3 15 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 34 structure item type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 itsource type user value ittarget C956 1131 an..3 S10 imposed value visibility criteria C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 itsource viscrit coded value ittarget C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 4 15 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value function C 4 16 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 itsource function coded value ittarget C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation parent item C 3 15 SCD C778 7164 an..12 item tree related item id hierarchic level C 3 15 IDE 1222 n..2 itsource hierarchy user number ittarget

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ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value SUBSET 1 3 VLI C780 7405 an..3 tree structure subset id M 1 3 VLI C780 1518 an..35 subset id user value version C 1 3 VLI C240 7037 an..17 subset version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number type C 1 3 ATT 9017 an..3 7 imposed value C955 9021 an..3 27 structure item type C955 1131 an..3 S06 attribute type C956 9019 an..3 subset type user value C956 1131 an..3 S07 imposed value start valid period C 2 3 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 date type STR start date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value end valid period C 2 3 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date type END end date C507 2380 an..35 date formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date format coded value visibility criteria C 2 6 STS C555 9011 an..3 subset viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy function C 2 6 STS C555 9011 an..3 subset function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

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Classification can only be sent in a SCD segment when VLI contains a Subset

ENTITY/Attribute M/C EDIFACT SGML Type of value / Comments Lv Gr Seg Cmp Elem Format Value Element Cmp Value CLASSIFICATION M 2 3 SCD 7497 an..3 Z06 Tree structure id M 2 3 SCD C780 1518 an..35 classif id user value version C 2 3 SCD C240 7037 an..17 classif version user value C240 1131 an..3 S08 version number number of levels C 3 3 EQN C523 6350 n..15 classif nbcomp user number status C 2 3 SCD 4405 an..3 classif status coded value visibility criteria C 3 6 STS C601 9015 an..3 1 imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 classif viscrit coded value C555 1131 an..3 S01 data privacy start valid period C 3 2 DTM C507 2005 an..3 194 start date C507 2380 an..35 date type STR formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date coded value end valid period C 3 2 DTM C507 2005 an..3 206 date format end date C507 2380 an..35 date type END formatted value C507 2379 an..3 date coded value function C 3 6 STS C601 9015 an..3 3 date format imposed value C601 1131 an..3 S03 imposed value C555 9011 an..3 classif function coded value C555 1131 an..3 S02 maintenance operation

Version 1.0: December 97 CLASET General Implementation Guide

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