Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting
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Minutes of the Market Bosworth Parish Council Meeting held on 1 April 2008 at 7.00 p.m. at The Parish Hall, Park Street, Market Bosworth.
PRESENT Chairman Cllr H Whitehead, Cllrs R Symonds, G Betts, S Ward, K Coleman, P Winchester, K Hughes, County Cllr I Ould and Parish Clerk Mrs C Monkman Two members of the public were present.
1 APOLOGIES The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.00 p.m. Apologies were received from Cllr J Wiffill (away on business). Apologies accepted.
2 MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING ON 4 MARCH 2008 The Minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved as distributed and signed by the Chairman.
3 SITUATION REPORT a Lonek Wojtulewicz, Head of Planning for Leicestershire, has confirmed that Parish Councils will be kept up to date on planning applications sent to Leicestershire County Council via email rather than paperwork. b Planters have advised that they will correct the cemetery turning circle pavers when the weather is better, and will sort out the solar panel at the same time. They are still chasing the pillar manufacturers re repair of the pillar cracks. c The Parish Council office’s landlord, Flavells, requires that all electrical appliances in the office be PAT tested (Portable Appliance Testing) for safety. The Clerk is to liaise with them when the new computer has been installed. d An email has been sent to Ian Grierson of LCC Highways re the driveway in the copse off Station Road, to find out who owns the land. e The Clerk confirmed that hedging and trees have been removed along Station Road exactly as per the conditions attached to planning permission for the construction of the Golf Course, planning application 02/00685/COU. Simon Cheshire of H&BBC has confirmed that an agreement between H&BBC and LCC Highways was made in 2002 that visibility be improved to 90 metres either side of the new entrance in order to create a right hand turn in to the Golf Course and a right hand turn in to Godson’s Hill. The hedge is to be replaced by a post and rail fence as per the original application. f Meetings attended: Affordable Housing: The Clerk, Cllrs G Betts and R Symonds met Valerie Bunting, Hinckley & Bosworth Housing Strategy and Enabling Officer, on 27 March. Ms Bunting is employed by H&BBC to work with Richard Windley who works in partnership with the Borough. Ms Bunting’s role is to liaise between Parish Councils and developers re affordable housing and to find rural exception sites on which to build. She explained the different types of affordable housing. Anyone on a waiting list with the Borough Council can move in to Section 106 affordable homes – whoever is top of the list has priority and the person will be local to the borough, rather than local to the parish. This is compared with affordable housing built on Rural Exception Sites, which is affordable housing for people local to the parish, built on sites that would normally be branded Greenfield. The problem with this type is that a list of local people can be made, but the timescale between making the list, finding the site and building the homes can mean that by the time the houses are built some of those local people have moved elsewhere, meaning non-parish people move in. Ms Bunting explained changes coming in to force regarding housing developments as follows. The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document changes the rules for affordable housing and now looks to build 10-15 houses rather than 20-25 houses on Greenfield sites. These are of shared ownership, with the tenant responsible for maintenance of the property which sometimes proves problematic. Bungalows are rare because of the large footprint required Another change is that any developments on other sites consisting of 15 or more houses must include affordable housing (the figure used to be any development of 25 or more). There is to be a move away from 2 bedroom flats which have not proved successful. Christmas Festivities: The Clerk and Cllr G Betts attended a ‘Christmas Festivities’ meeting on 31 March to discuss the events in the Market Square at Christmas time. Cally Wilkinson stepped down as chairman as his shop Ore Inspired is to close in September. The new chairman is the owner of Café Torte; lights switch on will be on 27 November 2008 and Cllr K Coleman was asked if he would agree to store two further boxes of lights. Cllr Coleman agreed to do this. g Correspondence received: Letter from Rosemary Mills advising that the Green Flag awards are made in July and that estimates are being obtained to improve disability access at the Country Park to see if funding is available. An email from Robert Kane of Highways Area South advising that the signing project for Market Bosworth was put on hold last year during the start of the current reorganisation. However, work programmes are currently being established for year 2008/09 and he will endeavour to bring the scheme into that programme and will look at improving the issue on Sutton Lane at that time. An email from a resident expressing concern over the slight step between the Black Horse car park and the Parish Council’s car park on Rectory Lane and requesting that the Parish Council petition for lighting at this point. The issue was discussed and it was resolved that Parish Councillors will look at the step over the next month and bring the matter to the next meeting for decision. The Council declined to provide lighting for the car park, preferring to adhere to an earlier decision on this matter. A letter from a resident of Horse Shoe Close expressing concern over traffic on Station Road and narrow pavements making it unsafe for children walking to school. The Clerk has acknowledged the letter and forwarded it to County Councillor I Ould for attention. A copy of a letter from Market Bosworth Society to Tracy Darke, Development Services and Policy Manager, H&BBC, expressing concern over the loss of trees and hedging on Station Road in order to create access to the Golf Course. h Meetings to attend: 3 April, Event Safety Forum, Hinckley – Cllr H Whitehead to attend. 3 April, Hinckley & Bosworth Parishes Forum, Hinckley – Cllr G Betts to attend. 22 April, Sally Crossfield to meet the Clerk and Cllrs G Betts and R Symonds in the office to discuss events safety forms. 4 June Leicestershire and Rutland Association of Local Councils, County/Local Councils Conference, County Hall, Glenfield, 4.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. Two themes to centre on youth issues and the County Highways Service. Decision on who to attend to be made by early May. 10 April, Patient Liaison Committee meeting, Newbold Verdon Surgery. Christine Coleman is no longer the Parish Council representative. It was resolved that the Clerk will attend.
4 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr H Whitehead declared an interest relating to burial charges for non residents of Market Bosworth.
5 REPORTS a County Cllr I Ould Cllr I Ould has emailed Ian Grierson of LCC Highways to express concern over lack of information and the safety of pedestrians while roadworks on Station Road are carried out. John Glover LCC and Simon Cheshire H&BBC have advised that the final specification for footways has not yet been decided and the Parish Council supported Cllr I Ould’s concerns over the lack of communication between the Highways and the Parish and the apparent contradiction between approving definite plans and stating that nothing is yet finalised. The Clerk confirmed that an email has been sent to Ian Grierson raising the issue of safety of pedestrians both during and after the road works. It was agreed that a letter of complaint should be sent to the Chief Executive. A general discussion on footpath safety followed: the Parish Council needs to know exactly what is being proposed along Station Road. At present only the footpath along a 90m stretch is being changed but the whole of the road as far as the Water Park and proposed Marina needs to be made safer. However, it is accepted that the Highways and the golf course contractor do not own all the land all the way down and can only improve the part they do own. Funding is an issue. It was agreed that cars are going too fast along this road, but Cllr I Ould stated that the LCC would support a speed of 40 mph leaving the village, rather than the 20mph proposed by the Parish Council. It was also agreed that the Parish Council will not propose replacement hedging along Station Road, but will support the post and rail fence as being a safer option for pedestrians. It was also agreed that Cllr S Ward will seek to obtain figures for speeding on Station Road at the next Crime and Safety Forum. Cllr I Ould is to take up with the Police, under The Freedom of Information Act, the issue of 7.5 tonne weight limits and in particular seeking to establish how many lorries are travelling through Market Bosworth on the pretext of delivering to the golf course. Cllr I Ould also advised that LCC is creating a centralised database of Parish Clerk details. Cllr I Ould attended the Bosworth Community Forum at which the targets for the Leicestershire Sustainable Strategy were detailed: less HGV traffic and speeding through the villages; a greater range of shops in Market Bosworth and better parking facilities; improved access to employment supported by improved public transport; improved access to all types of housing including affordable housing; more facilities for the elderly, young people and young children; more leisure and learning opportunities for all ages; the heritage and tourism potential to be maximised; reduction in emissions of greenhouse gasses and the amount of waste going to landfill. It was agreed that implementing the strategy would be difficult eg it costs £129 to put on a bus in the area which is not affordable without heavy subsidies. Cllr I Ould agreed to report to the Community Forum that the Parish Council disagrees with point 2 as it is not possible to determine who should open what shop and how successful it will be and since the strategy was first drafted the Parish Council has completed Rectory Lane car park, something which the strategists at LCC keep being told and keep failing to register. b Borough Cllr R Aldridge – no report. c Crime and Safety Forum – no report.
6 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION A member of the public suggested that the schools be invited to support a scheme for better footpaths. It was pointed out that the schools are drafting a travel plan but it was agreed that Cllr H Whitehead will speak to John Willetts, Chairman of the governors at the Primary School, to recommend that better footpaths could be a part of the travel plan recommendations.
7 PLANNING MATTERS a Plans approved 07/01443/FUL Erection of Toilet Block, Bosworth Water Trust, Coton Bridge Lane, Far Coton. 08/00111/TPO Works to Trees, Swan House, The Park, Market Bosworth. b Plans declined/delayed None. c New plans 08/00200/FUL Extensions and alterations to dwelling, 86 Shenton Lane, Market Bosworth. The Parish Council has no objection to this application. 08/00114/TPO Removal of one tree and works to 3 trees, The Old Rectory, Rectory Lane, Market Bosworth. The Parish Council has no objection to this application. 08/00217/FUL Retention of slab area, Greenkeeper’s Store, Golf Course. After much discussion about the fact that the slab area should not have been built in the first place and was therefore in contravention of the original planning application and approval, it was decided that the Parish Council has no objection to the application. 08/00135/FUL Creation of two Lakes, land west of Barton Road, Market Bosworth. The Parish Council objects to the proposal as insufficient evidence is provided relating to ecological impact, purpose and vehicular access or car parking. The Parish Council recommends that conditions be attached as follows: that the lakes shall be used for fishing and no other water based activities; that a footpath be constructed between Market Bosworth and Carlton by the contractors to ensure safer entrance to the site; that the land around the lakes should NOT be used for buildings for recreational use, such as log cabins, or for caravans or other such mobile homes. The Parish Council noted that the infilling of two lakes on Wellesborough Road was deemed to be a major County Council planning issue and wonders why the creation of two lakes on Barton Road is deemed to be a lesser issue. 08/00272/LBC Erection of signage, 8 Market Place, Market Bosworth. The Parish Council has no objection to the proposed lettering, but does object to the proposed ‘steaming teacup’ and recommends that the signage be amended accordingly. The Parish Council raises no objection to the downlighting as proposed but expects it to be ‘soft’. It was noted that one attached photograph indicates an alteration to the dormer window casement. The Parish Council objects to the proposed change – a clear casement to match the window below would be inappropriate. If any change is to be made it should match the other gridded windows.
8 TO RECEIVE A PROGRESS REPORT FROM THE CEMETERY WORKING PARTY The damaged tree with broken branches has been tidied and made safe by Tony Gardner of Aylesbrook Garden Service. Issue of gate ongoing. John Glover has stated that the LCC owns the land up to the hedge and has no objection in principle to the Parish Council installing a gate in the gap in the hedge. Louise Forman of H&BBC planning has stated that no planning permission is required as the road is not a classified road and no engineering work is required to cross from the gated road in to the field. However, permission to ‘cross the grass verge’ is required. The Clerk has requested a Section 184 Licence form from the Highways Southern Area office for completion. It was agreed that quotations for installation of a gate be obtained and that a gate be installed to ensure security of the site, but that it will not be used until the necessary paperwork is completed. It has been pointed out that the meadow is too bumpy to mow and that rolling is insufficient. It was agreed that Bosworth Groundcare and Maintenance will harrow, rather than roll, the meadow to prepare it for the summer. A request has been received to be allowed to bury a young man who no longer lives in Market Bosworth, but who grew up in the village, married in the village and whose parents still live in the village. The cemetery working party raised the issue of whether to charge such a family the normal surcharge for burial of non residents. On this occasion the working party recommended that the surcharge not be invoked. The Council agreed to accept this recommendation. A new resolution was unanimously approved as follows: ‘The Council agrees that the Cemetery Working Party has a discretion to decide whether or not to invoke the 100% surcharge on burials etc of non-Market Bosworth Residents’.
9 TO RECEIVE A PROGRESS REPORT ON THE PRODUCTION OF THE UPDATED TOWN GUIDE The Town Guide is nearing readiness for a proof to be prepared by John Oakley. Some traders are still adjusting their adverts. All parties offered slots have taken them up with one exception due to a change in circumstances but this slot has been taken by Hydes of Bosworth. The Guide should be ready for printing by the middle of April.
10 TO RECEIVE A PROGRESS REPORT ON PLANS FOR BOSWORTH IN BLOOM The plants have been ordered. Market Bosworth is entering two competitions – the National competition against others in the same category and the Regional ‘Champion of Champions’ competition against Nottingham and Oakham. The planting is to reflect the history of the town and will be predominantly red and white to reflect the Wars of the Roses. A ‘spot’ check by judges will be carried out in April and H&BBC have kindly agreed to reschedule some street cleaning on 10 April. Extra cleaning will be done by Commspray at a rate of £27.50 per hour. Self watering troughs and baskets have been purchased to reduce the tedium of watering rotas.
11 TO RECEIVE A REPORT ON THE BOSWORTH COMMUNITY FORUM AND CONSIDER A PROPOSAL TO SUPPORT A ‘KEY CENTRE LINKS’ PROJECT Cllr H Whitehead informed those present that the meeting was well attended. There were discussions on the Leicestershire Sustainable Strategy and he had pointed out the fact that the Parish Council has already acted on some points such as the car park. There were lengthy discussions on the issue of affordable housing, there still being misunderstanding over the difference between Section 106 housing, Greenfield sites and social housing. Cllr H Whitehead pointed out that affordable housing in Market Bosworth is a misnomer as even with shared ownership properties built in the town are beyond the affordable range of local first time buyers. The Forum also discussed the Carlton/Market Bosworth footpath and Chris Peat, Carlton PC Parish Clerk, suggested that proposals from Cadeby, Carlton and Market Bosworth be linked to form a Key Centre Link project. The Forum agreed: that a pilot scheme be developed and implemented to investigate the practical costs and benefits of improving access between the Key Centre of Market Bosworth and Rural Hamlets of Carlton and Cadeby; that the specifications for the construction of off-road rural links be reviewed to develop a practical low-cost specification for use in rural situations. The Parish Council agreed to support these recommendations and suggested that an additional recommendation be added as follows: that improved access between Market Bosworth and the Water Park be included in the pilot scheme.
12 TO CONSIDER QUOTATIONS RECEIVED FOR FENCING WORK AT THE CEMETERY After consideration of quotations received it was resolved that Greener Gardens be awarded the contract to remove the old fencing around the cemetery and meadow, and that ADI be awarded the contract to erect new fencing and a pedestrian gate at the meadow.
Accounts for approval:
NAME DETAILS AMOUNT £ Flavells Rent 108.33 Aylesbrook Garden Service Tree work in meadow 50.00 Bosworth Groundcare & Churchyard, play areas and meadow mowing & 1146.00 Maintenance cemetery work Aspect Advertisement 11.00 H&BBC Cemetery rates 154.58 H&BBC Car park rates 320.60 H&BBC Brown wheeled bins annual charge 60.00 Peter Bailiss Net salary 120.00 Parish Clerk Net salary 494.64 Leics County Council Pension contributions 115.36 TOTAL £2580.51 Income:
NAME DETAILS AMOUNT £ Wilf Smith Funeral Director Labyrinth fees 100.00 G Seller & Co Ltd Funeral Director Headstone fee 60.00 HSBC Money Manager A/c Interest 231.41 TOTAL 391.41
Current bank balances: Community Account £4,650.03 and Money Manager Account £28,283.21.
OTHER ISSUES Car Parking permits. It was unanimously agreed that new permits should be issued in the style of tax discs, but without space for the registration number to be written. Cllr K Coleman agreed to provide tax disc holders. Parking problems. It was agreed that Inspector Martyn Ball should be invited to attend the June Parish Council meeting to answer questions relating to non enforcement of parking restrictions around the town.
14 DATE OF THE NEXT MEETING Tuesday May 6 2008. Annual Parish Meeting, 6.30 p.m. Parish Council meeting, 7.00 p.m. The Parish Hall, Park Street, Market Bosworth.
The Chairman Cllr H Whitehead closed the meeting at 10.00 p.m.
Signed ……………………………………………. Date …………………………….
Prepared by: Catherine Monkman (Parish Clerk) April 11th 2008