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WORLD HISTORY II SOL Test 2001 Version 4 The Columbian Exchange introduced 1 Shortly after the initial contact with which of the following to Europeans? Europeans, American Indian (First F Corn American) populations began to G Cows decrease rapidly because of — H Wheat A warfare J Horses B famine Use this picture for Question 5 C disease D genocide

2 The spread of Martin Luther’s views led to the establishment of — F Judaism G Catholicism H Mormonism J Protestantism

Use this picture for Question 3

5 Which of the following most likely resulted from the change shown in this table? A Higher literacy rates 3 Which of the following best B Decline in secularism completes this diagram? C Stronger monarchies A Freedom of press D End of the guild system B Freedom of religion C Freedom of speech 6 From the mid-1600s to the mid-1800s, D Freedom of petition Japan controlled foreign influences on its society by using — F mercantilism G nationalism H isolationism J feudalism

7 Toussaint L’Ouverture led a successful revolution against French rule in — F Algeria G Haiti H Brazil J Mexico 9 Whose scientific theory is illustrated by this picture? A Louis Pasteur Use this picture for Question 8 B Nicolaus Copernicus C William Harvey D Isaac Newton Use this picture for Question 10

8 Which of the following best completes this diagram? A Humanism B Socialism C Nationalism D Protestantism

Use this picture for Question 9 10 The Mughal Empire originated in the area now known as — F Northern India D Age of Exploration G Southern China H the Middle East 14 The American Revolution influenced J the Balkan Peninsula independence movements in South America by — F offering military aid to support revolts Use this picture for Question 11 G providing an example of a successful colonial rebellion H blockading Spanish military and trade ships J undermining English military and economic power

11 Locke influenced the French Use this picture for Question 15 Revolution when he argued against — A social reforms B political parties C absolute monarchy D parliamentary power 15 What term is used to describe Bismarck’s beliefs expressed in this Use this picture for Question 12 quote? A Realpolitik B Perestroika C Imperialism D Appeasement

16 During the 19th century, one reason European nations were interested in controlling the Suez Canal was that the 12 Which completes the table? canal — F Louvre Palace F linked ports in China and Japan to India G Palace at Versailles G enabled the discovery of silks and spices in H Bastille Prison South America J Cathedral of Notre Dame H established a direct sea trade route from Europe to east Asia 13 A new form of literature called the J allowed for European access to India around novel was developed during the — the southern tip of Africa A Enlightenment 17 Giuseppe Garibaldi played a major B Scientific Revolution role in the — C Reformation A forming of the Kingdom of Sardinia B unification of Italy 20 One reason the United States ended C strengthening of the powers of the Pope its policy of isolation and entered World D destruction of the Italian republican movement War I was the — A fall of the Ottoman Empire Use this picture for Question 18 B Japanese invasion and conquest of Manchuria C truce between revolutionary Russia and Germany D discovery of German attempts to ally with Mexico

21 Vladimir Lenin’s New Economic Policy differed from Joseph Stalin’s Five-Year Plan because the New Economic Policy — F allowed some privately-owned businesses G increased regulation of production H eliminated collective farming J imposed production mandates

Use this picture for Question 22

18 Which city was in German-controlled 22 What body does this table describe? territory? A International Monetary Fund F Swatow B World Trade Organization G Foochow C Congress of Vienna H Shanghai D League of Nations J Tsingtao 19 What was one factor that increased demands for colonial independence 23 During the decades before World War after II, industrialization in Japan led to a World War I? growing demand for — A Breakup of the British Empire A democracy B Discovery of oil in the colonies B immigrant labor C Participation of colonies in the war C natural resources D Cost of German war reparations D universities Use this picture for Question 27

Use this picture for Question 24

27 What is the best title for this list? F Causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 G Failures of the League of Nations H Reasons for the Nazi Party’s Rise to Power J Weakness of Russia on the Eve of World War II Use this picture for Question 28

24 In which order did these events occur? F 1, 2, 4, 3 G 2, 4, 3, 1 H 3, 1, 2, 4 J 4, 3, 1, 2

Use this picture for Question 25

25 Which World War II leader encouraged the British people to resist the Nazis with these words? F Franklin D. Roosevelt G Joseph Stalin 28 Who was this commander of the H Dwight D. Eisenhower Pacific during World War II and J Winston Churchill administrator of Japan after the war? A Douglas MacArthur 26 The Soviet Union entered World War B George S. Patton II — C Dwight D. Eisenhower A after the defeat of the Bolshevik party D George Marshall B in response to German invasion Use this picture for Question 29 C after the D-Day invasion of Normandy D in response to United States involvement 31 The occupied areas shown in this map became the countries of — A Bosnia and Serbia B Albania and Yugoslavia 29 This law is an example of policies C East Pakistan and West Pakistan that eventually led to the — D East Germany and West Germany F invasion of the Soviet Union Use this picture for Question 32 G invasion of Poland H Great Purge J Holocaust

30 The ideological basis of the Cold War was conflict between communism and — A monarchy B socialism C democracy D fascism Use this picture for Question 31 32 Which of the following explains the rise in military spending on the graph? F World War I G World War II H The Korean War J The Persian Gulf War 33 Which of the following was true before Syria became independent? F Syria was ruled under the mandate system. G Syria was a part of the Russian Empire. H Large oil reserves were discovered in Syria. J The Treaty of Versailles was enforced in Syria.

34 Which leader was most closely associated with stopping the spread of communism? A Jomo Kenyatta B Mohandas Gandhi C Harry Truman D Kaiser Wilhelm II 35 Which headline resulted from the F Kwame Nkrumah United States policy of containment? G Jomo Kenyatta H Patrice Lumumba J Haile Selassie

38 Which method did Mohandas Gandhi advocate to achieve the goal of Indian independence? A Nonviolent civil disobedience B Violent public demonstration C Economic embargo D Guerrilla warfare

39 The creation of the nation of Pakistan was a result of — F religious conflicts within India G a mandate by the United Nations H economic depression in India J a revolt against imperialist France 36 During the decades immediately after World War II, East Germany, 40 Which belief is common to Judaism, Czechoslovakia, and Poland were — Christianity, and Islam? A democracies with free market economies A Reincarnation B dominated by the Soviet Union B Animism C provinces of Austria-Hungary C Monotheism D divided into smaller independent states D Karma

41 The mandate system was established by the — F Soviet Union G Warsaw Pact Use this picture for Question 37 H Ottoman Empire J League of Nations

42 The Torah is to Judaism as which of the following is to Islam? 37 Which African political leader is A Mecca described by this list? B Kaaba 47 In 1500, which of these religions C Muhammad was widespread in Europe? D Koran (Qur’an) F Islam G Hinduism H Buddhism Use this picture for Question 43 J Christianity

Use this picture for Question 48

43 The table lists characteristics of — F Islam G Hinduism H Judaism J Buddhism

44 Which 16th-century empire was located in South America? F Incan G Aztec H Mayan J Songhai

45 The trans-Saharan trade route of the 16th century was important to the exchange of products and the spread of — 48 In the 1500s, the darker shaded A Judaism region on the map was ruled by the — B Buddhism A Russian Empire C Christianity B Spanish Empire D Islam C Hapsburg Empire D Ottoman Empire 46 The Persian Empire ruled the territory of which modern nation? F Spain Use this picture for Question 49 G Iran H Algeria J China 53 How did the Industrial Revolution improve the standard of living in England? A By giving government more power to regulate business B By protecting industries from foreign 49 This table describes the triangular competition trade between Europe, the Americas, C By increasing the production of affordable goods and— D By discovering new sources of raw materials A East Asia B West Africa 54 Improving economic status for C Eastern Europe workers through collective bargaining D Southwest Asia was the primary reason for the formation of — 50 During the Congress of Vienna, what F associations of journeymen was the goal of the “balance of power” G craft guilds doctrine? H secret fraternal organizations F Granting equal voting rights to all citizens J labor unions G Dividing authority between kings and parliaments 55 Several modern-day conflicts in the H Preventing one nation from becoming more powerful than others Middle East have involved Jews and — J Sharing power between nations and religious A Christians institutions B Hindus C Muslims 51 Which of Napoleon’s achievements D Buddhists influences governments today? A The conquest of Portugal Use this picture for Question 56 B The unification of Europe C The codification of the law D The restoration of the monarchy

52 What was one result of the British Enclosure Movement? F There were fewer factory owners. G More foreigners bought farmland. H There was less production of coal. J More people moved to the cities. C creating a united judicial system D establishing common currency

Use this picture for Question 38 56 Which peninsula is identified by the darker-shaded area on this map? F Italian G Balkan H Iberian J Scandinavian

57 The North American Free Trade 58 According to the table, which of the Agreement (NAFTA) increased the following is most likely a developed economic nation? interdependence of the United States, F Afghanistan Mexico, and Canada by — G Chad A limiting tariffs H Haiti B reducing environmental dangers J Japan

59 Which religion best completes the map legend? A Islam B Hinduism C Buddhism D Christianity 60 What is represented by the two areas marked on this map? F The Allies and the Axis G The Protestants and the Catholics H The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Warsaw Pact J The World Trade Organization and the International Monetary Fund

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