5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 Supplementary
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5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
Supplementary instructions for possible inclusion in chapter 8
8.1.1.X. Works erroneously or fictitiously attributed to a person, family, or corporate body
If responsibility for creating the work is known to be erroneously or fictitiously attributed to a person, family, or corporate body, use the access point for the actual person, family, or body responsible as the primary access point. If the actual person, family, or body responsible is unknown, use the title as the primary access point (see 8.1.4.X). Provide an additional access point for the person, family, or body to whom responsibility is attributed, unless he, she, or it is not a real person, family, or body. [21.4C1] [21.4C2]
The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (The life of Gertrude Stein written by herself as though it were an autobiography of her secretary, Alice B. Toklas) Primary access point is the access point for Stein Additional access point for Toklas
The hums of Pooh / by Winnie the Pooh (Written by A.A. Milne) Primary access point is the access point for Milne
The adventure of the peerless peer / by John H. Watson ; edited by Philip José Farmer (Written by Farmer as if by the fictitious Dr. Watson) Primary access point is the access point for Farmer
8.1.1.X. Works of uncertain origin
If the work has been attributed to one or more persons, families, or corporate bodies either in resources embodying the work or in reference sources, but there is uncertainty as to the probable person, family, or body responsible, use the title as the primary access point (see 8.1.5). Provide additional access points for persons, families, or bodies to whom the work has been attributed. [21.5A]
The law scrutiny, or, Attornies’ guide (Variously attributed to Andrew Carmichael and William Norcott) Primary access point is the title Additional access points for Carmichael and Norcott
La capucinière, ou, Le bijou enlevé à la course : poème (Possibly by Pierre-François Tissot; erroneously attributed to Pierre-Jean- Baptiste Nougaret) Primary access point is the title Additional access points for Tissot and Nougaret 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
If reference sources indicate that one person, family, or corporate body is probably responsible for creating the work, use the access point for that person, family, or body as the primary access point. Provide additional access points for other persons or bodies to which the work has been attributed and for the title. [21.5B]
A true character of Mr. Pope (Author uncertain; generally attributed to John Dennis) Primary access point is the access point for Dennis Additional access point for the title
Portrait of Andrew Jackson (A daguerreotype once attributed to Mathew Brady but generally thought to be by Edward Anthony) Primary access point is the access point for Anthony Additional access point for Brady Additional access point for the title
8.1.1.X. Works by heads of state, other high government officials, popes, and other high ecclesiastical officials
For works by heads of state, other high government officials, popes, and other high ecclesiastical officials, choose the primary and additional access points as instructed below.
a) Official communications Use the corporate access point for the official (see XX.XX and XX.XX) as the primary access point if the work falls into one of the following categories: [21.4D1] i) an official communication from a head of state, head of government, or head of an international body (e.g., a message to a legislature, a proclamation, an executive order other than one covered by 10.3.1) ii) an official communication from a pope, patriarch, bishop, etc. (e.g., an order, decree, pastoral letter, bull, encyclical, constitution, or an official message to a council, synod, etc.). Use the personal access point for the person as a additional access point.
A proclamation of Queen Anne for settling and ascertaining the current rates for foreign coins in America Primary access point is the corporate access point for Anne as sovereign Additional access point for Anne as a person
New York City at war : emergency services : report / by F.H. La Guardia, mayor Primary access point is the corporate access point for La Guardia as mayor Additional access point for La Guardia as a person
Fulgens Corona : on the Marian Year and the dogma of the Immaculate Conception : encyclical letter of His Holiness, Pope Pius XII Primary access point is the corporate access point for Pius XII as Pope Additional access point is for Pius XII as a person
Carta pastoral sobre cursilhos de Cristandade / Antônio de Castro Mayer, bispo de Campos Primary access point is the corporate access point for Mayer as Bishop 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
Additional access point for Mayer as a person
Our vocation as children of Saint Francis : being the encyclical letter Divina Providentia of the Most Rev. Fr. General Pacific M. Perantoni, O.F.M. Primary access point is the corporate access point for Perantoni as Minister General of the order Additional access point for Perantoni as a person
For a communication that merely accompanies and transmits a document, use the access point for the document that it accompanies as the primary access point. Provide as an additional access point the corporate access point for the transmitting official.
Explosives Regulation Act : message from the President of the United States, transmitting to the Vice President a letter from the Secretary of the Interior, recommending an amendment to the Explosives Regulation Act (Message of President Wilson) Primary access point is the access point for the Interior Department Additional access point for Wilson as president
b) Other works For all other works by heads of state, other high government officials, popes, and other high ecclesiastical officials, use the personal access point as the primary access point. [21.4D2]
Address of President Roosevelt to the Deep Waterway Convention at Memphis, Tennessee, October 4, 1907 Primary access point is the personal access point for Roosevelt
The second inaugural address of Abraham Lincoln Primary access point is the personal access point for Lincoln
Non-citizen Americans in the war emergency / by Fiorello H. La Guardia, mayor (A radio address) Primary access point is the personal access point for La Guardia
Science and the existence of God ; and, Science and philosophy : two addresses / Pope Pius XII Primary access point is the personal access point for Pius XII
8.1.2.X. Changes between editions of the work
If responsibility for the work is shared among two or three persons, families, or corporate bodies, and the names of the persons, etc., appear in a different order in the chief sources of information of different editions of the work, use the access point for the first named of those attributed with principal responsibility in the preferred source of information of the edition being catalogued as the primary access point for that edition. If principal responsibility is not indicated in that 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
edition, use the access point for the first person, etc., named in the preferred source of information as the primary access point for the edition. Provide additional access points for other collaborators prominently named in the edition being catalogued. [21.6C1]
Decision systems for inventory management and production planning / Rein Peterson, Edward A. Silver Primary access point is the access point for Peterson Additional access point for Silver
Decision systems for inventory management and production planning. – 2nd ed. / Edward A. Silver, Rein Peterson Primary access point is the access point for Silver Additional access point for Peterson
If the persons, etc., responsible are not named in the edition being catalogued, use the access point for the one named first in a previous edition or, if there is no previous edition, the access point for the one whose access point comes first in English alphabetic order as the primary access point for the edition being catalogued.
8.1.2.X. Shared pseudonyms
If the work is the product of two or more persons, families, or corporate bodies collaborating under a single pseudonym, use the access point for that pseudonym as the primary access point. [21.6D1]
Deadly weapon / Wade Miller (Wade Miller is the joint pseudonym of Bill Miller and Bob Wade) Primary access point is the access point for the joint pseudonym
The detective short story : a bibliography / by Ellery Queen (Ellery Queen is the joint pseudonym of Frederic Dannay and Manfred B. Lee) Primary access point is the access point for the joint pseudonym
Philip : the story of a boy violinist / by T.W.O. (Initials are the joint pseudonym of Mary C. Hungerford and Virginia C. Young) Primary access point is the access point for the joint pseudonym
Rowntree’s elect cocoa / Beggarstaff Brothers (A poster) (Beggarstaff Brothers is the joint pseudonym of the artists James Pryde and Sir William Nicholson, who also did work under their own names) Primary access point is the access point for the joint pseudonym
8.1.2.X. Reports of interviews or exchanges
If the report is essentially confined to the words of the person(s) interviewed or of the participants in an exchange (other than the reporter), use the access point for the principal participant, the access point for the participant named first, or the title as the primary access point for the work, following the instructions in– Provide additional access points for other participants and the access point(s) for the reporter(s) if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources. [21.25A] 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
Discussion at Workshop between the Rev. R.P. Blakeney ... and the Rev. J.B. Naghten ... / reported verbatim by Thomas Whitehead Primary access point is the access point for Blakeney Additional access point for Naghten Additional access point for Whitehead
My wartime experiences in Singapore / Mamoru Shinozaki ; interviewed by Lim Yoon Lin Primary access point is the access point for Shinozaki Additional access point for Lim
If the report is to a considerable extent in the words of the reporter, use the access point for the reporter as the primary access point for the work. Provide additional access points for the other participants (and other reporters) if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources. [21.25B]
Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson / by Charles J. Woodbury Primary access point is the access point for Woodbury Additional access point for Emerson
Table-talk of G.B.S. : conversations on things in general between George Bernard Shaw and his biographer / by Archibald Henderson Primary access point is the access point for Henderson Additional access point for Shaw
Interviews impubliables / Gilbert Ganne (Interviews with 23 persons; none named on the title page) Primary access point is the access point for Ganne
The director's event : interviews with five American film-makers : Budd Boetticher, Peter Bogdanovich, Samuel Fuller, Arthur Penn, Abraham Polonsky / by Eric Sherman and Martin Rubin Primary access point is the access point for Sherman Additional access points for Boetticher, Bogdanovich, Fuller, Penn, and Polonsky Additional access point for Rubin
8.1.2.X. Spirit communications conveyed through a medium, etc.
If the communication is presented as having been received from a spirit, use the access point for the spirit (see XX.XX) as the primary access point for the work. Provide an additional access point for the medium or other person recording the communication. [21.26A]
Food for the million, or, Thoughts from beyond the borders of the material / by Theodore Parker ; through the hand of Sarah A. Ramsdell Primary access point is the access point for the spirit of Parker Additional access point for Ramsdell 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
8.1.3.X. Compilations of official communications
If the compilation comprises official communications of more than one holder of one of the offices listed under 8.1.1.X a), use the corporate access point for the office (see XX.XX and XX.XX) as the primary access point for the compilation. Provide additional access point(s) for a compiler(s) if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources. Provide analytical citations (see 9.2) for the individual communications in the compilation. [21.4D1]
Economic report of the President, transmitted to the Congress (An annual) Primary access point is the access point for the office of president of the United States
Tutte le encicliche dei sommi pontefici / raccolte e annotate da Eucardio Momigliano Primary access point is the access point for the office of Pope Additional access point for Momigliano Analytical citations for the encyclicals in the compilation
If the compilation comprises official communications and other works by more than one holder of an office, use the collective title (see as the primary access point for the compilation. If the compilation lacks a collective title, use the primary access point appropriate to the first work in the compilation (see as the primary access point for the compilation. Provide an additional access point for the office held. Provide an additional access point(s) for the compiler(s) if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources. Provide analytical citations (see 9.2) for the individual communications in the compilation. [21.4D3]
Papal thought on the state : excerpts from encyclicals and other writings of recent popes / edited by Gerard F. Yates (Includes texts of public addresses) Primary access point is the title Additional access point for the office of Pope Analytical citations for the excerpts in the compilation
A compilation of the messages and papers of the Presidents ... / by James D. Richardson Primary access point is the title Additional access point for the office of president of the United States Analytical citations for the individual messages and papers in the compilation
[Add as a second instruction:] 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
In case of doubt about whether the adaptation meets the criteria set out above, use the access point prescribed as the primary access point for the previously existing work as the primary access point for the adaptation. Revisions
[Add as a second instruction:]
Use the access point prescribed as the primary access point for the previously existing work as the primary access point for the revision, etc., if either of the following criteria apply: [21.12A1] a) the person, family, or body responsible for the previously existing work is named in a statement of responsibility in resources embodying the revised work or b) the person, family, or body responsible for the previously existing work, is named in the title proper and no other person, family, or body is named in a statement of responsibility or other title information. Provide an additional access point(s) for the reviser(s), etc., if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources.
Anatomy of the human body / by Henry Gray. – 25th ed. / edited by Charles Mayo Goss Primary access point is the access point for Gray Additional access point for Goss
Guide to the study and use of reference books / by Alice Bertha Kroeger. – 3rd ed. / revised throughout and much enlarged by Isadore Gilbert Mudge Primary access point is the access point for Kroeger Additional access point for Mudge
Leaves from our Tuscan kitchen ... / Janet Ross and Michael Waterfield (A revision by Waterfield of Ross’ book of the same title) Primary access point is the access point for Ross Additional access point for Waterfield
A dictionary of modern English usage / by H.W. Fowler. – 2nd ed. / revised by Sir Ernest Gowers Primary access point is the access point for Fowler Additional access point for Gowers
Hart’s Rules for compositors and readers at the University Press, Oxford. – 39th ed., completely revised Primary access point is the access point for Hart
Boise’s Manual of gem cutting. – 4th rev. ed. (Reviser, Gerhard Tucker, named only in the introduction) Primary access point is the access point for Boise Works with added commentary, criticism, biographical matter, etc.
[Add as a third instruction:] 5JSC/Editor/RDA/Part II/Chapter 8 supplementary
If the information given in the preferred sources of information in resources embodying the work is ambiguous, use as the primary access point the access point prescribed as the primary access point for the previously existing work or the access point for the commentator, etc., in accordance with the aspect emphasized by (in this order of preference): [21.13D1] a) the prefatory material b) the typographic presentation of the original work and commentary, etc. c) the relative extent of the previously existing work or compilation of previously existing works and the commentary, etc. In case of doubt, use the access point prescribed as the primary access point for the previously existing work as the primary access point and provide an additional access point(s) for the commentator(s) if prominently named in resources embodying the work or associated with the work in reference sources.
8.1.6.X. Person, family, or corporate body responsible identified only by a characterizing word, phrase, device, etc.
If the name of the person, family, or corporate body responsible for the work is unknown and in the preferred sources of information in resources embodying the work the only indication of responsibility is the appearance of a characterizing word or phrase or of a phrase naming another work by the person, family, or body, use the word or phrase in the form given in XX.XX as the primary access point. Provide an additional access point for the title. [21.5C]
Memoir of Bowman Hendry ... / by a Physician (Person responsible unknown) Primary access point is the characterizing word
The unveiled heart : a simple story / by the Author of Early impressions (Person responsible unknown) Primary access point is the phrase
If the only indication of responsibility is a nonalphabetic and nonnumerical device, use the title as the primary access point.
Angry thoughts / by *!*!* (Person responsible unknown) Primary access point is the title
Provide an additional access point for any other name that would provide an important access point unless the relationship between the name and the work is purely that of a subject. For example, provide a secondary access point for the name of a collection from which reproductions of art works have been taken or for a collection of books upon which a bibliography is based. [21.30H1]