WSU Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and General Education
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WSU Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and General Education (WSU MNTC & GE) ACCEPTED COURSES October 14, 2011
Goal I Communication (7 credits)
ENG 111 College Reading and Writing (4 cr.) ENG 112 Research Writing (1 cr.) (must be combined with a transfer Composition I) CMST 191 Introductions to Public Speaking (3 cr.)
Goal 2 Critical Thinking (This will be fulfilled when all other goal areas are completed)
Goal 3 Natural Science (7 credits) **Requires one course with lab and encourages courses from at least two different subject areas
BIOL 117 Human Biology (3 cr.) BIOL 118 General Biology (4 cr.) BIOL 211 Anatomy & Physiology I (4 cr.) BIOL 212 Anatomy & Physiology II (4 cr.) BIOL 241 Basics of Life (4 cr.) BIOL 242 Organismal Diversity (4 cr.) CHEM 100 Chemistry Appreciation (3 cr.) CHEM 106 Chemistry in Our World (3 cr.) CHEM 107 Chemistry in Our World with Lab (4 cr.) CHEM 108 Introductory General Chemistry (4 cr.) CHEM 190 Forensic Chemistry (4 cr.) CHEM 210 Chemistry for Health Sciences (5 cr.) CHEM 212 Principles of Chemistry I (4 cr.) CHEM 213 Principles of Chemistry II (4cr.) GEOS 100 Minnesota’s Rocks and Waters (3 cr.) GEOS 104 Catastrophes and Extinctions (3 cr.) GEOS 105 Astronomy with Lab (4 cr.) GEOS 106 Astronomy (3 cr.) GEOS 107 Geology in the National Parks (3 cr.) GEOS 110 Oceanography with Lab (4 cr.) GEOS 111 Oceanography (3 cr.) GEOS 115 Meteorology with Lab (4 cr.) GEOS 116 Meteorology (3 cr.) GEOS 120 Dynamic Earth with Lab (4 cr.) GEOS 121 Dynamic Earth (3 cr.) GEOS 235 Earth and Life Through Time (4 cr.) PHYS 115 Conceptual Physics (4 cr.) PHYS 160 The Science of Music (4 cr.) PHYS 200 Fundamentals of Aviation (3 cr.) PHYS 201 General Physics I (4 cr.) PHYS 202 General Physics II (4 cr.) PHYS 221 University Physics I (4 cr.) PHYS 222 University Physics II (4 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
SCIE 201 Physical Science in Your Environment SCIE 203 Investigative Science III: Scientific Investigation of Your Environment Goal 4 Mathematics/Logical Reasoning (3-4 credits)
MATH 100 Survey of Math (3cr.) MATH 110 Finite Mathematics (3 cr.) MATH 112 Modeling with Functions (3 cr.) MATH 115 College Algebra (3 cr.) MATH 120 Precalculus (4 cr.) MATH 130 Matrix Algebra (3 cr.) MATH 140 Applied Calculus (3 cr.) MATH 150 Modeling Using Precalculus & Stats (3 cr.) MATH 155 Modeling Using Calculus (3 cr.) MATH 160 Calculus I (4 cr.) MATH 165 Calculus II (4 cr.) PHIL 110 Critical Thinking (3 cr.) . PHIL 210 Inductive Reasoning (3 cr.) PHIL 250 Symbolic Logic (3 cr.) STAT 110 Fund of Statistics (3 cr.) STAT 210 Statistics (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
CS 150 Overview of Computer Science
Goal 5 History and the Social and Behavioral Sciences (9 credits) **Requires courses from at least two different subject areas
CMST 195 Nonverbal Communication (3 cr.) CMST 282 Introduction to Communication Theory (3 cr.) CMST 287 Conflict and Communication (3 cr.) ECON 201 Principles of Microeconomics (3 cr.) ECON 202 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 cr.) GEOG 110 World Regional Geography (3 cr.) GEOG 212 Physical Geography (3 cr.) GEOG 213 Cultural Geography (3 cr.) HIST 120 Western Civilization to 1500 (3 cr.) HIST 121 Western Civilization 1500-1815 (3 cr.) HIST 122 Western Civilization 1818- Present (3 cr.) HIST 150 United States History to 1865 (3 cr.) HIST 151 United State History Since 1865 (3 cr.) HIST 214 The Mississippi River in U.S. History (3 cr.) POLS120 Introduction to American Politics (3 cr.) POLS 130 Introduction to International Relations (3 cr.) POLS 150 Introduction to Political Theory (3 cr.) POLS 177 Politics and Violence (3 cr.) POLS 221 State And Local Government (3 cr.) PSY 210 Introduction to Psychological Science (3 cr.) PSY 250 Developmental Psychology (3 cr.) PSY 325 Social Psychology (3 cr.) SOC 150 Introduction to Sociology (3cr.) SOC 205 Social Interaction (3 cr.) SOC 212 The Family (3 cr.) SOC 216 Social Problems (3cr.) WAGS 148 Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
SPED 300 Exceptionalities of Children and Youth Goal 6 The Humanities and Fine Arts (9 credits) **Requires a minimum of 3 credits from Humanities and 3 credits from Fine Arts.
CMST 283 Introduction to Rhetorical Studies (3 cr.) CMST 289 Gender and Communication ENG 120 Introduction to Literature (3 cr.) FILM 140 Approaches to Film (3 cr.) FILM 240 Film Genres (3 cr.) GERM 303 German Culture and Civilization (4 cr.) PHIL 120 Introductory Philosophy (3 cr.) PHIL 201 Classical Philosophy (3 cr.) PHIL 230 Moral Theory (3 cr.) PHIL 240 Philosophy of Science (3 cr.) PHIL 260 Problems in Philosophy (3 cr.) PHIL 270 Philosophy of Religion (3 cr.) PHIL 280 Philosophy of Art (3 cr.) PHIL 290 Introduction to War, Peace, and Terrorism (3 cr.) PHIL 301 Early Modern Philosophy (3 cr.) PHIL 302 Contemporary Philosophy (3 cr.) PHIL 341 Just-War Tradition (3 cr.) RESC 140 Topics in Humanities (3 cr.)
Fine Arts:
ART 109 Introduction to Art (3 cr.) ART 110 Experiencing Art (3 cr.) ART 120 Introduction to Ceramics (3 cr.) ART 128 Introduction to Sculpture (3 cr.) ART 130 Introduction to Printmaking (3 cr.) ART 221 Art History I (3cr.) ART 222 Art History II (3 cr.) ART 224 American Art (3 cr.) ENG 222 Introduction to Creative Writing (3 cr.) MCOM 115 Photography Appreciation (3 cr.) MUS 109 Introduction to Music (3 cr.) MUS 110 Introduction to American Jazz (3 cr.) MUS 111 Film Music Art Behind the Scenes (3 cr.) MUS 112 Musical Culture along the Mississippi River (3 cr.) MUS 113 Women in Music (3 cr.) MUS 117 Exploring Global Arts (3 cr.) MUS 118 The History of American Musical Theatre (3 cr.) MUS 120 Introduction to Music Theory (3 cr.) MUS 122 History of Rock Music (3 cr.) MUS 141 World Music Ensemble (1 cr.) MUS 143 Women’s Chorus (1 cr.) MUS 233 Piano Ensemble (1 cr.) MUS 239 Jazz Combo (1 cr.) MUS 240 Percussion Ensemble (1 cr.) MUS 241 Symphonic Wind Ensemble (1 cr.) MUS 242 Orchestra (1 cr.) MUS 243 Concert Choir (1 cr.) MUS 244 Jazz Ensemble (1 cr.) MUS 247 Woodwind Ensemble (1 cr.) RESC 143 Experience and Expressions (3 cr.) THAD 107 Introduction to Technical Theatre (3 cr.) THAD 111 Theatre Appreciation (3 cr.) THAD 115 Dance Appreciation (3 cr.) THAD 119 Play Analysis (3 cr.) THAD 131 Performance I for Everyone (3 cr.) Concurrent course THAD 090 THAD 141 Oral Interpretation (3 cr.) THAD 151 Tap Dance I (1 cr.) THAD 153 Jazz Dance I (1 cr.) THAD 155 Modern Dance I (1 cr.) THAD 157 Ballet I (1 cr.) THAD 205 Make Up for the Performance (1 cr.) Concurrent course THAD 090 THAD 222 Dancescape (variable) THAD 253 Jazz Dance II (2 cr.) THAD 255 Modern Dance II (2 cr.) THAD 257 Ballet II (2 cr.) THAD 295 Making Interdisciplinary Connections (3 cr.)
Goal 7 Human Diversity (3 credits)
BIOL 365 The Cultures & Ecology of East Africa-Tanzania (4 cr.) CMST 281 Intercultural Communication (3 cr.) CMST 290 Disability Communication and Culture (3 cr.) CMST 291 Topics in Multicultural Communication (3 cr.) ENG 220 Multicultural American Literature (3 cr.) GEOG 223 Geography of the Orient (3cr.) GEOG 225 Geography of Latin America (3 cr.) HIST 220 Introduction to African-American History (3 cr.) HIST 235 History of the American Indian (3 cr.) MUS 114 World Music (3 cr.) MUS 115 Music of East and Southeast Asia (3 cr.) MUS 116 Music of the America (3 cr.) POLS 225 Ethnic Conflict and Nationalism (3 cr.) POLS 226 Politics and Society in Africa (3 cr.) POLS 270 Politics and Society in the Middle East (3 cr.) POLS 335 Politics in Latin America (3 cr.) POLS 390 Comparative Politics-Third World (3 cr.) WAGS 220 Power, Privilege, and Gender (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
BUED 350 Quality of Work Life HERS 327 Multicultural Foods NURS 325 Transcultural Issues in Health Care RTTR 265 Leisure in Different Cultures
Goal 8 Global Perspectives (3 credits)
ARAB 101 Arabic For Beginners (4 cr.) ARAB 102 Introduction to Arabic Grammar and Literature (3 cr.) ART 201 Eastern Art And Culture (3 cr.) CAST 302 Global Child Advocacy Issues (3 cr.) CHIN 101 Beginning Chinese I (4 cr.) CHIN 102 Beginning Chinese II (4 cr.) CHIN 201 Intermediate Chinese I (4 cr.) CHIN 202 Intermediate Chinese II (4 cr.) ECON 220 Applied International Development (3 cr.) ENG 221 Topics in World Literature (3 cr.) FLAN 218 The New Europeans: Understanding the EU (3 cr.) FREN 101 Elementary French I (4 cr.) FREN 102 Elementary French II (4 cr.) FREN 201 Intermediate French I (4 cr.) FREN 202 Intermediate French II (4 cr.) GERM 101 Elementary German I (4 cr.) GERM 102 Elementary German II (4 cr.) GERM 201 Intermediate German I (4 cr.) GERM 202 Intermediate German II (4 cr.) GERM 204 Special Topics: German Literature (4 cr.) GERM 205 Special Topics: German Culture and Language (4 cr.) GS 200 Introduction to Global Studies (3 cr.) GS 205 Cultural Encounters (3 cr.) GS 210 Introduction to North America (3 cr.) GS 215 Introduction to Japanese Culture (3 cr.) GS 232 Introduction to Latin America (3 cr.) GS 233 Latin American & Caribbean Immigrants in the U.S. (3 cr.) GS 250 Introduction to Asia (3 cr.) GS 255 Peoples and Culture of South and Southeast Asia (3 cr.) GS 300 Contemporary China (3 cr.) GS 345 Media, Popular Culture, and Changing Chinese Society (3 cr.) HIST 123 East Asian Civilization (3 cr.) HIST 165 Latin American History (3 cr.) HIST 170 African Civilization (3 cr.) JPN 101 Beginning Japanese I (4 cr.) JPN 102 Beginning Japanese II (4 cr.) JPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I (4 cr.) JPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II (4 cr.) POLS 205 The United Nations in World Affairs (3 cr.) SPAN 101 Beginning Spanish I (4 cr.) SPAN 102 Beginning Spanish II (4 cr.) SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I (4 cr.) SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II (4 cr.) WAGS 234 Gender and Latin American Society through 20th Century literature (3 cr.) WAGS 235 Gender and Social Justice Issues in Latin America (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
HERS 305 Health, Exercise, and Medicine: An International Perspective MKTG 105 Marketing in a Global Society POLS 390 Comparing Politics in Developing Countries
Goal 9 Ethical and Civic Responsibility (3 credits)
ECON 320 Business-Government Relations (3 cr.) ENG 211 Writing in Communities (3 cr.) HIST 125 Classical History (3 cr.) MCOM 100 Mass Media and Society (3 cr.) PHIL 130 Moral Problems (3 cr.) PHIL 220 Philosophy of Democracy (3 cr.) PHIL 332 Philosophy of Law (3 cr.) PHIL 335 Constitutional Philosophy (3 cr.) POLS 135 Comparative Political Systems (3 cr.) POLS 218 Community Service (3 cr.) POLS 220 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (3 cr.) POLS 228 Public Service (3 cr.) POLS 332 European Political Systems (3 cr.) POLS 343 Human Rights in Theory and Practice (3 cr.) RESC 150 Insights and Implications (3 cr.) STAT 350 Design of Samples and Surveys (3 cr.) WAGS 333 Introduction to GLBT Studies (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
ACCT 211 Financial Accounting Principles BUED 215 Personal Finance BUED 360 Interpersonal Business Relations BUSA 106 Introduction to Business CE 200 Career/Life Decision Making CE 220 Emotions and Behavior CS 115 Computer Systems and Internet Technology CS 116 Web Technology I EDUC 120 Parenting EDUC 299 Latino and Latin American Perspectives FIN 201 Introduction to Finance HERS 235 Professional Issues in Exercise Science MKTG 100 Marketing and Society MKTG 101 Experimental Entrepreneurship NURS 120 Introduction to Health Professions NURS 260 Women’s Health Issues RTTR 290 Foundations of Tourism
Goal 10 People and the Environment (3 credits)
BIOL 104 Environment, Society and Conservation (3 cr.) BIOL 109 Microbes and Society (3 cr.) BIOL 269 Human Reproduction (3 cr.) BIOL 330 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.) CHEM 320 Environmental Chemistry (4 cr.) ECON 315 Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (3 cr.) GEOS 102 Resources of the Earth (3 cr.) GEOS 103 Natural Disasters (3 cr.) GEOS 108 Geology of the Mississippi River (3 cr.) GEOS 325 Environmental Geoscience (3 cr.) PHIL 330 Biomedical Ethics (3 cr.) PHYS 140 Energy (3 cr.) POLS 340 Environmental Policy (3 cr.) PSY 298 Health Psychology (3 cr.) PSY 330 Psychology and the Law (3 cr.) PSY 360 Personnel Psychology (3 cr.)
**These additional courses will satisfy General Education at WSU, but do NOT qualify for inclusion in the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum.
CME 102 Introduction to Engineering CS 110 Computers in a Global Society CS 130 Introduction to BASIC Programming