Registered Nurse/Bsc (Hons) Nursing Practice

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Registered Nurse/Bsc (Hons) Nursing Practice

Faculty of Health Sciences

Registered Nurse/BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice 4

l e v e L

g n i


Children’s Nursing Year 1 u N

n o i t a r

Name: t s i

Student Number: g e r Cohort: - e r

Personal Tutor: P

[Type text] Reference

Programme: BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice

Validated: 2013

Re-approval due: 2018

Document: Assessment of Practice Record – Year 1

Last update: MARCH 15

Placement Details: Please include name of Trust, Dept. and/or Community Team



PLP3 Introduction to the Assessment of Practice Strategy

Student nurses should be assisted to work towards autonomous practice at the point of registration and to develop the skills needed to work as an effective member of an inter-professional/multi-agency team in which they will provide the lead for nursing care.

In each year of the BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice programme the students will undertake practice related modules which will include being assessed in practice. Competence is a combination of attributes such as knowledge, skills and attitudes. Eraut (1994) suggests that there are two important aspects to the assessment of competence – evidence based on performance, and evidence of capability. These principles have therefore been integrated into the assessment of practice strategy.

This document includes the Ongoing Achievement Record as part of the practice assessment.

The assessment of practice documentation will form a significant part of the student’s portfolio and will therefore provide performance evidence from what has been directly observed and assessed. Observed clinical skill examinations and written assignments will provide documentary evidence of capability as they will assess the quality of the student’s cognitive processes and test the student’s knowledge base as a foundation for future practice, and the understanding of concepts, theories and principles that underpin practice.

Student nurses must provide support to both individuals and groups of clients at all stages of life in acute and community settings.

The practice strategy is based on the clinical learning spiral (Stockhausen 1994) in that the students will gradually build up a repertoire of skills as the competencies themselves merge and develop in increasing complexity through the different stages of the programme, and reflect their broadening experience. They are based on the NMC standards and the essential skills clusters (NMC 2010) and have been formulated to globally assess knowledge, skills, attitude and understanding.

At the end of the programme the student nurse must be able to function as a registered practitioner capable of safe and effective practice without supervision.

3 References:

Eraut M (1994) Developing Professional Knowledge and Competence. Great Britain, Routledge-Falmer

Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010) Standards for pre-registration nursing education. London, NMC.

Stockhausen, L. (1994) The Clinical Learning Spiral: A Model to Develop Reflective Practitioners. Nurse Education Today, 14: pp 363-371.

4 Assessment roles: summary of key personnel

Mentors are responsible and accountable for:  Organising and co-ordinating student learning activities in practice.  Supervising students in learning situations and providing them with constructive feedback on their achievements.  Setting and monitoring achievement of realistic learning objectives.  Assessing total performance – including skills, attitudes and behaviours.  Providing evidence as required by programme providers of student achievement or lack of achievement.  Liaising with others to provide feedback, identify any concerns about the student’s performance and agree action as appropriate e.g. escalation.  Providing evidence for, or acting as, sign-off mentors with regard to making decisions about achievement of proficiency at the end of a programme.

Whilst giving direct care in the practice setting at least 40% of the student’s time must be spent being supervised (directly or indirectly) by a mentor.

Sign-off Mentor A registered nurse who has undertaken appropriate mentorship preparation, is annotated on the Mentor register and who meets the NMC criteria to be a sign-off mentor (NMC 2008). The mentor will supervise and assess student nurses whilst on clinical placement.

Sign-off mentors must have time allocated to reflect, give feedback and keep records of student achievements in their final period of practice learning. This will be the equivalent of an hour per student per week (NMC 2008: Section 2).

The sign-off mentor must make summative judgements on a student nurse’s progress at the progression points within the programme. At the final assessment of practice the student must demonstrate competence in all NMC standards in order to enter the register as a nurse. The sign-off mentor must confirm that the student is capable of safe, effective and efficient practice without the need for direct supervision.

Mentor Triennial review (NMC, 2008) Mentors are required to have a triennial review. This will be undertaken by the employing organisation and will normally form part of employer appraisal processes.

To be maintained on the local register the individual must have evidence of having:  Mentored at least two students with due regard (extenuating circumstances permitting) within the three year period.  Participated in annual updating – to include an opportunity to meet and explore assessment and supervision issues with other mentors.  Explored as a group activity the validity and reliability of judgements made when assessing practice in challenging circumstances.  Mapped ongoing development in their role against the current NMC mentor standards  Been deemed to have met all requirements needed to be maintained on the local register as a sign-off mentor.

5 Student Nurse Will work under the supervision of a qualified mentor and collect evidence to demonstrate achievement of the practice outcomes. The student’s duty rota should mirror the mentor(s) hours wherever possible.

Personal Tutor All student nurses are allocated a lecturer at the commencement of the programme who will become their personal tutor. The personal tutor will monitor theoretical and practical progress throughout the programme and will record all meetings and achievements in the student’s personal file.

The Assessment of Practice Record must be presented at all meetings with the personal tutor, in particular at the end of each Practice Learning Period (PLP). It must be complete and up to date at the end of each PLP so that the Personal Tutor can sign it.

Practice Support Lecturer An academic member of the university who works closely with the nursing staff /managers - together they are responsible for quality assurance and the assessment of practice process in the placement area.

Clinical Placement Facilitator or equivalent Support Role A clinical member of staff responsible for the quality of the learning environment in a set of placement areas. They are able to offer support and advice to students and mentors in practice. Module Leader A nurse lecturer who is responsible for a module and who provides academic guidance for the summative assessment(s) for that module.

Contact telephone numbers: Faculty of Health Sciences – Stafford: 01785 353766 Faculty of Health Sciences – Shrewsbury: 01743 261136

6 Information for Students and Mentors

Assessment of practice learning – Year 1

The student’s progress will be monitored during Practice Learning Periods (PLP) over the course of each year. Each PLP will be assessed and must be passed in order for the student to progress. Domains 1 and 2 (Professional Values and Communication/Interpersonal Skills) are assessed in every PLP. PLP 3, 6 and 8 assess all 4 domains. The sequence of the assessment of practice in each PLP will therefore be as follows:

Process – the following interviews must take place in all placements:

Initial interview During the course of the placement the student must be supervised (directly or indirectly) by the mentor for a minimum of 40% of the allocated time. During the first week the mentor should sign the declaration confirming eligibility to supervise and assess the student. An initial interview should be held and the details recorded on the ‘Progress Review’. A discussion regarding learning needs should be conducted and a ‘Learning Contract’ should be formulated and agreed. This may include any specific placement learning opportunities.

Midpoint Progress review meetings should be organised and recorded as required (at interview(s) least one intermediate interview must be held). Other registered nurses or link tutors may record meetings on the Progress Review pages.

Final interview A final interview must be conducted towards the end of the placement. The mentor will make a judgement regarding the student’s progress / achievement of each practice outcome and complete the documentation. N.B. Progress towards achievement of the practice outcomes may be assessed at any time during the placement.

Process – specific requirements relating to placements

Practice At the end of the placement the mentor will undertake a progress review in Learning relation to the student’s progress towards achievement of the practice outcomes in Domains 1 and 2. Both these domains must be passed in order Period 1 for the student to progress to the next placement. Outcomes in Domains 3 and 4 should also be reviewed with the student to identify what the student needs to develop. Performance in these domains is developmental.

Practice At the beginning of the placement, the mentor will undertake a review of Learning progress from the previous placement prior to formulation of a learning contract. At the end of the placement the mentor will undertake a progress Period 2 review in relation to the student’s progress towards achievement of the practice outcomes in Domains 1 and 2. Both these domains must be passed in order for the student to progress to the next placement. Outcomes in Domains 3 and 4 should also be reviewed with the student to identify what the student needs to develop. Performance in these domains is developmental.

Practice At the beginning of the placement the mentor will undertake a review of Learning progress from the previous placement prior to formulation of a learning contract. At the end of the placement the mentor will make a judgement on Period 3 whether or not the student has achieved the practice outcomes in all Domains. These must all be passed in order for the student to progress to Year 2. 7 Assessment of the practice outcomes:

1. Direct The mentor is required to confirm that the student has been observation directly observed undertaking the activities detailed in the practice domains.

2. Question The mentor should assess the student’s knowledge and and answer understanding through direct questioning.

3. Other The student is required to provide detail regarding experience evidence and evidence that contributes to progress / achievement of the practice domains. A variety of methods can be utilized as detailed below: Key: (RK) Record Keeping (MW) Multi-disciplinary Working (S) Simulation (R) Reflection (RES) Research (PG) Policies/Guidelines (ROE) Record of Experience – EC Directives (M) Meeting (D) Discussion (SU) Service user involvement (MECC) Making every contact count


PLP 1 and 2 One of the following judgements should be made: Pass – performance is commensurate with that expected for the stage of the programme and experience. Refer – performance is below the standard expected for the stage of the programme and experience. An explanation is required when a decision to refer is made. If the student is referred a re-take (2nd attempt) is allowed. Fail – the student is removed from the course.

PLP3 One of the following judgements should be made by the mentor: Pass - the student has acquired the standard expected for progression into Year 2. Refer –the student has not acquired the standard expected for the stage of the programme and cannot progress into Year 2. An explanation is required when a decision to refer is made. Fail – the student is removed from the course.

8 Mentor Declaration

All mentors who have been involved in the assessment of student nurses must sign the following declaration. It is an NMC requirement that mentors remain in date and have a current Triennial Review for the duration of the student placement Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

9 Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

Print name:

I confirm that: Please tick I meet the NMC criteria to be a mentor (see page 3)  I am currently on the ‘Register of Clinical Practice Mentors', held by the Trust  I attended a mentors’ update on

Signature: Initials and Date:

10 Documentation checklist: to be completed by Mentor

Before the student leaves the placement please check that the following documentation has been completed correctly and accurately:

Please sign Please sign Please sign initials initials initials Form PLP 1 PLP 2 PLP 3 Orientation checklist

Mentor declaration

Student declaration – ongoing achievement record

Progress review – initial interview

Learning contract

Progress review – mid point interview

Progress review – final interview

Signature of Mentor Date

Signature of Mentor Date

11 Practice Learning Period 1

Clinical Placement: Site: Area: Site: Area: Dates: From: To: From: To: From: To:

Orientation Mentor Student Please Please initial and initial and date date Student induction pack

Philosophy of nursing care (or care framework used) Layout and location of placement area

Location of equipment, supplies etc

Fire procedure

Emergency procedures

Policies and protocols (location and access)

Confidentiality Professional behaviour – uniform, appearance, demeanour, identification, use of mobile phones, attendance, punctuality.

Messages and enquiries

Health, safety and security

12 Practice Learning Period 1

Student declaration - ‘Ongoing achievement record’

Name: Cohort:

Student declaration: I give my consent for the sharing of personal confidential information between successive mentors and relevant education providers for the purpose of assessing my progress and fitness to practice.

Signature: Print name:


Please complete the following: Please tick I CONFIRM that I have shared with my mentor my specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively.

I do not have any specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively. Signature: Print name:


Signature of mentor: Print name:




Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


The learning contract should be based on discussion of the following: Please tick  Learning objectives / priorities  Practice outcomes / learning opportunities  Skills development  Academic development  Specific learning needs e.g. dyslexia  Reasonable adjustments made (where required) and included in the Action Plan Student objectives:

Student action:

Mentor action:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:



Student comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT All domain 1 & 2 outcomes should have been assessed by this point Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes: The student must have passed all domain 1 and 2 outcomes at this stage The student may also achieve a range of outcomes from Domain 3 and/or 4 depending on the learning experience available in your area You must identify any actions the student needs to address in the next placement

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


Clinical Placement: Site: Area: Site: Area:

Dates: From: To: From: To:

Orientation Mentor Student Please Please initial and initial and date date Student induction pack

Philosophy of nursing care (or care framework used) Layout and location of placement area

Location of equipment, supplies etc

Fire procedure

Emergency procedures

Policies and protocols (location and access)

Confidentiality Professional behaviour – uniform, appearance, demeanour, identification, use of mobile phones, attendance, punctuality.

Messages and enquiries

Health, safety and security


Student declaration - ‘Ongoing achievement record’

Name: Cohort:

Student declaration: I give my consent for the sharing of personal confidential information between successive mentors and relevant education providers for the purpose of assessing my progress and fitness to practice.

Signature: Print name:


Please complete the following: Please tick I CONFIRM that I have shared with my mentor my specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively.

I do not have any specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively Signature: Print name:


Signature of mentor: Print name:




Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Development plan arising from previous placement (if applicable): (Please give specific details of areas of weakness or practice outcomes that require attention)

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


The learning contract should be based on discussion of the following: Please tick  Learning objectives / priorities  Practice outcomes / learning opportunities  Skills development  Academic development  Specific learning needs e.g. dyslexia  Reasonable adjustments made (where required) and included in the Action Plan Student objectives:

Student action:

Mentor action:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:



Student comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT All domain 1 & 2 outcomes should have been assessed by this point Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:



Student comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes: The student must have passed all domain 1 and 2 outcomes at this stage The student may also achieve a range of outcomes from Domain 3 and/or 4 depending on the learning experience available in your area. You must identify any actions the student needs to address in the next placement.

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


Clinical Placement: Site: Area:

Dates: From: To:

Orientation Mentor Student Please Please initial and initial and date date Student induction pack

Philosophy of nursing care (or care framework used) Layout and location of placement area

Location of equipment, supplies etc

Fire procedure

Emergency procedures

Policies and protocols (location and access)

Confidentiality Professional behaviour – uniform, appearance, demeanour, identification, use of mobile phones, attendance, punctuality.

Messages and enquiries

Health, safety and security


Student declaration - ‘Ongoing achievement record’

Name: Cohort:

Student declaration: I give my consent for the sharing of personal confidential information between successive mentors and relevant education providers for the purpose of assessing my progress and fitness to practice.

Signature: Print name:


Please complete the following: Please tick I CONFIRM that I have shared with my mentor my specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively.

I do not have any specific learning needs necessary to maintain my continuity of assessment and my ability to practice safely and effectively Signature: Print name:


Signature of mentor: Print name:




Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Development plan arising from previous placement (if applicable): (Please give specific details of areas of weakness or practice outcomes that require attention)

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


The learning contract should be based on discussion of the following: Please tick  Learning objectives / priorities  Practice outcomes / learning opportunities  Skills development  Academic development  Specific learning needs e.g. dyslexia  Reasonable adjustments made (where required) and included in the Action Plan Student objectives:

Student action:

Mentor action:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:



Student comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT The student must have passed ALL DOMAINS at this stage. Student comments:

Mentor comments:

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:


Mentor comments on progress with learning contract/action plan outcomes: The student must have passed all outcomes in each of the 4 Domains in order to progress to year 2.

Signature of Student: Date:

Signature of Mentor: Date:

32 1. Domain – Professional Values Student must pass all outcomes in this domain in every Practice Learning Period Guidance: the practice outcome comprises the elements listed below. Feedback from children and families should be actively Mentor’s initials sought when appropriate. Mentor’s initials are required for each practice outcome for each placement. . Practice Learning Period 1 2 3

a. Can describe a basic understanding of what is contained in the Code (NMC 2015) and adopts a principled approach to care underpinned by the Code. b. Demonstrate a non-judgemental, caring and sensitive manner. c. Demonstrates enquiry with regards to the evidence base for practice. d. Assists safely in delivering holistic care in a way that values, respects and explores individual experiences of health and illness. e. Recognises the limits of own competence and knowledge, only carrying out duties within level of competence. f. Begins to understand the roles and responsibilities of other health and social care professionals. g. Engages with people in a way that ensures dignity and privacy is maintained through making appropriate use of the environment, self and skills and adopting an appropriate attitude. h. Demonstrates an understanding of how culture, religion, spiritual beliefs, age, gender and sexuality can impact on illness and disability. i. Respects people’s rights, for example seeking consent prior to providing care. j. Protects and treats information as confidential except where sharing information is required for the purposes of safeguarding and public protection. k. Seeks consent prior to sharing confidential information subject to agreed safeguarding and protection procedures. l. Acts within legal frameworks and local policies in relation to safeguarding adults and children who are in vulnerable situations. m. Applies the principles of data protection n. Under supervision works within legal frameworks to protect self and others o. Follows local and national guidelines and adheres to standard infection control precautions p. Promotes a professional image. a. Uses professional language appropriate to a 1st year student nurse b. Speaks professionally to colleagues, children and families c. Behaves in a professional manner q. Adheres to local policy and national guidelines on dress code for prevention and control of infection, including: footwear, hair, piercings and nails. r. Maintains a high standard of personal hygiene. s. Uses support systems to recognise, manage and deal with own emotions. t. Responds appropriately to compliments and comments

33 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) outcomes that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 1: Domain 1 – Professional Values

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to observation and (Use Please delete as initial answer Key,pg6) appropriate 1st attempt Pass / Refer

2nd attempt Pass/Fail

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate placement Personal Tutor Signature Date period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

34 1. Domain – Professional Values Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) outcomes that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 2:

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to observation and (Use Please delete as initial answer Key,pg6) appropriate 1st attempt Pass / Refer

2nd attempt Pass/Fail

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

35 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) outcomes that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 3: Domain 1: Professional Values

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation and (Use Please delete as answer Key 6) appropriate End of year Pass/Refer 1st attempt

End of year Pass/Fail 2nd attempt

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

36 2. Domain – Communication and Interpersonal Skills Student must pass all outcomes in this domain in every Practice Learning Period Guidance: the practice outcome comprises the elements listed below. Feedback from children and families should be actively Mentor’s initials sought when appropriate. Mentor’s initials are required for each practice outcome for each placement. . Practice Learning Period 1 2 3 a. Shows respect for others. b. Is able to engage with children and families to build caring professional relationships. c. Demonstrates respect for diversity and individual preference, valuing differences, regardless of personal view. d. Uses ways to maximise communication where a person’s hearing, vision or speech is compromised. e. Takes into account people’s physical and emotional responses when engaging with them. f. Interacts with the people in a manner that is interpreted as warm, sensitive, kind and compassionate, making appropriate use of touch. g. Evaluates ways in which own interactions affect relationships to ensure that they do not impact inappropriately on others. h. Demonstrates use of effective listening skills. i. Uses a range of communication strategies appropriate to the child’s stage of development, such as play or distraction. j. Communicates effectively both verbally and in writing, so that the meaning is always clear. k. Records information accurately and clearly on the basis of observation and communication. l. Always seeks to confirm understanding. m. Responds appropriately to verbal and non verbal communication e.g. Pain, anger, anxiety or distress. n. Recognises signs of anger and aggression and responds appropriately to keep self and others safe o. Assist children and young people to be actively involved in decision making. p. Effectively communicates children’s stated needs and wishes to other professional

37 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 1: Domain 2: Communication & Interpersonal skills

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation and (Use Please answer Key,pg6) delete as appropriate 1st attempt Pass/Refer

2nd attempt Pass/Fail

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

38 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 2: Domain 2: Communication & Interpersonal skills

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation and (Use Please answer Key,pg6) delete as appropriate Ist attempt Pass/Refer

2nd attempt Pass/Fail

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

39 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) that require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 3: Domain 2: Communication & Interpersonal skills

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation and (Use Please answer Key,pg6) delete as appropriate End of year Pass/Refer 1st attempt

End of year Pass/Fail 2nd attempt

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

40 41 3. Domain – Nursing Practice and Decision-Making Students must pass these outcomes by the end of Practice Learning Period 3 Guidance: the practice outcome comprises the elements listed below. Feedback from children and families should be actively Mentor’s initials sought when appropriate. Mentor’s initials are required for each practice outcome for each placement. Practice Learning Period 1 2 3 i) Organisational Aspects of Care: a. Safely assists in assessing, planning, delivering and evaluating care using recognised evidence-based child-centred frameworks. b. Recognises and reports any observed changes in child’s’ condition c. Demonstrates an understanding of common physical and mental health problems and treatments encountered in the placement. d. Provides family centred care that addresses physical, psychological and emotional needs and preferences. e. Assists in identifying and delivering appropriate health promotion interventions. f. Works with children and families to promote self care. g. Responds appropriately to changing health needs during different life stages such as progressive illness, death, loss and bereavement. h. Responds appropriately when faced with an emergency or a sudden deterioration in a person’s physical or psychological condition (for example, rapid physiological deterioration, collapse, respiratory arrest, self harm, attempted suicide) including seeking help from an appropriate person. i. Shares information with colleagues and seeks advice from appropriate sources where there is a concern or uncertainty. j. Recognises when situations are becoming unsafe and reports appropriately. k. Reports safety incidents regarding working environment, children, family or others to senior colleagues. l. Under supervision assesses risk within current sphere of knowledge and competence. m. Follows instructions and takes appropriate action, sharing information to minimise risk. n. Safely uses and disposes of medical devices under supervision and in keeping with local and national policy. o. Is competent to manually measure and record: Blood pressure Temperature Respiration Pulse Fluid intake and output Urinalysis Blood glucose ii) Infection Prevention and Control a. Demonstrates effective hand hygiene and the appropriate use of standard infection control precautions. b. Wears appropriate clothing for the care delivered in all environments. c. Contribute to the assessment of infectious/infested children or people and assist in the use of appropriate isolation techniques. 42 iii) Nutrition and Fluid Management a. Follows food hygiene procedures in accordance with policy. b. In liaison with a registered midwife provides essential advice and support to mothers who are breastfeeding. c. Reports to an appropriate person where there is a risk of meals being missed. d. Provide assistance and encouragement to children who are unable or unwilling to eat/drink. iv) Medicines Management a. Demonstrates an understanding of common medicines and side effects encountered in the placement. b. Understands common routes and techniques of medicine administration as applicable to the area. c. Demonstrates an understanding of the particular vulnerability of infants and young children in relation to accurate medicine calculations. d. Safely participates in medicine administration as applicable for the placement area e. Is competent in basic medicines calculations relating to: tablets and capsules liquid medicines injections including: unit dose sub and multiple unit dose SI unit conversion. For Domain 3 and 4 in PLP 1 or 2 only: A (placed in the column beside an outcome) = action or further practice required X (placed in the column beside an outcome) = outcome not seen or performed PLEASE INITIAL IF STUDENT ACHIEVES OUTCOME For Domain 3 and 4 in PLP in PLP 3 only: If there is no opportunity for the student to be involved in an outcome the mentor and student must complete it by using other methods e.g. simulation, role play etc

43 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: specific details of practice achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the outcomes that require attention or areas of cause for mentor) concern Practice Learning Period 1: Domain 3– Nursing Practice and Decision-Making

Assessment: Direct Question and Other (Use Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation answer Key,pg6)

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

44 3. Domain – Nursing Practice and Decision-Making Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes that achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 2:

Assessment: Direct Question and Other (Use Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation answer Key,pg6)

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

45 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: specific details of practice achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) outcomes that require attention or areas of cause for concern Practice Learning Period 3: Domain 3 – Nursing Practice and Decision-Making

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to observation and (Use Please initial answer Key,pg6) delete as appropriate End of year Pass/Refer 1st attempt

End of year Pass/Fail 2nd attempt

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate placement period) Personal Tutor Signature Date Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

46 4. Domain – Leadership, Management and Team Working Students must pass these outcomes by the end of Practice Learning Period 3 Guidance: the practice outcome comprises the elements listed below. Feedback from children and families should be actively sought Mentor’s initials when appropriate. Mentor’s initials are required for each practice outcome for each placement. . Practice Learning Period 1 2 3 a. Accepts delegated activities within limitations of own role, knowledge and skill. b. Demonstrates the importance of time management by being an effective team member. c. Recognises and begins to take personal responsibility for learning, assessment and professional development. d. As appropriate, participates in local clinical audit e. Under supervision, works within clinical governance frameworks. f. Under supervision begins to demonstrate safe clinical decision making.

For Domain 3 and 4 in PLP 1 or 2 only: A (placed in the column beside an outcome) = action or further practice required X (placed in the column beside an outcome) = outcome not seen or performed PLEASE INITIAL IF STUDENT ACHIEVES OUTCOME For Domain 3 and 4 in PLP in PLP 3 only: If there is no opportunity for the student to be involved in an outcome the mentor and student must complete it by using other methods e.g. simulation, role play etc

47 Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes that achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 1: Domain 4 - Leadership, Management and Team Working

Assessment: Direct Question Other Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to observation and (Use Key,pg6) initial answer

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate placement period) Personal Tutor Signature Date Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

48 4. Domain – Leadership, Management and Team Working Experience undertaken that has contributed to Areas for development: (specific details of practice outcomes that achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) require attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 2

Assessment: Direct Question Other (Use Key,pg6) Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to Observation and initial answer

Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

49 Application: Experience undertaken that has contributed to Development plan: (specific details of practice outcomes that require achievement of the practice outcome (to be completed by the mentor) attention or areas of cause for concern) Practice Learning Period 3: Domain 4– Leadership, Management ` and Team Working

Assessment: Direct Question Other Judgement Mentor’s signature Date Mentor to initial observation and (Use Please answer Key,pg6) delete as appropriate End of year Pass/Refer 1st attempt

End of year Pass/Refer 2nd attempt Personal Tutor Review (must review document after each separate Personal Tutor Signature Date placement period) Comments to include confirmation of progress with EU Directive Profile

50 Record of Attendance Practice Learning Period 1 Assisting safely in care delivery (317.5 hours required)

Clinical Trust(s) Area(s) Student signature Mentor(s)

Placement Hours Each Day (Start and Finish Times)

Week Total Authorised Su Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commencing Hours Signature

Total Placement Hours (excluding flexi hours and breaks) Total flexi hours taken It is the student’s responsibility to ensure this is signed and kept up to date. It is checked when you review it with your Personal Tutor at the end of your placement period. It should reflect that you have negotiated to work with your mentor wherever possible and to experience the range of shifts/weekends and/or nights where required and appropriate. NB: PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND DO NOT USE TIPPEX

S = Sick A = Absent F= flexi hours SD = SAFE DAY

I confirm that ………………….. hours have been completed in this practice learning period

Authorised Signature = Mentor or a qualified member of staff Print and sign here as specimen signature(s)………………………………………………………

51 Record of Attendance Practice Learning Period 2 Assisting safely in care delivery (280 hours required)

Clinical Trust(s) Area(s) Student signature Mentor(s)

Placement Hours Each Day (Start and Finish Times)

Week Total Authorised Su Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commencing Hours Signature

Total Placement Hours (excluding flexi hours and breaks) Total flexi hours taken

It is the student’s responsibility to ensure this is signed and kept up to date. It is checked when you review it with your Personal Tutor at the end of your placement period. It should reflect that you have negotiated to work with your mentor wherever possible and to experience the range of shifts/weekends and/or nights where required and appropriate. NB: PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND DO NOT USE TIPPEX

S = Sick A = Absent F= flexi hours SD = SAFE DAY

I confirm that ………………….. hours have been completed in this practice learning period

Authorised Signature = Mentor or a qualified member of staff Print and sign here as specimen signature(s)………………………………………………………

52 Record of Attendance Practice Learning Period 3 Assisting safely in care delivery (300 hours required)

Clinical Trust(s) Area(s) Student signature Mentor(s)

Placement Hours Each Day (Start and Finish Times)

Week Total Authorised Su Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Commencing Hours Signature

Total Placement Hours (excluding flexi hours and breaks) Total flexi hours taken It is the student’s responsibility to ensure this is signed and kept up to date. It is checked when you review it with your Personal Tutor at the end of your placement period. It should reflect that you have negotiated to work with your mentor wherever possible and to experience the range of shifts/weekends and/or nights where required and appropriate. NB: PLEASE USE BLACK INK AND DO NOT USE TIPPEX

S = Sick A = Absent F= flexi hours

I confirm that ………………….. hours have been completed in this practice learning period

Authorised Signature = Mentor or a qualified member of staff Print and sign here as specimen signature(s)………………………………………………………

53 Record of Time Made up

Guidance Notes:  The record below should be completed within one week of the date(s) worked. It will be checked by your Personal Tutor and recorded on your University record by administrative staff in the Faculty.  A separate entry should be made for each shift made up. In line with the Attendance Policy: “When making up time you must work a minimum of 4 hours. It is not acceptable to add an hour to each shift worked”. An extra 4 hours can be added to a shift, provided the shift does not then exceed 12 working hours (excluding breaks).  Students should make up time owing as soon as possible following sickness or absence(s). The hours must be made up in the placement area where they were allocated at the time of their sickness/absence or an area where they have previously been allocated. This must be agreed with your Personal Tutor and the relevant Clinical Practice Facilitator (or equivalent) or Placement Lead.

 Students can make up time on days off or holiday periods. During reading and university weeks students can make up a maximum of two shifts (these will be your days off). Students may NOT make up time owing on designated study days. Bank work is not acceptable as making up time.  Students should always negotiate made up time with the manager of their chosen area and the relevant Clinical Placement Facilitator to ensure that sufficient supervision is available and that working in the area will not affect the student capacity that has already been arranged with the University.

BE AWARE: Your signature is confirming that you have completed the hours as stated above in line with the Attendance Policy.

54 55 Record of Time made up Name: Cohort:

Date Hours Clinical Area Name of Designation of Signature of worked Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

I confirm that I have completed the hours as stated above in line with the Attendance Policy. I am aware that any falsification of entries may result in referral to the Fitness to Practice Panel, Student Conduct Committee, and may result in disciplinary action being taken.

Signed ......

56 Record of Time made up Name: Cohort:

Date Hours Clinical Area Name of Designation of Signature of worked Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor

I confirm that I have completed the hours as stated above in line with the Attendance Policy. I am aware that any falsification of entries may result in referral to the Fitness to Practice Panel, Student Conduct Committee, and may result in disciplinary action being taken.

Signed ......


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