Kanha Tiger Reserve, Mandla, Madhya Pradesh

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Kanha Tiger Reserve, Mandla, Madhya Pradesh


FAQs on Visit to Kanha Tiger Reserve

1. Where is K a nh a Ti g er R es e r v e L o cat e d ? 2. H o w d o I r each K a nh a T i g er R e se r v e ? 3. H o w d o I c o n t a ct t h e K a n h a T i g er R es e r v e M a n a g e m e n t? 4. Wh i ch are the entry p o i n ts to Kan h a T i g er R e s er v e? 5. What is the be s t t i m e t o v i s it K a nh a T i g er R e se r v e ? 6. What is the C l o sed P eri o d at Kan h a T i g er R es e r v e ? 7. What abo ut the weat her at K anha T iger Re serve? 8. Can t h e d e tails o f Rul e s a n d R e gu lati o n s f o r t o u rism be s e en o n li n e ? 9. What are o ff days f o r P a r k S a far i? 10. H o w to b o o k Permit f o r saf a ris in K a nh a T i g er R e se r v e ? 11. A r e M o b il e / C e ll P h o n es al l o w ed d u ri n g park e x cu r si o n s? 12. Can I v isit all t h e thr e e z o n es w i th o n e ent r y Permit ? 13. H o w can I r e s che du le m y Permit f o r t h e s afa r i? 14. Is there any p r ov is i o n f o r A d d-Ons? 15. H o w m a n y v eh i cle a re al l o w e d in Kan h a T i g er Re s er v e? 16. H o w m a n y safaris can be m a d e in K a n h a T i g er R es e r v e in a d a y ? 17. What are t he Zo nes in Kanha T iger Rese rv e? 18. H o w m u ch a Permit c o s ts f o r t h e safa r i? 19. H o w to get a Gu id e f o r t h e safa r i? 20. H o w to get a Vehicle f o r t h e safa r i? 21. H o w m a n y per s o n s a r e al l o w e d in a V eh i cle f o r the sa f ar i? 22. A n y e x e m p ti o n f o r the c h i l d ren in the sa f ar i? 23. Where to s t a y in K a nh a Ti g er Re s er v e? 24. H o w to b o o k f o r a cc ommod ati o n in Kan h a T i g er Res e r v e ? 25. H o w m u ch d o es a r o o m c o st? 26. H o w to m a ke p a y m ents f o r t h e a c c om mo d a ti o n f acili t y ? 27. D oes the Forest Re st Ho uses have Cantee n facility? 28. H o w to m a ke the c a n cellat i o n o f b o o k ed Permit s ? 29. What are t h e Rules f o r o b t ai n i n g per m iss i o n f o r F i l m i ng / P h oto g ra ph y f r o m G y p sies? 30. Is there any f ee ch a r g eab l e f o r s till c a m er a s/ v i d e o c a m eras d u ri n g fix e d r o und s? 31. H o w to b o o k E l ep h a n ts f o r T o u ri s m & P h o t o g ra phy / F i l m i n g? 32. What are t h e pr o v isi o n s f o r Ele ph a n t Ri d e ? 33. H o w to a v ail c o n c ess i o n f o r sc ho o l stu d ents / trai n e e s / t ra in ers a n d su pp o rt s t af f ? 34. What are t h e pr o v isi o n s f o r citi z ens o f N epa l? 35. Where d o I g et m o re i n f o r m at i o n o n K a nh a T i g er R e s er v e ? 36. What is M a dh y a P ra d esh T i g er Fo und at i o n S o c i e t y ? 37. Ho w do I becom e a m em ber o f the M adhy a P radesh Tiger Foundatio n? 38. H o w d o I c o n tri bu t e t o t h e M a dh y a P ra d esh Ti g er F o u nd ati o n ? 39. What is the K a nh a W o rke rs ’ So c i et y ? 40. H o w d o I c o n tri bu t e t o K a nh a Wo r ke rs’ So c i e t y ? 41. Is there a n y p r ov is i o n o f m o v i n g o n f oo t / c a m p i ng / st a y i n g in h i d es a n d m ac h a n s / n i gh t safa r i / c y cli ng / n atu r e trails i n si d e the P ar k ? 42. What are m a nd at o r y d o c u m ents t h at I n e e d to car r y du ri n g t h e safa r i? 43. What if a pe r m it h o l d er tu r n s up late a t the e n t r y ga te ? 44. What are t h e ac t i v ities t h at can be t aken up in the C o r e Z o n e o f t h e T i g er Re s er v e ? 45. What are t h e ac t i v ities t h at can be t aken up in the Bu f fer Z o n e o f t h e T i g er R e s e r v e ? 46. H o w m a n y v eh i cles are al l o w e d f o r t o u ri s m in t h e B u f f er Z o n e o f K a nh a Ti g er R e s er v e ? 47. What are t h e preca u t i o n s I n e e d t o t a ke f o r m y saf e ty whi l e in t h e P a rk? 48. What are the P ark M anagem ent’s v iews o n lo cal com m unities and sharing o f to urism i n c o m e? 49. Is there any family package available to visitors? 50. Is there a facility of a bus for the park excursion? 1. Where is Kanha Tiger Reserve Located? Kanha Tiger Reserve situated in Satpura Maikal Landscape is spread over the Mandla and Balaghat Districts of Madhya Pradesh State in India, with Headquarter stationed at Mandla.

2. How do I reach Kanha Tiger Reserve? Kanha is accessible from Jabalpur, Raipur and Nagpur by road through regular bus and taxi services. All the three places are connected to major cities in the country by road, rail and air.

3. How do I contact the Kanha Tiger Reserve Management? Contact details are as follows: Tel: +91 7642 250760 (W) +91 7642 251266 (F) Email: f d kn p .m d l @ m p . go v . i n , f d kan h a @ red i f f m ai l .c o m Website: h t tp : / / w w w.kan h ati g erre s er v e.c o m

4. Which are the entry points to Kanha Tiger Reserve? Kanha Tiger Reserve has three entry points, namely, Khatia, Mukki and Sarhi. Khatia is nearly 160 Kms from Jabalpur (Via Mandla), 250 Kms from Raipur (Via Chilpi-Mukki-Baihar) and 220 Kms from Nagpur (Via Seoni-Nainpur_Chiraidongri). Mukki is nearly 200 Kms from Jablpur (Via Mandla-Mocha-Baihar), 210 Kms from Raipur (Via Chilpi) and 260 Kms (Via Seoni-Nainpur- Mocha-Baihar) and 260 Kms (Via Balaghat-Baihar) from Nagpur. The Sarhi Gate is nearly 8 Kms off Bichhiya, which is on NH 12 A about 150 Kms from Jabalpur (Via Mandla) and about 220 Kms from Raipur (Via Chilpi-Sijhora). Currently around 8 rooms are available at the Sarhi Gate. The Gate supports the Day Visitors only. On road navigation can be accessed from h t t p : / / w w w . m a p my i nd a. c o m .

5. What is the best time to visit Kanha Tiger Reserve? Kanha Tiger Reserve remains open from 1st October to 15th June every year. Best time to visit Kanha Tiger Reserve is from November to December and March to May.

6. What is the Closed Period at Kanha Tiger Reserve? Kanha Tiger Reserve remains closed for the period from 16th June to 30th September.

7. What about the weather at Kanha Tiger Reserve? Kanha being situated in Central India is subjected to extreme and tropical weather. Month of January may also witness sub-zero temperatures and frost. Monsoon arrives in the second week of June. The average temperature over the months is as below:

Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Min (°C) 1 10 22 30 35 25 20 19 19 12 6 3 Max (°C) 15 25 35 40 42 41 34 30 31 29 27 25 8. Can the details of Rules and Regulations for tourism be seen online? Yes, the relevant Notification issued by the MP Forest Department, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh can be seen online at h t t p: // f o re s t. m p o n li n e. go v . in

9. What are off days for Park Safari? The Park shall remain closed to the visitors for afternoon safaris on all Wednesdays and on the day of “Holi” and “Diwali”.

10. How to book Permit for safaris in Kanha Tiger Reserve? Permits for Park safari can be booked in advance at h t t p: // f o r e st. m p o n li n e. go v . i n . Permits are also available at the designated KIOSKs, Mandla Office and at all the Gates (Khatia, Mukki and Sarhi) in Kanha Tiger Reserve.

11. Are Mobile/ Cell Phones allowed during park excursions? While visitors are allowed to take their Mobiles/ Cell Phones during park excursions, they need to remain in silent mode.

12. Can I visit all the four zones with one entry Permit? Permits are issued for a specific zone. The safari is permitted only the zone booked for. Other three zones shall remain out of bound for the visitors.

13. How can I reschedule my Permit for the safari? Permits can be rescheduled by visitors online by using the same login user ID.

14. Is there any provision for Add-Ons? An Add-on is only possible under following circumstances:

 The total number of members of a party should be less than five.  The leader of the party should agree to the adding-on.  The original Permit must have at least two persons to avail of this facility. Each Add- on, irrespective of the number of persons, shall be charged an additional normal entry fee of a particular zone. Adding-on shall only be allowed once.  The presence of the group leader of the original permit holder is a must in the Add-on arrangements.

15. How many vehicles are allowed in Kanha Tiger Reserve? 140 vehicles are permitted to enter the Park every day, including the morning and afternoon sessions. The central Kanha zone (Kanha) accommodates 45 vehicles, west Kanha zone (Kisli) 20 vehicles, south Kanha zone (Mukki) 45, and the north Kanha zone (Sarhi) 30 vehicles per day, in the morning and evening sessions. The information on zone-wise morning and evening carrying capacities and bookings is as under: Park Zone Round Max Online Online FD Online Offline Name Name Allowed Full WaitList Quota Single Single Vehicle Vehicle (Full (Full Vehicle Seat Permit Vehicle Vehicle Permit (Gate) Kanha Kanha Morning 28 19 Per5mit) Per3mit) 3 3 Kanha Evening 17 11 3 2 2 2 National Park Kisli Morning 12 9 3 1 1 1 Kisli Evening 8 5 2 1 1 1 Mukki Morning 23 17 5 2 2 2 Mukki Evening 22 16 4 2 2 2 Sarhi Morning 15 9 3 2 2 2 Sarhi Evening 15 9 3 2 2 2

Total Morning 78 54 16 8 8 8 Evening 62 41 12 7 7 7

16. How many safaris can be made in Kanha Tiger Reserve in a day? Two safaris, one in the morning and the other during the afternoon can be made in a day. The safaris are allowed from sunrise to sunset with a break between 1100 hrs to 1500 hrs. These timings, however, are subjected to slight changes depending on the season as under.

17. What are the Zones in Kanha Tiger Reserve? Safaris are made in four Zones in Kanha Tiger Reserve. The Zones are Central Kanha (Kanha), West Kanha (Kisli), South Kanha (Mukki) and North Kanha (Sarhi). Each of the Zones can be accessed from any of the entry points with specific routes and under certain terms and conditions.

18. How much does a permit cost for the safari? Permits for both Indian and Foreign tourists cost Rs. 250 for single permit and Rs 1500/- for full vechile permit in any of the four tourist zones. The cost of the permit does not include the Portal, Guide and Vehicle charges. 19. How to get a Guide for the safari? Guides shall be available at the entry points. It is mandatory to keep a Guide during the Park safari. Cost of hiring a Guide will be Rs 360/- for each safari. Guides shall be provided on a roster basis (not by choice) and shall be asked to accompany the visitors right from the entry point at the time of verification of the permit.

20. How to get a Vehicle for the safari? Only registered Gypsies are allowed to enter into the Tiger Reserve for the safari. The vehicles can be hired at Rs 2000/- for safari. The above mentioned rate is from gate to gate basis. The rates are subjected to changes as per the revisions made by the Madhya Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation. No advance booking facility is available for the hiring of vehicles. No private vehicles are allowed to enter into the Tiger Reserve.

21. How many persons are allowed in a Vehicle for the safari? A maximum of six persons, excluding the mandatory Guide and registered Driver, are allowed in a vehicle during the safari on one permit.

22. Any exemption for the children in the safari? Children up to five years of age shall be exempted from entry fee and elephant ride fee.

23. Where to stay in Kanha Tiger Reserve? Accommodation facilities are available in the Khatia Jungle Camp and Forest Rest Houses at Kisli and Mukki. All the rooms are provided with double beds but no extra bed. Rooms in the Khatia Jungle Camp shall be provided with air coolers, hot water, furnitures (Only New Hutments) and colour TV with DTH connection. Rooms in the Mukki and Kisli Forest Rest House shall be provided with air conditioners, hot water and furniture. However there are wide range of accommodation (Economy to Luxury) available outside Mukki and Khatia gate.

24. How to book for accommodation in Kanha Tiger Reserve? Accommodation can be booked in advance during the office hours (1030-1730 hrs) over phone (+91 7642 250760), fax (+91 7642 251266) and email ( f d kn p . m d l @ m p . g ov . i n , f d kan h a @ red i ff m ai l . c o m ). The right of reservation lies with the Field Director, Kanha Tiger Reserve.

25. How much does a room cost? Khatia Jungle Camp Old Hutments: Rs 800/- per room New Hutments: Rs 1000/- per room

Kisli Forest Rest House (AC) : Rs 2000/- Kisli De-Shelter (Non AC) : Rs 1600/- Mukki Forest Rest House (AC) : Rs 2000/-

26. How to make payments for the accommodation facility? Khatia Jungle Camp Old Hutments: Rs 800/- Rs 480/- in favour of Up Sanchalak, Kanha Vikas Nidhi Rs 320/- in favour of The President, Kanha Workers’ Society New Hutments: Rs 1000/- Rs 600/- in favour of Up Sanchalak, Kanha Vikas Nidhi Rs 400/- in favour of The President, Kanha Workers’ Society Kisli and Mukki Forest Rest Houses: No advance is accepted (Only after occupancy).

The payment must be sent either in Crossed Demand Drafts payable at Mandla (SBI Branch Code SBIN0000421) or in Cash towards the accommodation facility.

27. Does the Forest Rest Houses have Canteen facility? The Khatia Jungle Camp, the Kisli and Mukki Forest Rest Houses have canteen facilities to cater to the needs of the visitors. The canteens are being run by the Kanha Workers’ Society. Bills pertaining to food are charged separately.

28. How to make the cancellation of booked Permits? Permits booked online can be cancelled at h t t p : / / f o res t .m p o n li n e. go v . i n . Tickets can also be cancelled at the counters near the Gate as per the Cancellation Rules.

 From Date of permit 60 days or before entry/Safari date complete amount of Permit will be refunded after deducting portal charge  Cancellation of Permit Between 30 days To 59 days prior Safari date Cancellation charges deducted on the Permit after deducting portal charges will be 25% of Permit value.  Cancellation of permit Between 15 days to 29 days prior Safari date. Cancellation charges deducted on the Permit after deducting portal charges will be 50% of Permit value  Cancellation of permit Between 05 days To 14 days .Cancellation charges deducted on the Permit after deducting portal charges will be 75% of Permit value.  Cancellation of permit between 5 days or less days prior to entry. No Refund eligible.

29. What are the Rules for obtaining permission for Filming/ Photography from Gypsies? Permission for Filming/ Photography in the Core area of the Tiger Reserve shall be given by the Field Director in the name of cameraman for which fee will be payable accordingly to the following:

Duration Indian Educational/Research Others Remarks Institutes; Departments and Institutes of Government of India and State Government of Madhya Pradesh

First 7 days 10000 40000 Per camera man per day

8th to 15th day 7500 30000

16th day onwards 5000 20000 For permission for Filming/ Photography in the Phen Wildlife Sanctuary 50% of the fee will be payable.

30. Is there any fee chargeable for still cameras/ video cameras during fixed rounds? Visitors are permitted to use their still or video cameras free of cost during fixed rounds.

31. How to book Elephants for Tourism & Photography/ Filming? Provisions for Elephant Rides for the above purposes have been elaborated under Rule 4 & 5 of the Notification.

1. For Tourism:

Permission for tourism shall be given by the local officers at entry gates to the National Park. Advance booking can also be made for elephant ride.

On a two-seater elephants, only two persons shall be allowed to sit, excluding Mahout. Children up to five years of age shall be allowed free along with their parents/ guardians. Duration of the elephant ride shall be 1 hour and fee per person will be payable as under:

 Rs. 1,000 fee per person will be payable. For the children age between 5-12 years fee will be half to the fee. But for the calculation of seat, it will be considered as a full seat.

2. For Photography/ Filming:

Permission for photography/ filming from an elephant shall be given by the Field Director/Chief Conservator of Forests. This fee shall be payable in advance for the entire period of filming/photography. The period of permission can also be in broken periods.

On the basis of availability and if demanded by the cameraman with permission for photography/ filming, the elephant can be given for 3 hours. Only 2 persons, including the cameraman in whose name the photography/ filming permission has been issued and 1 more person to assist the cameraman will be allowed to sit on an elephant. Duration of the photography/ filming shall be 3 cool morning hours. The charges per elephant/ 3 hours shall be as under:

- For Indian educational or research : Rs. 6000/- institutes and departments and institutes of Govt. of India and State Govt. of Madhya Pradesh

All others: : Rs. 24000/-

The fee for Photography/ Filming shall be non-refundable. For any violation by the cameraman or his assistant of the photography/ filming team, in addition to the legal action by the competent forest officer, their entry can be banned for the part or full period of the remaining permission period by the officer in-charge of the protected area.

32. What are the provisions for Elephant Joy Ride? Elephants have to be booked at least one day in advance. It is one-hour safari and does not guarantee a tiger sighting. Elephant safari allows you to explore the jungle by leaving conventional forest roads.

33. How to avail concession for school students/trainees/trainers and support staff? Authorized study tours of students belonging to recognized educational institutions shall be charged 50% of the entry fee if prior information is given for such authorized study tours. However, institutions in question have to book online Permits as per the norms, and only on reaching the entry gate and showing relevant original permission letter, the 50% amount will be returned in cash. This facility shall be allowed to an institution only once a year and shall be limited to only one visit. The head of the recognized educational institute needs to write a letter to this effect giving the names of all the students and teachers/ faculties accompanying them on the safari.

34. What are the provisions for citizens of Nepal? The citizens of Nepal shall be treated at par with Indian citizens with regard to the determination of fees.

35. Where do I get more information on Kanha Tiger Reserve? For more information on Kanha Tiger Reserve, please log on to our website h t t p : / / w w w . k a nh ati g erre s er v e . c o m and h t tp : // f o re st .m p o n li n e. go v . i n .

36. What is the Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society? The Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation is a registered society under the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 1973 which came into existence on January 15, 1997. It is a Non-Profit Organization working towards conservation of wildlife (with special emphasis on tiger). This Novel Scheme provides an opportunity to secure support from public and organizations outside the Government with the sole objective that people from all walks of life must join hands to protect the tiger and its habitat.

37. How do I become a member of the Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society? In April, 2001 The Tiger Foundation Society announced Annual and Life Membership Fees for obtaining membership of the Society. The Annual Membership Fee is Rs. 500/- (Rs Five Hundred Only) and Life Membership Fee is Rs. 100,000/- (Rs One Hundred Thousand Only). Every proud member will be provided with an Identity Card.

38. How do I contribute to the Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundation Society? All contributions must be sent through Crossed Cheques or Demand Drafts drawn in favour of The Secretary, Madhya Pradesh Tiger Foundations Society, Bhopal, India. The society has obtained Foreign Currency Regulation Act (FCRA) registration and is authorized to receive donations from outside the country. All the donations made are eligible for Income Tax exemption under section 80 (g) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. For details, please contact:

Secretary, MP Tiger Foundation Society & Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife), Madhya Pradesh Pragati Bhawan, 3rd Floor, Press Complex, MP Nagar, Zone-I, Bhopal-462001, INDIA Tel: +91 755 2674318 (W) +91 755 2766315 (F) Email: p ccf w l @ m p . g ov . i n , p ccf w l @ m p f ore s t .o r g

39. What is the Kanha Workers’ Society? The Kanha Workers Sahkari Sakh evam Kamgar Samiti Maryadit, Kisli was formed under the Society Act, 1960 for the welfare of the staff of the Kanha Tiger Reserve. All the serving individual of the Tiger Reserve are eligible to become a proud member of this Society.

40. How do I contribute to Kanha Workers’ Society? All the generous donations to The Kanha Workers Sahkari Sakh evam Kamgar Samiti Maryadit, Kisli can be sent trough Crossed Demand Draft, Cheque and in Cash or in kind in favour of The President, Kanha Workers’ Society, Kanha Tiger Reserve, Mandla, Madhya Pradesh. For details, please contact:

The Deputy Director, Kanha Tiger Reserve, Mandla, Madhya Pradesh, India-481661 Tel: +91 7642 250760 (W) +91 7642 251266 (F) Email: f d kn p .m d l @ m p . g ov . in

41. Is there any provision of moving on foot/camping/staying in hides and machans/night safari/cycling/nature trails inside the Park? Kanha Tiger Reserve has nature trails just near the Khatia Gate and Mukki Gate which can be used for educative walking experience. As on date, there is no such provision for moving on foot/camping/staying in hides and machans and night safari in National Park.

42. What are mandatory documents that I need to carry during the safari? All the visitors are required to produce the entry permit and any one of the identity cards (Adhar Card, Voter ID, Driving License, PAN Card, Govt. Employee Card, Passport and Student ID) on demand by the Park Officials for verification at the entry point.

43. What if a permit holder turns up late at the entry gate? The permit is valid till one hour for full vechile permit and half hour for single permit after the scheduled entry time. After these time permits will be deemed to be cancelled.

44. What are the activities that can be taken up in the Core Zone of the Tiger Reserve? Only safari on vehicles on the designated routes is permitted in the Core Zone of the Tiger Reserve. Walking on foot or getting off the vehicle is strictly prohibited but for the Kanha museum complex premise. There is one designated place in each zone where the visitors can get down from the vehicles & relax.

45. What are the activities that can be taken up in the Buffer Zone of the Tiger Reserve? Nature trails at Khatia and Mukki have been made for walking on foot and for moving on cycles. A herbal trail in Chhapri near Khatia is also open to the visitors. Orientation centers at Khatia and Mukki are open to the visitors during the evening hours. The Park Officials explain the necessary conducts and safety measures to be taken during the safari. The amphitheaters are used for screening movies on wildlife. Many hotels conduct guided tours of the countryside. Besides this, a tourism zone for vehicular safari has also been carved out in Khatia range. One can take a safari in the Khatia zone as it is equally rich and protected as the Core area of the Tiger Reserve. At present the permit charges for the Khatia zone is for Indian & Foreigner Rs. 750.00 and single seat charges is 125.00, exclusive of the gypsy charge Rs 2000 and Guide charge Rs 360.

46. How many vehicles are allowed for tourism in the Buffer Zone of Kanha Tiger Reserve? 15 vehicles in the morning and 10 in the evening are allowed into the Buffer Zone for jungle safari. There is no provision for online booking of Permits for this zone, and visitors can buy them at the Khatia entry gate itself.

47. What are the precautions I need to take for my safety while in the Park? Visitors are allowed to move on open vehicles in the Park. One should refrain from teasing or even feeding wild animals. Getting off the vehicle and moving on foot is strictly prohibited. First- aid box is a mandatory kit in all the vehicles. Winter garments are advised during the months of November - February. It is always advisable to follow the instructions of the Guide and adhere to the do's and dont's. Sitting firmly on the seat confined to the vehicle, remaining watchful to the dangling branches, avoiding touching of plants, eating of leaves and fruits, drinking water from the flowing streams and wearing of boots and trousers in the nature trail are always advisable. Also aroid bright colour cloths during the vehicular safari & walks on the trails.

48. What are the Park Management’s views on local communities and sharing of tourism income? Since the tourism in and around the Tiger Reserve is sustained primarily from the non- consumptive use of wildlife resources and the local communities are the ones that bear the cost of conservation in terms of lost incomes, cattle depredation by carnivores and crop damage by wild herbivores; one third of all tourism receipts deposited in the development fund of that protected area in a year is being shared with the Ecodevelopment Committees of the Tiger Reserve.

49. Is there any family package available to visitors? No there is no such facility available to visitors.

50. Is there a facility of a bus for the park excursion? Yes, MP Tourism Development Corporation runs three 18 seater mini bus on from the Mukki gate and two from the Khatia gate. The rates for the Permits for the mini bus are run by the MPTDC but the booking are done at the entry gate counters.

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