An Overview of Autotrophic (Alga) and Osmotrophic Heterotrophic Protista

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An Overview of Autotrophic (Alga) and Osmotrophic Heterotrophic Protista

1 Topic #6: Origins of Eukaryotes: An Overview of Autotrophic (Alga) and Osmotrophic Heterotrophic Protista

REQUIREMENTS: Powerpoint Presentations, fossils from Schopf collection, cyanobacteria from the Friedmann collection.


1. Outline the chronology of the major events in the evolution of life on Earth. When did the first organisms appear? What were their modes of nutrition? Were initial conditions on Earth favorable for life? What was required for aerobic respiration? What is the

1 primary source of O2 on Earth? . . . present levels? What is responsible for the “recent ”

decrease in CO2 concentration? When did eukaryotes appear? . . . sex? . . .

multicellularity? . . . and so forth. Discuss the O2/CO2 when plants appeared in the context of selective pressure against the oxygenase activity of rubisco. 2. Describe the hypothesis that Eukarya formed because of the whole-cell permanent fusion of an archaeal cell with a bacterial cell. Name traits of eukaryotes that are derived from the bacterial and from the archaeal ancestors according to this hypothesis. Do Archaea and Bacteria have a common ancestor? Justify your answer. Draw a simplified phylogenetic tree that emphasizes the divergence of Archaea and Eukarya (to contrast with whole-cell fusion as the origin of Eukarya). 3. What is lateral gene transfer (between cells, between genomes within a cell)? How important is lateral gene transfer? Discuss phagocytosis as a mechanism for lateral gene transfer. Identify other mechanisms for lateral gene transfer. Describe and diagram the endosymbiotic origin of chloroplasts and mitochondria. Name traits that chloroplasts and mitochondria have in common with each other and with Bacteria. (Hint: amount and organization of DNA, ribosomes, size . . . .) Distinguish primary from secondary endosymbiosis. 4. By use of a diagram, outline the steps in the secondary endosymbiotic origin of cryptomonad chloroplasts. Explain the origin of the membranes. What is the

1 Not considering the Industrial Era. 2 nucleomorph? Does it encode for genes? Describe the ribosomes of the cryptomonad chloroplasts (one type? two types? location?) In secondary endosymbiosis, is the eukaryotic genome of the engulfed organism always conserved, at least in part? 5. Describe in detail chloroplasts of green algae and plants. . . . structure, compartmentation of function? . . . organization of light harvesting? (Again, review BSC 2010.) 6. Do plastids have a common evolutionary origin? (I.e., are chloroplasts monophyletic or polyphyletic?) Why? Describe different kinds of plastids (red algal, plant, brown algal, and cryptomonad). Use the chart at the end of the unit as a prompter. What, exactly, is the prokaryotic progenitor of chloroplasts? 7. Are only chloroplasts presumed to have had an endosymbiotic origin? 8. Why is the 16S (or 16S-like) rRNA a “favorite” molecule for use in constructing molecular phylogenies? What do such studies indicate about the evolutionary relationship of green algae and plants? What do such studies indicate about the evolutionary relationship of cyanobacteria and red algae? 9. Describe how the peripheral light-harvesting apparatuses (phycobilisomes) of cyanobacteria and of red algae complement the 16S rRNA studies. . . . green algae and plants (LHCs)? How can other biochemical attributes (e.g., carbohydrate storage product, pigments, flagellation patterns) be used to complement the sequence analysis? (Again, see chart at end of topic for a prompter.) 10. Explain the evidence from the 18S-rRNA sequence comparisons that brown algae and oomycetes are related? How does this evidence complement morphological evidence? (Hint: heterokontous flagellation.)? 11. List some general attributes of green algae. 12. Describe three lines of evolution in the development of multicellularity. 13. Describe the flagellation patterns of gametes. Which is the most primitive? . . . most advanced? 14. Describe Chlamydomonas and outline its sexual and asexual life cycles. 15. List some general attributes of red algae and of brown algae. 16. Describe Fucus and outline its sexual life cycle. 17. List some general attributes of oomycetes. 18. Describe Phytophthera and outline the essentials of its sexual and asexual life cycles. 3 Lecture

Appearance of Organisms

POWERPOINT SLIDES: A series of slides that highlight topics in the following chart on Chronology. 4

Time (BYBP) Event 4.5 Earth formed The universe is about 13 billion years old,2 and the Solar System is about 10 billion years old. 4.5–3.8 Earth inhospitable Large asteroid impacts (and heat) would have destroyed any organisms during this period.3 3.5–3.8 Appearance of first organisms4 The first organisms were non-photosynthetic prokaryotes, and there was insignificant O2 in the Earth’s atmosphere. 3.5 Appearance of oxygenic photoautrophs (some questions have been raised?) Oxygenic photosynthesis resulted in atmospheric O2.

2 Rise of O2-rich atmosphere; evolution of O2-respiring organisms 10-15% O2 only at this time; reached present levels by 0.8 BYBP 2.25 Appearance of eukaryotes 1.3 Appearance of sex 0.7–1.5 Appearance of multicellular organisms 0.5–1 Appearance of large eukaryotes 0.5 Appearance of plants6 7 CO2 concentration about 15x current level 0.3 Appearance of seed plants8

CO2 concentration had decreased to its current level, another result of photosynthesis. 0.14 Appearance of angiosperms 0.003 Appearance of humans9 As an aside, you will want to know that our knowledge of life's origin on earth has increased rapidly over the past two decades through the efforts of paleobiologists like Bill Schopf. Schopf pushed our record for oxygenic photosynthesis to 3.5 x 109 years ago (Science 260: 640). In rocks similar to the one shown on the next slide, Bill and other biologists have discovered microfossils that

2A best estimate is 12-14 billion years, given the age of the oldest stars and the supposition that they were formed within a billion years of the universie. Other current estimates put the universe at 15 billion years old. Recent reports of stars that are 18 billion years old apparently are not correct. Quite probably, the age of the universe will be known with confidence by about 2010, assuming that the current generation of telescopes delivers. As of this writing (late 2005), maintenance and repair of the Hubble telescope has been cancelled so it will operate until it fails. To keep up, visit 3It was during this period that matter about the size of Mars collided with Earth and knocked off a chunk that became our Moon. This brief note is included simply to emphasize the violence of those early days. For another perspective, look at the “seas” of the moon— impact craters. Since the moon is a smaller target with less gravitational pull, one would expect the Earth to have had even more collisions (the evidence for which has been destroyed by geological processes such as erosion). In effect, the heat of the explosions would have kept Earth sterile. 4The past has left a number of “biosignatures” (12C/13C ratios, microfossils, complex organic molecules), but it is difficult to determine with certainty which of these are authentic. For example, some geological processes form structures in rocks that resemble microfossils. For an overview of this topic, see “Questioning the oldest signs of life” in Scientific American April 2003. 5Fossils go back to ~1.5 BYBP; the presence of steroid residues in ancient rocks is the basis for the older date shown. (The particular molecules assayed do not appear in modern prokaryotes.) 6Plants probably moved to land about 520 MYBP, as evidenced by spore tetrads and sheets of cells that resemble sporangial walls. 7 The decrease in CO2 concentrations following this high level was accompanied by a large increase in stomatal density (so CO2, the substrate for photosynthesis, could be acquired). Greater stomatal conductance, however, meant more water loss, and most early plants were restricted to areas of high water table. Thus, various plant components coevolved: leaves (which lost water, as mentioned), tracheids (which, recall, transport water upward), and roots (which, recall, acquire water) 8 In the era 420-360 MYBP, there were diverse types of vascular plants, some of which bore seeds. 9Of course, everything depends on definitions, thus: first hominoids, ca. 4.5 MYBP; first members of genus Homo, 2.5 MYBP; Homo erectus, 1.9 MYBP; Archaic Homo sapiens, 0.7 MYBP; Neanderthal man, 0.2 MYBP. 5 appear to be similar to present day prokaryotes. (These were originally considered to be cyanobacteria, but perhaps they were not.)

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Bill Schopf (South Africa) and fossils he collected.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Microfossils (Fig. 11-2 of Raven, Evert, and Curtis). Note the cross walls marked by arrows.

Given that prokaryotes arose and diversified within a billion years of earth's formation, and then the evolution of eukaryotes from them required an additional billion years, one infers that this evolutionary leap was substantial.

Special Alert: In the remainder of this topic, several organisms and groups will be mentioned in order to flesh out the concepts that I will present. In some cases, I do not see any value in the context of our discussions in your committing to memory the name of the organism or group, although they are important as evidence for evolutionary discussions. As I mentioned in the course introduction, we cannot study all organisms or even the biology of many photosynthetic groups. I regret that, because all these omitted organisms are interesting, and some of them are important to Florida.10 Throughout 10Notable among the omissions is the Dinophyta (= Pyrrophyta), the dinoflagellates. About half of these mostly unicellular flagellates are photosynthetic. The “eukaryotic portions” of their cells ally them with ciliates. They have different and unique flagellation patterns (in one type, the flagellum is ribbon-like). The photosynthetic representatives vary in pigmentation, so they may have obtained their photosynthetic systems from different sources. They contain a type of rubisco not found in other eukaryotes, and division of gene coding between the chloroplast and the nucleus is unusual (dinoflagellates have retained only about a 3-kb plastid genone [Trends Plant Sci 12:xx (2006)]. The nucleus is not typically eukaryotic. (The chromosomes are attached to the nuclear envelope; they are rod-shaped and remain condensed throughout the cell cycle. The chromosomes do not have histones. In mitosis, the nuclear envelope remains intact, but the spindle apparatus forms outside the nucleus, with channels through the nuclear membrane for microtubules. For all these reasons, some refer to them not as eukaryotic but as “mesokaryotic” or as “dinokaryotic.”) Dinoflagellates have been part of human history. Read from Revelation 16:3: “And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.” . . . and, later, Exodus 7:17 “Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord: Behold, I will smite with the rod that is in mine hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they be turned to blood. . . .And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink . . . .” We are encouraged not to become overly enamored with the details, particularly of Revelation, but it would certainly appear that the God was using dinoflagellates as early as ca. 50 A.D. as a vehicle to deliver his wrath. Red tides are known through the world and were recorded along the Florida Gulf coast—beaucoup dead fish, whales—as early as 1800. Red tide is caused by a periodic population explosion of any one of about 20 dinoflagellates, particularly Gymnodinium breve, which produces brevetoxin. Search the web for “red tide” as a phrase to catch a glimpse of current advisories concerning ingestion of shellfish (finfish die soon, but oysters accumulate the toxin, which makes them poisonous), swimming, diving, and breathing ocean spray. The fascination does not stop! In addition to using their toxin to discourage herbivory, they also use it to kill fish, which they then feed on. And, what about those that are luminescent? These dinoflagellates, e.g., Gonyaulax, produce flashes of blue light when the water is physically disturbed. It is speculated that the light serves to startle animals that are feeding on the dinoflagellates or that the light attracts predators of the dinoflagellate’s predators. . . . and perhaps the best is last: certain photosynthetic dinoflagellates, called zooxanthellae, form symbiotic relationships within the cells of a large number of hosts including protozoa, 6 this topic, focus on remembering the following groups and representative organisms within them: cyanobacteria (synonyms: cyanophytes, Cyanophyta, blue-green algae) because they gave rise to chloroplasts; green algae (synonyms: chlorophytes, Chlorophyta) because they gave rise to plants and because they can be used to discuss evolutionary trends; red algae (synonym: Rhodophyta) because their chloroplasts most closely resemble extant cyanobacteria; brown algae (classified as a separate phylum, Phaeophyta, or as a class, Phaeophyceae, of the Chromophyta,11 or in Heterokonta) because they are complex organisms (no unicellular or colonial forms), they have a distinctive type of flagellation (“heterokontous,” one normal whiplash plus a second “tinsel” flagellum), and because they offer an example of a common life cycle we otherwise would not cover; Oomycetes (the only class within the Oomycota; synonyms: water molds, pseudofungi; oomycetes are also heterokonts) because they can be used to show that heterotrophic and autotropic protista can be closely related and to discuss the fallibility and value of using a single trait (like morphology) to classify organisms.

A General Overview of the Origins of Groups.

We cannot “see” clearly to the origins of life. A generalized view of the relationship among the three domains (Archaea, Eukarya, and Bacteria) is outlined on the next slide. In essence, this diagram posits an unknown protobiont that diverged into Bacteria and another lineage that later diverged into Archaea and Eukarya and indicates two endosymbiotic events (more later). According to this view, for example, a bacterial trait such as glycolysis that is found in Eukarya is explained as that trait having evolved before the initial divergence.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: The divergence of Archaea and Eukarya (ref. on slide).

An alternative explanation for the presence of glycolysis, for example, in Bacteria and Eukarya, but not in Archaea, is the whole-cell merger of a progenitor bacterial cell and a progenitor archaeal cell.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Merger of Bacteria and Archaea to form Eukarya (ideas from Margulis).

clams, flatworms, jellyfish, and corals. 11For a succinct discussion of the different classification schemes of brown algae and their justifications, see P. Sze, A Biology of the Algae, 3d ed., WCB/McGraw-Hill, 1997. 7 The resulting cell would not have been typical of modern eukaryotes, as it would not have had the typical hallmarks12 of a eukaryotic cell, such as mitochondria, peroxisomes, chloroplasts, and so forth. I had given an abbreviated list of traits on the Powerpoint slides that would have been derived from the bacterial “parent” and from the archaeal “parent.” For the most part, this list is a repetition of the expanded comments that I made during the previous topic. The merger theory is relatively new, having been put forth about 1987; evidence has been collected in support of it until the present. As Archaea were not discovered until the late 1970s, this theory developed rapidly as characteristics of Archaea were established. It is important to appreciate—despite the many differences between Bacteria and Archaea—that, overall, life is similar. Later, I will discuss molecular phylogenies. Now, recall the ubiquity of certain basic features of all cells, such as the ribosome. In all groups, the ribosome has two subunits, and, rRNA genes are homologous throughout; as mentioned, our focus will be on the 16(18)S rRNA from the small subunit. My chart is therefore not intended to imply that Archaea and Bacteria have separate origins. A current and reasonable interpretation13 is that all rRNAs have a common ancestor, implying, of course, that Archaea and Bacteria evolved from a common ancestor and then diversified before the putative merger, which is dogma14 among some evolutionists. The discussion is obviously headed into the direction of non-vertical (= lateral, horizontal) gene transfer. One generally considers, of course, that a genome is inherited as a unit from one progenitor cell (or two, in the case of gametes), but there are several mechanisms for moving genes from one genome to another (from one cell to another or from one genome within a cell to a second genome within the same cell). We will first mention phagocytosis as it naturally leads into endosymbiosis, a central concept that I have alluded to several times.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Phagocytosis as a means of horizontal gene transfer.

Imagine, now, that the engulfed prokaryote survives:

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Primary endosymbiosis.

12Different types of cells were recognized in the late 1930s, when the terms prokaryote and eukaryote were coined to describe them. At an elementary level, one can make lists of differences between these two types of cells. At a deeper level, however, the unity of life becomes more obvious. If one retards cell division in a prokaryote, multiple copies of the genome accumulate (and multiple chromosomes are a requirement for Mendelian genetics (independent assortment of traits during meiosis)). From the other side, some extant eukaryotes do not have the ability to undergo meiosis and some of them lack mitochondria. In this general course, we will not have the time to discuss these details. 13For more on this topic, see International Review of Cytology 141: 233. 14Erwin Schrödinger (1925): “Where riddles led me on to further riddles, to them the truth was quite precisely known.” 8 For a long time, similarities among mitochondria, chloroplasts, and bacteria have been recognized, so, very early15 the endosymbiont theory was advanced.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Empirical evidence for endosymbiosis.

In brief, this theory states that a eukaryotic progenitor engulfed a bacterium and a mutual dependency was established such that the internal symbiont became an obligate feature of the derived cell. Initially, this theory was applied only to chloroplasts and mitochondria.16 These two organelles have a number of distinctive characteristics.17 First, they are bounded by two membranes (each a lipid bilayer). In the case of chloroplasts acquired by primary endosymbiosis, the outer membrane18 is generally posited to have been derived from the outer membrane of the progenitor prokaryote (a Gram- negative bacterium). Large pore-forming molecules in the outer membrane of such chloroplasts allow many solutes to pass freely through it, resembling in this and other ways the outer membrane of the Gram-negative bacterium. The inner membrane is presumed to have derived from the limiting membrane of the engulfed prokaryote. Second, both mitochondria and chloroplasts have 70S bacterial-type ribosomes (and all that is implied about function and sensitivity to antibiotics). Third, DNA in these two organelles is packaged as it is in bacteria (and all that is implied with regard to transcription), and the content is generally limited, similar to or less than the amount found in the typical bacterial cell. During the establishment of this theory, a number of objections were raised. The major objection was that the function of the organelle depends on the import of proteins that are synthesized on cytosolic ribosomes and are encoded for by the nucleus, a situation that implies a large

151883 for chloroplasts, early 1900s for mitochondria; resurgence upon discovery of DNA in these organelles in 1962. 16We will not discuss mitochondrial evolution; an extremely good review article is available (Science 283: 1476). In brief—despite the differences in the compact animal and expansive plant genomes, all mitochondria appear to have a monophyletic origin, from the rickettsial subdivision of the α-Proteobacteria. (This is a group of obligate internal parasites that include Rickettsia prowazekii, which causes louse-vectored typhus.) The current question is whether an amitochondriate eukaryote arose, which subsequently acquired a mitochondrion, or whether mitochondria and the nucleus arose simultaneously. (As mentioned earlier, all extant amitochrondriates evolved from mitochondria-containing cells.) 17As I will discuss at least briefly, chloroplasts vary tremendously from group to group. Some, in fact, have more than double membranes, as will be discussed. Unless I qualify, the term “chloroplast” refers to the chloroplast type that is found in plants and green algae. If you need to, refer to the cell-structure notes in BSC 2010. In that course, a distinction between chloroplast types would not have been made, and the prototype described would be the one based on the green alga/higher plant organelle. 18Some explanations indicate the membrane(s) are derived from internal or limiting membranes of the engulfing eukaryote, but details are beyond the scope of this course. 9 transfer of genes19 from the engulfed bacterial cell to the nucleus of the eukaryote progenitor.20 As we do not observe such bulk transfer, it was difficult to visualize. However, we now know that organelle genomes are different and plastic. As an example, some plant mitochondrial genomes encode for a particular tRNA, whereas others do not. This observation implies that the transfer of genes from the organelle to the nucleus has been gradual, a situation much easier to visualize. Now, we also know that genes can move about quite a bit. Indeed, many of the genes in plant mitochondria were transferred there from chloroplasts! The acquisition of organelles by endosymbiosis opens up many possibilities. First, the number of endosymbiotic events—either serial (e.g., mitochondrion, then chloroplast) or parallel (e.g., one endosymbiotic event led to chloroplasts in one evolutionary line and a different endosymbiotic event led to chloroplasts of a different evolutionary line)—is not constrained. That is, chloroplasts could theoretically have a polyphyletic origin—chloroplasts of green algae and of higher plants clearly appear to result from one (or several identical21) endosymbiotic events. These chloroplasts are similar

19As a perspective with respect to mitochondria, a typical animal mitochondrial genome size is 16 Kb with 13 open reading frames. Plant mitochondria are much larger, ranging from 200 Kb to 2500 Kb (367 kb in the model plant Arabidopsis). Even within one species, the mitochondrial genome can vary dramatically—e.g., the “master” chromosome of maize is either an NA type (700 Kb), an NB type (570 Kb), or a T type (500 Kb). (Maize mitochondria have five genomes, not one, as is found in animal mitochondria.) Even with a larger genome size, typically, plant mitochondria can encode for only a handful of genes—as an example, about 95% of the peptides that are required for the respiratory chain in plants are encoded for by the nucleus. The mitochondrial genome of Marchantia (a plant in the bryophyte grade that I will mention later) was the first to be completely sequenced. It has 94 open reading frames—simply as a matter of perspective, consider how many tRNAs, rRNAs, and ribosomal proteins are required simply to get the protein-synthesis machinery “off the ground.” For further reading, see, e.g., Plant Science 112: 11–32; Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 45: 545–575; Critical Review of Plant Science 21: 111–126. As a general perspective, consider that the chloroplast genome is much smaller than the plant mitochondrial genome. Typically, it is about 150–200 Kb and encodes for the rRNAs, all the tRNAs (unlike plant mitochondria), and a handful of genes involved in photosynthesis (to summarize: genes related to photosynthesis and genetic systems). Being prokaryotic in nature, the genes are organized in operons. The chloroplast also must therefore import 80–90% of the nominally 1000 polypeptides that are required for its functions. Methods are now available for transformation of the plastid genome (Trends in Biotechnoligy 22: (6), 2004). A number of advantages over nuclear transformation are cited (homologous recombination, less likelihood of outcrossing with nearby plants since plastids are inherited maternally in most crop plants, and others). 20In the range of 400-2200 genes in the Arabidopsis nucleus (~25,000 genes) are derived by transfer from the cyanobacterial symbiont. Fore more, see Trends in Genetics 17: 113-120. 21When in doubt, apply Occam’s razor: (From the American Heritage Dictionary: Ock·ham's razor also Oc·cam's razor—n. A rule in science and philosophy stating that entities should not be multiplied needlessly. This rule is interpreted to mean that the simplest of two or more competing theories is preferable and that an explanation for unknown phenomena should first be attempted in terms of what is already known. Also called law of parsimony. [After William of Ockham.]) 10 to each other (two membranes, starch as a storage product within the chloroplast22, grana23 of three or more thylakoids, similar organization of light harvesting apparatus, absence of significant peripheral reticulum, absence of membrane-bound ribosomes24). Chloroplasts of many protista however are different from the green algae/plant model. These ideas will be fleshed out in the following. The first question is, did the diversity among chloroplasts arise after a single primary endosymbiotic event, or did it result from different endosymbiotic events?25 Second, cell structures frequently observed in Eukarya and in addition to the DNA-containing organelles (i.e., chloroplasts and mitochondria) may have arisen through endosymbiosis. An example is the peroxisome/glyoxysome. In this case, in which the organelle does not contain DNA or protein-synthesizing machinery and has only a single limiting membrane, the only vestige of the original engulfed prokaryote is the membrane and its associated transport functions. It is possible to visualize such a dramatic reduction of function,26 but it is also more difficult intellectually to tie this organelle into some progenitor prokaryote. Keep this possibility in mind, at least. Third, primary endosymbiotic events (i.e., a progenitor eukaryote engulfing a progenitor prokaryote) are not the only ones permitted; so are secondary endosymbiotic events (i.e., a progenitor eukaryote engulfing another eukaryote). Thus, chloroplasts of some algae have three membranes (the third possibly having been derived from the limiting membrane of the engulfed eukaryote) and some, even four membranes (the fourth possibly having been derived from the vacuolar membrane of the engulfing eukaryote). In extreme, but convincing, examples of secondary endosymbiosis, the Cryptophyta (or cryptomonad algae) and the chlorarachniophytes, the four-membraned chloroplast retains a vestige of the engulfed red algal nucleus (“nucleomorph”) and 80S ribosomes between the second and third membranes. The three chromosomes of the nucleomorph have eukaryotic features (many introns, but tiny ones, as little as 12 bp) and prokaryotic features (genes organized in operons) and contain open reading frames that

22Essentially, three chloroplast lineages exists. Only organisms that obtained chloroplasts make starch (although some have lost the chloroplast evolutionarily); other eukaryotes, bacteria and archea have glycogen and/or other substances. We will look at two of these: the green algal/plant line and the red algal lineage (including, for example, brown algae). For an updated view of these lineages, consult Science 305:354 (2004). Of these three lineages, only the green algal/plant line stores the starch within the chloroplast. (Some differences in the carbohydrate storage products among chloroplast-containing eukaryotes exist, but don’t let the difference obscure the major point here.) 23 The structure of grana depicted in your text (7th Ed., 2005) is considered to be out-of-date. The localization of complexes, however, is correct. As we discuss grana, this is not an over-riding point, but I would not want the zealous to commit dated material. 24One of the charts at the end of this topic summarizes many attributes of photoautotrophic Protista. 25For a historical perspective: From Jean Whatley, International Review of Cytology 144: 259: “Indeed it is this aspect of the hypothesis, the possible monophyletic or polyphyletic origin of the chloroplasts of different algal phyla, that is currently receiving most attention.” From Helmchen et al., Journal of Molecular Evolution 41: 203-210: “The number and timing of endosymbiotic events comprise two of the most interesting and controversial problems in plastid evolution.” 26The wholesale loss of one or another complete function has to be accepted at face value. For example, with minor exceptions (the so-called cyanelles (= plastids) of the photoautotrophic protist Cyanophora), all plastids have completely lost the peptidoglycan cell wall of the progenitor bacterial ancestor of the chloroplast. 11 encode for few genes (~550 [mostly its own maintenance genes: rRNAs, ribosomal proteins, a eukaryotic type of RNA polymerase), but ~30 involved in plastid function]). (We will not study the biology of the mentioned organisms and I would not expect you to recall the names other than cryptomonad, but the concepts are central to this topic.)

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Secondary endosymbiosis/plastids—concept (ref. on slide).

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Primary and secondary endosymbiosis (spread and origin of plastids)— BOT 3015 focus.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Horizontal gene transfer—a summary of mechanisms.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: The plant plastid (chloroplast, chromoplast, amyloplast &c.).

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Types of plastids (modified from Fig. 1.9, Sze) and their evolutionary origin.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Schematic representation of photosynthetic membranes: the relationship between form and function.

Phylogenetic trees assembled based on plastid 16S rRNA.

The upcoming Powerpoint slide displays an assemblage of phylogenetic trees that were constructed based on complete sequences of 16S rRNAs27 by different methods. The 16S rRNA is a favorite molecule on which to base molecular phylogenies28 because it is easy to work with, it is ubiquitous, it is large (and thus is more information-rich than other conserved molecules such as 5S rRNA or tRNAs), it has segments that evolve rapidly (allowing distinction among closely related organisms) and segments that evolve slowly (giving it utility in comparisons of distantly related groups), and it functions equivalently in all organisms (suggesting that it should have a good “clock” function). The interpretation of these trees should be made in the following way. First, the different types of chloroplasts were derived from cyanobacteria (hence our focus on them in the previous topic), regardless whether by a single or many different endosymbiotic events. Second, the most remote

27Although we focus on the 16(18)S rRNA from the small subunit of the prokaryotic (eukaryotic) ribosome as mentioned in the last unit, it is important to note that other molecules are studied, too. By 2000, there were more than 3000 complete sequences from eukaryotes for this RNA (Journal of Molecular Evolution 51: 565-576). 28As an interesting historical aside, the initial recognition of Archaea was made from observations of 16S rRNA. 12 common ancestor is positioned at the far left of each tree. Thus, if two organisms are distantly related the evolutionary divergence would be at the initial branch point. By way of an example, in panel A, Clostridium is only distantly related to all other groups because it branches off on a “leg” by itself. In contrast, in panel A, chloroplasts of plants and green algae (chlorophytes) are less related to cyanobacteria than cyanobacteria are to red algae (rhodophytes). A unifying feature emerges on the examination of these rRNA-based trees: with the exception of panel A, all the chloroplasts are more closely related to each other than they are to cyanobacteria. Thus, five of the six sets of data are best explained by a single endosymbiotic event with subsequent diversification of plastid types. An additional emphasized observation in support of a monophyletic origin of plastids is that they all share certain gene clusters (“operon organization”) that are absent in cyanobacteria—this observation is most easily explained as a postendosymbiotic gene assembly in a single common ancestor of all chloroplasts. A final line of evidence for a monophyletic origin: Many genes of the nucleus were transferred there during endosymbiosis. In turn, the products of some of these genes are exported to the plastid. The transport mechanisms (signal sequences, etc.) are the same in all chloroplasts. Earlier, we thought the transport mechanism was a de novo means of transporting proteins, but currently it is believed that the import machinery evolved from a pre-existing export system of the pre- endosymbiont.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Simplified versions of plastidic 16S rRNA phylogenetic trees constructed according to different methods. (Fig. 1 of Nelissen et al.)

Phylogenetic trees assembled on the basis of cytosolic 18S rRNA

An exceedingly important concept is that the phylogeny of the plastid does not apply to the rest of the cell. It is one component of the cell, of course, but you can easily imagine a secondary endosymbiotic event in which a “host” eukaryote engulfs an alga. Consider that during endosymbiosis, the engulfed alga was reduced to simply a chloroplast and retained no vestige of its own eukaryotic nature. In this case, the plastid of the formed eukaryote would be identical to that of the algal species, but the nucleocytosolic portion of the formed eukaryote would have an entirely different evolutionary origin from the nucleocytosolic portion of the algal species. Thus, a complete understanding requires that we examine separately the evolutionary origin of the “eukaryotic” portion of the cell.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Phylogenies constructed based on the sequence of the nuclear-encoded 18S rRNA. (Fig. 3 of Nelissen et al.) 13 The top of this figure shows that plants and green algae have similar 18S rRNA sequences, implying that their eukaryotic ribosomes have a similar evolutionary history. Recall that we observed the same clustering when the sequences of the plastid 16S rRNAs were compared. The conclusion is that green algae gave rise to plants, a perspective that is supported by many lines of evidence (such as the morphological and biochemical similarities in the plastids as discussed earlier). Please note that the fungi form a group with animals, supporting a long list of evidence that fungi are not simple plants as was believed earlier.29 A third observation is that red algae form a broad group with fungi. Finally, note that the heterokont algae (which, recall, include brown algae—one of our focus groups) are associated with nonphotosynthetic oomycetes. This observation, coupled with morphological evidence, viz., flagellar structure, indicates a close evolutionary affinity among the heterokonts (again, our examples being oomycetes and brown algae).

Three Groups of Autotrophic Protista: Green Algae, Brown Algae, Red Algae. (Please use the chart at the end of this topic as a general comparative summary of these taxa.)

Green Algae Green Algae are represented by about 450 genera and 7000 species. Mainly inhabitants of fresh water, they show considerable diversity in modes of reproduction, morphology, and habitats.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Examples of colonial, siphonous, and parenchymatous multicellular green algae.

Three distinctive lineages of evolution of multicellular forms are found within green algae. (1) Colonial organisms, such as Volvox, evolved through duplication of essentially one type of cell, in this case, Chlamydomonas, which will be seen shortly. To be multicellular, the cells must function together as a coordinated unit (i.e., the cells must communicate), and the cells must show some specialization. A filament, on the other hand, is simply an assemblage of similar cells that are held together in some fashion, such as by an extracellular sheath. Cells in a filament are not specialized and do not function as a coordinated unit. (2) Multinucleate (= coenocytic = siphonous) organisms represent a type of multicellularity in which the cell body grows as nuclei divide, but new cells are not formed. (3) Parenchymatous organisms are the most highly differentiated. As discussed in an earlier

29The title of this article, written on the basis of comparisons of the sequences of 25 different proteins, says it all: “Animals and fungi are each other’s closest relatives: congruent evidence from multiple proteins,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 90: 11558–11562. Questions persist about the relationship of the major eukaryotic lineages (see Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 98: 10202–10207). However, compelling evidence for the relatedness of opisthokonts (flagella in a posterior position: animals, fungi, and a few other organisms) is based on alternative approaches that utilize infrequent, irreversible phenomena such as gene fusion. Thus, dihydrofolate reductase is fused to thymidylate synthase in all organisms except opisthokonts (Science 300: 1703). 14 unit, to form a complex 3-D body, cells must have the means of dividing selectively in any plane. Plants evolved from parenchymatous green algae. Gamete evolution and specialization is also observed in green algae. The most primitive type of fertilization, isogamy, involves the fusion of morphologically identical gametes. For example, this type of fertilization is exhibited by the species of Chlamydomonas that we will use as an example taxon.30 The most advanced type of fertilization is oogamy, in which one gamete (the egg) is immotile and larger than the other gamete. Volvox, a colonial organism evolutionarily derived from Chlamydomonas, accomplishes fertilization by oogamy. An intermediate type of fertilization, anisogamy, is accomplished by the fusion of gametes of unequal size (but not being so distinct as in oogamous organisms).


(A) The cell contains one large chloroplast. (B) The chloroplast contains a red pigment body (the stigma or eye spot). The stigma may be involved with light perception, but the actual receptor molecules are rhodopsin. It is speculated that the eyespot shades the receptor pigment and perhaps assists in detecting the direction of the light. (The stigma is not seen in this slide.) (C) Also within the chloroplast is a roughly spherical body, the pyrenoid. Pyrenoids are often found in algal chloroplasts, almost never in plant chloroplasts. The pyrenoid is involved in CO2 fixation or starch metabolism or both. Essentially, it is rubisco with a coat of starch. (D) There is a cell wall, which lacks cellulose (but some green algal walls do have cellulose). (E) Two flagella arise from the point marked Flagellum (under some environmental conditions, flagella are lost, and the cell becomes coated with a gelatinous material). (F) Two contractile vacuoles (also called “pulsing” vacuoles), near the base of the flagella but not shown in this section, are used for excreting material from the cell's interior and empty alternately. They are involved in maintaining water balance.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Reproduction in Chlamydomonas.

30This is an opportune time to remind you that my goal is to teach you generalities and concepts. You would, as I have mentioned several times earlier, not use these notes as a comprehensive reference source. Specifically in the case of Chlamydomonas, I have been general (isogamy, distinct mating types); however, Chlamydomonas is a large genus (about 400 species, and growing, according to Florida State University’s Dr. L.R. Keller) and there is a great deal of diversity (some in which sexual reproduction occurs by oogamy, some in which lack mating strains, and asexual reproduction may involve the formation of as few as two and as many as 16 daughter cells). At the expense of redundancy, I am using a Chlamydomonas as a prototype to teach concepts. Thus, in this course, “Chlamydomonas” will take on the special meaning of reference specifically to the species exhibiting the traits detailed in the text. Parallel comments could be made with the other protistans that we will cover, but I will let this comment serve as a blanket for them also. 15 Asexual reproduction: (A) The parent cell (which is haploid) retracts her flagella. Inside the cell, the flagella disintegrate, but the basal portion divides to form basal bodies. (B) Mitosis takes place twice, giving rise to four daughter protoplasts. (C) The daughter cells secrete a wall and develop flagella. A secreted enzyme gelatinizes the mother cell wall. (D) The daughter cells are released.

Sexual reproduction (zygotic meiosis): (A) A mature haploid cell divides mitotically to produce several gametes. The gametes develop walls, flagella, etc. This series of events may be brought about by an environmentally harsh condition —nitrogen starvation, for example—but the stimulus varies with the species. As you will see below, the sexual cycle results in a cell that can remain dormant. (B) Gametes are released. (C) Gametes cluster, and opposite mating types (i.e., so-called “+” and “-” gametes) pair off, entangling flagella. (The recognition factors for the mating types are at the tips of the flagella.) (D) A protoplasmic thread connects the two gametes at the base of the flagella. (These threads grow out from each gamete to fuse with each other.) (E) The flagella “untwist,” and the gametes fuse. (F) A zygote is formed. (G) The flagella shorten and then disappear. (H) A thick wall forms around the zygote, which remains dormant for some time. (I) After some time, the diploid zygote undergoes meiosis, resulting in four haploid cells, each of which develops flagella and a cell wall. (Please note that meiosis could give rise to “+” and “-” mating strains.) (J) The resulting cells may undergo sexual or asexual reproduction.

Red Algae Red algae are mostly marine and occur in warmer climates; they are usually small (compared to the browns, which may be very large) and grow attached to rocks or other algae. Their life cycles can be very complex.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Three examples of red algae. 16 Brown Algae Brown algae are mostly marine organisms and they inhabit cooler and temperate climates. They are typical seaweeds, and some grow to very large dimensions, as much as 100 m tall. A distinctive feature of brown algae and other heterokonts is the type of flagellum:

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Heterokontous flagella.

POWERPOINT SLIDES: Four examples of brown algae.

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Life cycle of Fucus.31 Meiotic gametogenesis (= gametic meiosis). (Most brown algae reproduce by alternation of generations, but we choose Fucus specifically to illustrate meiotic gametogenesis.)

(A) (panel I) Gametes are produced on separate structures (see conceptacle). Some species produce male and female reproductive structures on different individuals (i.e., they are heterothallic). (B) Fertilization is external, by oogamy, and produces a new diploid organism. (C) The life cycle of Fucus does not include a gametophyte generation. Sperm and eggs are formed directly by meiosis (subsequent mitoses give rises to multiples, however). This situation, like that of animals, contrasts with the opposite situation found in Chlamydomonas.

One Taxon of Heterotrophic Protista: Oomycetes.

The four major groups of complex heterotrophic Protista (Oomycota, “water molds”; Chytridiomycota,32 “chytrids”; Acrasiomycota, “cellular slime molds”; Myxomycota, “plasmodial slime molds”) should be considered each to have evolved from a separate evolutionary line among the eukaryotes. They are dissimilar organisms and have in common primarily their inability to photosynthesize and their general mode of nutrition. Oomycetes are heterokonts, as mentioned earlier. Their cell walls are of cellulose (unlike fungal walls, which are of chitin). They are unicellular or coenocytic except for the formation of reproductive structures. In some oomycetes, sexual reproduction can occur between male and female sex organs on the same individual. Species with this capability are referred to as homothallic.33 Other species are heterothallic—i.e., male and female sex organs are borne on different individuals. The definitions of

31Just as the Chlamydomonas life cycle is not like that for all other green algae, so the Fucus life cycle is not like that of all brown algae. I have simply selected an example species to make a few points. 32As will be discussed later, these organisms have many traits in common with fungi. Indeed, some biologists consider them a fourth taxon of fungi. See footnotes at the topic on Fungi. 33“same body.” 17 homothallic and heterothallic should be contrasted with that for isomorphic (having identical gametophyte and sporophyte except for reproductive structures, as found in some green algae such as Ulva).

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Potatoes infested with Phytophthera infestans34,35 (Scientific American 280: 74).

POWERPOINT SLIDE: Life cycle of Phytophthera infestans.

34Before you are swept away with the footnote that Chellemi produced (following), commercial potato production requires the use of frequent “fungicides” (and sometimes insecticides) to control Alternaria (early blight, which is sometimes not early) and Phytophthera (late blight). In North Florida, I would suggest that the home gardener choose Kennebec, which is relatively disease-resistant, over the more popular early red potatoes. Take an interest in how your food is protected—go to But, I am a little hypocritical; as I write this, I sit with a tummy full of frittata made from my own Yukon Gold, La Soda, Red Pontiac, a delicious fingerling (probably, French Fingerling), and a blue potato (probably, All Blue), plus, as I advised, Kennebec. On the other hand, I have been able to grow them without fungicides. 35A LECTURE BY DAN CHELLEMI TO FSU PLANT BIOLOGY STUDENTS (reproduced by permission): THE IRISH POTATO FAMINE OF 1845 INTRODUCTION. How many of us have heard the term ‘Irish potato’. Well there is nothing Irish about the evolution or development of the potato. The origin of the cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum is in the highlands of South America between Peru and Bolivia. It was brought to Europe around 1570 and by 1800 was well established in Ireland. Most of the land in Ireland at that time was owned by British gentry who rented the land back to Irish peasants at inflated rents. The preferred payment was in the form of small grains (oats and wheat) which grew poorly in the cool, moist climate of Ireland. Potato on the other hand was well suited cultivation by the Irish for several reasons. The same Irish climate which was so inhospitable to small grains was very similar to the climate in the potato’s center of origin. The potato was also an amazing source of energy, providing more megajoules of edible energy than yams, maize, rice, wheat, or cassava. Finally, potatoes are vegetatively propagated by their tubers, which meant it was very easy to establish and maintain a crop of genetic uniformity, maximizing the yield potential. Thus, it is no surprise that the diet of Irish peasants became exclusively dependent upon the potato. By 1845, the daily intake of potato by Irish peasants ranged between 8 and 14 pounds. Up until, 1845 this dependence upon potato served the Irish well. For example, the population of Ireland increased from 4.5 million in 1800 to 8 million in 1845, an increase of 77%. A CATASTROPHE OF IMMENSE MAGNITUDE. In Ireland, the summer of 1845 began hot and dry but by midsummer changed to overcast, cool and rainy. This weather pattern persisted for 6 consecutive weeks. During that period, almost the entire potato crop failed. The plants seemed to just rot away. The result was major starvation, emigration, and social unrest. Remember that in 1845 the germ theory was unknown. To many, the crop failure was attributed higher powers, ie., an act of God, the devil, a curse, etc. Among the scientific community it was believed that the potato plants drowned from too much rain. Tubers were collected from the dead plants in the hopes of establishing a crop in 1846. However, the same scenario was repeated in 1846 and subsequent years, even though the weather patterns were not as severe. The starvation and misery were so severe that 1 million people died and 1.5 million emigrated to the United States between 1845 and 1848. The collapse of the potato crop had caused a decrease in the population of Ireland by 30% over a three-year-period. Much of the Irish ancestry in the United States can be traced back to the Irish famine. The collapse of the potato crop was not restricted to Ireland. Starvation and misery occurred throughout Europe. This period of time in Western Civilization is known as the ‘Hungary 40s’ and forced a change in values among citizens. For example, it was during this period that the Communist Manifesto was written and that England repealed its notorious corn tax, in which importation of food crops were heavily taxed. ENTER THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY. The hungry 40's were also responsible for rapid advancements in the field of science, particularly the study of microbes. Up until 1845, fungi and bacteria were observed on decaying vegetation and food products but it was believed that they were the result rather than the cause of decay. Louis Pasteur did not propose his germ theory of disease until 1863. Spontaneous generation was widely accepted as the manner in which microbes spawned. That is, microbes spontaneously appeared on tissue which 18

Life cycles of oomycetes—primarily diploid organisms—vary in detail; hence, I would like you to take only the major points from this overhead. First, as shown on the upper right-hand side (and as discussed in the extensive footnote), Phytophthora has an asexual life cycle, which is the usual form of reproduction. The key point is the formation of a diploid heterokontous zoospore. In Phytophthora, this zoospore directly gives rise to a plant-penetrating mycelium (the collection of threads (= hyphae) that composes the fungal-like body); in other oomycetes, this “leg” of the asexual stage is further had been decaying. So even though, a fungus had been observed on the potato plants during the famine, it was believed that the fungus appeared after the plant were already sick. A German scientist named Anton deBary studied the potato decline in earnest and was especially intrigued by the consistent appearance of the same fungus in decaying tissue. In a series of carefully controlled experiments he exposed two groups of potato plants to the same severe environmental conditions which occurred in 1845. To one group, he inoculated the plants with tissue containing the fungus. Only the group inoculated with the fungus died. Repeated experiments produced the same results. deBary proved that a microorganism (the fungus) was responsible for the failure of the potato crop. This discovery predates Pasteur proposal of the germ theory and formed the basis of the science of plant pathology. deBary named the fungus Phytophthora infestans which in Latin means destroyer of plants. The plant disease was called late blight. Additional studies revealed that the fungus was able to infect the potato tubers and could survive lengthy periods within the tuber. Thus, the method of vegetative propagation using tubers was responsible for the epidemic in two ways: it ensured a crop of genetic uniformity (susceptibility) and it provided a very efficient system for delivering inoculum to the field. Studies on the control of epidemics lead to the development of the use of fungicides in crop protection and documented the importance of sanitation in avoiding disease. Through a prudent program of sanitation that involved destroying infected tubers and the use of copper based fungicides, epidemics were kept a manageable levels in years when the climate was not conducive to disease. However, in years with abundant rainfall, nothing could stop the epidemics and misery and suffering still took place in Europe. For example, in 1916 Germany was at war and all of the copper used for fungicides was diverted for the manufacture of bullets. The result was a wide spread epidemic of late blight that resulted in the starvation of 700,000. WHERE IS THE SEX? Over the next 50 years several factors became evident. First, the sexual stage of the fungus P. infestans was never found. This was significant for several reasons, The sexual spores (oospores) of Phytophthora species have thick walls that enable it to survive in the soil over extended periods of time. The presence of oospores would negate the beneficial effects from sanitation practices. Also, presence of the sexual stage would mean that genetic recombination was occurring, which could lead to the develop of new, more virulent strains of the fungus. Attempts to find resistant potatoes in South America, the site of origin for S. tuberosum were unsuccessful. This was surprising because the same area where potato originate was also believed to be area where the pathogen originated and it has been observed that pathogens that evolve with their hosts achieve a balance in which resistance of the host and virulence of the pathogen coexist. In the early 1900's resistance to P. infestans was found in Solanum demissum that had been collected in the mountains of central Mexico. This specific region of Mexico is known as the Toluca Valley. The resistance in S. demissum was transferred to S. tuberosum through conventional breeding and potatoes resistant to late blight disease were employed. Unfortunately, the resistance was not durable and was soon overcome by the organism. How could this be if P. infestans did not have a sexual stage? One possibility is mutation. Mutation occurs in 1 of 200,000 to 1 million cell divisions. Another possibility is the natural genetic variability inherent in P. infestans and other fungi belonging the class oomycetes. Remember that this group of heterotrophic protistians is diploid and do not have cross walls in their mycelia. Thus, a mycelium is multinucleate and may contain many genetically different nuclei. Finally, mycelia from different strains of fungus within the same species can fuse when they come in contact with each other. This process is known as anastomosis and is one way in fungi can exchange germplasm without sexual reproduction. SEIZING CONTROL OVER EPIDEMICS. In the last half of this century, the combination of crop sanitation, use of certified disease free tubers, resistant cultivars and fungicides with systemic activity managed to keep epidemics of late blight in check even in years where environmental conditions where favorable for disease. 19 complicated by the formation of a secondary zoospore. Alternatively, the deciduous airborne diploid sporangium can behave directly as a spore and germinate to give rise to a new mycelium. Interestingly, the developmental fate of the asexual sporangium is regulated by temperature—at temperatures above 15C, the latter fate prevails. Second, sexual reproduction presents a model that you previously have not learned. Usually, gametes simply fuse—i.e., plasmogamy (fusion of the protoplast) is immediately followed by karyogamy (fusion of the nuclei). As the diagram shows, meiosis occurs within the maturing gametangia of somatic hyphae (different mating types) that are in intimate contact. Then, protoplast of “male” fuses with the “female” and delivers one to many sperm, which may fertilize one or more eggs. Thus, one or more oospores, each with a single zygote, form within the female gametangia (which is sometimes referred to an the oogonium). The oospore can survive for several years before it germinates to start the cycle anew.

A SEXUAL MYSTERY IS SOLVED. As scientists continued to work on the P. infestans - S. tuberosum pathosystem, the same question kept arising. Does sexual recombination occur in P. infestans and if does where is the opposite mating type and why does it occur in the center of origin for S. tuberosum? Phytophthora infestans requires the presence of opposite mating types, A1 and A2. Until recently, only the A1 mating type was observed. As more and more scientists ventured to the Toluca Valley in Mexico to obtain resistant germplasm, an interesting discovery took place. Oospores were found on wild relatives of the potato. Further investigations confirmed the presence of both the A1 and A2 mating type. The sexual mystery was unraveled and a new evolutionary hypothesis was proposed. The presence of both matings types of P. infestans and Solanum species resistant to the pathogen indicates that P. infestans evolved in the central highlands of Mexico, not in the Andes regions of South America. If that is true, how did the fungus get to Europe? remember that between 1570 and 1845, potatoes were cultivated in Europe with out the presence of late blight. It is believed that the fungus made it North America, where it was first observed in 1842 in Pennsylvania. From there it spread across the Atlantic, with the assistance of man. NATURE STRIKES BACK. In the late 1970s, a severe shortage of seed tubers threatened the potato industry in Europe. Vast quantities of tubers (as much as 25,000 tons) were shipped from Mexico to Europe. A few years later severe epidemics of late blight began to occur again in Europe. Fungicides and resistant plants which had worked for over 40 years suddenly became ineffective. Sanitation practices no longer seemed to have an effect on epidemics. In 1984, presence of the A2 mating type and oospores were confirmed in the Netherlands. Soon after, the both mating types were identified throughout Europe. In 1987, the A2 mating type was identified in Pennsylvania. Soon after, major epidemics occurred in several areas of the United States. The Red River Valley of North Dakota is the second largest potato seed tuber production region in the United States. Prior to 1992, late blight was rare in that region. In 1992 disease incidence increased dramatically. In 1993 rainfall in the Red River Valley was 300% above normal and a major epidemic hit the region resulting in a loss of 25% of the crop ($25 million). Recently, severe epidemics of late blight have been observed in California, Maine, Nova Scotia, and right here in Hastings Florida. The A2 mating type was identified in all regions. PROGNOSIS. Strategies for controlling epidemics of late blight of potato will have to be modified now that the presence of both mating types of P. infestans occurs throughout the world. It is apparent that four factors are involved in the initiation of epidemics: a susceptible host, a virulent pathogen, favorable environmental conditions, and the activities of man (see disease tetrahedron). Disease management strategies must be focused on addressing the interaction of these factors. 20

After you have read your textbook, studied your own class notes, studied these class notes, written answers to objective questions as if to turn in, and compared those answers to those of a classmate,

do a self - evaluation by taking this model exam.

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Good Luck!

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2. (2 pts) What is the waggle dance? ______.

3. (2 pts) Briefly, why does a Gram-negative bacterium not stain whereas a Gram-positive one does? ______

4. (2 pts) What is the mode of action of penicillin? ______

Exam Proper

1. Select the best statement pertaining to photosynthesis.

a. The ultimate source of electrons for reducing CO2 is always water, regardless of the organism.

b. Overall, C reduction occurs when the CO2-acceptor, ribulose bisphosphate, is carboxylated. c. The source of electrons for C reduction in photosynthesis is NADPH in all eukaryotes. d. Light harvesting occurs in the chloroplast, but C reduction occurs in the cytosol.

2. Select the best statement pertaining to glycolysis. a. The first step in glycolysis is to oxidize the electron carrier NAD+. b. The first step in glycolysis is to oxidize the 6-C sugar glucose before it is phosphorylated. c. Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondrion, where it provides NADH for oxidative phosphorylation. d. A key regulated step in glycolysis is the phosphorylation of Fru 6 P.

3. Select the best statement that pertains to plants. a. A homosporous species is one in which a spore produces a bisexual gametophyte. b. Homospory is a means of asexual reproduction in primitive plants whereby a diploid plant produces a diploid spore that germinates to form a new diploid plant. c. Homospory is a means of asexual reproduction in primitive plants whereby a haploid plant produces a haploid spore that germinates to form a new haploid plant. d. A heterosporous species is one in which the gametophyte produces two kinds of spores. 22 4. Select the best statement. a. In an organism that exhibits zygotic meiosis, the zygote is the only diploid cell or nucleus. b. In the broadest definition, “zygotic meiosis” means that a zygote is formed and that meiosis occurs at some stage of the life cycle. c. In the narrowest definition, “zygotic meiosis” means that the zygote is formed by meiosis. d. Zygotic meiosis is the type of life cycle that primitive plants have; the name of this life cycle is conceptually equal to a statement that the gametophyte is the dominant generation in primitive plants.

5. Select the true statement. a. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms undergo secondary growth. b. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms are heterosporous. c. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms have vessel elements. d. Angiosperms, but not gymnosperms, have seed coats.

6. Select the best statement. a. The driving force for sucrose movement from the companion cell to the sieve tube element is the proton concentration. b. The membrane potential, the absolute value of which is set by the activity of the H+-extruding ATPase, is not a component of the driving force for sucrose movement into the companion cells. c. A special ATPase on the companion cell pumps in one molecule of sucrose per H+ by a coupled transport mechanism. d. The movement of sucrose into the companion cell is “fueled” by the proton concentration gradient and the membrane potential.

7. Select the best statement pertaining to the nitrogen cycle. - a. All of the nitrate (NO3 ) resulting from nitrification (conversion of ammonium to nitrate) is reassimilated by plants. b. Although certainly a phenomenon, biological nitrogen fixation accounts for only a minor fraction of the dinitrogen reduced on Earth. c. The amount of nitrogen fixation associated with geological processes (lightening, volcanoes) is very small compared with the amount fixed by biological nitrogen fixation. d. The largest input of ammonium into the nitrogen cycle results from the use of synthetic fertilizers.

8. The evolution of sunken stomata as a trait to provide drought-tolerance is explained by a. their ability to select water for retention while facilitating carbon dioxide acquisition. b. diminution of the water gradient by increasing the pathway for water movement. c. Bad premise—sunken stomata are associated with drought-intolerance. d. Bad premise—”sunken stomata” is a contrived term; they do not exist.

9. Maize, a monocot, was cultured in the extremely dry southwestern U.S. Making this possible, the indigenous peoples selected for an unusual trait: a. persistence of the tap root. b. arrested fruit development. c. abundant secondary growth. d. male infertility. 23 10. Select the best statement as it pertains to nitrogen fixation. a. Nitrogenase, the enzyme that reduces dinitrogen to ammonium, is found only in the kingdom Plantae. b. As a means of speeding the metabolism of the prokaryotic symbiont, the plant has evolved a

mechanism of maintaining a high concentration of O2 in the nodule. c. Although biological nitrogen fixation is important in some ecological and agricultural systems, its magnitude pales in comparison with nitrogen fixation by geological processes. d. In the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis, the bacterium supplies the plant with reduced N and the plant provides an oxygen-free environment and reduced C for the bacterium.

11. Select the best statement that pertains to C4 photosynthesis. a. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is located in the bundle sheath cells.

b. Although phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is inhibited by O2, the O2 in the leaf is maintained at a low concentration by the oxygenase activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco).

c. C4 plants have phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) instead of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco).

d. In C4 plants, a carbon atom in CO2 is fixed into organic form, then released, and then fixed again into organic form.

12. Select a statement that describes an advantage of C4 photosynthesis over C3 photosynthesis. a. The CO2 fixation pathway is simpler and consumes less energy. b. The higher intercellular CO2 concentration permits smaller stomatal apertures at a constant CO2 uptake rate. c. The lower intercellular CO2 concentration permits higher stomatal resistance at a constant CO2 uptake rate. d. Because O2 is not a substrate for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the oxygen concentration in C4 plants is never at a low and stressful level.

13. Select the best statement. a. All prokaryotic walls contain peptidoglycan. b. All walled eukaryotes contain at least some peptidoglycan. c. Gram-negative bacteria lack peptidoglycan. d. None of the above is true.

14. Select the best description that is true of eukaryotes. a. DNA organized into several chromosomes, poly-A mRNA absent, DNA amount not reduced during meiosis. b. most genes organized into operons, genome size typically approximately 10x that of a typical bacterium, extranuclear DNA present. c. membrane lipids mainly diacyl ethers, sterols absent from membranes, introns are typical. d. DNA organized into several chromosomes, poly-A mRNA is typical, introns typical.

15. Select the response that best explains the size limitation on prokaryotic cells. a. Cytoplasmic streaming is too violent to maintain in larger cells. b. Prokaryotic cells are incapable of photosynthesis. c. Compartmentation is limited in prokaryotic cells. d. The building blocks of the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane are too weak to withstand the forces associate with large cells. 24 16. Select the phrase describing attributes of a prokaryotic flagellum but not of a eukaryotic flagellum. a. two central microtubules covered by a membrane. b. a filament of protein not covered by a membrane. c. an arrangement of 9 pairs of microtubules in a circle that surround two central microtubules. d. a filament of protein that is surrounded by a membrane made of ether-linked lipids.

17. Select the sentence that best describes attributes of a bacterial cell wall, but not a eukaryotic cell wall. a. The bacterial wall always has an outer membrane. b. The bacterial wall has rods of high tensile strength running through it. c. Some of the monomeric units of bacterial cell walls are identical to monomeric units of chitin. d. The bacterial wall is mainly cellulose, implying that plants acquired this trait from Bacteria and not from Archaea.

18. Select the sentence that provides the best comparison of archaeal and bacterial ribosomes. a. The archaeal, but not the bacterial, ribosome has a 16S or 16S-like rRNA. b. The archaeal and bacterial ribosomes are about the same size as determined by sedimentation in a gravitational field. c. The archaeal, but not the bacterial, ribosome has two subunits. d. In size and function, as manifested by sensitivity to selected antibiotics, archaeal and bacterial ribosomes do not differ.

19. Select the best statement that describes glucose metabolism in Bacteria and Archaea. a. Glucose is metabolized by glycolysis in both taxa. b. Glycolysis operates in Bacteria but not Archaea. c. Glycolysis operates in Archaea but not Bacteria. d. Glycolysis does not operate in either Archaea or Bacteria.

20. Select the best statement that describes membrane composition in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. a. The organellar membranes in Bacteria are similar to the cell membranes of Archaea. b. Glycerol diesters with linear hydrocarbon chains are basic elements of all biological membranes. c. Glycerol diethers with branched hydrocarbon chains are basic elements of archaeal membranes. d. The cell membranes of Archaea and Eukarya are similar in lipid constituents.

21. Select the phrase that describes the most important similarity in photosynthesis between cyanobacteria and all photosynthetic eukaryotes.

a. extraction of electrons from RuBP in the reduction of O2 to H2O. b. identical light-harvesting pigment/protein complexes to harvest light. c. chloroplast structure.

d. electron source for reducing CO2.

22. Select the best GENERAL statement that describes attributes of prokaryotic DNA, but not of eukaryotic DNA. (Of course, “general statements” implies a qualified truth.) a. presence of operons, presence of plasmids, absence of poly(A) tails on mRNA. b. presence of histone proteins, DNA attached to membrane, diploid. c. absence of sexual recombination, presence of introns, absence of sequences for rRNA. d. absence of operons, absence of plasmids, absence of poly(A) tails on mRNA. 25 23. Select the best general comprehensive descriptionof a virus. a. DNA or RNA coated by lipid; can reproduce itself independently. b. DNA or RNA with a protein coat; can reproduce itself independently. c. DNA or RNA with a protein coat; cannot reproduce itself independently. d. DNA plus RNA coated by lipid; cannot reproduce itself independently.

24. Select the best statement. a. Immediately after the formation of Earth, the conditions were “perfect” for the evolution and continuation of life. b. Photosynthetic prokaryotes, required to produce the reduced carbon on which further life depended, were the first life forms to appear on Earth. c. Nonphotosynthetic prokaryotes did not evolve until the oxygen in the atmosphere reached its present level. d. Life has been on Earth for about 75% of Earth’s existence.

25. An explanation for the relationship among the most inclusive taxa is a. evolution from Bacteria of a progenitor of Archaea and Eukarya. b. independent evolution of the three domains. c. whole-cell permanent fusion of a bacterial cell and an archaeal cell to form a eukaryotic progenitor. d. evolution of Eukarya from Archaea and evolution of Bacteria from Eukarya through loss of function. 26 Introductory Plant Biology Model Exam III

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 Check here if you have written a detailed explanation by a question. This is your only opportunity to challenge a question if you believe it to have two correct responses with neither substantially better than the other or if you believe that no answer is correct. Start your explanation with “I chose answer ‘D’ instead of answer ‘B’ because . . . .” Only challenges started thus will be considered and, in some cases, credit will be given even if you mark an answer that does not correspond to the key. Identify the question that you challenge:______. I understand that it is a violation of the Honor Code to refer to any information not specifically condoned by the instructor or to receive any information from a source that is not specifically authorized during an exam. I also understand that I should report to the instructor any violation of the Honor Code unless the person who violates the code reports himself or herself. In this course, an additional example of a violation of the Honor Code is to divulge information about exam content to anyone who has not taken the exam or to receive unauthorized information about the contents of an exam before taking the exam. ______Signature ***************************************************************** ** Bonus Section (Optional Reading) 1. (2 pts) Summarize Haber’s life and contributions. A full-credit answer must contain his contributions to commercial nitrogen reduction for fertilizer use, his war effort, his loss of family and home.

2. (2 pts) What is the waggle dance? pattern of movement inside hive by scout bee that directs foragers to nectar.

3. (2 pts) Briefly, why does a Gram-negative bacterium not stain whereas a Gram-positive one does? thin peptidoglycan layer of Gram-negative bacterium does not retain stain. (will also accept alternative explanations that have been published.)

4. (2 pts) What is the mode of action of penicillin? interferes with cell-wall biosynthesis. 27 Exam Proper

1. Select the best statement pertaining to photosynthesis.

a. The ultimate source of electrons for reducing CO2 is always water, regardless of the organism.

b. Overall, C reduction occurs when the CO2-acceptor, ribulose bisphosphate is carboxylated. XXXc. The source of electrons for C reduction in photosynthesis is NADPH in all eukaryotes. d. Light harvesting occurs in the chloroplast, but C reduction occurs in the cytosol.

Some prokaryotes use alternative electron sources, such as H2S, making answer a incorrect. Carbon reduction occurs in only one step (reduction of the acid to the aldehyde) of the Calvin cycle, so answer b is incorrect. Both light harvesting and carbon reduction occur in the chloroplast, so answer d is incorrect. (Overall, however, the synthesis of sucrose involves several cellular compartments—the cytosol and the mitochondrion and peroxisome (the latter two in the photosynthetic carbon oxidation pathway, which functions in concert with the Calvin cycle)).

2. Select the best statement pertaining to glycolysis. a. The first step in glycolysis is to oxidize the electron carrier NAD+. b. The first step in glycolysis is to oxidize the 6-C sugar glucose before it is phosphorylated. c. Glycolysis occurs in the mitochondrion, where it provides NADH for oxidative phosphorylation. XXXd. A key regulated step in glycolysis is the phosphorylation of Fru 6 P.

NAD+ is the oxidized form of NAD. NAD+ is reduced in glycolysis and not in the first step. Answer a is thus doubly wrong. Six-carbon sugars themselves are not oxidized in glycolysis, and the oxidized sugar is phosphorylated, so answer b is also doubly wrong. Glycolysis does not occur in the mitochondrion, although another energy-yielding pathway, the TCA cycle, does, so answer c is incorrect.

You noted that these review questions are very basic. If you had any difficulty with them whatsoever, be sure to review. These are at or below the level of any questions that you might find on standardized exams that are required for admission to professional or graduate schools.

3. Select the best statement that pertains to plants. XXXa. A homosporous species is one in which a spore produces a bisexual gametophyte. b. Homospory is a means of asexual reproduction in primitive plants whereby a diploid plant produces a diploid spore that germinates to form a new diploid plant. c. Homospory is a means of asexual reproduction in primitive plants whereby a haploid plant produces a haploid spore that germinates to form a new haploid plant. d. A heterosporous species is one in which the gametophyte produces two kinds of spores.

Spores are involved in the sexual reproduction of plants and they are haploid, so answer b is incorrect. Answer c is incorrect as stated above, but also because spores are formed meiotically from diploid sporophytes. Answer d is incorrect because, as mentioned, spores are formed from the sporophyte. 28 4. Select the best statement. XXXa. In an organism that exhibits zygotic meiosis, the zygote is the only diploid cell or nucleus. b. In the broadest definition, “zygotic meiosis” means that a zygote is formed and that meiosis occurs at some stage of the life cycle. c. In the narrowest definition, “zygotic meiosis” means that the zygote is formed by meiosis. d. Zygotic meiosis is the type of life cycle that primitive plants have; the name of this life cycle is conceptually equal to a statement that the gametophyte is the dominant generation in primitive plants.

In zygotic meiosis, the zygote undergoes meiosis; indeed any sexual organism would fit the definition in answer b, which is incorrect. The zygote, by definition, is the fusion product of two gametes and answer c is very wrong. All plants reproduce sexually by alternation of multicellular generations, so answer d is incorrect, although the gametophyte is the dominant generation in plants that first appeared in the fossil record.

5. Select the true statement. a. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms undergo secondary growth. XXXb. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms are heterosporous. c. All gymnosperms and all angiosperms have vessel elements. d. Angiosperms, but not gymnosperms, have seed coats.

Shoots of monocots do not have secondary growth, gymnosperms do not have vessel elements, and all seeds have a seed coat, meaning that answers a, c, and d, respectively, are incorrect.

6. Select the best statement. a. The driving force for sucrose movement from the companion cell to the sieve tube element is the proton concentration. b. The membrane potential, the absolute value of which is set by the activity of the H+-extruding ATPase, is not a component of the driving force for sucrose movement into the companion cells. c. A special ATPase on the companion cell pumps in one molecule of sucrose per H+ by a coupled transport mechanism. XXXd. The movement of sucrose into the companion cell is “fueled” by the proton concentration gradient and the membrane potential.

Sucrose moves passively from the companion cell to the sieve tube element, so answer a is incorrect. The membrane potential and the asymmetric proton distribution are the two components of the driving force for sucrose movement into companion cells in plants that are apoplastic loaders (the only type discussed in class). Answer b is therefore incorrect. Transport of sucrose into companion cells (again, in apoplastic loaders) is a secondary active transport process, and answer c is incorrect.

7. Select the best statement pertaining to the nitrogen cycle. - a. All of the nitrate (NO3 ) resulting from nitrification (conversion of ammonium to nitrate) is reassimilated by plants. b. Although certainly a phenomenon, biological nitrogen fixation accounts for only a minor fraction of the dinitrogen reduced on Earth. XXXc. The amount of nitrogen fixation associated with geological processes (lightening, volcanoes) is very small compared with the amount fixed by biological nitrogen fixation. d. The largest input of ammonium into the nitrogen cycle results from the use of synthetic fertilizers. 29 Some nitrate is converted to dinitrogen; answer a is incorrect. Biological nitrogen fixation accounts for about 90% of dinitrogen reduction, so it is not minor and answer b is incorrect. Answer d is incorrect because biological nitrogen fixation > 10x nonbiological synthetic processes.

8. The evolution of sunken stomata as a trait to provide drought-tolerance is explained by a. their ability to select water for retention while facilitating carbon dioxide acquisition. XXXb. diminution of the water gradient by increasing the pathway for water movement. c. Bad premise—sunken stomata are associated with drought-intolerance. d. Bad premise—”sunken stomata” is a contrived term; they do not exist.

Stomata are far far larger than molecular dimensions so they cannot select for or against one or another uncharged gas; answer a is thus incorrect. Sunken stomata do exist and are associated with drought tolerance, making answers d and c, respectively, incorrect.

9. Maize, a monocot, was cultured in the extremely dry southwestern U.S. Making this possible, the indigenous peoples selected for an unusual trait: XXXa. persistence of the tap root. b. arrested fruit development. c. abundant secondary growth. d. male infertility.

The development of fruit was, of course, the purpose of planting so answer b is incorrect. Because of the diffuse nature of the vascular bundles in a monocot shoot, the cambium cannot form a ring and develop secondary growth, so answer c is incorrect. Male infertility would not have permitted fruit development, so answer d is incorrect.

10. Select the best statement as it pertains to nitrogen fixation. a. Nitrogenase, the enzyme that reduces dinitrogen to ammonium, is found only in the kingdom Plantae. b. As a means of speeding the metabolism of the prokaryotic symbiont, the plant has evolved a

mechanism of maintaining a high concentration of O2 in the nodule. c. Although biological nitrogen fixation is important in some ecological and agricultural systems, its magnitude pales in comparison with nitrogen fixation by geological processes. XXXd. In the legume-Rhizobium symbiosis, the bacterium supplies the plant with reduced N and the plant provides an oxygen-free environment and reduced C for the bacterium.

Nitrogenase is produced exclusively by prokaryotes, so answer a is incorrect. The concentration of oxygen is clamped to a low level in the nodule to avoid denaturation of nitrogenase; answer b is incorrect. Geological processes fix about 1/20th the amount of nitrogen that biological sources do, so answer c is incorrect.

11. Select the best statement that pertains to C4 photosynthesis. a. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is located in the bundle sheath cells.

b. Although phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) is inhibited by O2, the O2 in the leaf is maintained at a low concentration by the oxygenase activity of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco).

c. C4 plants have phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) instead of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase (rubisco).

XXXd. In C4 plants, a carbon atom in CO2 is fixed into organic form, then released, and then fixed again into organic form. 30

PEPC is located in the mesophyll cells of C4 plants, making answer a incorrect. Answer b is rubbish from end to end—PEPC is not inhibited by oxygen, the [O2] is not maintained at a low level, and if rubisco consumed so much oxygen, the plant would burn before your eyes. C4 plants have an auxiliary pathway that uses PEPC, but they still have the same Calvin cycle as in all plants; answer c is incorrect.

12. Select a statement that describes an advantage of C4 photosynthesis over C3 photosynthesis. a. The CO2 fixation pathway is simpler and consumes less energy. b. The higher intercellular CO2 concentration permits smaller stomatal apertures at a constant CO2 uptake rate. XXXc. The lower intercellular CO2 concentration permits higher stomatal resistance at a constant CO2 uptake rate. d. Because O2 is not a substrate for phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC), the oxygen concentration in C4 plants is never at a low and stressful level.

C4 photosynthesis is more complicated than the C3 pathway—the C4 pathway is an auxiliary pathway that “piggybacks” onto the C3 pathway. The C4 pathway consumes 2 more ATPs (there are more steps and a series of steps generally equates to a loss of free energy). Answer a is dead wrong. The

[CO2]inside is lower in a C4 plant (see answer c) and thus answer b is incorrect. In a ventilated plant organ, such as a leaf with open stomata, the internal oxygen concentration approaches ambient, making answer d wrong.

13. Select the best statement. a. All prokaryotic walls contain peptidoglycan. b. All walled eukaryotes contain at least some peptidoglycan. c. Gram-negative bacteria lack peptidoglycan. XXXd. none of the above.

Neither archaeal nor eukaryotic walls contain peptidoglycan, making answers a and b incorrect. (I would accept a challenge, however, re answer a if you know that some archaeal walls contain substances similar to peptidoglycan.) Gram-negative bacteria contain a thin layer of peptidoglycan, so answer c is also wrong.

14. Select the best description that is true of eukaryotes. a. DNA organized into several chromosomes, poly-A mRNA absent, DNA amount not reduced during meiosis. b. most genes organized into operons, genome size typically approximately 10x that of a typical bacterium, extranuclear DNA present.. c. membrane lipids mainly diacyl ethers, sterols absent from membranes, introns are typical. XXXd. DNA organized into several chromosomes, poly-A mRNA typical, introns typical.

Most mRNA in eukaryotes has a poly-A tail and the DNA content is reduced by half during meiosis (= reduction division), so answer a is doubly wrong. Eukaryotes do have extranuclear DNA (plastids, mitochondria) and genome size (measured as number of genes) is about 10x higher in a higher eukaryote (plant, animal) than in a bacterium (2000–4000), but organization of related genes into operons is a trait of prokaryotes, not eukaryotes, so answer b is incorrect. Introns are typical of eukaryotes, but eukaryotic lipids are esters, not ethers (like some Archaea), and sterols are present in eukaryotic membranes, so answer c is incorrect. 31 15. Select the response that best explains the size limitation on prokaryotic cells. a. Cytoplasmic streaming is too violent to maintain in larger cells. b. Prokaryotic cells are incapable of photosynthesis. XXXc. Compartmentation is limited in prokaryotic cells. d. The building blocks of the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane are too weak to withstand the forces associate with large cells.

Prokaryotic cells do not stream, so answer a is wrong. Many prokaryotes, e.g. cyanobacteria, photosynthesize, so answer b is incorrect. The essential physical nature of all biological membranes is similar, making answer d invalid.

16. Select the phrase describing attributes of a prokaryotic flagellum, but not of a eukaryotic flagellum. a. two central microtubules covered by a membrane. XXXb. a filament of protein not covered by a membrane. c. an arrangement of 9 pairs of microtubules in a circle that surround two central microtubules. d. a filament of protein that is surrounded by a membrane made of ether-linked lipids.

The prokaryotic flagellum is a filament of protein that is not covered by a membrane (answer b), which contrasts with all other answers (and with the eukaryotic flagellum).

17. Select the sentence that best describes attributes of a bacterial cell wall, but not a eukaryotic cell wall. a. The bacterial wall always has an outer membrane. b. The bacterial wall has rods of high tensile strength running through it. XXXc. Some of the monomeric units of bacterial cell walls are identical to monomeric units of chitin. d. The bacterial wall is mainly cellulose, implying that plants acquired this trait from Bacteria and not from Archaea.

Gram-positive bacteria do not have an outer membrane, making answer a incorrect. The generality is that the bacterial wall does not have rods of high tensile strength (cf. cellulose microfibrils), making answer b incorrect. A few prokaryotes (see footnotes) do make cellulose, but the generality is that bacteria have “exclusively” walls of peptidoglycan, invalidating answer d.

18. Select the sentence that provides the best comparison of archaeal and bacterial ribosomes. a. The archaeal, but not the bacterial, ribosome has a 16S or 16S-like rRNA. XXXb. The archaeal and bacterial ribosomes are about the same size, as determined by sedimentation in a gravitational field. c. The archaeal, but not the bacterial, ribosome has two subunits. d. In size and function, as manifested by sensitivity to selected antibiotics, archaeal and bacterial ribosomes do not differ.

The small subunit of the prokaryotic ribosome contains a 16S rRNA, making answer a incorrect. Answer c is incorrect because all ribosomes have two subunits. Bacterial ribosomes differ from those of Archaea, which have properties similar to those of the cytoplasm of Eukarya, making answer d incorrect. 32 19. Select the best statement that describes glucose metabolism in Bacterial and Archaea. a. Glucose is metabolized by glycolysis in both taxa. XXXb. Glycolysis operates in Bacteria, but not Archaea. c. Glycolysis operates in Archaea, but not Bacteria. d. Glycolysis does not operate in either Archaea or Bacteria.

Archaea do not have glycolysis so answer a is incorrect. The taxa are reversed in answer c, which implies that answer d is incorrect also.

20. Select the best statement that describes membrane composition in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. a. The organellar membranes in Bacteria are similar to the cell membranes of Archaea. b. Glycerol diesters with linear hydrocarbon chains are basic elements of all biological membranes. XXXc. Glycerol diethers with branched hydrocarbon chains are basic elements of archaeal membranes. d. The cell membranes of Archaea and Eukarya are similar in lipid constituents.

Bacteria do not have organelles invalidating answer a. Archaea have membranes based on ethers and branched hydrocarbons (= answer b is incorrect) but bacterial and eukaryal membranes are described by answer b (= answer d is incorrect).

21. Select the phrase that describes the most important similarity in photosynthesis between cyanobacteria and all photosynthetic eukaryotes.

a. extraction of electrons from RuBP in the reduction of O2 to H2O. b. identical light-harvesting pigment/protein complexes to harvest light. c. chloroplast structure.

XXXd. electron source for reducing CO2.

Answer a is nonsense, kind of photosynthesis in reverse. There are three basic kinds of peripheral pigment/protein complexes; cyanobacteria have phycobilisomes, and plants use LHCs, so answer b is incorrect.

22. Select the best GENERAL statement that describes attributes of prokaryotic DNA, but not of eukaryotic DNA. (Of course, “general statements” implies a qualified truth.) XXXa. presence of operons, presence of plasmids, absence of poly(A) tails on mRNA. b. presence of histone proteins, DNA attached to membrane, diploid. c. absence of sexual recombination, presence of introns, absence of sequences for rRNA. d. absence of operons, absence of plasmids, absence of poly(A) tails on mRNA.

Prokaryotes are haploid and lack histone proteins, making answer b incorrect. Prokaryotes do not have sex (but do have limited DNA exchange) and, of course, have rRNA sequences, making answer c doubly wrong. Genes are often organized into operons in bacteria, and plasmids are common, making answer d doubly wrong, too.

23. Select the best general description of a virus. a. DNA or RNA coated by lipid and which can reproduce itself independently. b. DNA or RNA with a protein coat and which can reproduce itself independently. XXXc. DNA or RNA with a protein coat and which cannot reproduce itself independently. d. DNA plus RNA coated by lipid and which cannot reproduce itself independently.

Viruses require a host cell for reproduction, making answers a and b wrong. Viruses are “compact” and do not contain both RNA and DNA, making answer d wrong. 33 24. Select the best statement. a. Immediately after the formation of Earth, the conditions were “perfect” for the evolution and continuation of life. b. Photosynthetic prokaryotes, required to produce the reduced carbon on which further life depended, were the first life forms to appear on Earth. c. Nonphotosynthetic prokaryotes did not evolve until the oxygen in the atmosphere reached its present level. XXXd. Life has been on Earth for about 75% of Earth’s existence.

Earth was inhospitable right after its formation, making answer a incorrect. Although photosynthesis appeared quite early, the first life forms were not photosynthetic. O2 concentration did not reach its current levels until about 800 million years before present, at which time there was an abundance of diversity, including multicellular eukaryotes, so answer c is wrong.

25. An explanation for the relationship among the most inclusive taxa is a. evolution from Bacteria of a progenitor of Archaea and Eukarya. b. independent evolution of the three domains. XXXc. whole-cell permanent fusion of a bacterial cell and an archaeal cell to form a eukaryotic progenitor. d. evolution of Eukarya from Archaea and evolution of Bacteria from Eukarya through loss of function.

Two alternative explanations for the three domains were presented. One, represented by answer c, is shown. Chart: SOME GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VARIOUS ALGAEa

Characteristic Cyanobacteria Green Algaeb Brown Algae Red Algaec none except usually either 0 reproductive cells, flagella none none or 2 equal which have2 unequal amylopectin carbohydrate most often, starch = callose (“laminarin”), “floridean” starch (branched, similar storage product amylopectin+ amylose mannitol (amylopectin-like) to glycogen some have cellulose + (cellulose “not” cellulose + hemicellulose & pectin, presente), sugar characteristic d all of which are cellulose + . . . ; calcified cell wall chains cross-linked polysaccharides characteristic of higher by peptides (“alginic acid”) plants

(no chl b)f—two no chl b— chl d, but also photosynthetic special blue-green (no chl b)—chl c + . . . pigments similar to those of e chl b + . . . pigments pigments cyanobacteria

≥ 3 thylakoids/granum. 4 bounding location of no grana, light harvesting membranes (as also chloroplasts (no organelles) carbohydrate storage complexes like blue green are found in some product in plastid (both algae like plants) other taxa) aNote: not all groups represented. bThis is a very diverse group of organisms. Some, like Chlamydomonas, exhibit primitive characteristics that distinguish them from higher plants (viz., non-cellulosic walls, persistence of nuclear membrane during mitosis, prominence of asexual reproduction). Others, like Chara (a stonewort), are more like higher plants (sterile cells in reproductive structures, structure of basal bodies, presence of glycolate oxidase in peroxisome (instead of glycolate dehydrogenase), oogamy, apical growth, differentiation into nodes and internodes). Higher plants probably evolved from an extinct Charaphyte. cHave many characteristics of Ascomycetes (a group of fungi) that were “invaded” by a blue-green bacterium. dCell division is either by wall-ingrowth (“furrowing”) or, in the stoneworts (and some other green filamentous groups), by formation of a cell plate (as in higher plants). e All have chl a and therefore evolve O2 (i.e., in photosynthesis, they extract electrons from water). fExcept for one group, the Prochlorophytes. In the few taxa of prokaryotes that synthesize cellulose, the cellulose is not made by membrane rosettes, as it always is in cellulose-containing eukaryotes.

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