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BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 1 of 15 Oklahoma City Fire-Rescue Administration (Updated through 1/15/03) ADN/001 TIME REPORTING POLICY . All personal leave must be submitted with a signed exception card as far in advance as possible. . Employees will not be charged time until the exception card is signed by the supervisor at which time they are considered approved. . Any absence must be entered in FIRLOG daily. . Time worked in addition to normal working hours will be reported on exception cards and recorded into FIRLOG. . Cut-off for time to be recorded on FIRLOG for the current pay period will be 10:00 am on Thursday the week before payday. . Original FLSA is held at the station until all signatures are filled in, then forwarded to Administrative Services. Turn in carbon if signatures are missing. . The station where an employee is station on the last day of the cycle is the station that reports FLSA for that employee. FLSA report is forwarded, when employee is transferred. . FLSA reports should list employees alphabetically. . FLSA reports apply ONLY to 24 hour shift personnel. . 1 exception card, for leave, should be filled out for each pay period. . If out of leave type requested: Leave type requested Leave substituted Vacation Holiday, then Due Day Holiday Vacation, then Due Day Due Day Holiday, then Vacation Sick Vacation If no leave of any type is left, LWOP and notification of Deputy Chief. . Only 1 type of leave per exception card. . If employee is on leave and requests additional time off, supervisor may grant leave and initiate a new exception card. . Time on exception cards is for actual time missed. Admin will do conversions. . An employee time record covers 12 cycles and shows time off, type of leave, and exception cards (with signatures) submitted. . Prior to submitting FLSA, station officer must check against employee time record and obtain signatures. . The station officer's signature on FLSA report actually authorizes overtime to be paid. . The District Officer will check all employee time cards to see that all exception cards have been turned in. . The Station Officer is responsible for tracking leave time and signed employee cards being submitted to Administrative Services. . Employee leave is documented by District Officer or driver by running DTR1 after staffing is received. . DTR1 should be run again in the evening to verify changes in staffing. . The DTR1 for the cycle should balance with individual DTR1's received at the end of each shift. . The signatures received by employee, Station Officer, and District Officer actually authorize overtime to be paid. . Military leave and jury duty are not deducted from the employee's time (must be submitted on exception card). All other leave is deducted. . Time turned in may be corrected as needed with approval from Division's Chief. . Earned time is Due Time, Comp Time, or Paid Time and is turned in on exception cards with special approval signature. . Information concerning Fair Labors Standards Act (FLSA) for personnel covered by the IAFF Agreement may be gained from current Personnel Policies and Collective Bargaining Agreement. Exception Cards COLOR TURNED IN TO MISC White (original) Administrative Services If signed by employee Yellow To employee after signing Pink Station Officer Retained for 1 year Goldenrod (carbon) Administrative Services If employee is unavailable to sign White, pink, & yellow should be kept together until signature is obtained if goldenrod (carbon) is sent in. . The origin date of an exception card is the date it is filled out. . For 1 shift off, put the date missed on exception card, not date left and date returned. . Requested leave can be changed prior to the effective date by submitting a new exception card.
Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 2 of 15 . Requested time can be cancelled/changed by calling Administrative Services payroll Data Technician by phone. . After the effective date of an exception card, time can be corrected if a mistake has been made.
ADN/002 OVERTIME, COMP TIME, & GRANTED TIME . Overtime other than FLSA, granted time, disaster overtime, and comp time must be approved by the Fire Chief of designee. . Exception cards for overtime must show time, date, and reason for accumulation as well as have a signature of employee, immediate supervisor, and District/Deputy Chief prior to forwarding to Administrative Services. . Companies relieving other companies on scene will log time of departure and company returning to station will log time of arrival in log book. . Overtime worked should be reported no later than the next scheduled shift. ADN/003 FAMILY AND MEDICAL LEAVE-TO BE ADDED AT A LATER DATE ADN/004 HOLIDAY LEAVE POLICY . Holiday leave may be used as long as it does not impede normal operations. . Greater increments of holiday time used has precedence over lesser time requests. . Once approved and scheduled in advance, an employee cannot be bumped. . Personnel taking a portion of a shift must return to the station by 2300 hours. ADN/005 SICK LEAVE DONATION POLICY . Bargaining Agreement between City of OKC and IAFF Local 157 covers donation of sick leave. . Maximum amount of sick leave donated to an 8-hour shift employee per fiscal year by any 1 employee is 24 hours. . Maximum amount of sick leave donated to a 24-hour shift employee per fiscal year by any 1 employee is 48 hours. . Sick leave can be donated to other City departments but employee donating must have a minimum of 240 hours for ASFCME employees and 130 hours for Management/IAFF employees. . Donated leave is used in the order it was donated (log with order kept by Admin. Services). . Sick leave is donated to the individual by pay period on an as needed basis. . Requests by an employee for sick leave may be made at Staff Meetings, on teletype, or posted on bulletin boards. . Employees requesting sick leave will fill out a Request for Donated Sick Leave form which is time stamped at front desk and signed by Fire Chief or designee. . A Sick Leave Donation Authorization form must be provided to Fire Chief authorizing donated sick leave accrual to be placed into payroll. . District Officer or Deputy Chief will notify payroll of an employees return to work (doctor's release required) or that employee is deceased. ADN/006 PERSONAL LEAVE . Up to 2 hours of personal leave may be used by employee if staffing exists and approved by immediate officer in charge. ADN/007 TEMPORARY LIGHT DUTY . Employees suffering on/off-the-job injury or illness may, upon proper medical release, request light duty. . Light duty assignments are at the discretion of the Fire Chief. Light Duty Documentation Written request made by employee must contain Proper medical release/physician letter must contain Date of request Date of Letter Employee's full name Employee's name Current duty assignment Current diagnosis Date of injury Prognosis Type of injury Statement that employee can perform light duty Statement requesting light duty and start date Work restrictions Skills possessed (typing, computer, etc.) Employee's next appointment Physician's printed name, phone, address Employee's signature Physician's signature . Division Chief/Acting Officer will fax doctor's release to City Doctor for medical evaluation of employee and review & initial (upper right corner) the release. . Division Chief/Acting Officer will send a letter (to Admin 1st for time stamp) along with doctor's release, and employee letter to the Fire Chief describing light duty assignment and recommendations. . Division Chief/Acting Officer prior to injury will notify employee of approval/denial of request, the light duty assignment, when to report to duty, and supervisor's name. . The Temporary Light-Duty Assignment form will be given to employee by Division Chief/Acting Officer and discussed as to duty assignment and physical limitations.
Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 3 of 15 . Progress of light duty assignment will be evaluated every 30 days by Division Chief/Acting Officer. . A separate Temporary Light-Duty Assignment form is created for each 30 day period. . Forms for employees returning to full duty will be sent to Human Resource office for review and further processing. . If employee needs to go to physical therapy (OJI-related) while on light duty, an exception card will be completed for time away (check Job Injury on card). . Light duty is entered under 650LD in FIRELOG. ADN/008 JURY DUTY . Time off for service on STATE or FEDERAL juries of Oklahoma City Fire Department related court proceedings shall be granted with pay ONLY for period of service actually required. . Pay granted for jury service is subject to jury fees and court service pay being turned in to City Treasurer. . Employees will be reimbursed parking fees from check or employee may retain all fees paid but shall not receive regular pay in such event. . Personnel Director or Department Head may require verification of jury service provided. . In all other court service required, employee may take leave for time away from worksite. ADN/009 RETURN TO WORK FROM SICK LEAVE OR OJI LEAVE . Employees on extended sick leave or OJI for a period of 3 shifts or more, or when employee has surgery while on OJI or sick leave, may be required to go to City Physician for release to return to work. . Employees should anticipate contacting Division Chief to set appointment with City Physician in the event of extended sick leave or OJI. ADN/010 INJURY REPORT SYSTEM . On the job injuries require immediate reporting to supervisor and must include complete documentation within 24 hours. . Presumptive illness/injury, such as heart disease and respiratory injury, will be presumed to have occurred during employment if pre-employment physical shows no findings of the same (job-related). . Infectious disease is defined as Hepatitis, HIV, Meningitis, and Tuberculosis. . Physician diagnosed presumptive illness/injury is processed by City workers compensation health care program after report has been made to Human Resources (qualifies as report to supervisor). . Injuries that occur on duty are reported at station level. . For any injury/exposure, the employee's work section supervisor/District Officer will fax an OCFD OJI Risk - Quick Fax form, top page of Official Job Injury Report, and top page of Supervisor's Investigation Report to Risk Management. Official Injury Report System forms 1) OJI Risk - Quick Fax form 2) OJI Risk - Quick Fax Activity Report 3) Official Job Injury Report Single-page with 3 carbon copies 4) Supervisor's Investigation Report 5) Physician Authorization Form City of Oklahoma City CompChoice Permission to
Treat form 6) FMIS Incident Run Report Computer Printout 7) State Communicable Disease Exposure form - 207 (Bloodborne/Airborne Exposures) . If injury is of enough concern or severity to make a log book entry, an injury report and supervisor's investigation form must be completed. . Report system forms will be completed by the Support Division Supervisors/District Officers if employee is unable. . Supervisor will write reason for employee not signing (if not present) in the signature block. . Bloodborne/airborne pathogen exposures require supervisor to contact EMS QA officer to meet at station . If Station Officer must work overtime to complete forms, arrangements will be made by contacting District Officer or Station Officer coming on duty for overtime approval. . A Physician Authorization Form must be completed any time an employee must be medically treated. . Incident number must be generated by Fire Dispatch, if unassigned, for all incidents involving injuries to employees. . Employee information should NOT be entered into FMIS if injury involves a communicable disease or bloodborne pathogen (per OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1030). . Physician diagnosed presumptive OJIs do not require a run number. . An Injury Report, Supervisor's Investigation Report, Physician Authorization Form, and Run Report, must accompany a State Communicable Disease Exposure form #207 (DISEASE EXPOSURE) for employees exposed or with suspected exposure must be faxed to Risk Management. (forms sent to Fire Admin.) . Positive TB tests do not require OSDH form 207, but do require job injury report, a supervisor's investigation report, and physician's authorization form. . Exposure control officer is the QA Officer or EMS Chief. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 4 of 15 . Employees exposed to hazardous materials will use the same forms as injury with the exception of OSDH form 207 and will have additional info about the chemical/exposure details. . Section Supervisors/District Officers will ensure all forms are complete and forward to Division Chief. (approval by both with initial in upper right corner of forms) . On the job injury documentation should be placed in a sealed envelope and treated as confidential. . The fax machine at risk management is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week. . A "business day" is considered 8am-5pm Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. . The Human Resources work section is responsible for monitoring OJI leave. Official Job Injury Report Original White Risk Management Copy 1st Copy Yellow Risk Management Copy 2nd Copy Pink Risk Management Copy 3rd Copy Gold Department Copy . Hourly pay rate is the employee's base pay plus longevity. . For hazardous chemical exposures, list the chemical name and length of exposure. Supervisor's Investigation Report 1) What happened? Describe what took place, circumstances 2) Why did it happen? Who, what, when, where, why, how of the incident 3) What should be done? Suggested corrections to prevent re-occurrence 4) What have you done so far? Steps taken to prevent further injuries 5) How will actions taken so far improve operations? How steps taken will reduce severity of job injuries 6) Do you agree with employee's statements on Accident, Yes/No Injury, & Incident forms? 7) Supervisor's Signature and Bottom Section Print and Sign . Part 1, Items 1-13 of OSDH form 207 are completed by employee and supervisor, Items 14-16 by QA officer, and 17- 19 by hospital personnel. ADN/011 REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS INVOLVING CITY-OWNED VEHICLES . An "incident" is a circumstance resulting in damage of City property when non-chargeable damage (no citations) occurs to anyone involved in incident or damage occurs due to weather, vandalism, or unknown circumstances. . An "accident" is a circumstance resulting in damage to OCFD vehicle/equipment or property (if damaged by OCFD vehicle) when potential for injury or death exists, potential of chargeable violation occurs to anyone involved (citation or not), or violation of OCFD standard operating procedures occurs. . Individuals involved in "Accidents" will appear before an accident review board. INCIDENT reporting steps STEPS Who Completes Step 1) Minimize further damage Driver and/or Officer 2) Notify District Officer Driver and/or Officer 3) Complete Supervisor's Investigation Report Officer 4) Complete City of Oklahoma City Building/Property Damage Report Driver and/or Officer 5) Submit Damage Report and Supervisor's Investigation Report to District Officer Officer/Section Supervisor 6) Initial each report in upper right corner and deliver reports to Division District Officer/Section Supervisor Chief within 48 hours 7) Initial reports in upper right corner and check for accuracy and Division Chief completeness 8) Send reports to Fire Admin within 48 hours of occurrence Division Chief
Apparatus/Vehicle ACCIDENT reporting steps STEPS Who Completes Step 1) Stop immediately and render 1st aid. Do not move vehicle/apparatus. Driver and/or Officer 2) Notify dispatch (if on call, notify to send another company), give location, injuries, Driver and/or Officer extent of damage
Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 5 of 15 3) Notify District Officer/Section Supervisor Dispatch 4) PD having jurisdiction investigates if involving people outside fire department PD 5) Present ONLY identification and/or driver's license, make no statement except to PDDriver and/or Officer 6) Do not encourage submission of claims/commitments incurring responsibility by Driver and/or Officer city government 7) Fill out City of Oklahoma City Vehicle Accident Report, get other driver's Driver and/or Officer insurance, injuries, witnesses, statements. 8) Pictures of accident scene District Officer/Section Supervisor 9) Report findings in letter form, with pictures, and ensure Supervisor's Investigation District Officer/Section Supervisor report is complete. 10) Complete City of Oklahoma City Vehicle Accident Report upon return to work Driver and/or Officer section. 11) Complete Oklahoma City Property Damage/Incident Report. Driver and/or Officer 12) Letters written to District Officer/Section Supervisor no later than day of incident. Driver, Officer, & crew members 13) Initials (upper right corner) and delivery of reports to Division Chief. District Officer/Section Supervisor 14) Initials (upper right corner) and review of reports, and forward to Fire Admin. Division Chief 15) Police Accident Report obtained. Safety Work Section 16) Apparatus/vehicle taken to Fire Maintenance for repairs. Driver and/or Officer 17) Apparatus/vehicle examined within 48 hours for estimate of repairs, forwarding of estimate to Municipal Counselor's Office and Fire Department Safety Officer within 48 Maintenance Chief hours of accident.
Vehicle Accident Report Form is a 2 page document with 3 carbon copies Original White Risk Management 1st Copy Yellow Fire Maintenance 2nd Copy Pink Municipal Counselor's Office (legal) 3rd Copy Gold Department Files (Fire Admin.) . A city owned vehicle on the diagram is labeled V1. . The signature block on an Vehicle Accident Report form includes City Operator, Supervisor of Operator, District/Deputy Chief, and Department/Division Head. ADN/012 ACCIDENT REVIEW BOARD MEMBERS AND PROCEDURES . The goal of Accident Review Board is to reduce accidents, property damage, and injuries caused by OCFD vehicles. . Review Boards will consist of 3 members, District Officer rank or above. . Review boards may be held in Headquarters Conference Room, Fire Training Center Conference Room, or other location announced by Chairperson of board. . The Senior Ranking Officer services as review board Chairperson. . The time of review board is set by Chairperson. . Chairpersons will notify required parties of a review board at least 2 hours prior to meeting. . The Chairperson of a review board controls meeting time, who attends meeting, seating arrangements, and admittance (person being interviewed, 1 Union Rep, others allowed by Chairperson). . Union reps only observe review boards to ensure no employee rights are violated and is not considered part of the review board. . A recommendation of "preventable" or "non-preventable" will be made by the board to the Fire Chief. . Final determination comes from Fire Chief's office. Actions taken when Employee has had a preventable accident within last 12 months 1st Offense Counseling, specific occurrence report Written reprimand on specific occurrence form (given by Chief Officer), formal vehicle operations 2nd Offense class 3rd Offense Time of Leave without Pay (LWOP)-1 shift 4th Offense Determination by Fire Chief up to Termination Counseling 1st offense counseling removed from employee file after 1 year at employee's request Letters of reprimand removed from employee file after 2 years at employee's request Written Reprimands (Discrepancy-ADN/024 says 3 years & Contract says 2 years)
Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 6 of 15 Non-Preventable Findings No action taken toward driver, other individual may still be liable Deviation from Procedure Fire Chief must approve deviation based on seriousness of offense and employee's history Affected parties are sent an email of final determination from Fire Chief within 7 working days. Outcome Hard copy sent through interoffice mail. ADN/013 INVESTIGATIVE MEETINGS . The purpose of investigative meetings is to gather facts about incident having bearing on decisions about the incident. . Union rep may consult with employee during investigative meeting, but cannot present information unless approved by hearing officer. . Investigative meetings may be conducted at the worksite and are usually during normal working hours. . If Chief or designee believes information obtained may warrant disciplinary action, a pre-determination meeting may be called. ADN/014 PRE-DETERMINATION MEETINGS . Pre-determination meetings are conducted by District Officer/designee or Chief Officer of higher rank. . Notification of a pre-determination meeting shall be a minimum of 24 hours in advance and shall be in writing with subject matter to be presented. . 1 Union rep may be present during a pre-determination meeting, but will not participate in meeting. Union rep may make a brief statement at conclusion of meeting.
ADN/015 DISCIPLINARY MEETINGS . Disciplinary meetings are held for disciplinary actions involving oral or higher reprimands. . Disciplinary meetings to issue suspension, demotion, or termination will be held at Fire Admin offices by a Deputy Chief rank or higher, unless approved by Fire Chief. . 1 Union rep may be present during a disciplinary meeting, but will not participate in meeting. Union rep may make a brief statement at conclusion of meeting. . Notification of a disciplinary meeting shall be a minimum of 2 hours in advance and shall be in writing (except oral reprimands=notice may be given orally) with subject matter to be presented. (Corrected-was pre-determination meeting) ADN/016 SAFETY INVESTIGATION TEAM (SIT) . The SIT team investigates on-duty critical injuries and fatalities of OCFD employees. . A critical injury is "injury sustained by and employee, on duty, that requires hospitalization and/or an extensive recuperation period". . The SIT team collects and reviews data on critical injury/fatalities, issues final reports, and makes recommendations for policy and procedure changes. . The OCFD Safety Officer and Bargaining Unit Co-chair of Safety and Accident Committee serves as co-team leaders of the SIT team. . SIT team members may include Deputy Chief of Operations, EMS coordinator, Arson, Fire Maintenance, Graphics, CISD, and other members determined/approved by Fire Chief. . Incidents where no injury occurred but potential for serious injury or death was present may be investigated by SIT team. . The SIT team is mobilized immediately on notification (by dispatch) of employee critically injured or killed in the line of duty. . Final reports by SIT team are issued to the Fire Chief and Bargaining Agent. . The first arriving SIT team member at the scene will consult IC for securing incident/evidence, recommend use of CISD team, use land line communications (limit radio transmission), and issue no statements. . All personnel at the accident scene must cooperate with SIT team in gathering statements during an authorized investigation. . The EMS coordinator will establish liaison with receiving hospital and request tests (i.e.-blood gases), and ensure proper OJI procedures are followed. . The SIT team will impound and secure affected vehicles, PPE, SCBA, dispatch tapes, and incident/casualty reports as deemed necessary as well as take photos and develop maps and other drawings of area. SIT Team Final Report Items Employee characteristics (length of service, time in current IC of incident assignment, level of training, rank, DOB, age) Description of incident Time factors (time of day, occurrence) Task performed at time of injury/death PPE/preventative measures used/taken Nature/extent of injuries, prognosis, toxicology Environmental conditions reports, disability Copy of Injury Report, Incident Report, & Supervisor's Summary of applicable laws, standards, & Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 7 of 15 Investigation Report policies and procedures Factors contributing to injury/death (unsafe acts, conditions, Recommendation to prevent re-occurrence management deficiencies) ADN/017 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PROCEDURES . Employees must have a minimum of 12 months service to participate in tuition reimbursement. . A central abeyance file will be established for requests in the process of reimbursement. . Employees must submit, transcript or official letter from institution stating degree program, itemized receipt of tuition and other fees paid, and grade report or letter from instructor with grade awarded, within 60 days to the Chief's office. . Proof of payment consist of copy or original of front and back of cancelled check, letter from financial institution stating check cleared, statement indicating check cleared, receipt of cash paid, receipt of credit card payment, credit card statement (must include signed and notarized affidavit), or copy of promissory note if payment is by loan. . Employee reimbursement requests are entered in IFMAPS as a purchase order. . The reimbursement amount shall not exceed maximum per-credit-hour rates established by Tuition and Fees booklet published annually by Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education. . After approval, documentation is sent to Procurement and Accounts Payable. . Fire Administration employee will pick up check from City Treasurer's office and notify employee that check is ready to pick up at Fire Admin. . Purchase Order and required documentation for reimbursements are placed in file of completed purchasing transactions.
ADN/018 INCENTIVE PAY . Education incentive pay coordinator is the Support Services Chief. . EMS incentive pay coordinator is the EMS Coordinator. . HazMat/Dive incentive pay coordinator is the Special Operations Coordinator. . Probationary employees are entitled to EMT-D or EMT-P incentive pay. . If an employee's certification lapses, any incentive pay received after lapse must be repaid. . Request for Incentive Pay forms with required documentation are turned in to Administrative Services, who routes them to the appropriate coordinator. . Employees will begin to receive incentive pay for the next pay period after complete documentation is received. . Questions regarding how to initiate pay incentives should be routed to the correct Incentive Pay Coordinator. . Questions other than how to initiate pay should be routed to Fire Admin (also forms). . The Incentive Pay Requests form is used to "Stop Pay" (or starting pay) and is routed to the appropriate coordinator for approval before being sent to Human Resources for processing. Documentation for Incentive Pay Education Official transcript with imprinted certification seal of university EMT-D Incentive Pay Form, State EMT license, and proof of OCFD defib. course EMT-P Incentive Pay Form and State EMT Paramedic license Incentive Pay Form, State EMT license, CPR instructor card, OSU-FST Instructor I, II, or equivalent, and EMS Instructor OCFD EMS Instructor course HazMat Incentive Pay Form, OCFD HazMat course, and Chemistry course Incentive Pay Form, Open water certification, SCUBA Rescue Diver, Advanced Diver, Rescue Diver, and Dive active on OCFD Underwater Rescue Team ADN/019 DISTRIBUTION OF PAYROLL CHECKS . Pay checks may be picked up in emergency situations on Thursday with approval from Fire Chief or designee. ADN/020 RETIREMENT PROCESS AND DOCUMENTATION . Local Pension Board member should be contacted ASAP to facilitate processing of retirement. Retirement Documents Needed Employee Birth certificate, Marriage license (if married) (if married) Birth certificate, Date of Birth, SSN, Co-insurance provider policy Spouse number, other insurance policies Copy of birth certificates, dates of birth, SSNs, Full time enrollment status from Children/Dependents college/university if child is over 18 Miscellaneous Bank name, address, account # (if direct deposit is used), tax info Paperwork should be completed 1 week before the 1st Monday of each month. State pension Board meets 3rd Friday of each month. ADN/021 FIREFIGHTERS BENEVOLENCE FUND Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 8 of 15 . Benevolence fund payments are payroll deducted and put into fund. . Benevolence fund and fire death fund are administered through the Union. . Beneficiary changes are made by qualified member at Union office for all fund except Fire Mutual Aid fund (contact OCRFA for changes). . The Firefighters Benevolence fund is $15.00 which is issued upon retirement, shown on check stub as FIRCH (one deduction) or FCSH2 (two deductions) . The Fire Death Benefits fund is $5.00 which is issued upon death of active firefighter, shown as FIRBN on check stub. . The Fire Mutual Aid fund (administered by Oklahoma City Retired Firefighters Association (OCRFA) is $5.00 which is issued upon death of a retired firefighter, shown as FIRMU on check stub. ADN/022 FLOWER FUND . Flower fund contribution is $1.00/month for those signed up. . Flowers are sent from fund proceeds in the event of death ONLY. Flowers may be received in the event of death of the following Employee Spouse Children/Stepchildren/Grandchildren Son/Daughter-in-law Grandchildren of employee Parents/Step-parents Mother/Father-in-law Siblings Sister/Brother-in-law Grandparents of employee or spouse Death of one of the above must be reported to station officer/immediate supervisor (along with funeral arrangements) for flowers to be sent. Officer will notify Administrative Services who will order flowers. . If flowers cannot be sent to funeral home in time, they will be sent to the senior ranked employee if more than one family member is employed (if same rank, one with most longevity). ADN/023 STATION HOUSE DUES . Station house dues is for purchasing tools, equipment, and consumables (VCRs, newspapers, coffee, tea, sugar, etc.) not furnished by the fire department, for job site use. . Collection, record keeping, and security of House Dues is the responsibility of the Station Officer/Supervisor on each respective shift. . If transferred, employee must pay house dues on the day owed to the work site they are working at. . Personnel on leave must "catch up" back house dues. ADN/024 DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL FILES ACCESS POLICY . Official departmental personnel files are kept at Fire Department Headquarters and personnel may view their file at any time during normal business hours in the presence of a Fire Department Administrative staff member. . Written criticisms/commendations are entered into personnel files (employee gets copy). . Employees may submit documentation disagreeing with written criticism into file within 30 days. . Letters of reprimand will be removed from personnel file, at employees request, after a period of 3 years. (Discrepancy-ADN/012 & Contract says 2 years) . An Administrative Staff member is defined as any employee of the Administration Division. . Specific Occurrence Performance Reports may be used for commendations, reprimands, or other counseling procedures (employee must receive copy). . Specific Occurrence Performance Reports used for counseling procedures or oral reprimands do NOT require a Chief's signature, written reprimands/commendations do. . Department Personnel files consist of confidential medical and personnel files. . Confidential documents are those relating to internal personnel investigation, including examination/selection material for employment, hiring, appointment, promotion/demotion, discipline, or resignation OR other documents that clearly invade personal privacy such as employee evaluations or payroll deductions. . Confidential documents are NOT public record. . Public record documents include: commendations, memos/letters of appreciation, employment application, high school diploma, and college transcripts/certificates. . Persons viewing public record information shall enter date, signature, and purpose in file. . Photo identification is required to view personnel file. . Human Resources only provides dates of employment, job title, and rate of pay (if quoted by caller) by telephone. . If a written request is received by Human Resources, dates of employment, job title, rate of pay, reason for termination, gross wages, and date/amount of last wage increase (only mortgage loan apps) may be given. . Information given to Investigators must be in person or by written request. . Each document in a file is considered a separate record. . Violation of Open Records Compliance Policies carries a fine up to $500.00 and/or imprisonment for up to 1 year.
Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 9 of 15 . Photo ID verification to view documents should be noted by initials of the Human Resources manager or designee on the request form. . Copy fees must be paid by non-city persons to City Treasurer's officer before copies of file documents can be made. . Information transmitted verbally to applicant must be noted on a completed request form. . The Open Records Act does NOT require that items be produced, it ONLY requires inspection of existing records. . Current employees do NOT have to pay for copies or fill out forms to view their own personnel history file. . Former city employees do not have the right to inspect their whole personnel history file and must complete a Request for Inspection form as well as pay for copies. . Former city employees must obtain a court order or subpoena before all records contained in personnel history file can be released. . Employees may obtain a free copy of their personnel history file at the time of termination. . Supervisors may view personnel files by filling out a Review of File form and verifying that they supervise the individual(s) or may supervise with the HR manager and Personnel Operations manager. . City officials may have free access of personnel records for purposes of conducting city business with approval of HR manager or designee to include City Manager's office, Municipal Counselor's officer, City Auditor's office, OCPD, City-contracted auditors, and City Risk Management Division. (Review of File form must be completed) . Union representatives/officials, outside attorneys, and media are considered "general public". . State or Federal agency investigators may view personnel files during investigations. ADN/025 TRAVEL POLICY . The Fire Chief or designee approves travel outside of OKC metro. . Requests for travel are made on the Travel/Training Request form to the Fire Chief 1 month in advance of trip. . Travel/Training Request forms must include: dates of travel, destination, purpose of trip, and itemized list of expected expenses (registration, meals, lodging, transportation). . Use of a rental car requires a separate request memo. . Use of POV must be accompanied by driver's license and insurance verification with request. . Mileage is reimbursed only up to the lowest available airfare. . Use of city vehicle outside OKC metro requires Fire Chief's approval. . Use of vehicle outside state requires City Manager approval. . The City does not reimburse for personal items, services, entertainment, toiletries, medicine, grooming, movies, or liquor. . Receipts are not required for tips, bus/taxi fares, business telephone calls, or related expenses. . Unusual expenses must be accompanied by receipt. . Administrative Services will assist with travel arrangements and expense questions. . Meal expenses are reimbursed on a Per Diem basis and requires itemized receipts. . The Per Diem for meals allowance is for 3 meals per day with no cost of 1 meal exceeding 1/2 of the daily allowance. (established by IRS) . Cash advances for travel are NOT available except in emergency situations. . A Fire Department Request for Purchase and approved Travel/Training Request is required to initiate any purchase order for reimbursement and must include Deputy Chief or Assistant Chief's signature. . Travel Expense vouchers are accompanied by a Direct Pay Claim voucher and must be submitted to the Administrative Aide within 5 working days following return from trip (with initials by Deputy Chief in LOWER LEFT corner). . Gasoline expenses for City vehicles traveling outside OKC Metro require receipts. . Mileage paid for travel is 32.5 cents per mile. ADN/026 VEHICLE ASSIGNMENT AND USE POLICY . Vehicles may not be traded between employees without approval of Deputy Chief or Maintenance Deputy Chief. . March 1, 1983 version of Personnel Policies, Section 104.02 relates to vehicle assignment. . Code Enforcement officer have the right to use their assigned vehicle at Level 2. . Level 1 vehicles may be used on and off duty to conduct city and fire department business and may used when not on fire department or city business so that they may respond to perform duties of their position. . Level 2 vehicles may be used on and off duty to conduct city and fire department business and may NOT be taken for use in NON-city or fire department business, however, may be taken home to perform job duties after hours if requested. . Level 3 vehicles are for on duty ONLY, and is to be parked at work site after hours. . On call vehicles are Level 2 vehicles furnished to those who must provide on call assignments. . A city vehicle may be used, as determined by Fire Chief, for Special Assignments. . Some vehicles may utilize unmarked tags, special warning devices, and other equipment at the discretion of the Fire Chief. . Additions and/or alterations on vehicles must be approved through Maintenance Chief. . Take-home vehicles will be parked at primary residence during off-duty hours. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 10 of 15 . Take-home vehicles will be parked at work site or in employee's garage when employee is on leave for more than 72 hours or on suspension. . All city-furnished weapons, portable radios, cameras, and other equipment must be removed from passenger area of take home vehicles when parked out of service. . Fire Department photo ID and valid driver's license must be carried when operating fire department vehicles. . For use of vehicles outside the metro area, the Travel policy guidelines apply. . In regards to maintenance, employees should request repairs ASAP, change their own tires (if < 1 ton vehicle), keep tires inflated properly, check/replenish all fluids (at least once per week), request preventative maintenance every 5,000 miles or once a year (whichever comes first), and maintain appearance of vehicle. . Supervisors will grant a single block of 4 hours per 6 months to wax vehicles. . Work section vehicles NOT assigned to an individual will be the responsibility of the work section. . Inspections of vehicles will be conducted by employee's supervisor not less than once a month. . Vehicles equipped with push bars will ONLY be used for pushing other vehicles unless in emergency. . Vehicles should not be parked around liquor stores, bars, or locations where alcoholic beverages are served unless on official business. . The Maintenance shop will maintain master keys with tags bearing assigned vehicle numbers. . The furthest point in the city limits from Fire Headquarters is S.E. 164th and Pottawatomie Road. ADN/027 OPERATING PROCEDURES MANUAL, RED BOOK LIBRARY STORAGE, AND CHECKOUT SYSTEM . ALL personnel are responsible for maintaining the Operating Procedures Manual and Red Book Library which must be stored inside a file cabinet, locked at all times. . The Station Officer/Section Supervisor will use the check out log will be used to track down missing materials, if not found, a fact finding investigation should follow. . The officer and employee that checked material out shall be held responsible for the material.
ADN/028 DEVELOPING NEW OPERATING PROCEDURES . Direct development of operating procedures is to be used for immediate updates or changes to existing procedures, not requiring in-depth study or consideration. . Division heads review all proposed changes to SOPs. . Procedures that involve bargaining agreements must 1st be handled through negotiation. . The Training academy handles distribution of approved SOPs. . Supervisors are responsible for proper insertion of new procedures into the site's manuals. . Indirect development of operating procedures is to be used on proposed changes that require action of a committee to study feasibility. . The Operating Procedures Committee is a standing committee made up of individuals selected by the Fire Chief and bargaining agents. . The Operating Procedures Committee meets bi-annually to review and update procedures. ADN/029 IMPLEMENTING NEW PROGRAMS . All new programs must be approved by Fire Chief, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chief of the respective division before implementation. ADN/030 COMPUTER POLICY . All hardware, software, and email is "business use only". . Civil action for copyright infringement can cost up to $100,000 per infringement plus actual damages (infringer's profits). . Criminal penalties for copyright infringement carry fines up to $250,000 and/or jail terms up to 5 years. . Unauthorized duplication of software constitutes copyright infringement regardless of whether it is done for sale, free distribution, or copier's own use. . Software may not be run on a computer without a licensing agreement. . The Business Software Alliance (BSA) conducts raids to catch copyright infringers. . All employees are required to sign an affidavit acknowledging the Internet Access Policy. . The Internet Access policy covers all electronic information services. . Internet Access is provided to employees at the discretion of departmental/executive management. . Employees are encouraged to use the internet when it will provide the most efficient means of research or communications. . Game programs are prohibited unless introduced by management as part of training exercises. . Constant connection to music or weather sites should be avoided. . Downloading of software, without Business and Communications Technology Department's approval, is prohibited. . Email should be recognized as a principal form of communication and checked/replied to regularly. . Email messages are subject to existing open records requests and are not considered private. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 11 of 15 . Personal computers placed in areas that do NOT hinder station operations are allowed. . Personal computers must be connected to a private (not city-paid lines) line, paid for by 1 or more station personnel, when used for internet access. . Personal computers may not be attached to any city device or port (excluding electrical power cords). . Personal computers may not be used at a station to run a business, work a part time job, access inappropriate sites, or anything that harasses or offends other city employees. ADN/031 COMPUTER TELETYPE SYSTEM . General/routine information (street closings, hydrants out of service, deaths) comes across the computer teletype system and does not require approval before transmission. . Information other than general information appearing on teletype must be approved by Fire Chief or designee. . The Station Watchman will check printer anytime it is activated. ADN/032 TELEPHONE SYSTEM . Communication Maintenance personnel should be called to investigate any telephone or circuit problems. . The lines coming into station are owned by Southwestern Bell, while the telephones, circuits, and related equipment are city-owned. . Private lines require permission of the Fire Chief. . Any routine telephone equipment or line trouble is to be reported to Communications Maintenance (Monday-Friday 7:00am-4:00pm). *DISCREPANCY-still says 8am-5pm in Communications Maintenance . For emergency repair service, dispatch will notify Business & Communications Technology, Communications Officer or assistant, and the on-duty radio call-person. . Complete loss of telephone service, even when it does not hamper dispatching capabilities, should be reported to dispatch. . Any bills other than a privately paid phone system that is received at the station should be forwarded to the Communications Officer. . Long distance calls for business purposes should be accompanied by a long distance form forwarded to Administrative Services. . Personal long distance calls should be utilize calling cards, credit cards, or collect calls. . Any amounts owed for personal phone calls must be remitted to Administrative Services. . Cellular phones that have the ability to have a 2nd "personal" number installed are acceptable (person is responsible for billing/maintenance). . Cellular phone bills received at Admin have a record of numbers dialed. . Pager bills have a record of the number of pages received. . A full report on any loss of cellular phone or pager must be submitted by the next working day. . Telephone, pager, and cellular phone bills are subject to the Open Records Act. ADN/033 TAMPERING OF COX CABLE BOXES . Tampering of Cox cable boxes carries a fine up to $500 and individual is subject to disciplinary action. ADN/034 POLICY STATEMENT - DISCRIMINATION . Discrimination of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, or sex by employees is improper. . Discrimination is defined as "to perceive or distinguish categorically rather than individually; or actions which limit or deny persons or groups of persons opportunities, privileges, roles, or rewards in regard to race, creed, color, national origin, or sex. . Verbal abuse, teasing, kidding, creating a work environment, and delegating work based on race, creed, color, national origin, or sex is considered discrimination. . Discrimination reporting includes reporting to supervisor, EEO officer, or established grievance procedures. ADN/035 OKLAHOMA CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT WRITTEN POLICY REGARDING SMOKING & NON-SMOKING AREAS . The smoking policy became effective April 8, 1991. . The apparatus room is the only designated smoking area at station when properly ventilated. . If apparatus room cannot be ventilated properly, the area will not be used when non-smokers are present. . Ash trays and ignition sources should be kept at least 18" off floor and 20 feet from flammables. . Smoking in vehicles is permitted if they are the only person in the vehicle. . Fire vehicles are designated as non-smoking areas. . Smoking on fire ground will be outside rest areas ONLY. . The officer in charge of incident bears responsibility to address smoking complaints. . If a smoking complaint is filed, it is filed with the District Officer/Section Supervisor where the infraction occurred. ADN/036 EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION IN POLITICAL CAMPAIGNS . Employees may NOT participate in political activity during normal working hours or use city property/equipment on behalf of a political campaign. . Persons involved in political campaigns after working hours must not represent themselves as City employees. ADN/037 PURCHASES FROM OR SALE TO THE CITY Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 12 of 15 . Purchase from or sale to the City by City employees is considered a conflict of interest and is grounds for termination. . City employees may NOT purchase and surplus City property, real estate, vehicles, equipment, or supplies. ADN/038 SOLICITATIONS . Only United Way is allowed to solicit among city employees while at work. . No buying or selling of products is to take place during normal work hours in City facilities. . Insurance/pre-paid legal agents must present a letter of authorization from Fire Chief's office to Station Officer for clearance. . Commercial advertisements may not be placed on City or AFSCME bulletin boards. ADN/039 CIVIC GROUP MEETINGS AT FIRE DEPARTMENT FACILITIES . Use of OCFD facilities for public meetings is limited to non-profit organizations and occasional gatherings of youth groups. . OCFD facilities should not be used for regular monthly meetings. . Contact with the appropriate shift officer must be made by requesting party before scheduling public meetings. . In the event of a call during a public meeting, one employee may be left behind to secure facility. If unable, due to staffing, officer will call District Officer to make arrangements. . No visitors (civic meetings) may remain on facility grounds after 2200 hours (10pm). . If seating is inadequate, the PST-1 (Public Service Trailer) may be requested (located at station # 12). . Requests for the PST-1 trailer should be 2 weeks prior to meeting date. . The PST-1 unit is a 14 ft. tandem-axle trailer with capability to be towed by regular tow hitches (command vehicles/brush pumpers). . The PST-1 consists of a folding table cart with (10) 8 ft. x 30" tables, a folding chair cart with (36) padded folding chairs, a folding chair bin with (24) padded folding chairs, 1 metal podium, and 2 metal ramps.
ADN/040 FIREWORKS . OCFD is responsible for enforcement of the City's fireworks ordinance. . Complaints of fireworks at any fire station should be reported to dispatch, who notifies Fire Prevention Bureau. . Fire Prevention Bureau agents are available the nights of July 3rd & 4th to work complaints. . Code 20 (fireworks related incident) should be entered in the "Type of Action" field of the incident report. . Fire Prevention Bureau agents will be called to pick up any fireworks brought to fire stations. ADN/041 UNITED STATES FLAG . Moved to Support Services Book, Human Resources Section ADN/042 RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY . A Release and Waiver of Liability form must be signed to ride a fire department vehicle whether it makes an emergency ride or not. . Individuals under 18, who wish to ride an OCFD emergency vehicle, must be approved by Deputy Chief of Operations or designee (parent/legal guardian must complete form). ADN/043 MUTUAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT . Authorized city's equipment and personnel will respond as mutual aid upon request to any area for which OCFD normally provides fire protection and vice versa. . Requests for mutual aid from OCFD shall include amount and type of equipment/personnel and location. . The number of personnel/equipment provided will be determined by the responding organization. . Responding mutual aid resources will report to officer in charge. . The responding mutual aid company must be released when called to location within their own district. . No claims for compensation may be issued by either mutual aid party. . All personnel/equipment shall belong to their respective departments. . Mutual aid agreements may be terminated with 30 days notice. . Mutual aid agreements may not be assigned or amended without written agreement/consent of all parties. ADN/044 CONTACTING DISPATCH OFFICE . Any problems with dispatch should be routed through your District Chief. ADN/045 OPERATING OCFD VEHICLES IN LIMITED OR CONFINED AREAS . The apparatus operator AND company officer is responsible for adequate clearance of vehicle. . Any time clearance is of concern, all passengers must disembark and act as ground guides. . When acting as ground guide, the officer is responsible for adequate clearance around, over, and under apparatus. . In darkness, ground guides must have flashlight and wear bunker gear or orange traffic vest. . Policies to reference in regards to operating vehicles include ADN/010-Injury Reporting System, ADN/011- Accident/Incident Reporting, ADN/012-Accident Review Board, ADN/026-Vehicle Assignment & Use, ADN/046- Seatbelt Usage, ADN/049-Overhead Doors, and ADN/050-Backing Procedures. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 13 of 15 ADN/046 MANDATORY SEAT BELT USAGE . Seat belts must be in use while a vehicle is in motion. ADN/047 MANDATORY SCBA USAGE POLICY . SCBA usage is required in contaminated atmospheres by all officers and their crews. . Officer/Acting Officer may determine if SCBA is needed on outside fires. . The IC may allow SCBAs to be taken off in post fire activities if contaminated atmospheres cease to exist. . The Officer/Acting Officer and individual not complying with the SCBA usage policy are both subject to disciplinary action. . When 1 or more persons' Vibralert sounds, the Company Officer may send team members out in pairs or go as a complete team. . Each team of 2 or more people will have at least 1 radio. . A pre-determined location outside a structure should be determined for company members to meet once air cylinders have been changed out (i.e.-air van, tailboard of apparatus, CP). . Team members that did not leave the structure when other team members did (to change air cylinders), should account for a company PAR at the pre-determined meeting place. . At no time shall one team member stay in a structure alone. . Members leaving structure to change out air cylinders should not go back into structure to find their company unless company officer calls for them. ADN/048 PROTECTIVE CLOTHING POLICY AND PROCEDURE . ONLY articles of PPE or equipment issued by the fire department or approved by Fire Chief will be used. . An incident is "any situation or circumstance that requires a response from Fire Department personnel". . Apparatus Operators working adjacent to an incident must wear PPE. . Full PPE is considered to be helmet, protective hood, turnout coat & trousers with liner, knee boots, gloves, SCBA per policy, and PASS device. . Other protective clothing worn when applicable include: ear plugs/earmuffs, goggles, grass gear, and hazmat ensembles. . Apparatus operators must don appropriate PPE AFTER the apparatus is placed in operation. . Appropriate PPE for medical calls must be worn in compliance with Exposure Control Plan. . Personnel operating at the CP do not have to wear PPE unless dictated by proximity to the incident. . All personnel not wearing appropriate PPE will remain outside the designated incident area. . Orange Traffic Safety Vests are worn for visibility (i.e.-backing apparatus, directing traffic, vehicle accidents). . Grass gear must NOT be worn for interior structure fires and must include approved helmet, gloves, goggles, and footwear. . Grass gear may be worn for other operations when approved by the IC. . Disposable Canister Masks must not be worn in toxic atmospheres (may be worn at grass fires). . Reduction of the level of PPE worn will be at the discretion of the officer-in-charge. . Care of structural PPE is covered by NFPA 1500, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.132, OCFD Administration ADN/048, and the OCFD Exposure Control Manual. . Abrasive, flammable dirt and contaminants can decrease the service life and flame resistance of PPE. . The cleaning procedures for PBI Kevlar and Nomex are the same. . PPE will be inspected prior to relieving a co-worker. . Structural/Wildland PPE will be washed per manufacturer's instruction every 6 months, using OCFD washer/extractors. . An inspection of PPE should be conducted by the Company Officer at least semi-annually. . All structural/wildland PPE will be washed at least semi-annually. . Fire fighting ensembles should be inspected for tears, embrittlement, fraying, loss of reflectivity of trim, pockets/patches free from wear, fabric color change (indicating high heat exposure), loss of tear strength, hydrocarbons in fabric. . Garments soiled with hydrocarbons should be placed out of service immediately. . Fabric color changes should be checked for loss of tear strength. . Helmets should be inspected for shielding hardware, shield clarity, earflaps, exposure to heat, impact cap, and cleanliness. . Hoods should be inspected for cleanliness, seams for charring, burns, or holes, and don with SCBA facepiece to check for proper elasticity and fit. . Coats should be inspected for cleanliness, holes, burns, tears, seams & stitching, reflective trim, closures, collar & cuffs, snaps, liner for rips/wear, wristlets for stretching. . Lint should be cleaned out of velcro closures. . Inspection of pants includes the same for coats in addition to inspecting D-rings, and 8 suspender attachments points. . Inspection of dry thermal barriers should include pouring 1/2 cup of water on high abrasion areas (shoulders, elbows, crotch, knees, seat), wait a few minutes. If water passes through barrier, liner should be removed from service. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 14 of 15 . Suspenders should be inspected for elasticity and loops for damage. . Tape on suspenders is considered an unauthorized repair. . Gloves should be inspected for cleanliness, cuts, tears, separation of seams, and wristlets for stretching. . Boots should be inspected for cleanliness, punctures, cuts, cracking, leakage, and proper fit. . Inspection of PPE is logged by the Company Officer on the PPE Log Sheet. . Manufacturer and washer instructions should always be followed. . Bunker clothing contaminated with hazardous chemicals or biohazards will NOT be taken home or to a public laundry. . The Personal Alert Device (PAD) will activate when motionless for specified period of time or when manually activated. . Anyone entering an IDLH atmosphere should be wearing a PAD device. . PAD devices may be cleaned with mild soap and water. . Helmet Color Coding System: WHITE-Chief Officers, RED-Majors and Captains, BLACK-Lieutenants and Sergeants, YELLOW-Corporals, Firefighters, and Recruits. . OCFD helmets are made of high-impact polycarbonate and can withstand a 30,000 volt shock, when clean. . Carbon and soot on helmets can carry electrical current and result in shock. . Tar, oil, grease, and some paints will soften polycarbonate material, affecting impact-resistance of helmets. . Dirt, chemicals, oils, paints, petroleum products, and other contaminants should be removed from helmets with soap and water. . If solvent is used to clean tar and grease from helmets, they must be washed with soap and water afterwards. . A coat of wax or polish will make helmets easier to clean when dirty. . A Protective Clothing Request form is used for replacement of lost, damaged, or worn equipment and must be signed by the District Officer and turned in at the Operations Division PPE storage. . Items for replacement that are not listed on the Protective Clothing Request form may be noted in the remarks section. . Replacement of an SCBA requires a City of Oklahoma City Building/Property Damage Report form and letter of explanation. . The Building Damage Report is used when City property is damaged by Windstorm, Hail, Aircraft, Riot, Vehicle, Explosion, Strike, Theft, Vandalism, Malicious Mischief, Fire, and Lightning. . The IC must determine if responding personnel's PPE has been contaminated and will be determined prior to leaving scene. . The IC may determine that decontamination of PPE can be done by station personnel back at the station. . The HazMat team may be called to make a determination of contaminated PPE, given the substances involved. . The HazMat team is dispatched on all unknown substances or if known hazardous substances are involved. . Decontamination of PPE may be performed by responding personnel or HazMat team, depending on situation. . Affected PPE may be turned over to clean-up contractors, placed in plastic bags for disposal, transported to station for washing (with Safety Officer's approval), or having the PPE be commercially cleaned. . The IC will notify the Deputy Chief of Operations for replacement of contaminated gear. ADN/049 OVERHEAD DOORS . Station Officers will be responsible for damage occurring when rigs enter/exit overhead door openings. . A minimum of 2 personnel will assist rigs entering/exiting overhead door openings. . Procedures for entering/exiting overhead doors include: providing top clearance (fully open), checking rig compartment doors, checking safe ground clearance, visual checks of clearances while passing opening, and sounding warning to stop equipment when necessary to prevent damage. ADN/050 APPARATUS BACKING PROCEDURES-DELETED ADDED TO BLUE BOOK II ADN/051 AIR FILTER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM . HVAC system filters should be replaced 3 times yearly. . A year's supply of filters for HVAC systems should be obtained from Building Management. HVAC Filter Cleaning/Changing Schedule 601, 602, Fire Admin, Pub. Ed., Code Enforcement Jan, May, Sept 603, 605, Base Shop, Fire Investigation Feb, July, Oct 604, 606, Maintenance Shop, Training Mar, Aug, Nov ADN/052 HAZARD COMMUNICATION SAFETY PLAN . The Hazard Communication Safety Plan complies with the Oklahoma standard by using hazardous chemical lists, MSDS sheets, ensuring containers are labeled, and providing employees with training/information annually or when new hazards/chemicals are introduced. . The Safety Officer is responsible for the Hazard Communication program and overall responsibility lies with the City. . The Hazard Communication Standard identifies hazardous properties, safe handling, and measures to protect against chemicals. . A Chemical Inventory List (CIL) is a list of hazardous chemicals known to be in the workplace. Copyright FireNotes, Inc.® ( Duplication Of Hard Copy Prohibited Without Consent BOOK: Administration SECTION: Administration (NOTES) Page 15 of 15 . Chemicals generated by work operations, such as welding fumes, are also evaluated in the Hazard Communication Program. . Hazardous chemicals can be in liquid, solid, gas, vapor, fume, or mist forms. . Updates to new hazards will be performed within 15 days of existence and inventory list of chemicals will be reviewed every February. . Chemical lists are filed in the Safety Officer's Office, the Maintenance Shop, and in SOP manuals at each work site. . The Safety Officer must approve any new chemical introduced by first reviewing the MSDS. . MSDS sheets are chemical fact sheets for chemicals that pose a physical or health hazard in the workplace. . The employee ordering material is responsible for submitting MSDS sheets to appropriate work site and a copy to the Safety Office and Maintenance Shop. . MSDS sheets received at stations will require updating of station MSDS book, chemical list, and sending a copy to the Safety Officer. . The MSDS master list is kept at both the Maintenance Shop and Safety Office. . If an MSDS is not received with a shipment, a MSDS Request form will be submitted by the supervisor of the work site to the Safety Office who will contact the vendor. . Common MSDS sheets may be found on the internet. . Chemicals received from vendors must have chemical name, hazard warning, name/address of manufacturer, and importer or responsible party. . Labels on chemicals vary in color and size and may include precautionary statements such as "do not open near flame", however, these statements are voluntary. . OCFD portable containers that hold hazardous materials will use the hazardous materials labeling system. . The Station Officer/supervisor is responsible for ensuring labels are correct/present. . "Exposure" means an employee in the course of employment was exposed to a level above that allowed by 29 CFR 1910 (includes accidental exposures). . Training for chemicals will be provided within 30 days of employment, during the recruit academy, or when an employee may be placed in areas where exposure is likely. . Annual training includes methods and observations used to detect presence or release of hazardous chemicals in the work area, physical/health hazards of chemicals, measures to protect against chemicals, and explanation of labeling system and MSDS. . NFPA 704 applies to placarding of fixed storage facilities, tanks, etc. (that exceed threshold for compliance). . Hazardous chemical thresholds for placarding include: 55 gallons of liquid (in storage container), 500 lbs. of a non- liquid, 800 cubic feet of a pressurized gas. . Buildings of less than 5,000 square feet must post a sign outside the building identifying the greatest degree of hazard in each category. Buildings over 5,000 square feet must have additional placards posted where significant chemicals are permanently stored. . When any threshold limit is exceeded, placards at work sites will be greater than or equal to 2 for HEALTH, greater than or equal to 2 for FLAMMABILITY, and greater than or equal to 1 for REACTIVITY. . NFPA 704 placard numbers range from 0 (least hazard) to 4 (worst hazard). . Exposure or possible exposure beyond OSHA permissible limits should be reported to supervisor. . Forms for handling a chemical exposure include: Injury Report form, Supervisor's Report form, Physician Authorization form, Incident Report, and OCFD Chemical Exposure Report form. . Sections of an MSDS include: Identification (of product), Hazardous Ingredients, Physical Data, Fire and Explosion Data, Health Hazard Data, Reactivity Data, Spill/Leak Procedures, Special Protection Information, and Special Precautions. . A Hazardous Ingredient is a substance or form of substance in a mixture of sufficient quantity to produce a flammable vapor of gas, or to produce acute or adverse effects in persons exposed to the product either in normal use or predictable misuse of it. More Notes on MSDS items in IFSTA HazMat for First Responders (2nd Edition).
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