Badger Region Board of Directors

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Badger Region Board of Directors

BADGER REGION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sunday, October 25, 2009 Best Western Inn Towner Madison, WI

MINUTES Members Present: Julie Voeck, Chris Haworth, Dan Wong, Kelly Lehman, Franco Marcos, Nancy Paulson, Paul Schlomer, Jim Momsen Advisory Committee Present: Scott Blackmon Staff Present: Jenny Hahn, Terry Paulson, Jennifer Armson-Dyer

I. Call To Order N. Paulson called the meeting to order at 8:37am

II. Approval of Minutes from August 2008 N. Paulson moved to approve minutes from the August 2009 Board of Directors meeting. Schlomer seconded the motion. All approved, none opposed. The motion carried.

III. Badger Region Office Report A) Member Services Coordinator Hire Hahn introduced Jennifer Armson-Dyer, the new Member Services Coordinator. B) Revised Member Count Hahn stated that due do a glitch with the download from STP to Webpoint that did not pick up our Youth Members. We had an additional 601 members. The total membership count for 2008-09 is 8,881. Badger is the 9th largest region. C) Waukesha Youth Volleyball League (WYVL) Hahn updated the group on the Center Court Open House for junior clubs on Oct. 18. The region and the open house both received favorable comments on the event and information available from parents. Hahn updated the group on the meeting with Tom Jurczk of Center Court on the lack of middle school programs in the Greater Waukesha area public schools. Badger Region and Center Court are going to co-host the WYVL (Wisconsin Youth Volleyball League) beginning in the fall of 2010. Center Court will host the league. Badger Region will provide coaches training to parent volunteer coaches. WE may also provide officials training. All participants will be members of Badger Region. This program could provide a template to other areas of the state wanting to start similar programs. D) Wisconsin Association of Phy-Ed Teachers State Convention Hahn updated the group that this Friday she is on the agenda to facilitate a session on VolleyTots and Youth Volleyball at the AAPHED convention in Stevens Point. E) Web Page Development Hahn updated the group on the redesigned website and its progress. There has been a little trouble with getting things done, she has been withholding payment. We should be on tract early next month. Discussion followed about the Resources area of the website and the possibility of adding links to websites outside of USAV and associated member links. There was some concern over free advertising but Hahn will develop a process for review of potential links to bring to the board. Hahn, Armson-Dyer and Blackmon will develop a list of possible resources for approval. D) Badger Region Championships Fee Increase T. Paulson explained that we have plans to use new net systems from Shelde that are more expensive but will eliminate the steel plates and water barrels; and reduce set up and take down time. He proposed raising the admission fee $1/day pass and $2/weekend pass to help defray the additional cost. Hahn stated that the new net standards are much safer. An admission fee increase rather than entry fee increase spreads out the increased cost. Marcos moved to approve a $1 daily increase and $2 weekend pass increase in admission. Haworth seconded the motion. All approved, none opposed. The motion carried.

IV. RVA Mid-Year Meeting Report Haworth reported that much of the discussion revolved around the requested $10 per member increase by USAV. A straw poll of the regions resulted in 23 against the increase and 13 were for it. Haworth stated that USAV’s insurance carrier’s highest payments were for cases involving injuries due to net dividers when fans trip and fall. Insurance costs fluctuate but since 2000 total increase has only been up 50 cents. Discussion followed about how to make the Badger Region Championships safer for fans with regard to net dividers. T. Paulson will look at the layout for the region championships, configuration of seating as a ball barrier and experiment with eliminating divider nets in at least a section of the convention center. T. Paulson stated that we haven’t had any injuries due to divider nets but there have been some close calls. Haworth sat on two panel discussion groups, beach growth and junior boys’ growth. Badger Region is looked at as proactive on both. AVP is lobbing the USOC and FIVB to create a separate governing body for beach volleyball. They want to be able to select their own players, etc. AVP doesn’t think they’re being represented. USOC wants it to stay within USAV. USAV has opened a beach training center in Chula Vista, CA. There is a web page about this issue and Haworth will send a link to the board on the topic. Haworth talked about USAV wanting to raise the entry fee to the US Open Adult Championships for club divisions from $900 to $1000 and the open division fee from $1000 to $1500. Marcos and Haworth felt that the increase would not prevent teams from participating. USAV is now overseeing the NIRSA club collegiate championships. The Girl’s JOs are going to be in Reno.

V. Badger Region Junior Advisory Committee Report A) Recommendation to require non-qualifier region events to allow the libero to serve. There was discussion about jurisdiction on decisions regarding the rules of the game. Voeck said she also struggled with the decision but other regions are also allowing this variation in the rule and that FIVB is looking at this as a test case. There was consensus that amending this rule would not set a precedent of having the Junior Advisory Committee setting the rules of the game. Hahn stated that most clubs are formed for the purpose of improving their area high school teams and the high school federation rules allow the libero to serve. Lehman stated that with a vote of 42-4 the club directors strongly supported allowing the libero to service in all Badger Region non- qualifying events. Nancy Paulson motioned to support the recommendation from the Badger Region Junior Advisory Committee to allow the libero to serve in Badger Region non- qualifying tournaments, with the understanding that this is a one-year experimental rule. If the libero is not to serve, the Tournament Director must inform Regional Tournament Director, it must be listed in flyer and on the website. Marcos seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried. Blackmon stated that varying rule sets will be something that we may struggle with in the future by opening our membership options up to other volleyball affiliations. B) First Boys Commitment Date Hahn said that first boys commitment date fell on Thanksgiving, so the Junior Advisory Committee recommended to move it up to the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. N. Paulson motioned to accept the recommendation for the first boys commitment date to be be Wednesday, Nov. 25, 2009. Lehman seconded. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carried. C) Warm-up Protocol Hahn stated that the junior advisory committee voted to not institute the new protocol for warm-up that would require the team not on the court during the warm-up period to remain near the bench. Voeck stated that many of the rules that come down from FIVB are written for a match in a sport hall and do not take into consideration our events with limited warm-up periods. Momsen moved to accept the recommendation from the Junior Advisory Committee that the warm-up protocol for region events will remain the same as in the past. The team not holding the court will be allowed to ball-handle off the court. Scholmer second the motion. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried.

VI. Old Business A) Mission Statement Hahn said that current mission statement does not include the main purpose of our association which is to serve our members. She proposed that we add a statement to the current mission, “in order to provide an avenue for players, coaches, fans and officials to achieve excellence.” Lehman moved to revise the mission statement to “The Badger Region Volleyball Association is a membership organization whose mission is to be recognized as the premier authority for the sport of volleyball in the state of Wisconsin in order to provide an avenue for players, coaches, club directors and officials to achieve excellence”. N. Paulson seconded the motion. All in favor, none opposed. The motion carried. B) Revision of By-Laws The following amendments to the Badger Region By-Laws were approved by all: - Page 1, Article 3 – Purpose. Add “while emphasizing high standards of ethical and moral values.” - Page 3, Article VI, Section 4 – Board of Directors Terms of Service. Remove the stated years for the new terms and insert into our operating code. The table of elections was approved. - Page 4, Section 7 – Vacancy. Change to “The appointed Board member may only serve up to two years of the remaining term. After the second year, the appointed board member must run for office for the remainder of the term at the next regular election.” - Page 5, Section 3 – Rules. Add “except as stated in Article VII, Section 2.” - Page 6, Advisory Committee. Revise to “… approve by a majority of the Board.” - Page 6, Section 1 - Take out “regulate”. - Page 6, Other Committees – Revise to “However, all matters transactioned by any committee in the name of the Corporation shall be reported to and approved by a majority of the Board at its next meeting.” - Page 9, Treasurer duties – Add “4) Serve as Board Liaison to the Finance Committee.” - Page 10, Adult Player Chair- Insert “…Adult Player”. - Page 10 – Finance Chair – A. Qualifications 1) The Finance Chair must be a current Badager Region Adult Regular Member in good standing. B. Duties 1) Serve as a voice to the Board on all issues and policy related to the finances of the Corporation; 2) Oversee The Corporation’s budget process; 3) Make quarterly reports to the Board 4) Nominate three additional persons to serve on the Finance Committee to be approved by a majority of the Board. -Page 11 – Junior Girls Chair and Junior Boys Chair 2) – Delete, “and approved by a majority of the Board of Directors at their next regular or special meeting” ; and B) Duties – insert “2) Serve as the Co-Chair of the Junior Advisory Committee …” - Page 14 – Calendar – Revise, “The membership year commences on September 1st and ends on August 31st.” - Page 15 – Date of Revision- Change to October 25, 2009. C) Budget Process Hahn suggested that finance chair should not be left up to election. The Chair of the Finance Committee should be appointed. The Treasurer of the Board will be the liaison between the board and the committee. The Chair will need to appoint one other member to the committee. Hahn suggested that whoever Voeck appoints should form their committee and then the committee will bring a budget process to the board at their next regular meeting. The various budgets will come to the Executive Director first. That person will review to make sure nothing is missing or out of line, compile with the admin budget and forward to the Finance Chair. Hahn requested approval from the board for a number of annual donations to be approved. This would alleviate the need for special requests to the Executive Committee. N. Paulson moved to make the following annual donations: $500/year to the Volleyball Hall of Fame $100/event to the Red Cross $500/year (silent auction purchases at discretion of region rep) Lehman seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion passed. D) Consultant/Region Support Payment Schedule, 2009-2010 Hahn asked for approval to an amendment in the Consultant/Region Support Payment Schedule. The change reflects a clarification on the payment for officials’ trainers. N. Paulson added that the same amounts should be paid to score monitors. Paulson moved to add a ½ day payment of $60 and a full day payment of $100 to the payment schedule for officials’ trainers and score monitors. Momsen seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion carried.

VII. New Business A) 2009-2010 Elections and Annual Meeting Hahn suggested reformatting the Junior Club Directors Annual Meeting so that the meeting could be held on a Sunday morning in late August or early September. All regular adult members would be invited to a lunch following the Club Directors meeting. The Annual meeting would be conducted after lunch. We would also present our Service Awards at this time. Hahn felt the timing of this meeting would be ideal as it comes at the end of a year allowing us to look back and shortly before the new year, allowing us to look forward. Voeck stated that the Annual Meeting would not be a full board meeting but that we do need to find a time to meet four other times during the year to conduct the business of the Board. Momsen moved to hold annual elections March 1st through March 7th and schedule the Annual Meeting on a Sunday in late August or early September to coincide with the Junior Advisory Committee Meeting. N. Paulson seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion carried. 1) Nominating committee Hahn proposed a process for the formation of the Nominating Committee; a process to secure nominations and a timeline as follows: Proposed Nominating Committee Process: Committee Composition: Board Secretary serves as Committee Chair in all years except the year that the Secretary is up for election. In that case, the Treasurer will serve as Committee Chair Board Member from Officials Division that is not up for election Board Member from Junior Division that is not up for election

Process: Forty-five (45) days prior to election, the Nominating Committee will insure that : A call for nominations (self nominations will be encouraged) is posted on region web page and emailed to region leadership (Board and Advisory Committee, Junior Club Directors, Adult Team Reps); The Committee will also solicit nominations from Badger Region Membership; Nominees will complete a “Nomination Bio Form”; Nominating Committee will attempt to place a minimum of two individuals on the ballot for each position up for election.

Fourteen (14) days prior to election, the Nominating Committee will: Post the Slate of Candidates and election process on the region web page and email to all adult regular members via the SignupToPlay

The Nominating Chair will oversee the electronic election process, review results and insure that the results are posted within 48 hours of the close of the election.

Nancy moved to approve committee formation and process. Momsen seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion passed. Wording changed to “review the results” not tabulate. All in favor, no opposed. Passed. B) Next Meeting Our next meeting will be held on a weeknight in late January. Hahn will arrange a conference call for Board Members outside of driving distance. Hahn will consult with Voeck and survey the board. C) New Business Lehman asked if Badger Region is prepared to handle major changes with regards to membership. Hahn stated that it is critical that we listen to our members and serve their needs better than anyone else. N. Paulson stated that with our mission statement and change in by-laws we have put ourselves in a position to best serve our members. Hahn requested a special effort on the part of the region reps to keep in contact with their areas’ members. N. Paulson suggested Hahn contact region reps to remind them to find out what are the issues in that area and ask the reps to keep our office updated and to develop relationships with their area’s members.

VIII. Adjourn Nancy Paulson moved to adjourn the meeting. Marcos seconded the motion. All were in favor, none opposed. The motion carried. Meeting adjourned, 11:01am. Action Items: Hahn, Armson-Dyer & Blackmon will develop efficient process to review and post resources on the web page.

Haworth will send a link to the board regarding the AVP lawsuit against USAV

Hahn will update the bylaws with approved language

Voeck will appoint a Chair for the Finance Committee

Finance chair will recommend a structure for the finance committee; seat the committee; meet with the committee to bring budget process to the board at the next regular meeting

Hahn will arrange a date and time for the next board meeting in January, arranging for a conference call for those who can't attend.

Hahn will contact region reps to remind them to find out what the issues in their area are and ask the reps to keep our office updated and to develop relationships with their area's members

Haworth, as Chair of the Nominating Committee, will recruit individuals to serve on the committee.

Action Items Remaining from August Meeting Hahn will consult with Paulsons, Wong, Houk/Gulak, Schreiber/Wolter, and Voeck to make sure chart of accounts has all the income and expenses categories needed.

Hahn will make sure that all groups have submitted their budgets for input onto QB.

Paulson will send collegiate certification requirements to non-club Tournament Directors well in advance of tournament season. Information on requirements will be added to the Tournament Directors Guidebook.

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