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Unhappy bank customers to enter politics The West Australian 6th May 2012

Disgruntled bank customers and former staff have joined forces in a bid to contest the next federal election.

The Bank Reform Party, founded by members of Unhappy Banking, will seek registration from the Australian Electoral Commission once it has 500 formal members.

The party will field several senate candidates, who will campaign on a platform of fair competition and better regulation of the banking, supermarket and fuel sectors.

Former BankWest head of media Adrian Bradley said surveys had consistently showed most Australians wanted banks to be more accountable.

“We saw the banks’ arrogance again last week when they thumbed their nose at the RBA’s 50 basis point cut,” he said in a statement.

“ The ALP and Coalition are out of step with the Australian community’s expectations on the need to reform our banks.”

Unhappy Banking was started off the back of complaints from 400 angry ex-BankWest customers, who claim the bank had been colluding with property valuers to force commercial borrowers to default on their loans.

The Perth-based bank is facing two potential class actions over the way it re-valued assets and called in the loans of hundreds of its small to medium-sized business clients after a takeover by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia in 2008.

In a separate case, BankWest and CBA are among eight major banks being sued by a combined 171,000 customers who are seeking to recoup more than $220 million in excessive penalty fees.

Mr Bradley on Sunday denied the Bank Reform Party would be “bank bashers”.

“Australian banks are the lifeblood of the Australian economy,“ he said.

“Australia urgently needs strong banks, but we also urgently need banks that are fair.” Link HERE and HERE

COMMENTS: This is truly a major issue, but setting up another single issue political party to gum up the Senate is a very ill considered idea. All it does is create more static on the political line and further confuse and divide electors – so giving the old parties even more power to divide and conquer.

One Nation has already proposed a “People’s Bank” similar to the highly successfully original Commonwealth Bank of decades ago. That Bank was killed off by the other banks and their Globalist banking power because it worked in the interests of ordinary Australians – and because it was a huge threat to the world wide banking cartel system.

This proposed new party is just a puppet, a smoke and mirrors show, to keep the Australian voter away from the truth. Our entire banking system worldwide is one massive Ponzi scheme – a fraudulent investment operation - and it is failing! That is the real reason why few and fewer Aussie families, small businesses, and rural enterprises can make ends meet. Lyn Vickery One Nation W.A. State President.

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These 14 Countries Are Buying Incredible Amounts Of Foreign Land In Deals You Never Hear About Business Insider 4th May 2012

In the last decade, more than 495 million acres of land were sold or leased in transnational deals, according to a report published by a coalition of research centers and civil society groups. The report reveals startling facts about the secretive world of land- buying in foreign countries, which involves governments, as well as private and public companies, according to the Guardian. Because of a huge rising global demand for water, food and energy, both wealthy, food-importing countries and emerging economies are targeting cultivable land buy at rock bottom prices in poorer countries, the Land Matrix project reports. Full Report HERE

WA National Tony Crook joins federal coalition, boosting opposition to 72 seats Matthew Franklin Australian 5th May 2012

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott's parliamentary numbers have won a boost, with Nationals MP Tony Crook formally joining the coalition. The West Australian MP, who has been on the crossbenches, will sit with his party's colleagues in parliament from Tuesday, The Nationals say. The move by Mr Crook, who has voted with Labor more than 30 times in the lower house since the last election, puts the coalition's numbers at 72 members to Labor's 71. While Prime Minister Julia Gillard still controls the house through her deals with the independents and Greens, Tony Abbott now has bragging rights for which major party has more members, and more discipline over Mr Crook's vote. HERE


Jim Grant: "The Federal Reserve Is The Vampire Squid Of Vampire Squids" Zero Hedge 5th May 2012

Munch's "The Scream" may be all the rage today, but to Jim Grant, in his latest interview on Bloomberg TV, the record price paid for the painting is not so much a manifestation of modern art as one of modern currency: "This is the flight into things from paper" . Thus begins the latest polemic by the Grant's Interest Rate Observer author whose topic is as so often happens, the Federal Reserve (for his latest definitive expostulation on why the Fed should be disbanded and why a gold standard should return, delivered from the heart of Liberty 33 itself, read here). The world in which we invest is a world of immense wall to wall manipulations by our friends in Washington. And people get off on Goldman Sachs because it has done this and this, it is pulling wires... The Federal Reserve is the giant squid of squids, it is the vampire squid of vampire squids."

He continues: "They - the vampire squids - have manipulated virtually every single price and valuation in the capital markets. People ought to recognize when they invest that one of the unspoken risks is the risk that this hall of mirrors, this Barnum and Bailey world that the Fed has created for us is going to vanish one day because they will not be able to hold it any more... It's not as if there is nothing to do in investing, but one must always keep in mind that the valuations that we see, that the prices that we watch flicker across the tape are prices that are fundamentally 2 manipulated by these well-intended, dangerous people in Washington called the Federal Reserve". And to think that 3 short years ago Grant would have been branded a loony, tin-foil hat wearing gold bug, while now it has become trendy for hedge fund managers to bash the Fed with impunity. It is all downhill from here. See Video - on link. Full Story HERE

Syria uprising creates chemical weapons concerns Jerusalem Post 5th May 2012-05-05

World powers fear Assad could lose control of a secret stockpile of chemical weapons, giving terrorists access to deadly poison gas.

THE HAGUE - With an uprising in Syria loosening the grip of president Bashar Assad, world powers are worried that he could lose control of a secret stockpile of chemical weapons, giving terrorists access to deadly poison gas.

Syria is one of just eight states - along with its arch foe Israel and nearby Egypt - that have not joined the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which means the world's chemical weapons watchdog has no jurisdiction to intervene there.

Western countries believe that Damascus has the world's largest remaining stockpile of undeclared chemical weapons - including mustard gas and the deadly VX nerve agent - which Assad maintains as a counterbalance to Israel's undeclared nuclear arsenal.

The Syrian army is trained to use poison gas and, according to US and Israeli intelligence, can deploy it on long-range missiles. In a sign of growing concern, an Israeli factory was refinanced to ramp up production of gas masks to prepare for a possible attack, an Israeli member of parliament told Reuters. Story HERE

Geert Wilders, Marked For Death Marc Huybrechts on Sat, 2012-04-21 08:05 The Brussels Journal

A review of Geert Wilders' latest book: Marked for Death - Islam's War Against the West and Me.

Following the defeat of fascism in World War II and the collapse of Soviet communism in the late 1980’s, Fukuyama and others posited the ‘End of History’ thesis, by which was meant that ideas of freedom and liberal democracy had won the day. How wrong they were! During the long years of the ‘Cold War’ and of the ‘Pax Americana’ in Europe and East Asia, cultural changes were gradually taking place in sheltered countries whose cultural elites in media, academia and politics, began to lose touch with the realities of the world. Deep resentments, born from both envy and free-rider guilt, were taking hold in many minds and, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, anti-Americanism raised its ugly head even in official policies of various West-European countries. Freed from the fear instilled by an immediate external threat, Europeans came to believe in illusory ‘soft power’ and that freedom could be ‘free’. And Excellent Article: Full Story HERE


Chinese sugar bid promises new jobs SUE NEALES The Australian 28th Apr

A CHINESE conglomerate represented by former prime minister Bob Hawke is bidding to buy large tracts of prized irrigated land in the Kimberley region of Western Australia to establish a major sugar industry there.

3 The Shanghai Zhongfu group wants the right to farm all 15,000ha of land east of Kununurra being developed by the West Australian government as part of the long-awaited $311 million Stage-2 expansion of the Ord irrigation project. Full Story HERE

COMMENT: One Nation would immediately ban the sale of all premium irrigated and rural land to


You really are one ugly pig! The hideous hogs discovered living deep in Chinese mountain range .

Could these be the world's ugliest pigs?

Farmer Lan Yi, from Luocheng in southern China's Guangxi Province decided to raise a pair of the hideous hogs after he discovered them living deep in the mountains. He captured the two ferocious-looking porkers last year when they were just piglets during a trip to the Jiuwan mountain range. Full Story HERE



Unless listed as “comments”, the opinions expressed in this news round-up may not be the policies or views of One Nation Western Australia, but are provided as general interest stories and to encourage discussion and debate. If you wish to read the full stories please followed the links provided.


Freds Pass Rural Show – Northern Territory 18th ~ 20th May 2012



Authorised by Lyn Vickery State President One Nation WA. PO Box 3030, Carlisle South W.A. 6101. Ph 08 9375 9991 or Mob 0415 030 442 Website:



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