Athletic Handbook for Student-Athletes

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Athletic Handbook for Student-Athletes

retainsrightthe offor denial such participation. activity, dooccur.Theinjuries school providesopportunitythe for participation parent/guardianthe while theathletes in proper and safe oftechniques their particular sports;however, todue the athleticnature of Clay SchoolNorth Middle administrators and safetycoaches are conscious areand totrained instruct scheduledcontest. sportEach season begins firstthe with day of authorizedpractice and concludesondatethe oflast the cheerleaders. competition interscholastic of CCSCsanctioned sportsfurther and studentincludes andmanagers Clay The SchoolNorth Middle athlete isdefinedas boysall and represent girls who a team that inengage Brown County,are Edgewood, NorthOwen Valley,Clay, andSouth Vermilion, Sullivan. Clay memberNorth is a of Western theIndiana Conference. Members of seven the schoolconference fouroffered sport a program which cross includes basketball, country, and &wrestling track field. includes which country, cross football,basketball,wrestling trackand & Thefield. sixth boysgrade are volleyball,basketballtrack and & gradesBoysfield. in andseven areeight offered a five sport program in six, Girls grades and seven areeight offered a four sport program includes which country, cross eligible to participate,providemeetthey the establishedscholastic standardsconductand requirement. Clay SchoolNorth Middle supports sportsseven for boys.girls and studentswith Allability sufficient are School. regulations rules, policiesand relative to participationinterscholastic in athletics North MiddleClay at athletic This handbook is designedto explain toathletesand inform theirand parents guardiansor of the Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student thedirectors are responsibilityofathlete the and his/herparents/guardian. Physical examinationssubmittingand completedthe formsto the coachingand staff athletic or The doctor’ssignaturebe must dated workout/openeach facility year. Northsport. Middle Clay requiresSchool that student-athletethe have physical onthis priortofirst the file Consent/Releasecertificatecompleted and withon file athletic the officepriortofirst the practiceof any the clear studentfor participationathletic usingthe currentpre-participation IHSAA evaluation and form a shall or providecertification a from, physicianholding anunlimited license to practice medicine who shall student-athlete Every isrequired North Middleby Clay School to a have currentphysical examination accident insurancethis are atavailableClay all Schools. Community interestedparents purchase should the before policy their athlete’s practice season begins. Forms for Accident Student Insurance This insurance Plans. is accident that ispurchased by familyandthe all athletic cover andinjuries costthe of treatment. student-athletesAll given are opportunitythe to purchase for insurance athletes.its departmentTheathletic stronglyadvises that parents purchase insurance to athleticoffice in of any changes notified status. IHSAAphysicalthe insurance on section consent release / certificate the be must and completed Parents/Guardians will bemedicalresponsible all costsfor associated with participation.athletic the to cover Northcost of doesClayinjuries. carrynot a second insurance. level who Students plan participate in to mustathletics adequatehave insurance throughtheir insurancefamily HEALTH INSURANCE INSURANCE/ HEALTH ACCIDENT STUDENT ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR Effective August, 2016 August, Effective ATHLETICPROGRAMPROFILE NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL SPORTS SEASONSPORTS DEFINED afterApril PHYSICAL EXAMINATIONS PHYSICAL ATHLETE DEFINED ATHLETE PURPOSE

1st 1st priorto beginning the of schooleachyear. North North Middle Clay does School providenotaccident The The

by, by,

Page2 Remember that Remember some serious severeor injuriesoccur whenthe still the athlete follows above guidelines. Athletescandecrease their be chances to adhering injured toby the followingguidelines. statistically, athletessafer are thanmuch those who participate riskier in typesof physical activity. sprains contusionsand athletethe misses noparticipation.or little It toisimportant remember that spinal injuries,injuries, death.or Fortunately,most ofinjuries the occurathletics that with are mild strains, Athletescanalso experienceseriousmore injuries fractures, such as dislocations, concussions,internal extended periodof physical therapy. participatinghis in her or Someseveresport. needmay injuries to besurgically repairedand require an athletics. In severecases of strains, sprains contusions, and athletethe may a large miss amount of time thecontusions, athletefeelsomewill discomfort will but be ableto continuehis her or participation in threeThesetissue). typesofcan injuries their in varyseverity. In the strains, sprains,case of mild and tissue), sprains tearingor (stretching of ligaments),and contusions (bruises of muscle soft tissueor commonmore thatinjuries occur athletics strainsin are (stretching tearing muscleor tendonof and Theretypesare several of that injuries canforce anathlete to miss practices and/or Someof games. the a numberofmiss practices and/or games. anathleteStatistically, will sufferat leastinjury one duringtheir careerathletic that requires he/she that Whenparticipatingany type in of activity, athleticthere a is always possibility an injurycan that Schools Community Clay web site atlocal and all physician’soffices. Current physicalareIHSAA forms atavailable the atoffices Northviewathletic and Clay, North onthe Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student role are modelstherefore, and are expectedto bepositiveexamples schoolcitizenship, in seasonfield, in and ofout season.Student athletes and supportathletic personnel community oftenothers judgeand our schoolby our studentathletes’ conduct and attitudeonand off the withgo along being member teama andof a wearing schoolthecolors. Thestudent body, the cheerleader,student or manager bewilling statistician) tomust assume the responsibilitiesthat student A member who Northis a of MiddleClaya athleticSchool anyteamcapacity in (athlete, hope we that on can count support your in endeavor. this athletestheirand parents/guardians to continueto provide participationsafe for of all those We involved. injuries athletic howand toavoid bestthem. It atake will effort“team” coaches,from athletic trainers, hopesoccur. Thestaff that athletesthe and parents/guardians will alike time takethe to learn aboutmore thattechniques promote participation,safe but realizesstaff the that athletic some will injuries continueto involvedwith participating athletics. in Thecoaching staff continuetowill teach practiceand those only Clay SchoolNorth Middle wantsathletes itsand parents/guardians to understand there that are risks people agreeMost that benefitsthe of participating in outweighathletics risks.the The coaching of staff participationAthletic benefits people teaching by team unity,self-esteem, properhealth fellowship.and injury. whoHowever, those disregard abovethe guidelines are at risk greater to a sustain serious severe or 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Stay alcoholandStay drugfree. Keep protective all workingequipment in order. proper fittingWear equipment. protective Refrain risky fromon thebehavior fieldathletic inor locker the rooms. Getproperrest nutrition.and Condition properly preseasonduringthe worktoand condition. stay in properthe Use techniquesathletic that taught theare by coaches. ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT RISKS OF Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL CODE CODE CONDUCT OF


Page2 measure should he/sheviolateCode.the Evidence of violationsof the beCodemaydetermined by but disclosuredocument stating they that understandCodeandthe athletethe issubject to disciplinary Parents/guardians athletesand are requiredto sign the acknowledgment,consent,injuryawareness and regulations apply. beThe reinforcedCodewill by of coach eachthe sportyear. duringthe athletes (hereafter AllCode). the regarding rules behavior /or and trainingas outlinedthe in IHSAA The schoolpersonnel shall enforce and rules all regulations as in described Codeofthe Conduct for or race group.ethnic to alcohol, drugs, tobacco,weapons, violence, sex, vulgarity,or reflect uponthat persons becauseof their are Students prohibited from wearing…messagesonclothing, jewelry and belongings personal that relate or abusive obscenelanguage directed staff toward a member. failuretheinclude to follow members’ staff talkingbacktodirections, a member,staff and usethe of isexpected It that follow studentswill common of courtesy.rules Violations ofof common rules courtesy school’s courseof action. besubject violationswill to immediate suspensionpending a of thehearing to facts thedetermine theft,vandalism, falsifyingschool records, alcohol,drugs, fighting, extortion, and serioussimilar other that activity degrades, demeans,disparagesor anycoach, activity sponsor, schoolofficial student.or portrays that sexual conduct done a in mannerwhereby the ofcommunity such activity,learns or any suchconduct anyincludeillegal activity; any non-illegalactivity that vulgar, is lewd, obscene,indecent, or yourselfyouror schoolshall forbecause disciplinary by action schooladministration.the Examplesof embarrassmentor shameto yourself and/or your that or school, negatively impacts reputationthe of harassment,(7)theft, (8)vandalism, or (9) sexualviolations. substance, controlled (4)use of performance enhancing drugs, (5) verbal harassment, (6) sexual (1) tobaccoanyuseform, in (2)alcoholuse in (3)any use form, drugs, of depressants, or stimulants, any or morale educational environment his/herschool. in Areasof concern, such as,all notbut are: inclusive tonot reflect discredit upon norhis/herschool, create disruptive a influence ondiscipline,thegood order, The conductof participants athletics in Clay at School,North or Middle in ofout school, besuch asshall scholasticeffort, leadership,inand personal appearance. Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student hallucinogenicdrug, amphetamine,drug, barbiturate,marijuana, caffeine based substancepill, containing student A notathlete shall knowinglypossess, use,transmit,be or sell influencethe under any of narcotic POLICY DRUG penalties: grades During 6 through8, studentsin violationofcode the of conductbesubject will to followingthe throughout year student/athlete’sthe middle schoolcareer. amonths year. Furthermore,violations of Codearethe cumulativeseasonfrom to season and to year understoodBe it that Codeofthe Conduct policy effect is in twenty-four hoursa(24) day,twelve (12) investigationthe is on going. directors,athletic principal his/heror designee. Thestudentshall besuspended theirfrom team while byfollowed aninvestigation by allany or of followingthepeople…coach, sponsor, Any alleged violationofCodeshall the bereported toprincipal the his/heror designeeand isto bethen admissionof offender. the observationby ofmembers the facultystaff, athletic a memberstaff or administrator,or byor the tolimitednot the established following: filedcharges by enforcementlaw or officials agencies, Any Any studentinvolved anassault, in possessionweapon, of a intimidationtoward staff students,or arson, 1. Inappropriate Behaviors Inappropriate be thatwill addressed ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL : Acting inActing manner a brings that

Page2 to to any punishment that is prescribedby courts.the misdemeanoror committedif by felony anadult the face will consequenceslistedsection in 2 addition in student A athletewho hasbeen founddelinquent ona juvenile delinquent wouldact bewhich a JUNVENILEDELINQUENCY additionto anythatsentence isprescribedby courts.the student A athletewho is convicted misdemeanor of a the face will consequenceslistedsection in 2 in MISDEMEANORCONVICTION anythatsentence isprescribedby courts.the student A athletewho is convicted felony of thea face will consequenceslistedsection in 2 addition in to CONVICTION FELONY or schools, communities. anyitem stolen anyfromincluding source, uniforms equipmentor School,North from Middle otherClay student A notathlete shall vandalize have property, anyitemstolen have or their in possession VANDALISM and THEFT smokingtobacco,or tobacco groundsofftheon or of North MiddleClay School). student A notathlete shall usepossess or tobaccoanyform in (includingnotbut to limited snuff, chewing POLICY TOBACCO is expectedto leavethe areato avoidbeing associated with behavior. that beverage. student A athletewho atfinds himself/herself places underage where drinking istaking place student A athlete should possess, not transmit,beuse,under or sell influencethe of anyalcoholic ALCOHOL POLICY associatedbeing that with behavior. athimself/herself a placewhere anyof above the substances are usedbeing isto leaveareathe avoid to limitednotbut to papers rolling isalsoclips or a violationof this student rule. A athlete who finds a from providerhealth care isnot violation a rule. of Possessionthis of anydrug paraphernalia such as prescriptionwhether soldor over counter.theProper use a drug authorizedof a medical by prescription phenylpropanolamine(PPS),depressant, stimulant, inhalant,solvent, ephedrine intoxicantor of any kind, Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student Levels 2. of Consequencesfor violating code of the conduct penalty applyattimewill the of conviction.the delinquent wouldact bewhich a misdemeanoror committedif felony anadult, by then appropriatethe case-by-casebasis. the If studentathlete isfound of a guilty misdemeanor; felony, a or juvenile Department will Disciplinary Board Review thedetermine a length student of suspension athlete’s ona theconclusion TheAthletic of trial. havecharges been his/her filed until if trial is concludedor suspensionthe beliftedwill before the schooldays ofsuspension. the Thehearing decide will the if besuspendedstudentwill until charged or if at leastone for contest.TheAthletic Department will Disciplinary Board Review holda within hearing five or crime delinquent wouldact bewhich a crime committed if by will anadult be suspendedteamthe from student-athlete A who hasbeen charged with crime and/ora and/orarrested arrested chargedand with a ARRESTS Level 2 EquivalentLevel toseason25%regular of the First violationofTobacco the Policy 1 EquivalentLevel toseason10%regular of the First ofFirst conviction criminal delinquency/recklessness ofFirst conviction a Misdemeanor First violationofAlcohol the Policy ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL

Page2 Cheerleading Wrestling Volleyball &Track Field Football CrossCountry Basketball modifiedto meetNCMS the contracted schedule each in sport) An examplewould (Usingbe: averagethe numberof contests played North by Clay. would This be Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student Thecontest.number of games is roundedupatfive point (.5). The length of seasonthe theincludes teamscrimmage(if the has one) and guaranteedone sectional Coaches shallCoaches thehave impose right further to as deemthey rules, their properactivities.for Sport Terms of Termsof Suspension Second conviction Felony of a conviction Third Misdemeanor of a violation theThird Policyof Drug 5 CareerLevel atClayMiddleExclusionfrom athletics School North conviction Third delinquency/recklessness of criminal ofFirst conviction a Felony Secondviolationof the Vandalismor Theft Policy Second conviction Misdemeanor of a Secondviolationof Use Plusof Drugs Substance Abuse Program violation theThird of PolicyAlcohol violation theThird of Tobacco Policy 4 OneLevel Calendar ExclusionfromYear athletics Second conviction delinquency/recklessness of criminal First violationofTheft the Policy Vandalism or First violationof Drug the Policy Secondviolationof the Policy Alcohol Secondviolationof the Policy Tobacco 3 EquivalentLevel toseason50%regular of the Fourth conviction conviction Fourth delinquency/recklessness of criminal D. C. B. A. F. E. the seasonthe isexpected continue to his/herassociation the with oftermsteam attending in student A athletewho hasbeen suspendedafromone team for 25%, game, 50%ofor Seasonlength bedeterminedwill by actualthe numberof contests scheduledin a grades cumulativein 6 through8. Records of bekeptviolationswill in on file director’sathletic the office. Violations bewill decreased in length. The previousschool’s penalty behonoredwill full not in will and orbe increased at his/herpreviousschool will out serve remainderthe of his/herpenalty at North Clay. student A athletewho transfersintoNorth Middle Clay while School serving suspensions schoolconditioning. associatenot that with teamother or Clay North teams. athletic afterincludes This student A athletewho hasbeen excludedparticipationfrom forfull a calendar will year the wear uniformor jersey ofteam the on sidelinetheduringthe periodof suspension. allowedto participate the in not contest will and practicefollowingand team rules. The attendstudentathlete will conteststhe isnotbut Sameas sports season SeasonLength 15matches 20games 13meets 17meets 11meets 9 games 9 Typical ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR : Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL The The Season 2 matches 2 2 games 2 1 meets 1 meets 2 1 game 1 10%of 1 meet 1 The The Season 4 matches 4 3 games 3 games 5 3 meets 3 meets 5 meets 3 25%of TheSeason

10games 8matches 5games 7meets 9meets 6meets 50%of

Page2 Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student

6. 5. 4. 3. 7. Level 4 Consequence Level and – Inclusive5 All 2 AlcoholLevel Consequence Policy – reinstatementafter sportsone season. 4 Level consequences Appeal Reinstatement For Therebenowill reduction of penalty at Level4 Level5or priortocoach their independent confirmation violation. of a student’s parents guardiansor report the violationtoprincipal the and/or directorsathletic or The penalty bereducedwill to 25%of current the and/or next if sport season studentthe 1) theor 3 TheftVandalismLevel Consequence or – Policy The cost of programthe responsibilityisthe of the studentand/or his/herparents. approvedby principalthe mayand ainclude recommendationfor parent guardianor participation. assessment,counseling,screening and/or indicated therapy.The program must beenhave submits 2) to receives and a ofcertificate completion afrom abusesubstance program of priortocoach their independent confirmation violation of a and student’s parents guardiansor report the violationtoprincipal the and/or athleticthe directors, or The penalty bereducedwill to 25%of current the and/or next if sport season studentthe 1) theor 3 TobaccoLevel Consequence Policy, DrugPolicy – Policy, Alcohol priortocoach their independent confirmation violation. of a student’sparent/s guardian/sor reportviolationthe the to principal athletic and/or directors, or The penalty bereducedwill to 10%of current the and/or next if sport season studentthe 1) theor Self Reporting summertheinstruction. Summer isconsideredinstruction the as practice.same who Students have been oneexcluded for year of participation benotallowed will participate in to Suspendedstudents allowed participateare in to andopen facilities summerinstruction. SummerParticipation athlete. is expectedtothis fulfill responsibility. Thehead coach’sdiscretioncan excuse studentthe practicesand involving his/her team squad.Thestudentor athlete isa ofteammember the and suspension,Whenserving a studentthe athlete isexpected to atbe allpresent contestsathletic a Completing Suspension manager (ex. statistician). or be will He/she requiredtothat complete seasongood in standing. expectedto participate as anactive player squad,of that memberas not a of support the staff athleteelects to participate a in new ordersport in tosuspension, serve a He/she is basketball,then miss hethat must ofbasketball% the season one-sportIf a student nextathletic season. If next that season is gamebefore seasonthe hasended, he will the then serve remainingof %the his suspensionin suspensionisfor 25%of football the season games)(2 and studentathletethe misses only one suspensionthe includes This is fulfilled. sportnextthe or samethe sport nextyear.i.e. if the violator termscannotthe his/her fulfill of that violationin sport,the carry-over suspensionwill until the If violationofcode the of conduct occurs the in part of alast sport’s and season the Carry-overSuspension appeal for reinstatementappeal for bemaygranted duringgrades through 8. 6 reinstatementafter calendarone year datethefrom ofdeclaration the of suspension. Only one 5 Level consequences affect affect numbertheof actual contests scheduled. particular sport currentduringthe school year. Cancellations todue weather, etc.could - ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR Astudentathlete may report one self time will includewill provision thata student-athletethe may appeal for includewill provision thata student-athletethe may appeal for Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL

Page2 allowedto participate interscholastic in sports atSchool. North Middle Clay the and athlete signwill code the of conduct acknowledgementonpage 12before athletethe bewill The parents/guardians signwill certificationthe of consent,acknowledgement and releaseonpage 11 Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student programathletic and community. their student-athleteshowever, should beremindedthat servethey as representatives their team,the of public domain. Student-athletes are precludednot participationfrom suchsocial onlinein networks; MySpace). Tube, Inappropriate or embarrassinginformation picturesor should benot posted any in email) anyinformationand posted ona public domain(e.g.internet, chat blogs, room, Facebook,You –athletes Student are responsible information for contained written in electronicor transmissions (e.g. Should anathlete receive a textwhile or thecall isin (s)he room, locker should(s)he the take phone(still violation A rule of this resultwill immediate in penalty, which couldinclude dismissal team. theafrom If players,managers and permittedis not lockerthe in atroom anytime. EXCEPTIONSTO NO rule RULE. This THE toapplies all nocalling obviouslynoand Theusepictures. of cellphones, regardlessiFit built-in has a camera not, or Cell camerasphonesand may 10. 9. 8. REASON. IN NOT OR LOCKERROOM VIEWTHE PHONESMAY IN ANDUSE ANY BE OUT FOR a in backpack,bag, book gym etc.) tooutbag, the or hall outside beforebuildingthe use. CAMERAS photographistaken, that matter bemayturned over to legal possible authorities for prosecution. Disciplinary Disciplinary Board’sdecision Review five within (5)days ofhearing. the The studentathlete and their or parents guardiansbenotifiedwill ofAthletic the Department suspensionsand appeals. interestbestthe Clay of North Middle School. must The Board beunanimousits in ondecision studentathlete. It Board’sjob theis not to supersede ofdecisionthe court tobutof act law, in hearmaytestimony studentthe from coach,athlete,the and parents(s)guardian(s)or of the Theheadcase. coach bemaya part of makingdecision the process board.the with Theboard head actmay ascoach anadvisor for studentathletethe helppresentand studentthe athlete’s regardto with suspensions todue arrest appealsand to imposed penalties.Thestudent athlete’s Directors, Athletic Principal,thethe and Principal. Assistant conduct will The board hearing the DepartmentThe Athletic DisciplinaryBoard Review four-member isa panel madeup of the Athletic DisciplinaryThe Department Review Board Theremovalathlete. participationfrom will in duringremain effect appealthe process. evidenceto present theon behalf of student intostudentthe alleged athlete’s violation allow and studentathletethe and parents of guardians requestednot this within two (2) schoolday limit. The purpose ofappeal the hearing isto inquire writing in twoor within (2)schooldays after removal. the Theright of appeal is forfeitedthis if is participationfrom by notifying appropriatethe MiddleClay School North directorathletic by phone student A athletehis/herand parent(s) guardian(s)or rightthehave to hearing onremovalthe office. principal’s ofcertificate completion. Thecertificate beapprovedwill by principalthe and filed the in studentmust attenda abusesubstance program atstudents the own expenseand a receive will Parents benotified ofwriting each in offense. On secondthe violationof the Policy, Drug the NotificationStudent Parent/ Appeals/Hearing coaches(coaches mayuse atheir cell in office, locker not phone the room). ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR not

beused locker inside a for room any purpose. This meansnotexting, Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL CELL PHONESAND CELL CAMERAS SOCIAL NETWORKINGSITES SOCIAL

Page2 in extra-curricular in or activities beevenpresent in schoolbuilding the schoolgrounds.or Any studentwho is ELIGIBILITY DISCIPLINARY gradingeach period. period. grading A studentwill ineligiblebecomeon the reportday cardsthat are dispersed ofat end the period grading forand those applies,to it whom daythethat midtermthe aregrades eachdue nineweek Department.Athletic forThe current dates certifyingare eligibility lastthe dayof current the nineweek Clay North athletesbedeclaredwill eligibleineligible onor the dates(s) designated by the requirements. requirements. Thestudent’s placement onthe team beprovisionalwill upon their academicmeeting thepractice with participationteam,however, contests in isstill determined by North the eligibility Clay student-athlete A who isacademically ineligible may still “try-out”/beachosen team;he/shefor may outlined above at mid-term the will mark,they eligiblebecome immediatelyinterscholastic for competition. classes arethey if enrolledin classes.eight However, anineligibleif studentmeets the academiccriteria Studentsathlete. must passsixof classes seven they if enrolled are seven in classes seven and of eight nine second, third fourthand grading Grades periods. bedeterminedwill by eithersemesterthe grades the or atSchoolEligibility North Middle beClay determinedwill by nineweeks grades ofat end thethe first, cannotbecounted helping as meet these requirements. classes ofseven eightor classes Northto represent MiddleClay School anycompetition. in Incompletes Clay SchoolNorth Middle standards require that studentmustthe bepassing of six, five six of seven ACADEMICELIGIBILITY to disciplinesuspensionathletic or inappropriatebehavior, due toHonor the Codeor policy,otherbe consideredwill in violationand subject School High student-athlete. Anyindividual identified ona networking social site depicts which or illegal opponents,coaches or schoolpersonnelother isinappropriate behavior unbecomingand of a Northview tweeting Texting, and ofused other networks tosocial disparage or criticize team,other the students, Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student anypracticeactivity in for durationthe ofdue the process. school A processdue suspension (out of aschool) student-athletemakes ineligiblefor competition and PROCESSDUE SUSPENSIONS BY regulates which participation of students extra-curricular in activities. Noneofabove the isseen a forfeiture as of right the of setcoaches additional to non-academic rules anythat time student’sthe participation isnot bestthe in ofinterestschool the corporation. the protect image of schoolbythe studentremoving a participationfrom in anyextra-curricular activity at Noneofabove the isseen a forfeiture as of right theresponsibility and of the schooladministrators to contestfirst ofseasonnext the in the which athleteisscheduledto participate. hasoccurredejection finalduringthe contest ofseason, the penaltythebe shall enforced ondate of the nextinterschool contestother all and interschool the contests until penalty hasbeen assessed.If the Any athletewho hasbeen ejected a from anunsportsmanlikecontest actfor shall besuspended thefrom year. bepermittedto participate in athletican interscholastic contest for sixweeksfirst the ofnew the school returning Students in from springfall the semestera expulsion not will aninterscholastic in contestathletic for one grading six weeks periodfollowing his/herreturn to school. Any studentwho is

weeks weeks atendgrades the ofsecond the and grading fourth periods, whichever benefitstudentwill the expelled suspended ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR from schoolfor reasonsany disciplinary not shall bepermittedto participate from schoolfromfor any disciplinary shallreason benotpermitted to participate Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL : ELIGIBILITY

Page2 set the set by and coachthe only cancoach excuse anathlete practice. from teamareAll members expected to practices.attendall Practice schedules duringschool are vacations accidents homeAll injuries or away,or are to bereported coach the youmedicine arethat physicallyto participatefit in interschool athletics. Directoror Athletic Coachwritten averificationfrom physicianholding anunlimited license to practice you If absent 5are moreor consecutive days due injuryto or illness present you must toPrincipal, the before participation their in interscholasticfirst contest. interschool eligible competition.for athletic A studentathlete must participate 10separate in practices student A attendathlete shall activelyand participate in scheduled regularly practice sessionsto be explaining familyemergency, a or note anothera from involvingmeeting a professional. to participate practice or in if an absenceevent their ais verified doctor’sby note, a parentnote a from schoolactivitiesor constitute attending Students school. are only allowed noon)he/she in hereby to plans participate extra-curricular the activity be attendancemust than A student in regularof less the last for no the half schoolday(must be nextthe from event/contest. followingeveningall weekday contests.Failure to doso result maysuspension in the of studentathlete contests.Student athletes and arestudentstaff expected to attendance bein at schoolonthetime day Student-athletesare expectedto bein attendanceboth the day of theafter and weekday all athletic COPEthepenalty hasbeen served. student A who has been in placed COPEtheprogram attendnotmay before school after or until activities ORDERED EDUCATION COURT (COPE) PLACEMENT FOR Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student or lost damagedequipment. athlete No practicetryoutmay or another for (excepting wearnormal tear)and the or athleteisexpectedto compensate Athletic the Department the for equipmentAllissuedto anathlete is expectedto bereturned in same the whencondition as issued participationStudents’ will be reviewedto if determine attendanceand participation isacceptable. an If isplanned activity the isunder by which WIC, nocontrol of our schoolcorporation, our canceledpractices,including contests, and activities.other school If for dismissesearly safetythe ofstudents the above for conditions, all alsoschoolactivities are school If a is canceled Friday, activitiesfor then scheduled Saturday for bemayconducted. canceled. Furthermore,there benowill penaltyany for studentwho not does participate dayschool on a is allowedprovided nostudent that is requiredto participatesuch in activities. principal have shall discretiontheto decide practices, if scheduledcontests,and activitiesotherbe will also be canceled.If schoolthe cancellationextends beyond one buildingday,the conditions,then schoolactivitiesall including practices,scheduled contests,anyotherand shall activity school If the is canceled offor the safety studentsbecauseof inclement i.e., weather, hazardousroad Practicesduringa schoolclosing(snow, time etc.) are the under Schools Community Clay policy. PRACTICES: ClosingSchool Vacation, Regular, and ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR ATTENDANCE Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL PRACTICE&PARTICIPATION EQUIPMENT : School andSchool: Day Game . . School approvedfield trips

Page2 Conduct, etc.) Conduct, etc.) also applyto cheerleaders.Cheerleaders are selected the in spring by community.requirementsAll participation for applyto otherwhich athletesphysicals, (such as Codeof goodspiritand sportsmanship, positiveserve they as models role for youth the of our Clay North cheerleaders are representativesof and ourambassadors school.for In addition to fostering bemayremoved from team at anytimea during season. a explaintheirto candidatespolicy for team at theirtheir meeting.first Anathlete teams. their In some sports,cutting team down manageablea sizeto isa necessity. will Coaches ofCoaches the Northvarious Middlesports Clay at School their have onown how policy they choose will conflictthepersists, parties the contactinvolvedmay the appropriateathletic director. priorityover practice, a two if involved,competitions are higherthe of competitionlevel take will Ifpriority. attemptturn will in to resolve conflictthe equitably asas possible. The general isthat contest rule takesa involved.sponsors Notification should be madewell ahead ofdate the onwhich conflicttheexists. They a conflictIf between theschoolactivities arises, athlete and/or parent notify should and/orcoach the funeral, etc. suchasthings significant holidays, religious participating in relative’s a wedding, a familymember’s COA, AAU,conflictsetc.)(i.e. be resolved will favor in ofmiddle the schoolteam. would includeThis not substantialcommitment,time commitment A to a schoolathletic middle team indicates non-schoolall that reported to coachesthea in timelymanner. Interscholasticsports atmiddle the schoollevel require a activities athletethe and tohave makewill a as decision one to which to attend. be conflicts should All at North Activities shareClay many students. Fromtotime time beconflictsmay there betweenoftimes approvalwithout ofcoach the sport.of that Codeofthe Conduct. Equipmentnotmay during be worn atschoolday,the home onstreetstheor coaches of nextsportsthe season. that Remember stealing wearingequipmentor stolen isa violation sports coach. directorThe athletic release will namestheof athletes the have who been clearedto all sport until issuedequipmentall has been turned in, andbillsallpaid, beenhave cleared the by previous Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student office. Onceapproved, rules bethese provided must to team members parentsand writing. in rules Such beapproved must the by directorathletic priorto implementation and inon file athletic the coach A makemay team-specific rules are that restrictivemore than North the CodeofClay Conduct. concerningneeded appropriatenessthe of stylesthe within context andof safety acceptedsocial norms. times. andThe Principal, Directors, Athletic coaches determine will DepartmentAthletic guidelines as exhibita well-groomed appropriateand appearance.TheNorth dressClay code befollowed should at all Clay North representativesathletes act as ofschool the communityand thereforeand required are to properpaper besigned work must givenand to coach. the alternative.Should an athlete request to return homefrom contest witha their parent/guardian,the Uponapproval, only transportation the with of the parents athletebeconsideredwill as anappropriate is expectedofstudents all who in ride schoolapproved vehicles. oranemergency special circumstance as determinedthe by coach. Appropriatebehavior citizenshipand vehicles adultunder providedsupervision by school. the Theonly exceptionto rule the case the is in of Clay North athletesare required is establishedby coachthe and/or director.athletic cheerleaderthe coaches and/or certified cheerleader judges. The procedure selection for of cheerleaders ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR to CONFLICTS BETWEEN BETWEEN CONFLICTS ACTIVITIES travel toathletic the contest specialand events in schoolapproved GROOMING AND APPEARANCEGROOMING AND Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL TEAM SELECTION POLICIESTEAMSELECTION TRANSPORTATION CHEERLEADERS TEAM TEAM RULES

Page2 sign) becompleted(To by parents/guardians;all where divorce separation,or parent legal custodywith must GUARDIAN &RELEASE CONSENT, PARENT/ ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF CERTIFICATION Athlete Student Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student E. D. C. B. A. subject measuresto should disciplinary he/she violate of therules the the Codeor coaches. understandthe realizeCodeand that year-round.applies it also I realize my son/daughterthat is Student-Athletes, Norththe CodeofClay Conduct and withit discussed my son/daughter. I parentAs a and/or guardian of the student-athlete, above have I readAthletic the Handbookfor son/daughter. orIHSAA my schoolbecause of anyaccident or involving mishap participationathletic the of my or resulting claim suchfrom athletic agreeparticipation,and tono takelegal action against the school, schoolsinvolved,the theand ofIHSAA any and liabilityresponsibilityall and anyinjury for in understanding athletics. full With ofrisks the involved, release I/we holdand myharmless and chooses anyandto accept responsibilityall for his/hersafety welfareand participatingwhile participation, understands serious that injury, even and death,ispossible such participation,in I/weknow ofacknowledge and that my son/daughterknows ofrisks the involvedin athletic concerningmy son/daughter. detailedfinancial (athleticotherwise),scholasticor attendanceand records of such school I/weconsent to the son’s/daughters disclosure,by my toschool, the ofrequested,IHSAA all understandthat travel and is necessary accident injurycausing possibility. is a I understandparticipation that annecessitatemay dismissalclasses from early and also I consentof the above studentto participateathletics all in atSchool. North Middle Clay Inaccordance rulesthe with andof IHSAA the SchoolNorth hereby Middle Clay I give my


Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL


anemergency. alsoevents. giveI my permissionmy child for to betreated atnearest the medical in facility casethe of give myI permission my child for theto ride schoolprovided bus / transportation and awayattendall Printed Student Signature Student Handbook. of Conduct writtenand rules, regulations informationand published in North the Student Clay Athletic hereby I acknowledgethat I readhaveand understand in the SchoolNorth the Middle Clay Student Code thepride within studentindividual, families, body, community.and health,self-disciplineand of the individualstudentathlete. Rules also necessary are order in to develop are Rules anintegralpart of anathletic program.They are necessary to skillachieve development, good NORTH CLAYMIDDLESCHOOLATHLETIC CODEOFCONDUCTATHLETEACKNOWLEDGEMENT Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student MedicalEmergency Information Phone number Home ContactEmergency Person / Parent Guardian PhoneNumber: Home Address Student Name Student

Printed Parent/GuardianPrinted SignatureParent/Guardian F.

stated in Clay’s Athletic North Handbook. or of charges anfiling act whichfor wouldviolation be in of andany of rules the regulations as agencies, probationthe department, anyor sourceotherregarding events leading up to an arrest I/weauthorize North Middle Clay to investigateSchool obtainand information policefrom




Date Date

Pager Work



Date / Parent GuardianPrinted Name / Parent Guardian Signature your requireWill medicationchild duringa practiceevent? or Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student Practices Attendance Eligibility Cell CamerasPhonesand Codeof Conduct Acknowledgementof Risks Physical Examinations HealthInsurance / Accident Student Insurance SeasonSports Defined AthleteDefined ProgramAthletic Profile Purpose

If yes, what kindIf and when


Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL

Table of of TableContents

1 1 1 1 1 Page

9 9 8 7 2 2 1

Page2 Field TripPermission Field Form CodeofAthletic Conduct Acknowledgement / Parent Guardian Certificationof Consent, Acknowledgement Release & AppearanceGroomingand Transportation Cheerleaders Selection PoliciesTeam Conflicts BetweenActivities Equipment Student / Parent AthleticParent Handbook / Student ATHLETIC STUDENT-ATHLETES ATHLETIC HANDBOOK FOR Effective August, 2016 August, Effective NORTH CLAYMIDDLE NORTH SCHOOL 12 11 10 13 12 11 10 10 10


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