Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry Chapters 6-8 Questions

Note: Please remember to do the following:

o Answer each question thoroughly o Respond to all of the questions (some have two or more) o Reference the text and add quotations when appropriate o Please type your answers or write them on a separate sheet of paper o Check for spelling errors o Please do not use the following pronouns: I, me, my, you, your, yours, etc.

1. What is the significance of Uncle Hammer’s name?

2. Explain the significance of Uncle Hammer’s “cold, distant glaze” and “aloofness”.

3. Uncle Hammer has a new car. What is significant about the make and color of this car? How does it serve as a symbol in the book?

4. What does Mama teach Cassie in Chapter 6?

5. Why do you think Mr. Morrison makes himself remember his family’s tragic history?

6. What is significant about the books (the books by Alexander Dumas and Aesop’s Fables) the Logan children receive from Christmas?

7. What is significant about the wooden flute Jeremy gives Stacey? Hint: Think about the purpose of a flute.

8. Explain the following passage: “When we caught up with them, it was obvious that the jovial mask T.J. always wore had been stripped away” (135).

9. In a previous chapter, Stacey fought T.J. for betraying him. What is T.J.’s punishment this time? Why is this a significant moment for Stacey?

10. What is ominous about the following passage: “Got me better friends than y’all. They give me things and treat me like I’m a man and…and they white too…” (147). How do the following lines contribute to this feeling: “His voice faded into the wind as we left him and we heard no more” (147).

11. Create a title for each chapter.