How to Succeed in Chemistry 101 and 105 1. Schedule adequate study time. Plan for 2-3 hours outside class for each course unit. This is a 4 unit class so expect to study 8-12 hours a week outside of class. Always study in blocks of one hour or longer (Immersion).

2. Attend class regularly.

3. Study the textbook and notes. The exams and quizzes are taken primarily from lecture notes and homework problems a. Read relevant sections prior to lecture. b. Reread immediately after lecture, making comparisons to your notes.

4. As needed, use the study guide and other resources.

5. Work all assigned problems in the homework. Work additional problems if you had difficulty with those assigned. Check your homework problems with the posted answers. Homework problems regularly show up on quizzes and exams. Don’t wait until the night before homework is due to complete it. Even though you may have required help to understand homework problems, you must be able to complete them on your own before an exam or quiz. Make sure you can complete all questions on the front page of the homework correctly.

6. Participate in individual and group activities in class and out of class. Form a study group or study with partner. Be sure to get the phone number of at least one other student right away.

7. Recopy your lecture notes if needed, adding more information from text and other sources. Audiotape the lecture and listen to it again as you study your notes.

8. Make concept diagrams which show relationships between different topics.

9. Study in increments, on a daily basis... do not wait until the night before the exam to start studying for an exam or quiz.

10. Seek help early if you are having difficulty in the class. Come to instructor’s office hours or visit the Learning Center.

11. Obtain information / assistance / accommodations from College support centers.

Tutoring Information, Instructional Support Services: 847-635-1658, DP 2400

For more information visit the centers or look on the college web site

12. Be organized with class lecture notes and handouts. Use a 3-ring binder for class material.

13. If you miss points on homework, exams or quizzes, rework the problems and check your answers. Some concepts in this class will reappear later in the semester. You must make an effort to understand the concepts which are difficult for you, otherwise you will have difficulty later in the course.

14. Use the web page to print handouts prior to class and print /study the quiz reviews. Plan for success – to be completed after each class period and before the next class period.

To review for previous class (complete before next class period) Read the textbook related to topics discussed in class. Compare textbook to notes given in class. Do all in chapter problems. Complete all homework related to previous lecture and check it (text). Check with instructor to see if homework front page is correct. Learn all vocabulary words – be able to write definitions. Be able to explain your notes to someone not in the class. ASK questions to the instructor or learning center staff.

To prepare for next class period Briefly skim material for next lecture. Jot down any questions you have related to material.

Quiz specific material (and exam) Print quiz review one class period prior to quiz (so you have time to ask questions) Be able to write all definitions and explanations as described on quiz review. Make a personal practice quiz by choosing several questions from the homework (front page especially) and quiz review to see if you can do them. Be sure to include writing definitions. Do extra homework if you are struggling. ASK questions to the instructor or learning center staff

Laboratory specific material Check schedule to check which experiment is scheduled. Carefully read the laboratory experiment (all of it). Complete pre-lab at least one class period ahead of lab (so you have time to ask questions). ASK questions to the instructor or learning center staff.