
BOOKS in the LRC’s Professional Library about Instructional Leadership…

Leadership for Differentiating Schools and Classrooms - by Carol A. Tomlinson

Value-Added Leadership: How to get Extraordinary Performance in Schools - by Thomas J. Sergiovanni

Leadership Strategies for Teachers - by Eunice M. Merideth

Leadership for Learning: How to help Teachers Succeed - by Carl D. Glickman

Seven Steps to Effective Instructional Leadership - by Elaine K. McEwan

Results Now: How we can Achieve Unprecedented Improvement in Teaching and Learning - by Michael J. Schmoker

You can find many more books about effective leadership by searching the LRC’s Professional Library catalogue.@ ProfessionalLibrary.html

More books on Instructional Leadership

A Guide for Planning and Implementing Instruction for Adults -by John M. Dirkx et al

Active Training: A Handbook of Techniques, Designs, Case Examples, and Tips - by Mel Silberman

Educative Assessment: Designing Assessments to Inform and Improve Student Performance - by Grant P. Wiggins

Handbook of Instructional Leadership: How Really Good Principals Promote Teaching and Learning - by J. Blasé

Joint Curriculum Design: Facilitating Learner Ownership and Active Participation in Secondary Classrooms - by Patricia A. Gross

Zapp in Education: How Empowerment Can Improve the Quality of Instruction, and Student and Teacher Satisfaction - by William C. Byham

The Gifted Boss -by Dale Dauten

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1 Personal Leadership Resources

The Ontario Leadership Framework identifies three personal resources as instrumental to leadership success:

Cognitive Resources make up intelligence and experience. They are identified as problem- solving expertise and knowledge of situations and conditions which have direct effects on student learning.

Social Resources create effective working relationships and are enhanced by perceiving emotions, managing emotions, and acting in emotionally appropriate ways.

Psychological Resources help foster creativity and strategic risk-taking. They are identified by the OLF as optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience.