Call to Order 7:04

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Call to Order 7:04


I. Call to Order- Anita DiMatteo called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. a. Anita reads the PTO mission and objective statements b. The PTO uses Roberts rules as a guide c. Reminder: you need to be a member to vote; it is $10 to become a member II. Recording Secretary – a. Becky Chwalk requests motion to approve minutes; Michael Fontaine seconds; All in favor; June minutes approved. III. Presidents Report – Anita DiMatteo/ Maraidh Thomson a. New Family Orientation was a great success—wonderful, warm welcome to new families b. Thank you to Jodi Dunn for designing the front case using the schoolwide theme of the Amazon c. Thank you to Michelle Weber for setting up Nayatt PTO website a. Calendar can be downloaded b. From the website, families can sign up for fundraising through retailers such as Amazon, Target, etc IV. Vice Presidents Report—Emily and Alexia a. Slate a. Many areas are well represented. There are areas that would welcome additional help: please feel free to contact the chairperson of an area that you may be interested in 1. Nayatt PTO would love help with Family Movie Night; School Store; and the Book Fair; we are seeking additional volunteers to run Mileage Club; as well as grant writing 2. Other opportunities include committee members for STEM night; 5K; Gardens and Grounds; Field Day b. All volunteers need BCI V. Treasurers Report – Katie Kelly a. Presented a draft of PTO budget b. Nayatt PTO has a zero based budget; with any surplus we fund special projects at the end of the year c. Some areas have changed in comparison to past years a. Transparency: a number of areas that were combined have been separated so that line items are very clear going forward; for example Author visits now has it own budget line. b. Additional funding: recess line item has increased; lunch time enrichment is $100 d. Becky Chwalk makes motion to approve budget; Michael Fontaine seconds; all in favor; motion carries and budget is approved

1 VI. Corresponding Secretary’s Report—Michael Fontaine a. Michael read a number of thank you notes from teachers to the PTO for its generosity and support at the start of the school year VII. Principal Report – Ms. Whitehead a. Thank you to Katie Kelly for her hard work with the budget; the transparency is extremely valuable and I appreciate her efforts b. Welcome to the many new faces here at Nayatt c. Perspective on Nayatt: average enrollment is approximately 315; fall of 2015 enrollment is at 350; the result of new children and increased enrollment has caused a need to hire new staff; we are analyzing our systems and routines (i.e. arrival, dismissal, lunch, recess, etc) to keep children safe and also increase efficiency. d. Teachers and administrators across district (K-5) are being trained in Responsive Classroom, which is a program/approach that supports social and emotional health of our children e. Other updates: TenMarks will be up and running soon; Teachers are using the PTO funded ipads; Open House agenda/time-frames may be adjusted slightly based upon increased enrollment VIII. Committee Reports a. Membership/Direct Contribution: Michelle Weber a. Great participation among staff/teachers at Nayatt b. 129 members at this point in the year c. Direct Contribution: $3,800 b. Fall Movie Night—Anne Gasbarro a. Front lawn of Nayatt; there is no rain date b. Movie will be Rio to support the Amazon theme c. Families will have option to order pizza from Dominoes at $10/pizza d. Volunteers needed for traffic control; handing out pizzas e. Sign up is on website; and families will get a hard copy through backpack express c. Enrichment—Ashley Phenix, Cary Warner a. Afterschool programs for children, including chess, sports, etc. b. Registration will be online c. There will be two periods of enrichment: from September until December and then from late winter-spring; pick up will be either 3:30 or 3:45 depending upon the program d. Book Fair—Anita DiMatteo a. November 5-13 e. Play—Rebecca Schneider a. Afterschool theatrical experience; rehearsals start in September and the performance will be in January b. The play will be announced at Morning Meeting on Wednesday, September 16

2 c. Timeline: Registration will start on or around September 16; not first come, first serve; 2 days of auditions in early October; we will be looking for volunteers for audition days; Cast will be determined by Tuesday after Columbus Day; Rehearsals will be Tuesdays, Thursdays; but children do not attend every Tuesday and Thursday; play will be January 15 and January 16 (3 performances total) f. School Store a. Theme-based; proceeds directly benefit PTO b. Six stores total; First store is September 25th; five to follow IX. School Committee update—Megan Douglas a. Next meeting is September 10; agenda is posted online with time frames for items on agenda b. At last meeting, it was announced that Paula Dominguez is moving, so there will be a special election for another school committee member to replace her; c. Reminder: school committee sets policy for district d. School start time will be on the agenda; there will be a workshop on school start time on October 1 e. Health and Wellness Committee: Food choices, recess, food allergy, etc X. Teachers Report –Fran Taft, Cathy Fales a. Teachers are so appreciative of PTO b. At the beginning of the year we are teaching expectations using the Responsive classroom approach. We are teaching expectations around systems, routines, recess, lunch, transitions, etc. Responsive classroom promotes order, safety, respect, and learning. XI. Old (Unfinished) Business a. Update on Proposals: Proposals enhance and enrich across disciplines; the PTO follows a systematic procedure for teachers and parents to submit proposals and proposals are voted on by the PTO in accordance with the mission of the organization; In 2015, everything approved by PTO was approved by the district and will be enjoyed by the Nayatt community due to PTO fundraising efforts. XII. New Business a. BEF is hosting a STEAM event at the High School on November 14; the keynote speaker will focus on robotics XIII. Announcements and the Good of Order a. Please see dates on the back of agenda for upcoming events XIV. Adjournment –Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.


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