Minutes of the Meeting of Local Residents, Councillors, Council Officers & Other Agencies

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Minutes of the Meeting of Local Residents, Councillors, Council Officers & Other Agencies

Tinsley One Stop Shop, 120-126 Bawtry Road, Tinsley, Sheffield, S9 1UE Tel: 0114 244 4887 Fax: 0114 244 5021 E-mail: [email protected]

Minutes of the Meeting of Local Residents, Councillors, Council Officers & Other Agencies held at Tinsley Methodist Church on Thursday 9 th April 2009, 7pm-9pm

Present: 23 residents Chair: Tracy Calvert Staff & Trustees: 9 Guests: 3

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies for absence were received from: Arshad Hussain, Chris Goddard, Rev. Margaret Lunt.

2. Minutes of the last TF Open Meeting The minutes of the Tinsley Forum (TF) Open Forum meeting held on Thursday 26 th February 2009 were accepted as a true record.

3. Matters Arising Item 9 / Meeting date: Alan Barrow (AB) apologised for the confusion with the date of tonight’s meeting. AB explained that the meeting was originally scheduled for 9th April, but later changed to 18th April, due to coinciding with Easter services. However, due to the original date being published on the front of EON UK‘s newsletter, the meeting was moved back to the 9th April.

Item 6 / First Buses: Neil Parry (NP), informed the meeting that he had attended a presentation by a firm that manufacture particle traps, and for approx. £4k a trap can be fitted to a bus, resulting in a reduction in emissions of up to 87%. NP wrote to Brandon Jones at First Group, who replied, saying that First would look into these traps further. NP assured the meeting that if nothing further is heard from First, then he will pursue the matter.

Item 8 / Street Rubbish: AB reported that the rubbish left out on the pavements reported at the last meeting had been cleared within a couple of days of the meeting.

4. P.A.C.T. (Partners and Communities Together) Roger White (RW) introduced himself to the meeting. Roger is the Safer Neighbourhoods Officer for the Darnall, Tinsley, Attercliffe & Meadowhall Safer Neighbourhood Area. He then introduced Officer PC Moray McAllister (PCMcA). RW went on to explain the new concept ‘Partners and Communities Together’ (PACT). PACT, recently launched by the Home Office, will allow residents and resident groups to directly influence local police priorities in their own neighbourhoods. Regular PACT meetings are to be held in the local area, where residents can inform their Neighbourhood Team about issues that concern them. The Neighbourhood Team will then discuss these issues with a PACT partnership panel, who will decide on how best to work together to resolve the neighbourhood priorities. The Neighbourhood Team will report back at the next PACT meeting on progress made. PCMcA updated the meeting on progress made since reports of vehicle nuisances, including an increase in patrols around the Europa Link. He also reported on efforts being made to get a mobile

TF – Working in Partnership with The Local Community and:

This project is part- financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund

Registered at Cardiff Company No; 3881700

speed system on Bawtry Road in order to prove that speeding statistics are sufficient for a static camera to be sited. A resident reported that a vehicle appeared to have been abandoned near his residence on Sheffield Road. He stated that the vehicle was damaged at the rear, with sharp edges and that the sun-roof was open, creating a potential danger for youngsters tempted to climb inside. PCMcA said that he would ensure this matter was investigated further, and the vehicle removed if necessary. It was raised that there was a problem with people dropping children off at school, causing obstructions. PCMcA said that the police had increased their presence in that area during certain times, during which they had noticed some improvement. A resident referred to the 2008 article in the Sheffield Star, regarding the prosecution of the owners of the Bamboo Rooms on Sheffield Road, for human trafficking and sexual exploitation. He asked what actions the police were taking to ensure this activity was not continuing, and why the business was still operational. PCMcA replied that there is a specific department within South Yorkshire Police that deals with these issues, and that they regularly complete all necessary checks, but explained that it was difficult to prove that the business was anything other that a massage parlour, and therefore could not easily be closed down. The resident asked if any services were in place to help the girls who work at the premises. PCMcA replied that the police work alongside the Social Services, and he would make enquiries about this specifically and report back at the next meeting. Lyn Brandon from Sheffield PCT reported that the PCT are also very concerned, and involved with women who work in the sex trade and that she would make enquiries into what is happening in Tinsley and report back at the next meeting. AB reported that the Safer Neighbourhoods Team receive regular feedback via TF, from the ‘Praise & Grumble’ slip on each edition of the Tinsley Tribune, and encouraged people to fill this in and return to TF to voice any concerns. He reported that the fly-tipping at the back of the Highgate shopping centre had been dealt with by Street force, and that most of the issues caused by parked cars and vans had also been resolved. AB continued that there had been an 18% drop in crime figures in the Darnall Safer Neighbourhoods area, and that this was one of the biggest drops in South Yorkshire. AB informed the meeting that in order to establish a baseline, he and RW had drafted a Social Cohesion Audit. The audit questionnaire includes questions on: order/maintenance, crime & disorder, public perception, and neighbourhood decline/decay. The questionnaire is to be delivered to all households in Tinsley, asking residents to complete and return.

The Chair thanked RW and PCMcA for attending the meeting.

5. Blackburn Meadows Sewage-Treatment Works NP reported that there had been several complaints received over recent weeks regarding a bad smell permeating the area. NP reported he had contacted Yorkshire Water who had agreed to send a representative to discuss this at tonight’s meeting, together with an explanation of their modernisation plans for the sewage works, but went on to say that a representative had not arrived. A resident suggested that a petition be created, to include the people from surrounding areas that are also affected by the smell. NP suggested, and it was agreed, that a meeting be convened with Yorkshire Water, TF and local resident’s a.s.a.p. NP asked that any resident wishing to attend the meeting leave their contact details with Vicky on the way out, or to contact TF.

6. EON UK Peter Lines (PL), Blackburn Meadows Project Developer, introduced himself to the meeting. PL gave an update on the progress of the Blackburn Meadows Biomass Power Station since planning permission was obtained in July 2008. He reported that the works were in two phases. The first phase is the cleaning up of the site, and the second phase is the building of the renewable energy plant. PL confirmed that a contractor had now been selected to prepare the site. This is to include levelling out the land, getting rid of rubbish, and beginning landscaping works. PL stated that

TF – Working in Partnership with The Local Community and:

This project is part- financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund

Registered at Cardiff Company No; 3881700

HGV’s would be coming in from the M1 North, feeding from Alsing Road, so as not to come through the area. It is anticipated that the first phase will be completed by the end of 2009. The second phase of works is expected to begin in early 2010, with anticipated completion during 2012. A resident asked how contaminated materials would be removed from site. PL replied that the materials would be removed from site in sealed vessels, under strict controls. He reported that the ground would be dug to a depth of approx. 2 metres, and sifted, to remove unwanted materials, and that background checks would be made before the commencement of works, with air quality monitoring and other tests ongoing throughout. A resident asked what assurances could be given that contaminated particles would not spread throughout the area. PL answered that a continuous monitoring system will be in place and a selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) system will be installed. He went on to say that the Waste Incineration Directive applies to incineration and co-incineration plants and imposes very stringent emissions monitoring and control. The maximum daily average value for NOx emission in incinerator plants is 200mg/m³. A resident voiced approval for a renewable energy system, and asked what materials were used, and if they were renewable. PL replied that the plant will burn recycled and waste wood, forestry residue and specially grown crops such as willow and elephant grass. He quoted that approx. 6-8 million tonnes of waste wood is sent to landfill each year. PL stated that wood has a low ash percentage, compared to other solid fuels and that the ash is high in Phosphorous and Potassium, making this by-product suitable for fertilisers. PL went on to give an overview of how the system will work. A resident asked what happens to the water used to wash the waste. PL replied that the water is filtered, and the sludge is then hauled away from site. A resident asked if any of the heat generated would be used in the City Centre. PL replied that there were a number of different sources for it to go being investigated. AB stated that job creation would be low, and suggested that a number of positions be ring-fenced for local people, together with an apprenticeship scheme. PL replied that it was difficult to comment on employment opportunities at this time and informed the meeting that it was likely that employees would be those with several years experience of working on Power Stations. A resident asked where the materials would be coming from, and voiced concern over the CO2 emitted during transportation. PL replied that the wood was to be sourced from within a 30-50 mile radius of the plant, and transported in large-volume lorries. He confirmed that consideration had been given to bringing the materials in by rail, but that this would result in double-handling. He stated that whilst road transport is an emitter of CO2, it is small compared with the non-renewable alternative.

The Chair thanked PL for attending the meeting.

7. Tinsley Funding Position AB gave an update on the funding position at TF. AB reported that over the last period, TF had been funded through SRB4 and Objective 1 monies, which were now at an end. TF applied to SCC for Area Based Grant to maintain core staff, these being Manager, Finance, Administration and Education and Training Manager. TF applied for approx. £127k to cover these posts plus some running costs. SCC agreed to £85k, for Manager f/t, Finance p/t and Administration p/t, leaving a shortfall of approx. £42k. AB continued to say that two staff redundancies had been made at the end of 2008, and that a further two redundancies were to be made over the next few months, these being the posts of Education and Training Support Worker and Youth Development Worker p/t. AB stated that priority had to be toward core staff in order for TF to be able to maintain some type of service, and that a difficult time was ahead. Externally funded staff posts include: Youth Development Worker f/t, Community Engagement Worker p/t and Key Worker p/t. AB reported that TF might have to contract with outside organisations in order to bring in finance to employ staff to work in the Tinsley area. AB confirmed that reserve monies were now exhausted.

TF – Working in Partnership with The Local Community and:

This project is part- financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund

Registered at Cardiff Company No; 3881700

A resident asked if TF held fundraising events. AB replied that whilst these were a good way to raise funds, the whole community would need to get involved, and that TF would still require money from the public purse. The suggestion was made for TF to approach the Mosque. A resident asked if contributions were received from Yorkshire Forward. AB replied that they had been in the past, when funding was aimed at the individual, but that this had changed and funding was now aimed at the employer.

8. Any other business Energy Saving Light bulbs: The Chair informed the meeting that free energy saving light bulbs were available for attendees to take home.

Poplar Trees: Resident Eric Finbow (EF) reported that some properties in Tinsley were experiencing problems with a poplar tree hedge, with screening sunshine, falling leaves and causing slippery conditions. EF and Graham Whitfield (GW) of TF attended a meeting with BOC, whose land the trees are sited on to discuss the problem. EF reported that BOC were very amenable, and have come up with a number of options to resolve the problem. These options are to be set out in a leaflet, and distributed, to obtain consensus amongst the people who live in the vicinity. It was estimated that apporx. 25-30 properties were affected by the trees.

No. 87 Bus: It was raised that the Sheffield Star had reported that the No.87 bus route from Tickhill, via Maltby, Hellaby, Bramley and Meadowhall was to be axed. A resident confirmed this to be the case, but stated that the route was to be taken over by Powells Bus of Hellaby.

Trustee Recruitment: AB stressed the importance of the role undertaken by the Trustees of TF, and urged individuals to seriously consider joining the Board of Trustees.

9. Time and date of the next meeting Meeting of Residents Councillors, Council Officers and other Agencies: Thursday 18th June 2009, 7pm at Tinsley Methodist Church

The meeting closed at 9pm


 NP to arrange meeting with Yorkshire Water  PCMcA to arrange further investigation regarding possible abandoned vehicle on Sheffield Road  PCMcA to report back at next meeting on the bamboo rooms `

TF – Working in Partnership with The Local Community and:

This project is part- financed by the European Union European Regional Development Fund

Registered at Cardiff Company No; 3881700

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