Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life Continue: Threats Used to Prevent

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Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life Continue: Threats Used to Prevent


Secret United Nations Meetings on Extraterrestrial Life Continue: Threats Used to Prevent Diplomatic Leaks 12 October 2008 by Michael Salla PhD (

On October 8, 2008, I met with the original source that disclosed that a secret meeting had been held at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on February 12 to discus UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The original source, Source A, discussed the most recent developments concerning secret meetings conducted under UN auspices to discuss UFOs and extraterrestrial life. The October 8 meeting was attended by Source A, Clay and Shawn Pickering (who kindly set up the meeting) and Bob Vanderclock. I spent a total of 4.5 hours discussing the UN meetings and related issues with Source A, and others present. Source A was dressed in full US Navy uniform with identifying insignia including name and rank. He showed me his military I.D. which confirmed his name, rank and pay scale. His I.D. card was valid for a three year period and had a vertical barcode on the left hand side next to his photo.

He subsequently showed me an album filled with photos, military patches and cards that represented his various assignments and awards since first joining the US Navy in the 1960s. He explained each of the pages inside of his album to all present. The material he showed conclusively proved that he was an electronics warfare specialist with the US Navy. With all the documentation presented and his full dress Navy uniform, it was clear that he is a serving US Navy officer willing to discuss sensitive information concerning UFOs and extraterrestrial life. From his careful and precise choice of language, clarity of expression, demeanor, eye- contact and other non-verbal cues, Source A appeared very personable and sincere in the information he was disclosing.

Source A said that as far as his military superiors in the normal chain of command are concerned, they are aware of his role in leaking sensitive information. They have a tacit policy of not wanting to know what he is doing, and are not taking action to prevent him disclosing the sensitive information. It was understood that getting national media exposure would force the Navy to take disciplinary action. That is one of the main reasons why the identity of Source A has not been publicly released. He has however agreed to be physically interviewed and shown his credentials to the following researchers: Clay and Shawn Pickering, Bob Vanderclock, Robert Morningstar, Dr Bruce Maccabee, two other unnamed researchers, and most recently myself on October 8.

During the meeting, Source A disclosed that he continues to work under the direction of a US Navy admiral who is in command of the controlled leak of the meetings occurring under UN auspices. This admiral was unnamed and is not part of the official chain of military command for Source A, but is his superior in covert operations that have need-to-know security status. Thus it's important to emphasize that Source A's disclosures are not part of official US Navy policy, but is orchestrated by a covert operations group comprising senior Navy officials (admirals) and others.

In this article, I will discuss three aspects of what Source A revealed concerning the UN meetings at our October 8 meeting: continued meetings under UN auspices; physical threats to prevent diplomatic disclosure of the UN meetings; and role of international corporations.

Further UN Meetings After the initial meeting on February 12, 2008, disclosed by Source A (not including the February 13-14 meeting disclosed by Gilles Lorant) there have been an additional three meetings attended by Source A. Another two meetings were held without Source A after he had been reassigned. Source A was replaced by another military officer who he has yet to meet. The same US Navy admiral remained in control of the US delegation even though he 2 didn't attend the additional meetings. All five additional meetings involved military representatives from member UN nations that attended the February 12 meeting with important additions and changes in personnel in attendance. All but the first were held outside of the UN headquarters and involved military officials. The composition, origin and diplomatic briefing responsibility of those attending the meetings does invite referring to them as a series of 'UN inspired meetings concerning extraterrestrial life'.

Four additional meetings were held in Upstate New York. Upstate NY was chosen in order to have a more secure environment to that available at the UN due to the sensitive nature of the material discussed. Upstate NY also provided a more conducive environment for reaching consensus on issues that proved to be contentious at the original February 12 meeting.

According to Source A, the February 12 meeting was a diplomatic fiasco. There were too many senior diplomatic officials involved and discussions quickly became politicized. The US Navy admiral in charge of Source A's controlled leak of information on the UN meetings, along with other senior diplomatic officials at the ambassadorial rank and senior military officials attended the February 12 meeting. The admiral continues to be in charge of the US delegation to all subsequent meetings emerging from the first UN meeting.

Source A says he travelled to Europe after the February 12 meeting to find the right military people for the forthcoming meetings to be held at Upstate NY. He went to every country in Europe in order to find out who was hostile and who was ambivalent concerning disclosure of extraterrestrial life.

It was decided that no further meetings were required at the UN since key players were known, and they could be invited to Upstate NY for additional meetings. All invited to the Upstate NY meetings were military liaisons of UN member states. These involved middle ranking officers since consensus was more likely to occur without senior diplomats who had the tendency to politicize discussions. It was decided that having middle ranking military liaisons would help keep a low profile on the difficult negotiations required for a coordinated international response to extraterrestrial life. All military liaison personnel at the Upstate NY meetings would brief senior officials in their respective diplomatic corps at the UN.

Source A said that that various nations were either in favor or opposed to a coordinated international disclosure effort. Source A emphasized that the US Navy has always been pro- disclosure and due to its leading role in policy issues concerning extraterrestrial life and the UN meetings, made the US pro-disclosure. The French along with Britain was also in favor of disclosure. Britain, however, asked that the US should lead the effort. Germany, Saudi Arabia and Islamic countries more generally were hostile to disclosure. Source A said India was "impossible to deal with". Military liaison(s) from China attended all the Upstate NY meetings (though not the original February 12 meeting) and said that the US should "pay for disclosure". According to Source A this was a considerable point of contention.

The subsequent meetings at Upstate NY were chaired by different countries. Source A was the highest ranking US officer at the first three post-February 12 meetings held at Upstate NY until he was replaced for the last two which were held respectively in Upstate NY and an undisclosed location in Europe.

The second UN UFO/ET meeting (the first held at Upstate NY) was held from March 24-26 and was chaired by the military liaison from Britain. Source A revealed that this was very productive in terms of consensus, goals and vision. A table of contents concerning key issues to be discussed was produced which presumably would help guide future discussions. This meeting lasted the full three days that were scheduled. China was present at the 2nd and subsequent meetings at Upstate NY and Europe. 3

The third UN UFO/ET meeting (second at Upstate NY) was chaired by the senior military liaison from France. According to Source A, this meeting was a disaster. This meeting ran from May 19-21 and focused on economic issues that was revealed in an earlier communication released by Clay and Sean Pickering. This meeting lasted three days.

The fourth UN UFO/ET meeting was chaired by the senior US military liaison which was Source A. An attempt was made to find neutral territory, but was unsuccessful. This meeting again, according to Source A, was a disaster. It lasted only one day from the three scheduled. The meeting occurred just prior to Source A leaving for another covert assignment at the end of May 2008.

Source A emphasized that the US Navy (and Marines) has always been focused on overall policy issues concerning extraterrestrials, while the USAF handled contact with extraterrestrial life. The US Army, Department of Energy and Department of Homeland Security have been responsible for security and bases. This is corroborated by reports that extraterrestrials had in the past showed up USAF bases to deal with representatives of the Eisenhower administration. Also, whistleblower reports confirm that Army forces have been involved with enforcing security at bases involving extraterrestrial related projects.

Source A said that USAF has handed off to the US Navy responsibility for a specific contact project involving the extraterrestrials discussed in the February 12 meeting. That means that US Navy has begun to play a role in both setting policy and contact with at least one form of extraterrestrial life.

The fifth UN UFO/ET meeting was attended by the replacement of Source A whose identity has not been revealed. This meeting was again held in Upstate NY. According to the US Navy admiral in overall charge of the US delegation (led by Source A's replacement) the meeting was cordial.

The sixth meeting was held outside of the US (in Europe) for security reasons. According to the admiral, those involved in the European meeting were "doing good work"

Source A emphasized that the military liaisons at this series of UN inspired meetings were trying to get agreement on how to nations ought to respond to the prospect of extraterrestrial vehicles appearing over countries. It's worth pointing out that this is the same scenario that was debated in the Japanese parliament in December 2007. It led to the Japanese Minister of Defense making a statement concerning how the Japanese self defense force might respond to such a scenario.

Source A said further that the admiral in charge of the covert disclosure process revealed the talking points for the last two meetings held without Source A's attendance. These included the following:

1. "What if [extraterrestrial] spacecraft start making demands?" 2. "If they [extraterrestrials] do make demands, what should be our responses as a collective people?" 3. If the craft appear without any hostile intent, there should be agreement that no hostile action is taken by any nation. 4. That NATO should take whatever measures necessary to ensure no hostile response is taken in response to the appearance of any ETV occurs. 5. International Banking systems should keep operating with minimal disruption to economic systems. 6. How to ensure the global distribution of extraterrestrial knowledge and technology.

According to Source A, point six was the most difficult issue in the discussions. 4

Threats to UN Diplomatic Community I raised the issue of two independent reports that diplomats had been physically threatened to remain silent about UN discussions on UFOs and extraterrestrial life. I emphasized that one of the sources involved a senior European diplomat that had relayed that the physical threats were genuine and diplomats were being silenced. Source A mentioned that one of the reasons that the UN had been chosen was that the diplomatic community is very good at leaking information. This was an important consideration in the controlled leakage initiated by the admiral and other senior Navy officials "to gauge the responses." In particular, they wanted to see the public response to the UN disclosures, and also the media response. The choice of UN ambassadors to receive the information was a strategic choice to help move forward the disclosure process. All ambassadors were fully briefed by their military liaisons on what transpired at the Upstate NY and European meetings. The Ambassadors were therefore an important part of the controlled leak and the covert Navy group is very interested in any threats made against them that impacts on the disclosure process. Source A said that the world is hostile to extraterrestrial disclosure, that's what the US Navy's covert group is finding out. They are trying to find out where the hostility is coming from and whether it can be neutralized and reduced. Source A confirmed the independent reports that UN diplomats were being threatened not to reveal to the public anything about the secret UN meetings discussing extraterrestrial life. Source A got his confirmation from unauthorized sources that he pointed out were more accurate than authorized sources. Unauthorized sources involved covert intelligence operations, and that Source A's counterparts from the British M.O.D. were involved. The covert Navy group behind the UN disclosures is trying to track down the source of the threats to the UN diplomats. So far these have been traced to international corporations. The Role of International Corporations I asked Source A if he was familiar with the Admiral Wilson incident where in 1997 in a meeting with Dr Stephen Greer and Dr Edgar Mitchell, Wilson was given codes to classified extraterrestrial related projects . Dr Mitchell recently commented in an interview about the incident substantially confirming what Greer had earlier disclosed. I pointed out that Admiral Wilson was apparently denied access by the attorneys of a corporation. Source A said that many defense projects are subcontracted out to corporations. While DARPA may have started as the lead agency, they then subcontracted out to US and international contractors, e.g., SAIC, Lockheed, BAE, Airbus, EADS, etc. He pointed out that Corporations are much better at keeping secrets than the military. Small companies often chosen to do black projects, e.g., 300 employees. They can more easily enforce discipline to keep the projects secret. The US Defense Industry is filled with projects given to corporations. From our discussion, it was clear that there was much concern over the prominent role played by corporations in controlling information and access to extraterrestrial related projects. Conclusion There has been partial confirmation for the original meeting on February 12 from a number of independent sources. Due to the anonymous nature of these independent sources, there still has not been any significant media interest in the meetings conducted at the UN on February 12. Only the UFO/exopolitics community has shown any sustained interest in Source A's disclosures and have attempted to verify these. Most of these efforts have occurred in association with members of the Open Minds Forum that has devoted considerable time and energy in investigating various aspects of Source A's disclosures. The continued meetings in Upstate NY and Europe revealed by Source A require independent confirmation. Further investigation is required to confirm the meetings themselves, as well as their content and nations involved. My impression of Source A is that he is sincere in his disclosures and genuinely involved in an effort by a covert group comprising senior US Navy officers to disclose information concerning extraterrestrial life. His willingness to have independent confirmation of his credentials and to be interviewed by different researchers does give confidence in his disclosures. While this is no guarantee that his disclosures are accurate, it does help inspire confidence that he is part of overall disclosure process sanctioned by senior Navy officials involved in covert operations. There appears to be genuine concern over the way in which covert projects involving extraterrestrial related information is being run and the role played by corporations in controlling this. The extent to which the US Navy and other military forces have been sidelined 5 in the internationalization and corporatization of extraterrestrial related projects is a major cause for concern. This is especially important insofar as threats to the diplomatic community to remain silent about the UN UFO/ET meetings have been traced to corporations. It does appear that an important convergence of interests has led to senior US Navy officials in covert operations embarking on a controlled leak of information to the UFO/exopolitics community. This is a promising development given the nature of the privatized control system that has emerged to manage extraterrestrial related information. The lack of oversight and transparency of such a control system is not only a major cause of concern for the general public, but also for senior military officials who take seriously their oath to uphold and protect the US Constitution. [Note: I wish to thank Clay and Shawn Pickering and Source A for their help in clarifying issues raised in this paper. For those wishing to ask questions or discuss the above issues, please visit the Open Mind Forum, click here] Michael E. Salla, Ph.D Kona, Hawaii 10/12/08 www.Exopolitics.Org

Comment by George LoBuono Davis, CA – Author Alien Mind. Like Dr. Salla, I find the UN meeting reports and Source A's account interesting. Although he finds that the reports still need independent confirmation, if we look at the reports from an If-then perspective we see some patterns consistent with earlier, unrelated reports.

For example, the Navy's leading role in sorting out information for the public is something we've seen previously. I wonder whether a distinction is made within the Navy between Navy intel and the higher admiralty. The use of middle-rank officers is a good way to pose a measure of deniability.

The hostility of Saudi Arabia and some other Islamic countries to disclosure would be expected. Disclosure would remove a layer of elite management of religious phenomena that puts off public perception of Saud family fraud. In some other Islamic nations, disclosure would stimulate independent critical thinking, on the one hand, while also posing the possibility of alien use of religious themes in ways beyond official or clerical control. I wonder whether Dubai is more liberal in this regard, given their press.

But Germany's reported hostility is a conundrum. I have a brother who has lived in Germany for about 16 years and he often complains of a resistance there to new ideas--especially alien- related topics. On the other hand, a manipulated post-war circumstance bred deep skepticism in Germany. Add to that German leeriness of US imperial dundering and you can also see where Germans may also fear a disclosure scenario that deals too strong a hand to US management of the subject.

I wonder why Source A would find India "impossible to deal with." The East has long acknowledged the existence of aliens and a re-cycling universe cosmology, hence there are less ideological obstacles. So I wonder whether India may be seen as TOO willing to open to the public. India's ability to blend alien appearance with traditional outlook may cause US and European manipulators to fear loose lips in India. Disclosure immediately calls into question whether India would obey and conform to US military-industrial and nuclear agendas. India may simply say it will manage its relations with aliens as it always has... Imagine the corporate reaction to that.

And if China wants the US to pay for disclosure, it might not be so much a financial concern. 6

Instead, it may represent the fact that China can plainly see that the US has a certain agenda that China doesn't want to be appended to as though in total agreement. The Chinese certainly know that a US black budget cabal has a deeper technological inroad, probably more extensive human- alien contacts of a technological sort, than does the Chinese government. They may even fear breeding program infiltration of US elites, i.e. in the "tall white" and gray case (see the reports of Charles Hall, Corso, Robert Dean, Lt. Col. Steven Wilson, and Clifford Stone). Of course, as Naomi Klein writes, now that a Friedmanesque agenda has resulted in 94% of China's billionaires being the children of former top Communist party officials, believe it or not, China may have black budget/cabal complications of its own.

Ironically, it appears that some of the info reportedly fed to the US government by aliens (EBE's as some in government call them: extraterrestrial biological entities) may be meant to mislead the US government and cut it off from actual, native neighboring populations so that the "gray"- related alignment can deepen its inroads here without direct competition. Believe it or not, the US military (especially the Air Force) has been led to think that a few tiny, genetically-designed surrogate populations that interface with US black budget sectors are divided into three groups: the Corporate (a "Nordic" alien group that, if extant as many sources report, appears to be a human version abducted then partly hybridized yet still human in appearance), the United Races of Orion (also a hybrid group that looks very human, and finally, some sort of "galactic federation." All three are intertwined under the same umbrella, say those same reports (whistleblower Dr. Michael Wolf is but one source on this).

Competing sources and the direct testimony of numerous abductees interviewed by qualified researchers suggest that the gray-alien related "federation" isn't even from this galaxy. So, if such is the case (see Philip Corso's book for an intro to the subject), then the US black budget regime has been duped, big time---made to think that a minor, artificially designed "visitor" contingent is predominant in this galaxy (I know that to speak of an entire galaxy skips ahead of many readers' basic awareness). The point being, the Air Force in particular is reportedly way over its head and is being fed very bad information, leading it to conclude that it's okay to be cut off from our actual alien neighbors, as though the minor hybrids whose hands the the Air Force is eating out of are actually pre-eminent in this galaxy. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Dr. Michael Wolf wrote that he was President Bill Clinton's advisor on such subjects, so even Clinton may have been fed bad information. The Veep was reportedly also informed. Ironically, Bush Sr. is often described as the deepest, most secretive and corrupt high official in all such matters. Clinton reportedly asked Bush (the outgoing CIA chief) for info on aliens and was told Clinton didn't have a need to know.

Source A's report that the Air Force handled contact with extraterrestrial life would tail with what Charles Hall and others say about the tall whites, for example. From the perspective of Col. Philip Corso's colleagues, we can imagine deep concerns in the Navy and the Army about the Air Force being compromised (or even infiltrated?) as a result of those contacts. That would parallel Corso's old notes about how the Army felt that anything it told the CIA about aliens or alien technology would soon end up in KGB hands due to a web of loose-lips and compromises. In this case, the fear would be that vulnerable information in the Air Force goes straight to aliens and those dark eyed hybrids in black (rather than men in black), so to speak. The Air Force role could be one of unbridled ambition to copy and have control of alien flight technology. Add stiff doses of alcohol and revolving door ambition (or a lust for power) and you can see how problems might arise in those reported off-world "junkets."

The Navy's reported concern about and investigations of "world" and corporate hostility to disclosure could suggest that the Navy suspects that there is more to the situation than simple human reticence. The presence of what David Jacobs refers to as late-stage/human breeding program operatives (also noted by Robert Dean) may be a wild card in the equation. The Navy and other informed observers on this planet are keenly aware of that. Infiltrated personnae would not be trying to smooth tensions, at the moment—for obvious reasons. 7

Some readers may wonder why the Navy would have a discrete policy interest of long standing. It stems from that fact that, as Corso wrote, the different services each began programs to investigate and research downed alien technology (and more) after Roswell, perhaps earlier. Because the Navy was selected to do the first early Idaho nuclear reactor research (ostensibly for submarine and carrier use), the Navy was the obvious early choice to research what was then suspected to possibly be alien use of nuclear technology--way back circa 1947. Of course we now know that alien technology is scalar and beyond, but back in 1947 scientific knowledge wasn't so broadly based. As a result, the Navy has long had a discrete interest in aliens and ufo's.

Source A said that the "USAF has handed off to the US Navy responsibility for a specific contact project involving the extraterrestrials discussed in the February 12 meeting." That suggests that the Air Force may be either embarrassed at the depth and closeness it has reportedly allowed "tall white" and other aliens reportedly directly based inside the United States, or the Air Force is aware that the other uniformed US services may see a possible threat in direct, sometimes dutiful obedience of Air Force officers in both aiding and providing for tall white and other alien presence there. The United States is on particularly weak feet during its current economic situation, hence the Air Force hand-off to the Navy may represent tacit admission that the Air Force is far over its head.

In addition, we have to wonder whether the situation is one in which compromised Air Force officers (and their corporate cohorts) may want the Navy to get a taste of their interactions with such aliens. The problem, of course, is that any breeding program operatives or aligned aliens would quickly try to treat Navy officers to a dribble of technology and special off-world buddy arrangements. To date, the Navy has been the most independent of the services; hence this late- stage conspicuous contact almost suggests a measure of desperation on the given aliens' part. Which aliens, we must ask?

Human-alien contacts have proceeded so far and to such explicit extent (even in my own case) that this last Navy-alien case seems very, very late in the entire process. The Navy probably knows much more than we see on the surface.

The reported threats to UN diplomats by international corporations may represent more than mere greed. All nations involved in this process, i.e. China, can easily see that alien breeding program operatives are an important human concern, especially when humankind is proceeding beyond a technological threshold that will allow us to derive competent scalar and inter-stellar flight and communications technology independent of the most visible of current alien interventions. So it is very late in the day, in that regard, hence we see two competing factions in the reported UN meetings: pro-disclosure vs. a narrow corporate and Saudi money elite.

The fact that some in the military clearly want the public to know about and peer into the competing, partly compromised factions in the UN meetings story (if we look at it from an if-then perspective) shows that we aren't alone in perceiving stark dangers in those who are trying to thwart competent public knowledge of this process. It's a question not only of disclosure, but WHAT KIND of disclosure is in the offing. As US imperial influence wanes and other nations begin to see the potential for a less filtered, less murderous/corporate kind of public awareness, we should expect to see potentially dangerous moves by the compromised parties.

--George LoBuono Davis, CA

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