PAGE 1 In the Handling, Feeding, Housing and Training Test, Question 3, replace 'Cavalier King Charles Spaniel' with 'Pug'.

PAGE 3 In the Handling, Feeding, Housing and Training Test, Question 19 should read :

19. All dogs and cats which enter the UK from countries which are not included in the Pet Travel Scheme must spend 6 months in quarantine. Which is true :-

PAGE 5 In the Handling, Feeding, Housing & Training Test, please add the words in bold, underlined text to Question 36:

A. Brick covered with waterproof plaster and paint . B. Tile. C. Chipboard faced with wooden soundproof board . D. Breeze block lined with industrial plastic .

PAGE 29 In the Part 1, Volume 1 Revision Test, please replace the whole of Question 5 (Rabies is currently protected against in the UK by) with the following

5. Dogs exported under the Pet Travel Scheme:- A. Must receive an annual rabies booster. B. Can only re-enter Britain 6 months after a satisfactory blood test. C. Can only leave Britain after being treated for specific ectoparasites and worms. D. Must have a rabies blood test after each booster.

PAGE 32 In the Part 1 Volume 1 Revision Test, Question 33, there is a spelling mistake. Please change 'temperomandibular' to 'temporomandibular'.

PAGE 33 In the Part 1 Volume 1 Revision Test, Question 40 (Enzymes found in gastric juice include) should be omitted completely and replaced with the following :-

40. The main function of fibrinogen is :- A. To maintain the osmotic pressure of the blood. B. To stimulate cell-mediated immunity. C. To combat specific infections. D. To work with platelets in forming a blood clot.

PAGE 59 In the Genetics and Animal Breeding Test, Question 6 (A) should read :-

A. Given synthetic oestrogen by injection 3 and 5 days after mating.

PAGE 74 In the First Aid Test, Question 54 should read :- 54. First aid for an animal which has collapsed following a syncope includes :-

PAGE 79 In the Part 1, Volume 2 Revision Test, replace Question 5 with the following :-

5. The hormones produced by the male gonad include :- A. Noradrenaline. B. Prolactin. C. Progesterone. D. Oestrogen.

PAGE 102 In Part 1, General Revision Test 1, please change Question 7 B from Dysuria to Oliguria.

PAGE 104 In the Part 1, General Revision Test 1, Question 19 should read :-

19. A dog is sent home with a bandaged lower leg. Which of the following statements are true?

PAGE 107 In the Part 1, General Revision Test 1, please omit the word 'single' from Question 42 (A).

PAGE 107 In the Part 1, General Revision Test 1, Question 47 asks for information which the student will not yet know at the time this exam is taken. Replace it with the following question :-

47. The intracytoplasmic organelles responsible for protein synthesis are :- A. Mitochondria. B. Centrioles. C. Lysosomes. D. Ribosomes.

PAGE 125 In the Part 1, General Revision Test 4, Question 6 (A) should read :-

A. A hormone released by the neurohypophysis of the pituitary.

PAGE 134 In the Part 1, General Revision Test 5, please replace Question 18 with the following :-

18. If an animal is obese, its water content as a percentage of its body weight is :- A. 45-50%. B. 50-55%. C. 60-65%. D. 70-75%.