I&IT Managers Meeting Agenda s1

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I&IT Managers Meeting Agenda s1

I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes California State Polytechnic University Pomona

Meeting Logistics

Title I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Meeting

Review our programs and services to determine whether they should receive increased support, decreased support, level support, be Purpose restructured, discontinued, or initiated and assign budget accordingly for new projects and positions. Date Monday, February 12, 2007 Time 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Location 98-C5-5

Debra Brum, Mauricio Calderon, Marvin Campbell, James Caplette, Curtis Clark, Stephanie Doda, JoAnn Karns, H Keita, Gabe Kuri, David Levin, Participants Dave Lyon, April McKettrick, Denny Mosier, Marci Payne, Susan Reese, Janet Rice, Karin Schott, and Abel Zamora – Guest: Rick Cass


Topic Meeting Outcomes Time Facilitator Topic 1: Winter Quarter Position Funding Answer follow up 20 min. Susan, Al & Requests questions on the Curtis  Network Analyst position requests presented last week  Security Analyst  Web Application Programmer

Topic 2: Winter Quarter Project Funding Discuss new requests 40 min. April & Requests Susan  Commencement 2007  Domain Controller Upgrade  VMWare  Wireless Upgrade

Topic 3: Next Meeting - Monday, February 26, 2007 at 1:00 PM I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes California State Polytechnic University Pomona February 12, 2007

Project Teams

Project Name Project Teams Due Date Finance Web Tools Team Leader – Mauricio Calderon January 2007 Team Members – Marvin Campbell, David Chiang, Stephanie Doda, Denny Mosier, and Glendy Yeh Resources – Saraswathi Kumathi

Help Desk Staffing Team Leader – Denny Mosier May 2007 Team Members – Jorge Bonilla, Candie McDougall, Janet Rice, James Schneider, and Abel Zamora Resources – Claudio Escobedo, Lori Okamoto, Bill Sing, and Marcy Wright

HelpLine Trouble Ticket System Team Leader – Denny Mosier July 2007 Team Members – Chris Crudo, Stan Jozefowicz, Candie McDougall, and Marci Payne Resources – Dave Lyon, Susan Reese, Janet Rice, James Schneider, Bill Sing, and Marcy Wright

SAI Call Accounting System Team Leader – H Keita February 2007 Team Members – Linda Bruner, Rita Haerr, Cassandra Reyes, and Dennis Tilford Resources –

Studio Six Team Leader – David Levin March 2007 Team Members – Curtis Clark, Ruth Guthrie, Jerry Lerma, April McKettrick, Peggy Perry, Teshia Roby, Hari Singh, and Daniel Smith Resources – Karen Brzoska Wireless Infrastructure Team Leader – Susan Reese January 2007 Team Members – Gabe Kuri, Yen Nguyen, Andrew Perelgut and Janet Rice Resources – I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes California State Polytechnic University Pomona February 12, 2007 Topic 1: Winter Quarter Position Funding Requests Network Analyst This was discussed at the last meeting.

Security Analyst Per Debra, this is for the junior position. The higher level position is already funded by the President’s Cabinet. Per Al, these positions are from his experience at Northridge. The Analyst position is project focused where as the Security Specialist position is more operations focused. The Security Analyst would be looking at firewalls, keeping track of ongoing threats, and would be the initial point person for dealing with incidents. A lot of times both of his people will be doing similar things but their focus is different. The junior person works more with desktops and servers. Al’s focus is on policy and procedures, and coordinating the information security program. These two people would be here for checks and balances, not to take over an area. His people would be looking at the logs. He feels it is not necessary for these positions to be “Experts” because they will have some experience especially the more senior person. He feels they would be able to hold their own. Al mentioned that in time he would like to develop an internship program to get our students involved in learning about security and auditing. Web Application Programmer This was discussed at the last meeting. Debra asked the committee members to rank the positions with the highest on top; include comments with each ranking; and, to email the rankings to Stephanie by the end of this week.

Topic 2: Winter Quarter Project Funding Requests Commencement 2007 Handout: I&IT Funding Request – Commencement 2007 Rick reviewed the hardware and software requests as follows:

Eight, Leitch VDA-16 video distribution amplifiers – At the last commencement our equipment was losing 20–30 percent of the signal strength coming from the cameras. This equipment would boost the signal and increase the broadcast quality.

O’Connor tripods and fluid video heads – The tripods that we have been using are ten years old and were not designed for what we now do.

260 ft. cable bundle - We have to pull on the video cables. They stretch and the ends pull off and wires separate. This will give us ten video cables, four audio cables, and two Cat 5 data cables. The cables will be professionally wrapped and will not pull apart as our older ones do. TriCaster production system – This is a combination of video switcher and title generator. This will allow Imran to work on the titles “on the fly.” It is also a pilot system that Imran may be able to put into Studio A to replace a 15–20 year old system.

Videonics MXProDV switcher – This would replace the system that went down when we were setting up for commencement last year.

Videonics Titlemaker system - Currently all our titles have been made and stored on the Videonics Title system. I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes California State Polytechnic University Pomona February 12, 2007 Teleprompter system – Per Stephanie, the purchase order has already gone in for this and the President’s Office has paid for it. Per Rick, the new Teleprompter system would have an LCD panel that is considerably brighter than the old one allowing it to be used when the sun is very bright.

S768DAVR-RST1 & S768DAVT-RST1 fiber links – These are the weakest link in the chain. If they go down we don’t have an encoding system.

Per Debra, some of these items can be used for other events. Per Rick, the distribution amplifiers can be used on our cameras when we do campus forums; hopefully the Tricaster will go into Studio A to replace the old system; the President uses the teleprompter for Fall Conference; and the fiber links are for backups.

Domain Controller Upgrade Handout: I&IT Funding Request – Domain Controller Upgrade Currently we have three servers that are aging. They are located in Bldg. 98, Bldg 1 and Bldg 5. These remote servers provide local authentication for clients connected to each of the three core network switches. Upgrading these will ensure client authentication is processed at a reasonable speed as the WIN domain is more widely deployed. The goal is to replace all three machines.

VMWare Handout: I&IT Funding Request - VMWare Per Susan, we think VMWare is important for the campus to have, but we don’t have the staffing now to do a full blown VMWare. However, we would like to pilot it. The first stage pilot would have one server and would take about one year. The second stage of the pilot would have two servers. The third page of the handout gives the types of machines and what we would consider putting on VMWare. Per Gabe, this is for machines that have fit ratings 1 and possibly 2. VMWare will allow us to provide a virtual machine environment. You can take one huge server and stick a bunch of virtual machines on it. You can have multiple operating systems on one virtual machine. You only pay for the support cost of one virtual machine. Per Susan, you would want to replace these machines every three to five years. Also, you can clone machines. Per Gabe, if the big machine goes down it takes all the virtual machines down. If you have a second machine and the big one goes down the second machine immediately takes over. We are reducing the number of machines that we have to support.

Wireless Upgrade Handout: I&IT Funding Request – Wireless Upgrade Per Gabe, the wireless committee got together and looked at the initial things we could do on campus. The following are recommendations that came out of that committee.

Old wireless device replacement (18 devices) - The list is prioritized from the top down. We have about 18 access points that are five to six years old. We have problems with most of them. Per Susan, we are in the process of taking site surveys and that is taking longer than we anticipated.

New wireless management - Per Gabe, this would allow us to configure and manage the wireless devices better than we do it now. This will work with whatever the Chancellor’s office chooses. It helps find rogues, tracks users, signal strength, gives us real time reports, and helps with configuration and management of the devices themselves. I&IT Prioritization & Recovery Committee Notes California State Polytechnic University Pomona February 12, 2007

New system to run management on – This is for the hardware to run on. It cannot be virtual.

New wireless devices added – This is about wireless devices across campus in various areas where we asked students where they would like to see more wireless in the common buildings where a lot of general education classes are held. We currently have about 120 access points. Per Debra, the $39,000 is the software licensing. Per Gabe, maintenance for this is $3,000 or $4,000. When ITRP 2 replaces our wireless access points they are estimating that we will have 300 points. The earliest they would do this for our campus is 7/08. The Chancellor’s Office may dictate where we would place these additional points.

Debra asked the committee to rank these four projects with comments and email them to Stephanie by the end of the week.

Miscellaneous Per Debra, she met with Curtis and Stephanie and they reviewed all of our projects thinking about how they would look to the University committee. Per Curtis, regarding the University P&R Committee, they will be suggesting that more projects be combined.

Topic 3: Next Meeting - Monday, February 26, 2007 at 1:00 PM

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