1. Subject General Information

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1. Subject General Information





1. Subject General Information

Subject English 1 Code 83001


Area Ingles Character Mandatory X Elective Credits Face to Face X Virtual Attending Autonomous Time 16 32 hours /Platform hours

Ss Name Institutional E-mail Date [email protected] Diego Arevalo Guide Design 03/June/2014 Alejandro Wilches [email protected] Update Methodological advisory Thematic advisory


This subject has been planned and designed to introduce the English Language to students. During this course, students will identify and use grammar aspects, vocabulary and expressions that are the base for more complex uses of the language. The use of functions, language and vocabulary will be integrated in activities where the Students can simulate a real life situation close to their context. Due to the nature of the low complexity of the topics in this course, this can be taken by any student regardless of what his main studies are.


Although no previous knowledge is required, a basic standar diagnostic test provided by the English department is to be implemented. International diagnostic tests may be used as pedagogycal tools to identify specific strengthens, weaknesses so that an appropriate remedial program can be undertaken.



LR1 To interact introducing themselves and greeting people using a variety of elements. LR2 To ask for and give personal information. LR3 To express and describe existence and location of objects. LR4 To report routines and habits. LR5 To talk about his family.


Communicative Competences

 To understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases to greet people and say goodbye.  To introduce him/her and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has.  To report basic information about others, such as routines, possession of objects and basic characteristics of family members.

Cross-Curricular Competences

 Team work: to undertake complete successfully tasks and activities by interacting with others effectively and accurately.  Problem - solving: to solve emerging problems coming up during the foreign language acquisition process.  ICT usage: to use ICT to access to information and to interact with others in order to enhance the foreign language acquisition process.  Autonomous Learning: to become more effective learners inside and outside the classroom to reflect their language learning experiences by following the teacher’s instructions.


LEARNING RESULTS ASSESSMENT CRITERIA LR1. To interact introducing Ss apply short phrases for greeting people, for example themselves and greeting people Good afternoon, hello, etc. using a variety of elements. Ss identify and produce yes / no questions regarding nationalities, like Are you American? Ss distinguish and generate questions about qualities of people, like Are you a good worker? Ss recognize numbers and letters when listening information about new people.

LR2. To ask for and give personal Ss identify information questions in relation to personal information. facts. Ss interact in everyday situations using greetings when they are meeting new people. Ss identify the items that make up a personal information form.

LR3. To express and describe Ss locate the position of objects in depending on their existence and location of objects. distance to the speaker (e.g. That is your book) FOR-PDD-001 GUÍA ACADÉMICA

Ss differentiate the quantities of things and some basic characteristics to describe objects (e.g. your bags are dark) Ss state who the owner of an object is (e.g. Are these your books?)

Ss write simple phrases and sentences about themselves and imaginary people, personal details, where they live and what they do. Ss recognize possible ways to express time and days of the LR 4: To report routines and week. . (E.g. I have class at 7 on Tuesdays) habits. Ss describe their daily habits. Ss include time phrases to describe their routine. (E.g. I go to work on weekdays in the morning) Ss describe and show how people use their cell phones. LR 5: To talk about his family. Ss ask an answer questions.

6. Conceptual referents

 Verb Be – Present – Countries & nationalities  Subject Pronouns  A / an – Adjectives (opinion), The alphabet, Numbers 11-100  Numbers 11–100  Position of adjectives  Verb Be – Wh questions - Demonstrative Pronouns - Common objects (singular & plural)  Possessive Adjectives - Adjectives (opposites), Colors  at / on (time) - Go (to) + places in town Days of the week  Present Simple - Morning routine, Time phrases  Frequency Adverbs - Who, Where, What  How old…? How often…?  Family members➤ Cell phone uses, Birthday activities

7. Assessment issues



KNOWLEDGE: Case studies Checklists Basic grammar, lexical and Simulations phonological aspects. Written and Oral Quizzes Objects and situation Written and Oral exams analysis Monitoring PERFORMANCE: Task-based learning Direct/Indirect observation Basic written and oral Role Plays descriptions (in terms of use, Peer-assessment rubrics appearance and function). Reading comprehension Self-assessment rubrics Basic Interaction with peers, Questions. teachers and other English Teacher-guided assessment rubric language users. Synonyms and Antonyms

Identification and implementation Cognates of learning strategies to fulfill tasks and achieve goals. Fill-in-the-blanks

Understanding of simple oral or Dictation written conversations, dialogues and descriptions. Conversation Practice

Identification and Implementation Inductive application of rules of strategies to solve problems. Categorization Interpretation of signs, graphics

Bibliographic Resources


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