Model Extension Plan

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Model Extension Plan

Society of St. Vincent de Paul Model Extension Plan Table of contents Page Number Introduction 3 Purpose 4 Method 4 I. Solicit diocese support and identify a parish(es) for potential Conference 4 A. Diocese with one or more Conferences but no District Council 4 B. Diocese with one or more District Councils but no Diocesan Council 5 C. Diocese with a Diocesan Council but there are still parishes with no 5 Conference 5 D. Diocese with no Conferences 6 II What to do when parishioners agree to start a Conference 6 III What to do after the start-up of a Conference 7 IV Definition of Terms V Appendixes 8 1. Extension Teams Roles and Responsibilities 12-13 2. Sample Letters to Bishop (with and without SVdP presence) 14 3. List of items to cover in the meeting with the Bishop 15 4. Sample Letter to the Parish Pastor 16 5. List of items to cover in the meeting with the parish Pastor 17 6. Materials needed to start a Conference 18 7. Items to be accomplished to get the Conference operational 19-21 8. What to accomplish during the first few Conference meetings 22-23 9. List of minimum requirements for a Conference 24 10. Items for creating a NEW District Council

April, 2015 2 Introduction In the past, the growth of our Society nationally has not been conducted under a dedicated program with goals and objectives to extend our services to meet the needs of more of the poor in our nation. Today we have 184 dioceses, but 23 of these have no Society presence. Even though we can say that statistic represents a presence in 87% of the dioceses and that looks on the surface to be pretty good, it doesn’t look good when we take note that we have a presence in only 25.5% of all the parishes that exist in our country. So approximately 75% of our parishes do not have the opportunity for their parishioners to grow spiritually and exercise their faith through service to the poor. The National Council has determined that, to change this situation, a national program that is dedicated and focused on extending our Society is needed. Imagine the number of the poor and needy that we are unable to reach. Hence, included herein is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Extension Plan. We are asking all Regions, Councils and Conferences to follow this plan and help to extend the great work of the Lord in serving his poor to eventually serve most, if not all, parishes throughout our country. Keep in mind that a parish may also affiliate with and support an area-wide Conference if that better serves the community. The inability of potential Vincentians to form a Conference at their own parish does not preclude them from becoming Vincentians. Those parishioners can join a neighboring Conference in their community and hopefully later start their own Conference if and when able. When appropriate this should be encouraged. Any Extension effort must be accompanied by a continuous national and local marketing effort. As we have said elsewhere, the purpose of the Society is not just to provide services to the poor, as if we were a social service agency, but is for our members to grow in holiness by personally putting their faith in action in helping those in need. This is a concept that is very little known and understood nationwide. If we are to approach our fellow parishioners, we need to be dealing with Catholics who have heard about us via the usual media outlets, both nationally and locally. They must be familiar with who we are and why we exist. We must get our name out there and be the recognizable organization that our fellow Catholics will want to join and know why they should become Vincentians. Marketing at the national level should include national Catholic radio networks and national Catholic newspapers. At the local level, our efforts should include our local Catholic radio stations and diocesan newspapers. Community television, radio, and newspapers should also be used by Councils and Conferences. Social media can be a huge tool used to market the Society to the general public. This should include public functions, like Hope luncheons or dinners, golf tournaments, walk for the poor, etc. where the public can participate and learn about the Society. An additional consideration in the extension effort is to grow the Society based on the diversity that exists in the diocese. Understanding the demographics of the diocese will help us to recruit among the various ethnic and racial groupings in our communities. It is possible (and at times necessary) to market specifically to Black Catholics, Hispanic/Latino Catholics, Native American Catholics, etc. Starting Youth Conferences (age 19 and under) and Young Adult Conferences (ages 19 to 39) should be part of our planning process as well.

April, 2015 3 National Extension Plan Draft

Purpose: The purpose of this plan is to provide a procedure to help extend the Society of St. Vincent de Paul to more parishes in order to provide more members the opportunity to grow spiritually through prayer, reflection and discussion on gospel values (as it pertains to our mission) and through providing service to the Lord’s poor and needy. For our purposes, our country is divided up into Catholic dioceses that provide a basis for our operation and growth. Our goal is to extend to as many parishes as we are reasonably able in each diocese. From an Extension point of view, we actually have 4 types of Vincentian dioceses.  No Conferences at all  One or more Conferences but no District Council  One or more District Councils but no Diocesan Council  Diocesan Council but there are still parishes with no Conferences

Method: To accomplish our goal, we need a structure that will be focused on and be able to place the required emphasis on accomplishing the goal. That structure calls for all Councils to have an Extension/Revitalization Committee and all committees need a chairperson to facilitate its activities. One recommendation is that each of our organizations in a diocese already has a Vice President (VP) officer position that mainly fills in for the absence of the President. It is recommended that a VP at each level be responsible for carrying out extension/revitalization functions for their organization. If the current VP has been given other responsibilities, you could appoint another VP for extension/revitalization. At the Council levels, it will be necessary to form an Extension/Revitalization Committee and the VP could chair the committee. If it is not possible for a VP to be the chairman then someone else (an enthusiastic volunteer) should be appointed to chair the Extension/Revitalization Committee. The committee will prepare the Council Extension Plan and carry out the functions required by the plan. The region will also establish an Extension/Revitalization Committee, with a chairman, to develop the Region Extension Plan and perform the steps below mainly when there is no District Council in the diocese. The Conference VP will be responsible for recruitment (growth) of the Conference. When it is the first Conference in the diocese, the Conference VP will be a point of contact (POC) for the Region Extension/Revitalization Committee to help support the extension effort in the diocese. This will help facilitate the training of the Conference VP to become familiar with the Society, how it works and with the recruitment and extension process. When a District Council is started, this individual would be a good candidate for the Council Extension/Revitalization Committee. (Note: For Extension Teams Roles and Responsibilities see Appendix 1). I. Solicit diocese support and identify a parish(es) for potential Conference. A. Diocese with one or more Conferences but no District Council (Region Extension/ Revitalization Committee function). The objective is to increase the number of Conferences to at least five or more (geographically close) and then start a District Council. When there are a sufficient number of aggregated Conferences refer to Appendix 10, Items for creating a NEW District Council. 1. Determine if anyone has met with the Bishop. If not, go to I.D.1 below and continue. B. Diocese with one or more District Councils but no Diocesan Council (Region Extension/Revitalization Committee working with the District Extension/Revitalization

April, 2015 4 Committee). The objective is to increase the number of District Councils to at least three or more and then start a Diocesan Council. 1. Determine if anyone has met with the Bishop. If not, go to I.D.1 below and continue. If yes, ensure that the items in I.D.2 below have been met, if possible. Then proceed to I.D.3 and continue onward. C. Diocese with a Diocesan Council but there are still parishes with no Conference. (Diocesan Council Extension/Revitalization Committee working with the District Council Extension/Revitalization Committees) 1. It is reasoned that, with a Diocesan Council, item I.D.1 below has been met, but, if not, do so as soon as practical. 2. Ensure that the items in I.D.2 below have been met, if possible. Then proceed to I.D.3 and continue onward. D. Diocese with no Conferences – (Region Extension/Revitalization Committee). The objective is to focus on starting five or more Conferences (geographically close) and then start a District Council that will then continue the extension effort in the diocese. 1. Get appointment and meet with the Bishop. Send an introductory letter to the Bishop, see Appendix 2 and then follow up with a phone call to his secretary to set up an appointment. (Note: For list of recommended items to cover with the Bishop, see Appendix 3) a. Generally, we should inform him of who we are, what we do, and how we can be of help to him, his priests, parishioners and the Lord’s poor. Also, solicit his support for our efforts to establish and grow the Society in his diocese. b. As a result of this discussion, you should also have a sense from the Bishop if he wants us to place strong emphasis on special types of recruitment, such as diverse populations or youth. 2. After meeting with the Bishop try to obtain informative documents and meet with other groups of clerics (present the “Introduction to SVdP,” when possible) a. Obtain a copy of the Diocesan Directory and the Diocesan Newspaper b. Meet with the Presbyterate, if possible c. Meet with the Deaneries, if possible d. Meet with the College of Deacons, if possible e. Try to identify parish(es) with a good probability to start a Conference 3. Make an appointment and meet with the Pastor of the selected parish. Send an introductory letter to the Pastor, see Appendix 4 and then follow up with a phone call to his secretary to set up an appointment. (Note: For a list of items to cover with the Pastor see Appendix 5) a. Generally, we should inform him of who we are, what we do, and how SVdP can be of help to him, his parishioners and the Lord’s poor. Also, solicit his support to conduct an “Invitation to Serve” (ITS) one weekend at each Mass. b. Emphasis must be placed on “each” Mass. We must be prepared to invite all parishioners. For example, if the parish has a significant Hispanic/Latino population, then we must be prepared to solicit potential members in Spanish.

April, 2015 5 4. Conduct the ITS and have interested parishioners fill in the sign-up sheet after Mass in the vestibule. (Note: have several sign-up sheets to avoid a long line with only one list.) 5. Conduct a short meeting after the last Mass, after each mass (but this is not always possible due to limited time), or on a designated evening within the next couple of days and provide the “Introduction to SVdP” briefing indicating who we are, what we do and how we do it. Answer any questions. 6. Identify a parishioner to be a coordinator who will contact all those on the sign-up sheets for the first meeting. If no one volunteers to act as coordinator, then you will have to perform that function. (Provide a copy of the sign-up sheet to the coordinator and keep a copy for your records) 7. Provide the coordinator with materials needed to start a Conference (The Rule, Manual, Officer Duties, etc.) and with your contact information. If no one volunteers to serve as coordinator, keep the materials until the first meeting. (For a list of materials needed, see Appendix 6.) All of the materials needed are available at the National Council.

II. What to do when parishioners agree to start a Conference. (For items to be accomplished to get the Conference operational, see Appendix 7.) A. If there are a large number of interested parishioners (more than 20), form a core team (up to 20) to get the Conference up and running and then work others into the Conference. (Coordinate the list of applicants with the Pastor and parish staff to see if they can identify individuals for the core team). B. Work with the coordinator to set up the first meeting (if no coordinator, a member of the Extension/Revitalization Committee will have to set up the first meeting). C. Attend the first meeting to answer any questions and provide guidance to ensure that The Rule and other requirements of the Society are being followed in setting up a Conference. D. To the degree possible, let the prospective members lead and do the start-up work so that they have ownership – it is their Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. E. For what needs to be accomplished at the first few meetings, see Appendix 8.

III. What to do after the start-up of a Conference. A. Verify that all start-up requirements have been successfully completed and submitted. B. Schedule and provide required training (developed by the National Council and provided by a trained Formator). C. Determine if a Mentoring Conference exists that can assist and facilitate the new Conference in becoming operational. If no Mentoring Conference exists, see if one can qualify. If this is the first Conference in the diocese, plan for its future qualification as a Mentoring Conference (See Part IV. Definition of terms). D. Assist the Conference to successfully achieve the minimum requirements for a Conference as listed in Appendix 9.

April, 2015 6 IV. Definition of Terms. Aggregation – After operating successfully for one year, a Conference must apply for recognition and acceptance by the International Council. Upon acceptance, the Conference will be an official member of the world wide Society of St. Vincent de Paul. A Conference that does not apply for Aggregation will no longer be eligible for services from the National Council. Formator – This is a member who has been properly trained to conduct various training presentations, such as the Ozanam Orientation. The Formator presents the material with the intention to facilitate the formation process of those in attendance of the training. Formation – This is more than just training or learning. It is transferring learned information from the brain to the heart. What you have learned is so important that you truly believe it, feel it and it becomes a part of you in such a way that it changes your life. Invitation to Serve - An open invitation to join the Society of St. Vincent de Paul delivered from the pulpit at Saturday evening and Sunday Masses as an effective way to reach potential Vincentians. This is a proven method for recruitment. Mentoring Conference – A Mentoring Conference will assist a new Conference to get up and running more quickly, efficiently and effectively by advising on how certain things are done, answering questions, inviting them to attend a few of their meetings and by inviting them to go along on home visits to learn the procedure. A Mentoring Conference is designated by the next higher level Council as having met the following: A. Been Aggregated into the International organization of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. B. Fulfills the Standards of Excellence (SOE) requirements for a Conference, C. Complies with the charism and the statutes of The Rule of the Society, D. Has received all of the required training of the Society, E. Complies with solidarity requirements, and F. Submits Annual reports.

April, 2015 7 Appendix 1 Extension Teams Roles and Responsibilities

National Extension/Revitalization Committee (NEC)  Consists of eight or nine members – as many members of original task force who want to move forward  Provides guidance to Regional and local Council Extension/Revitalization Committees  Gather data to identify all dioceses and provide this to Regions and local Councils o No conferences at all o One or more conferences but no District council o One or more District Councils but no Diocesan Council o Diocesan Council but there are still parishes with no conferences  Assists Regional Extension/Revitalization Committees with entry to dioceses where SVdP has no presence  Defines standards for recruitment and formation materials  Works directly with SVdP entities that develop the materials  Defines and expects regular reporting from Regional Extension/Revitalization Committees  Monitors and evaluates progress toward goals of the plan  Identifies and shares best practices among the Regions  Form National Extension/Revitalization Team to provide guidance, training and support to Regions and Councils, where needed

Regional Vice President  Responsible to ensure compliance with the National Extension/Revitalization Plan as a part of the National Strategic plan.  Appoint a Region Extension/Revitalization Committee (REC) Chairperson.  Work with chairperson to determine size of committee needed.  Request committee to develop Regional Extension/Revitalization Plan – to consist of dioceses where SVdP exists as well as where it does not – to include considerations for diversity (addressing the needs of large populations of minority groups), youth, young adults and Associate Members.  Approve the Regional Extension/Revitalization Plan and request the REC to send the plan to the National Extension/Revitalization Committee.  Request the REC to provide Regional Extension/Revitalization Plan to Councils and request them to develop their Extension/Revitalization Plans and provide them to the Region Extension/Revitalization Committee. Regional Extension/Revitalization Committee Chairperson  Work with Regional Vice President to determine size of Committee needed  Recruit members for the committee, includes Regional Spiritual Advisor  Evaluate data from National to identify all dioceses o No conferences at all o One or more conferences but no District council

April, 2015 8 o One or more District Councils but no Diocesan Council o Diocesan Council but there are still parishes with no conferences  With the committee develop Regional Extension/Revitalization Plan – to consist of dioceses where SVdP exists as well as where it does not – to include considerations for diversity (addressing the needs of large populations of minority groups), youth, young adults and Associate Members – the basic goal of the plan should include each District Council to form one new Conference annually and revitalize one Conference annually – where no Extension/Revitalization is possible in a District, that District will assist the upper Council and Region in its other Extension/Revitalization efforts – where SVdP does not exist in a diocese, the plan should be to form five Conferences and a District Council  Implement the plan  Review local Council Extension/Revitalization Plans and provide feedback  Work with the National Extension/Revitalization Team to get guidance, training and support, where needed.  Report committee/council success in starting new conferences/councils to Regional Vice President and to the National Extension/Revitalization Committee, as required by the NEC Regional Spiritual Advisor  Maintain list and contact information for all Council Spiritual Advisors in the region  Ensure that spiritual development requirements are included in the Regional Extension/Revitalization Plan  Maintain contact with Council Spiritual Advisors to determine progress and/or problems Regional Formator  Maintain list and contact information for all Council Formators in the region  Recruit Formators to conduct Ozanam Orientations in new Councils

Diocesan Council Presidents (if the Diocesan Council exists)  Responsible for the Extension/Revitalization activities in the diocese  Designate an Extension/Revitalization Chairperson to be responsible for extension growth and Conference revitalization throughout the diocese – a Vice President may be a possible chairperson  Work with chairperson and Executive Director to determine size of committee needed  Request committee to develop Council Extension/Revitalization Plan  Provide Diocesan Council Extension/Revitalization Plan to District Councils and request them to develop their Extension/Revitalization Plans and provide them to the Diocesan Council Extension/Revitalization Committee

Diocesan Extension/Revitalization Committee (ERC) Chair  Work with the Council President and Executive director to determine the size of the ERC needed  Chair the ERC  Seek volunteers to be on the ERC

April, 2015 9  With ERC develop the Council Extension/Revitalization Plan – to include considerations for diversity (addressing the needs of large populations of minority groups), youth, young adults and Associate Members – the basic goal of the plan should include each District Council to form one new Conference annually and revitalize one Conference annually – where no Extension/Revitalization is possible in a District, that District will assist the upper Council and Region in its other Extension/Revitalization efforts  Implement the plan in the diocese  Work with the National and Regional Extension/Revitalization Teams to get guidance, training and support, as needed  Report activity and progress as required to the Regional and National Extension/ Revitalization Committees Diocesan Council Spiritual Advisor  Form a committee consisting of the District Council Spiritual Advisors to discuss and plan activities for spiritual growth of all members of the society in the diocese  Be a member of the ERC to ensure that spiritual development requirements are included in the Council Extension/Revitalization Plan  Maintain list and contact information for all District Spiritual Advisors in the diocese Diocesan Council Formator  Ensure that all district councils have trained Formators  Ensure that the Introduction to SVdP and the Ozanam Orientation are part of the Council Extension/Revitalization Plan

District Council President  Responsible for the Extension/Revitalization activities in the district  Designate an Extension/Revitalization Chairperson to be responsible for extension growth and Conference revitalization throughout the district - Vice President may possibly be the chairperson District Extension/Revitalization Committee (DERC) Chair  Work with the Council President, Formator and Spiritual Advisor to determine the size of the DERC needed  Chair the DERC  Seek volunteers to be on the DERC  With committee develop the District Extension/Revitalization Plan – to include considerations for diversity (addressing the needs of large populations of minority groups), youth, young adults and Associate Members – the basic goal of the plan should include each District Council to form one new Conference annually and revitalize one Conference annually – where no Extension/Revitalization is possible in a District, that District will assist the Region in its other Extension/Revitalization efforts  Exercise the plan in the District Council area  Provide the District Extension/Revitalization Plan to the Diocesan Extension/Revitalization Committee (if one exists).  Work with the National and Regional Extension/Revitalization Teams to get guidance, training and support, as needed

April, 2015 10  Report activity and progress as required to the Diocesan or Regional Extension/ Revitalization Committees District Council Spiritual Advisors  Form a committee consisting of the Conference Spiritual Advisors to discuss and plan activities for spiritual growth of all members of the Society in the District  Be a member of the DERC to ensure that spiritual development requirements are included in the District Extension/Revitalization Plan  Maintain list and contact information for all Conference Spiritual Advisors in the District District Council Formators  Ensure that all new Conferences are introduced to the information contained in the “Introduction to SVDP” power point presentation  Ensure that formation requirements are a part of the District Extension/Revitalization Plan

Conference President  Responsible for growth in the conference  Designate the Conference Vice President, or appoint a second Vice President, to be responsible for maintaining growth in the Conference providing opportunity for more members to grow spiritually and to serve more of those in need  If designated, request training to become a mentoring Conference to assist in new Conference start-ups. Conference Vice President  Work with the Spiritual Advisor and the President to determine the number of new members needed

April, 2015 11 Appendix 2 Sample Letter to the Bishop  in an (Arch)Diocese with no SVdP presence  in an (Arch)Diocese with an existing SVdP presence

Sample Letter to Bishop in an (Arch)Diocese with no SVdP presence


The Most Rev. …, … Dear Bishop …,

My name is ______and I am the District Council President or (Regional Vice- President for the … Region) of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society ministers to those in need in parishes throughout the country. We are currently in 150 countries worldwide and in 4,400 parishes in the United States.

Our mission is to grow spiritually and we do that in each of our meetings through prayers, spiritual reading from the upcoming Sunday gospel and reflecting and discussing how it pertains to us as Vincentians. Then by serving the poor and needy we put our faith into action and bring the love of Christ to his poor. Vincentians see the face of Christ in the poor. By our serving and caring for the poor it helps free up the priest to do those things that only a priest can do.

There is no charity that is foreign to the Society. If there is a valid need, we will help. We never provide money directly to those in need. If they need financial assistance, we pay their bills directly to the creditors.

All of the effort to start a parish Conference is done by the Society and we provide all of the training and materials to get the Conference up and running successfully.

Our Society is not present in your Diocese, but there has been some interest shown in one of your parishes for us to help them form a Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.

In the next few days I will be calling the diocese to set up an appointment with you at your convenience. At that time I would explain more of our Society and how it can help respond to the poor and needy in the diocese. Also, I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Yours in the spirit of our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul,

(Signature and Title) Appendix 2 continued on next page

April, 2015 12 Appendix 2 continued Sample Letter to the Bishop

Sample Letter to Bishop in an (Arch)Diocese with an existing SVdP presence


The Most Rev. … … Dear Bishop …,

My name is ______and I am the District Council President or (Regional Vice- President for the … Region) of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The Society ministers to those in need in parishes throughout the country. We are currently in 150 countries worldwide and in 4,400 parishes in the United States.

Our mission is to grow spiritually and we do that in each of our meetings through prayers, spiritual reading from the upcoming Sunday gospel and reflecting and discussing how it pertains to us as Vincentians. Then by serving the poor and needy we put our faith into action and bring the love of Christ to his poor. Vincentians see the face of Christ in the poor.

Our Society is present in ______parishes in your Diocese, but we should be in most if not all of the parishes where more parishioners can experience spiritual growth by putting their faith into action and help care for more of the poor in the diocese and bring them the love of Christ. By our serving and caring for the poor it helps free up the priest to do those things that only a priest can do.

There is no charity that is foreign to the Society. If there is a valid need, we will help. We never provide money directly to those in need. If they need financial assistance, we pay their bills directly to the creditors.

All of the effort to start a parish Conference is done by the Society and we provide all of the training and materials to get the Conference up and running successfully.

In the next few days I will be calling the diocese to set up an appointment with you at your convenience. At that time I would explain more of our Society and how it can help respond to more of the poor and needy in the diocese. Also, I would be happy to answer any of your questions.

Yours in the spirit of our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul,

(Signature and Title)

April, 2015 13 Appendix 3 List of recommended items to cover in the meeting with the Bishop

In the meeting with the Bishop cover the items below to provide him a base of understanding of the Society to assure him of the help and support the Society can be to him and his diocese. a. Give a short history of our founding and explain the value of the Society to the Bishop, his priests, parishioners and the lord’s poor and needy. b. Emphasize that our mission is the spiritual growth of our members and we put our faith into action by serving and bringing the love of Christ to his poor. c. Explain that there is no form of charity that is foreign to the Society. d. Explain how we support the priest by caring for the poor and needy and free up the priest to do more of the things that only a priest can do. e. Come prepared to answer his questions. f. Come prepared also to deal directly with issues such as starting Conferences in a heavy Hispanic/Latino populated parish(es) Be prepared with Spanish speaking members who can do the solicitation and provide the guidance. There may be other similar issues that may need to be addressed. g. Solicit his support and see if he would like us to work with his designated point of contact (POC). (He may not wish to designate a POC and we would work it alone) h. See if he would send out a letter to the parish priests in support of the Society starting Conferences in the parishes. i. Assure him that all of the work to start and train a Conference is done by the Society. j. Recommend a parish or two where you would like to start. (This requires you to do some homework to get a list of parishes and you may have to make some phone calls, etc.). k. Provide him with a copy of The Rule, Manual and Serving-in-Hope Module 1: Our Vincentian Vocation. (He may read it or give it to one of his staff to review and provide comment back to him).

April, 2015 14 Appendix 4 Sample Letter to the Parish Pastor

Dear [Name of Pastor],

As the world's social and economic systems adjust to changing conditions, an increasing number of individuals and families, specifically the poor and marginalized, struggle to satisfy very basic needs. The Society of St. Vincent de Paul ministers to the poor in our parishes. The need for our Society's assistance has grown throughout our country in the past several years. We are inviting Catholics to live their religious convictions by serving Christ through His poor as a Conference member of the Society in your parish.

Our mission is to grow spiritually and we do that in each of our meetings through prayers, spiritual reading from the upcoming Sunday gospel and reflecting and discussing how it pertains to us as Vincentians. Then by serving the poor and needy we put our faith into action and bring the love of Christ to his poor. Vincentians see the face of Christ in the poor.

There is no charity that is foreign to the Society. If there is a valid need, we will help. We never provide money directly to those in need. If they need financial assistance, we pay their bills directly to the creditors. All of the effort to start a parish Conference is done by the Society and we provide all of the training and materials to get the Conference up and running successfully.

In the next few days I will be calling the parish to arrange a short meeting with you to explain how our Society can help you provide for the poor in your area while freeing you up to do those things that only a priest can do. Also, I am sure that you will some questions that we will answer.

Jesus said, “Whatever you did for the least of my brethren you did it to me” Mathew 25. We hope that we can count on your support?

Yours in the spirit of our founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul,

[Name of signer] P.S. Our ministry is truly a journey in the spiritual growth of our members.

April, 2015 15 Appendix 5 List of recommended items to cover in the meeting with the parish Pastor.

Generally, we should inform him of who we are, what we do and how that can be of help to him, his parishioners and the Lord’s poor. Also, we want to solicit his approval to start a Conference in his parish. a. Emphasize that our mission is the spiritual growth of our members. It is a call to holiness by living their faith in serving the poor and needy. b. Explain how we open and close each meeting with prayer. c. How we read and reflect on the upcoming Sunday Gospel and discuss how it applies to us a Vincentians. d. State that all Conferences are to have a Spiritual Advisor who is responsible for a. b. and c. above. This can be a priest, a deacon, a nun, a brother or a selected lay person. e. Explain the value of Conference to the Priest, the Parishioners and the poor. f. Inform him that we never provide money to the poor instead we pay the creditors (ex., Utilities, landlord, etc.). g. Explain how our support of caring for the poor and needy can free him up to do more of the things that only a priest can do. h. Clarify the relationship between the pastor and the Conference. i. Explain how the Conference can be funded – (donations, collections from parishioners, fundraising, Poor Box, Pastor’s commitment for a monthly Sunday parish collection or a 5th Sunday collection or one every eight weeks. His call.). j. Explain that all of the work to start and train a Conference is done by the Society. k. Seek his permission and support to start a Conference. l. Explain the “Invitation To Serve” (ITS). Provide him a copy of the pulpit talk for his review and a copy of the Bulletin articles for the three weeks prior to the pulpit talk. (Note: ITS provided by National). m. Coordinate with the priest for a weekend to do an ITS. n. Provide him with a copy of The Rule, Manual and Serving-in-Hope Module 1: Our Vincentian Vocation. o. Meet with the parish council, if requested by the priest. p. Assure him that we are there to support him by caring for the poor and needy in his area.

April, 2015 16 Appendix 6 Materials needed to start a Conference

When parishioners commit to start a Conference the following are the items/materials that will be provided and explained by an Extension/Revitalization Committee member. (Except for hard copies and DVD, it is intended that all of these items will be available online at the National Council Web-site and can be downloaded by the Regional and Council Extension/Revitalization Committees to provide to the new Conference.)

To be ordered from the National Office: (hard copies and DVD)  The Rule, Manual, Opening/Closing Prayer Cards, Serving-in-Hope Module 1  Handbook for Spiritual Advisors  The Society video DVD

To be downloaded from the National Council Web-site address:  What is a Conference? (A Microsoft Word Document)  Steps to establish a SVdP Conference (A Microsoft Word Document)  Meeting Agenda Template (from Rule Part III, Statute 7, also available on yellow prayer card)

The following are available on-line and/or obtained from the National Office:  Vincentian Reflections  Secretary’s Minute Book  Treasurer’s Handbook and Journal  Commissioning ceremony (A Microsoft Word Document)  Application to start a new Conference (Adobe PDF Document)  Leadership duties (Adobe PDF Document)  How to apply for an EIN  Bylaws Document 1 (Adobe PDF Document)  Insurance information to include the National Council contact for insurance  Information on establishing a bank account  Application for 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization (A Microsoft Word Document) plus the Instructions for Inclusion (A Microsoft Word Document)  Vincentian Materials Catalog (Printed and On-line Version) Click on the “SVdP Members” Tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page to the column “Extras” then scroll to and click on “Order Materials.”  Eyedentity Program Catalogue (Logo Merchandise for Vincentians) – Click on the “SVdP Members” Tab and scroll down to the bottom of the page to the column “Extras” then scroll to and click on “Logo Merchandise.” As you scroll down the page you can order Logo Merchandise: Plaques, Pins, Clothing, Banners, etc.

April, 2015 17 Appendix 7 Items to be accomplished to get the Conference operational

Review these items at the first meeting so that everyone will understand what needs to be done. (The items will normally be finalized/approved at subsequent meetings.)  Ensure that members receive the “Introduction to SVdP” presentation.  Need commitment from potential members to start and operate the Conference.  Decide on Conference Name. (It is recommended to use the parish name)  Need to elect a President (election may be at the next meeting).  Need to appoint officers: VP, Secretary, and Treasurer. (President appoints and Conference approves.)  Appoint a Spiritual Advisor that must later receive training (inform and obtain Pastor approval).  Once officer and Spiritual Advisor positions are filled they need to be commissioned in that office (commissioning ceremony provided in Start-Up Kit).  Determine how the Conference will be funded in discussion with the Pastor.  Determine the Conference meeting schedule (weekly or at least twice monthly) day and time. (Day time meetings during the week will eliminate those who work from being members.)  Work on completing the Application to become a Conference. (Application provided by National Council in the Start-Up Kit)  Apply online to the IRS to get an Employer Identification Number (EIN). (Information provided in the Start-Up Kit)  Open a Conference bank account separate from church or personal account.  Apply to become a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. This can be accomplished in several different ways. Contact the National Council (or your Council, if one exists, for options).  Approve the Conference bylaws (provided in the Start-Up Kit by the National Council).  Arrange through the National Council to obtain liability insurance. (Contact your Council, if one exists, or the National Council for information, Sherry Brown (314) 576- 3993 x200.)  Discuss local area needs and potential Conference services to address those needs.  Establish a process for incoming calls – dedicated phone line – see if anyone is interested in receiving the calls.  Determine guidelines for providing assistance.  Establish home visit teams.  Decide on Home Visit forms and how case records will be maintained.  Cover/discuss one article/statute of Part I and Part III of The Rule during each meeting until all articles/statutes have been covered.  Arrange for an Ozanam Orientation with the Council (or Regional, if no Council exists).

April, 2015 18 Appendix 8 What to accomplish during the first few Conference meetings.

First Meeting (Ask coordinator to do the Opening and Closing prayers until Spiritual Advisor is commissioned)  Invite the Pastor to attend and participate, if he has time.  Begin with Vincentian Prayer: All meetings begin and end with prayer (see prayer card in Start-Up Kit).  Special Conference Start-Up Reflection based on Mathew 25  Introduction- have each person introduce themselves, tell if they have a family, and indicate how long they have been a member of the parish.  Presentation of the “Introduction to SVdP” by Council Rep which includes:  DVD -“The Society” (9 minutes).  The Essential Elements of the Society. . Spirituality – grow in holiness through prayer, service and the opportunities of Vincentian formation. . Fellowship – support for each other and those we serve. . Service – person-to-person service to those living in poverty especially through the home visit.  How the Society is organized.  How a Conference operates.  Get a commitment of attendees to start a Conference (record in minutes).  Describe the steps in starting a new Conference (application, Officers, EIN, Bank, etc.) See Appendix 7 for items to be accomplished to get the Conference operational.  Decide on Conference name.  Prepare to try and elect a President at the next meeting.  Discuss and decide on Conference meeting schedule.  Announce the date, time and place for the next meeting (arranged beforehand).  Close with Vincentian prayer.  Conclude with a social for the first meeting

April, 2015 19 Appendix 8 continued on next page

April, 2015 20 Appendix 8 Continued What to accomplish during the first few Conference meetings.

Second Meeting (Ask coordinator (or President if elected) to do the Opening and Closing prayers until Spiritual Advisor is commissioned)  Begin with Vincentian Prayer.  Use the Reflection for the current upcoming weekend provided by the National Council.  Provide and follow the meeting agenda  Read and discuss one article from Part I of The Rule.  Explain the secret ballet election process for President and ask if anyone would like to fill that office. If no one speaks up, ask if anyone might have a recommendation of someone to be president.  Conduct the election when a candidate agrees to serve, if elected. (Enter in the minutes)  The new president asks if anyone is interested to serve in the other officer positions. Once identified ask for Conference approval. (Enter in the minutes)  Discuss possibilities for the Spiritual Advisor position. (This may take a little time to finalize and will be accomplished at the next meeting, if possible. Could ask someone to do it temporarily.)  Plan to install/commission the officers at the next meeting. (If Council exists, notify Council President of need to commission officers.)  Plan to discuss funding of the Conference with the pastor and provide decision at next meeting.  Assign someone to start filling in the Conference Application.  Assign someone to apply online to the IRS to obtain the Employer Identification Number (EIN) and provide at the next meeting. (This is needed to open a bank account.)  Assign treasurer to open the Conference bank account (must be separate from parish and personal accounts and have at least two individuals that can sign the checks. Priests and deacons cannot be on the account.).  Announce the date, time and place for the next meeting (arranged beforehand).  Close with Vincentian prayer.

Appendix 8 continued on next page

April, 2015 21 April, 2015 22 Appendix 8 Continued What to accomplish during the first few Conference meetings.

Third Meeting (Ask coordinator (or President if elected) to do the Opening and Closing prayers until Spiritual Advisor is commissioned)

 Begin with Vincentian Prayer: All meetings begin and end with prayer (see yellow prayer card).  Use the Reflection for the current upcoming weekend provided by the National Council.  Provide and follow the meeting agenda.  Read and discuss one article from Part I of The Rule.  Install and commission the officers.  Assign someone to mail the completed application to the Council, if one exists, or to the Regional Vice President who will sign and forward to the National Council. (This can be done by fax or by a scan of the signed application and sent by e-mail)  Assign someone to start the process to get 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. This can be accomplished in several different ways. Contact your Council, if one exists or the National Council for options.  Hand out a copy of the Bylaws to the members for review and approval at the next meeting.  Assign someone to discuss with the National Council the options for Liability Insurance. (National Council contact: Sherry Brown (314) 576-3993 x200)  Discuss local area needs regarding the poor and potential Conference services to address those needs.  Determine guidelines for providing assistance.  Establish process for incoming calls (phone #, date, time, place and who takes calls)  Establish home visit teams.  Decide on Home Visit forms and how case records will be maintained.  Announce the date, time and place for the next meeting (arranged beforehand).  Close with Vincentian prayer.

April, 2015 23 Appendix 9 List of minimum requirements for a Conference.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul National Council of the United States Minimum Requirements for Existing Traditional Conferences

Existing Traditional Conferences must:  Adopt Bylaws within one year.  Review the following “Minimum Requirements for Existing Traditional Conferences” and develop a plan to correct areas in which the Conference is not meeting the requirements of the Rule.

1. The Conference excludes no one from membership based on age, sex, race or ethnic background. Rule, Part I, 3.2 2. The Conference meets regularly and frequently, and not less often than twice a month. Weekly meetings are desirable but not mandatory. Rule, Part I, 3.3.1, Part III, Statute 5 3. The Conference has four or more active members and a full slate of officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Rule, Part III, Statute 12 4. Prayer, spiritual readings and reflection are a part of each meeting. Rule, Part III, Statute 7 5. The Conference has an active, trained Spiritual Advisor who attends full meeting regularly and accepts responsibility to promote the spiritual life of the Conference. Rule, Part I, 3.13, Part III, Statute 15, U.S. Manual Pages 48-49

6. The Conference is aggregated or has filed an application if has been in existence for one year or more. Rule, Part I, 3.8, Part III, Statute 6 7. The Conference serves all those in need regardless of age, sex, race, ethnic background or life style. Rule, Part I, 1.4 Part III, Statute 8 8. All home visits and other interviews are made by two Vincentians. Rule, Part II, Statute 8 9. The Conference has person-to-person contacts with the needy, whenever possible Rule, Part I, 1.2, Mission Statement 10. Home visits are the primary focus of work for traditional Conferences U.S. Manual Page 23

April, 2015 24 11. The Conference maintains a bank account separate from the parish, under the control of the Conference Treasurer Rule, Part III, Statutes 12 and 24, U.S. Manual, Pages 26 and 30 12. The Conference attends District meetings and takes part in programs and events sponsored by their District/Diocesan Councils. Rule, Part I 3.6, Manual Page 36 13. The Conference sends its members to formation and training sessions offered by the Society, particularly the Ozanam Orientation. Rule, Part I, 3.6, 3.12, Part III, Statute 10 14. The Conference submits Annual Reports to the District/Diocesan Council. Rule, Part III, Statutes 22 and 23 15. The Conference presents at least an Annual Report of its activities to the Pastor and people of its parish, preferably through the parish bulletin. Rule, Part III, Statutes 22 and 23, U.S. Manual Page 30 16. The Conference maintains a positive relationship with the clergy. Rule, Part I, 5.1

17. All donations go to the works of the Society to maintain Society structure, both nationally and internationally. No donations are used to fund other charities no matter how worthy. Rule Part I, 3.14, Part III Statute 26 18. The Conference provides required support for Councils/Region. Rule Part III, Statute 25 19. The Conference knows and follows the Rule of the Society. U.S. Manual Page 14

April, 2015 25 Appendix 10 Items for creating a NEW District Council

 Get presidents of five or more isolated and aggregated Conferences to meet and become acquainted with each other and their Conferences' situations.  Discuss common and unique challenges and successes among the Conferences.  Discuss the benefits of having a District Council  Come to a consensus on forming a District Council.  Select a District Council name  Make Bishop aware that this process is in progress.  Ask if he would appoint a contact person for us with the diocese (often the Chancellor)  Consult with Pastors of the constituent Conference parishes.  Hold a meeting to formally discuss the District Council formation; document in the meeting minutes the formal resolution to form the Council.  Announce and schedule a meeting of the Isolated Conference Presidents to elect the District Council President.  Newly elected District Council President selects Council officer slate (Vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and Spiritual Advisor) and Council approves – include in minutes.  Hold Officer Installation Ceremony.  Select a venue and schedule upcoming District Council meetings.  Determine District Council initial mailing address if there is no obvious physical building address unique for the Council.  Draft Articles of Incorporation according to your state’s requirements.  Apply for Incorporation in your state.  Apply online to the IRS for Employer Identification Number (EIN).  Open a District Council bank account with at least two authorized signers (need $100 for deposit)  Apply for Institution. (Application provided by the National Council)  Apply for 501(C)(3) designation with National Council SVdP. (Application provided by the National Council)  Apply for Group Insurance Inclusion with the National Council or get your own.  Approve the appropriate Bylaws (Document 6). (provided by the National Council)  Determine District Council operational funding. If this is the initial District Council in the Diocese, the Council President becomes a National Council Member (NCM) and is required to attend two National Assemblies, annual and mid-year. The Presidents expenses will be paid by the District Council or he/she will be reimbursed for registration, travel and lodging if they pay initially.  Recruit formators for Ozanam Orientations, get them trained and plan initial District sponsored Ozanam Orientation.  Plan and hold a District wide retreat (or Day of Recollection) so that Conference members feel connected both in friendship and in spirituality.  Plan for a District wide fundraising or special works project to further the district friendship and solidarity.  Hold Visioning and Strategic Planning sessions with Conference Presidents.

April, 2015 26

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