South Thames Foundation School

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South Thames Foundation School

South Thames Foundation School

ARCP SUMMARY TIMELINE 2013 (for training year 2012-13 foundation programmes)

The Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) provides a formal process for reviewing foundation doctors’ progress which uses the evidence gathered by them and supplied by their supervisors and other supporting staff (e.g. attendance/absence record).

During April Recommended that foundation doctors meet with their Educational Supervisors to review their portfolios; action plans are made to fill gaps prior to ARCP deadline.

During April Trusts identify ARCP panel members & set out their meeting timetables and schedule of foundation doctor portfolios to review. These details are provided to STFS.

26 April Latest date for Trusts to notify their foundation doctors of the ARCP dates. (NB: Foundation doctors will not usually be expected to attend an ARCP panel unless they receive an unsatisfactory outcome)

By 1 May STFS issues the ARCP checklist spreadsheet of foundation doctors eligible for sign off to Trust FP administrators for checking and update (for return to STFS by 22 May).

By 17 May Recommended that foundation doctors to have met with their Educational Supervisors to further review their portfolios to ensure their action plans from April have been completed/are on target.

By 17 May Deadline for educational supervisors to issue the end of year report for each of their foundation doctors.

By 22 May FP administrators return the STFS ARCP checklist spreadsheet to STFS with advice regarding any amendments required to STFS (Tooting office for F1 and Brighton office for F2).

24 May Date for virtual close down of ePortfolio – evidence uploaded after this date will not be considered by the ARCP panel.

By 24 May Deadline for F2 doctors to complete the STFS F2 destination questionnaire (separate guidance will be issued)

27 – 31 May Trust FP administrators prepare for ARCP panels, completing the STFS ARCP checklist spreadsheet with required information (e.g. sick leave, teaching attendance, audit completion, ILS/ALS, TOI completion, F2 destination questionnaire completion, etc.)

3 June ARCP panels may commence.

Trust ARCP panels begin to review evidence on ePortfolio and complete ARCP forms (see Appendix 1 ARCP Outcomes table and advice on Outcome 5, incomplete evidence).

STFS/CBRIDGE/25/3/2013 1 Trusts are to notify foundation doctors of their provisional* ARCP outcome as soon as possible; foundation doctors should electronically sign the ARCP form within 10 days of the ARCP panel meeting.

Where there is an unsatisfactory outcome recorded it is recommended that the FTPD should meet with the foundation doctor to discuss the ARCP recommendations.

*ARCP outcomes are provisional until confirmed by STFS. Satisfactory outcomes (outcomes 1/6) are issued subject to continued satisfactory progress until the end of July.

21 June Deadline for the F1 ARCP outcome forms to be completed by Trusts (via ePortfolio).

Deadline for the F2 ARCP outcome forms to be completed by Trusts (via ePortfolio).

Deadline for the F1-F2 Transfer of Information (TOI) forms to be returned to STFS Tooting office.

24 June onwards STFS reviews ARCP outcomes and considers actions for unsatisfactory outcomes.

5 July Latest date for foundation doctors to submit additional evidence to the ARCP panel (after Outcome 5).

By 10 July STFS confirms ARCP outcomes to Trust administrators.

Copies of the signed Attainment of F1 Competency (5.1) forms available to Trust FP Administrators / F1 doctors within ePortfolio.

Copies of the signed Foundation Achievement of competences document (5.2) forms available to Trust FP Administrators / F2 doctors within ePortfolio.

Foundation doctors may appeal their ARCP outcome decisions once confirmed by STFS. STFS Appeals panel dates will be published on the STFS website.

By 10 July Completed and approved 5.1 forms to be sent to the Medical School Deans (by STFS Tooting).

10 – 19 July Medical School Deans (or nominated representatives) to complete the GMC Certificate of Experience for F1 doctors and forward to the GMC to process and award full registration.

EEA Graduates: STFS will countersign the GMC Certificate of experience for EEA Graduates and return to the local postgraduate centre for the trainee to collect. It is the responsibility of the EEA graduate to forward their Attainment of F1 Competency Form together with their Certificate of Experience to the GMC.

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ARCP Outcomes table:

F1 only, F2 Outcome Description only or both Code F1 only 1 Satisfactory completion of F1. Both 3 Inadequate progress – additional training time required. Both 4 Released from training programme. Both 5 Incomplete evidence presented – additional training time may be required. F2 only 6 Recommendation for the award of the Foundation Achievement of Competence Document. F2 only 8 Time out of Foundation Programme. Both Other e.g. working LTFT, on sick leave, missed review etc.

Advice re. Outcome 5: “Incomplete Evidence Presented”

The panel should not take a decision about the performance or progress of the foundation doctor where incomplete or inadequate evidence is presented.

a. The foundation doctor will be required to explain to the panel, in writing, the reasons for the deficiencies in the documentation.

b. The Trust will allow the foundation doctor a 2 week window for submission of additional evidence to the ARCP panel.

c. Where an Outcome 5 has been recorded this will remain as a part of the foundation doctor’s record but once the relevant evidence has been submitted, a new ARCP outcome form should be created and filled in based on the evidence submitted and evaluated by the ARCP panel.

d. Foundation doctors will not typically be able to appeal against an Outcome 5.

STFS/CBRIDGE/25/3/2013 3 South Thames Foundation School Appendix 2: Requirements for satisfactory completion of F1

See UKFPO Reference Guide 2012, p 42-43, Section 10, Table 1

Requirement Notes 1 Provisional registration and a licence to practise with the GMC Completion of 12 months of F2 training by 2 August 2013 (taking account of allowable The maximum permitted absence from training (other than annual leave) during the F1 year is 4-weeks. (See GMC absence) guidance on sick leave for provisionally registered doctors). A satisfactory educational supervisor’s 3 end of year report. The report should draw upon all required evidence listed below. Satisfactory educational supervisor’s end 4 of placement reports. An educational supervisor’s end of placement report is not required for the last placement; the educational supervisor’s end of year report replaces this.

Satisfactory clinical supervisor’s end of If the F1 doctor has not satisfactorily completed one placement 5 placement reports but has been making good progress in other respects, it may still be appropriate to confirm that the F1 doctor has met the requirements for satisfactory completion of F1. The last end of placement review must be satisfactory. Satisfactory completion of the required 6 number of assessments: Team assessment of behaviour (TAB) (minimum of one per year). The minimum requirements are set out in the Curriculum. The deanery/foundation school may set Core procedures additional requirements. (all 15 GMC mandated procedures)

7 A valid Immediate Life Support (ILS) If the certificate has expired, it may be appropriate to accept evidence that the doctor has booked to attend a refresher or equivalent - certificate course.

Evidence of participation in systems of 8 quality assurance and quality improvement Foundation doctors should take part in systems of quality assurance and quality improvement in their clinical work and projects. training. This includes completion of the national trainee survey and any end of placement surveys. Completion of the required number of Direct observation of doctor/patient interaction: 9 Supervised Learning Events. • Mini CEX The minimum requirements are set out in the • DOPS (minimum of nine observations per year; at least six must be Curriculum. The deanery/foundation school mini-CEX). may set additional requirements Case-based discussion (CBD) (Minimum of six per year / two per placement) Developing the clinical teacher (Minimum of one per year). An acceptable attendance record at It has been agreed that an acceptable attendance record should 10 generic foundation teaching sessions typically be 70%. However, if the F1 doctor has not attended 70% of teaching sessions for good reasons, it may still be appropriate to confirm that the F1 doctor has met the required standard e.g. making up missed sessions by completion of appropriate on-line learning modules. If there are concerns regarding engagement or if attendance is below 50%, the FTPD should discuss this with the STFS Director. 11 Attendance at the appropriate level of Safeguarding Children training STFS requirement Attendance at an approved simulation 12 course STFS requirement

13 F1 – F2 Transfer of Information (TOI) form STFS requirement This is in addition to the Declaration of Fitness to Practise 14 Signed probity and health declarations required by the GMC when applying for full registration.

15 Leadership assessment All STFS F1 doctors are strongly encouraged to have completed a leadership assessment within the e-Portfolio (LEADER tool).

STFS/CBRIDGE/25/3/2013 4 South Thames Foundation School Appendix 3: Requirements for satisfactory completion of F2

See UKFPO Reference Guide 2012, p 53-54, Section 11, Table 1

Requirement Notes 1 Full registration and a licence to practise with the GMC Completion of 12 months of F2 training by 2 August 2013 (taking account of allowable The maximum permitted absence from training (other than annual leave) during the F2 year is 4-weeks. absence) A satisfactory educational supervisor’s 3 end of year report. The report should draw upon all required evidence listed below.

Satisfactory educational supervisor’s end 4 of placement reports. An educational supervisor’s end of placement report is not required for the last placement; the educational supervisor’s end of year report replaces this.

Satisfactory clinical supervisor’s end of If the F2 doctor has not satisfactorily completed one placement 5 placement reports but has been making good progress in other respects, it may still be appropriate to confirm that the F2 doctor has met the requirements for satisfactory completion of F2. The last end of placement review must be satisfactory. Satisfactory completion of the required 6 number of assessments: Team assessment of behaviour (TAB) (minimum of one per year). The minimum requirements are set out in the Curriculum. The deanery/foundation school may Evidence that the foundation doctor can carry out the set additional requirements. procedures required by the GMC. A valid Advanced Life Support (ALS) 7 or equivalent - certificate If the certificate has expired, it may be appropriate to accept evidence that the doctor has booked to attend a refresher course.

Evidence of participation in systems of 8 quality assurance and quality Foundation doctors should take part in systems of quality assurance and quality improvement in their clinical work and improvement projects. training. This includes completion of the national trainee survey and any end of placement surveys. Completion of the required number of Direct observation of doctor/patient interaction: 9 Supervised Learning Events. • Mini CEX The minimum requirements are set out in the • DOPS (minimum of nine observations per year; at least six must be Curriculum. The deanery/foundation school mini-CEX). may set additional requirements Case-based discussion (CBD) (Minimum of six per year / two per placement) Developing the clinical teacher (Minimum of one per year). An acceptable attendance record at It has been agreed that an acceptable attendance record 10 generic foundation teaching sessions should typically be 70%. However, if the F1 doctor has not attended 70% of teaching sessions for good reasons, it may still be appropriate to confirm that the F1 doctor has met the required standard e.g. making up missed sessions by completion of appropriate on-line learning modules. If there are concerns regarding engagement or if attendance is below 50%, the FTPD should discuss this with the STFS Director. 11 Attendance at the appropriate level of Safeguarding Children training STFS requirement

12 F2 Destination Questionnaire Completion of the STFS questionnaire (separate guidance to follow)

13 Signed probity and health declarations A separate form should be signed for F2.

14 Leadership assessment All STFS F2 doctors are strongly encouraged to have completed a leadership assessment within the e-Portfolio (LEADER tool).

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