Patient Information Dr

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Patient Information Dr


Patient Information Dr.______

Date:______Patient Name:______SSN:______

Birth Date: ______Driver’s License: ______Home Phone: ______Cell Phone:______

Address: ______City:______State: ____ Zip: ______

Email ______Pharmacy name and phone number ______

Check Appropriate Boxes: [ ] Male [ ] Female [ ] Minor [ ] Single [ ] Married [ ] Separated [ ] Divorced [ ] Widowed

Patient or Parent’s Employer ______Work Phone ______

Employer’s Address ______City ______State _____ Zip ______

Spouse or Parent’s Name ______Contact # ______Cell # ______

Who should we thank for referring you ______

Emergency Contact (name and phone number): ______

Responsible Party

Person responsible for account ______Relationship to patient ______

Address ______City ______State _____ Zip ______Contact #______

Employer ______Phone ______

Insurance Information Effective 01/25/2012 All out-of-network patients are subject to deductibles. Payment is due at the time of service.

Insured Name ______Relationship to Patient ______Birth date:______

Insured SSN ______Insured Driver’s License ______Insurance Company ______

Insurance Company phone ______Policy Number ______Group Number ______

Insurance Claims Address ______City ______State ____ Zip ______

Do you have a deductible? [ ] No [ ] Yes, how much $______Do you have a co-pay [ ] No [ ] Yes, how much $______

Do you have additional insurance? [ ] No [ ] Yes, please fill in information below

Insured Name ______Relationship to Patient ______Birth date ______

Insured SSN ______Insured Driver’s License ______Insurance Company ______

Insurance Company phone ______Policy Number ______Group Number ______

Insurance Claims Address ______City ______State ____ Zip ______

Do you have a deductible? [ ] No [ ] Yes, how much $______Do you have a co-pay [ ] No [ ] Yes, how much 2 $______

Authorization and Release I hereby authorize payment directly to the doctor for all insurance benefits otherwise payable to me for services rendered. I understand that I am financially responsible for all charges, whether or not paid by insurance and for all services rendered on my behalf or my dependants. I authorize Daniel J Wallace MD Inc and or any supplier of service in this office to release any information required to secure payment of benefits. I authorize the use of this signature on all insurance submissions.

Signature of Responsible Party: ______Date: ______3 Daniel J. Wallace MD 8737 Beverly Blvd., Suite 302 West Hollywood, CA 90048 (310) 652-0920 phone (310) 360-4812 fax


Date:______PatientName:______What is the special problem(s) or symptom(s) that brings you here for an appointment? ______Spouse’s Name ______Spouse’s Occupation ______Number of Children ______Please lists their ages and any health conditions:______

Occupation:______Highest Level of Formal Education: ______Family History: Father: Alive___ Deceased____ Age of death____ Mother: Alive ___ Deceased____ Age of death___ Cause of death______Cause of death______

How many brothers or sisters do you have?______What diseases run in your family and which of your family members have had or has them? ______

Please list any operations you have had: Type of operation Year Hospital

Please list any non-surgical hospitalizations: Reason for hospitalization Year Hospital

Please list all medications (prescription and nonprescription) and dosage that you take regularly: Medication Dosage Medication Dosage 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. 4. 8.

***Please complete this form ahead of time and bring it to your first visit*** 4 All information on this questionnaire will be kept confidential. It cannot be photocopied without your written consent. This information will facilitate the delivery of appropriate medical care. Yes No 1. Do you often feel a gritty or sandy sensation in your eyes? 2. Have you experienced dry eyes for 3 months or longer? 3. Have you experienced dry mouth for 3 months or longer? 4. Have you had a lot of hair fall out recently? 5. Do you often get a rash on your cheeks? 6. Are you troubled with stiff or painful muscles or joints? 7. Are your joints ever swollen? 8. Are you sensitive to sunlight? 9. Do your fingers turn different colors in cold weather (Raynaud’s)? 10. Do your nails pit? 11. Have you ever had pleurisy? 12. Have you ever had pericarditis? 13. Have you ever been told that you had protein (albumin) in your urine? 14. Have you ever had a false positive test for syphilis? 15. Have you ever had a positive blood test for ANA (antinuclear antibody)? Constitutional Yes No 16. Have you recently gained or lost weight? 17. Do you often feel exhausted or fatigued? 18. Do you frequently run low grade fevers? Eyes Yes No 19. Does your eyesight sometimes blur or do you see double? 20. Are your eyes frequently red? 21. Do you have frequent eye infections? 22. Do your eyes get so dry that you frequently use artificial tears? Ears Yes No 23. Do you have difficulty hearing? 24. Do you have frequent ear infections? 25. Do you hear a repeated humming or other noises in your ears? Nose Yes No 26. Do you often have a running or stuffy nose? 27. Do you have frequent head colds? 28. Does your nose often bleed for no reason at all? Throat Yes No 29. Has your taste sensation recently decreased? 30. Have you had intermittent swelling of your salivary glands? 31. Have you had dental work (other than teeth cleaning) recently? 32. Do you have any sores or swelling in your gums or jaw? 33. Is your tongue sore or sensitive? 34. Is it difficult or painful for you to swallow? 35. Is your voice often hoarse? 36. Do you have TMJ (Temporomandibular) disease? Integumentary (Skin) Yes No 37. Do you have any skin conditions? If yes, please list ______38. Do you break out into a rash when exposed to sunlight Respiratory Yes No 39. Do you wheeze or gasp to breathe? 40. Have you ever coughed up blood? 5 41. Do you cough up a lot of phlegm (thick spit)? 42. Are you troubled by swollen feet or ankles? Musculoskeletal Yes No 43. Are you troubled by pains in the back or shoulders? 44. Have you been told by a doctor that you have fibromyalgia? (Fibrositis, Myofascial Pain Syndrome)? 45. Are you bothered by lower back pain? 46. Have you been told by a doctor that you have sacroilitis? 47. Have you been told by a doctor that you have a herniated disc? 48. Have you been told by a doctor that you have avascular necrosis? Cardiovascular Yes No 38. Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have high blood pressure? 39. Have you ever been bothered by a thumping or racing heart? 40. Do you ever get pains or tightness in your chest? 41. Does every little effort leave you short of breath? 42. Do you get sharp pains or cramps in your legs? 43. Have you ever been told that you have a heart murmur? Psychiatric Yes No 44. Have you ever considered committing suicide? 45. Have you ever desired or sought psychiatric help? 46. Do you ever have difficulty falling or staying asleep? 47. Do you usually feel lonely or depressed? 48. Do you have bipolar disorder? 49. Do you have difficulty relaxing? Neurological Yes No 50. Do you have frequent headaches? 51. Is any part of your body always numb? 52. Do you have a tendency to be too hot? 53. Do you have a tendency to be too cold? 54. Are you troubled by dizzy spells or lightheadedness? 55. Have you ever had a stroke? 56. Have you ever had seizures, fits or convulsions? Gastrointestinal Yes No 57. Are you troubled by heartburn? 58. Do you easily become nauseated (feel like vomiting)? 59. Have you ever vomited blood? 60. Are your bowel movements often loose? 61. Are you often constipated? 62. Are your bowel movements ever black or bloody? 63. Have you ever had bleeding from your rectum? Genitourinary Yes No 64. Do you frequently get up at night to urinate? 65. Do you have difficulty starting your urine flow? 66. Do you wet your pants or bed wet? Hematologic Yes No 67. Do you have trouble stopping even a small cut from bleeding? 68. Does every little bump bruise you? 69. Have you ever been told that you are anemic? If yes, do you have (circle all that apply): a) Low iron, b) low B12, c) heavy periods, d) anemia of chronic disease, e) bleeding ulcers, f) anemia due to medication, g) hemolytic anemia, h) other (specify): 70. Have you ever had low white blood cell counts? 71. Have you ever had low platelet counts? 6

Hematologic (continued) Yes No Yes No Allergy/Infection72.For Have Women you ever Only: had idiopathic thrombocvytopenia purpura (ITP)? Yes No 79.73.For100. HasHave MenAt whatyour you Only: neckageever did everhad you thromboticbecome begin swollenhaving thrombocytopenia menstrual or enlarged? periods? purpura ______(TTP)? Yes No Have Have you you ever ever had beentaken ana blood toldallergybirth you orcontrol or bonehave food (pills,marrowprostate sensitivity patches, disorder?trouble? evaluation? IUDs, injections, implants? 81.118. Have AreIf you yes, circumcised?ever please had specify:______list a positive type(s) ofskin birth test control or blood you test have for used:TB? ______82.75.119.102. Have HaveDo you you you have ever had a been ahistory vasectomy? toldtreated of you irregular for have a blood Cytomegalovirus? menstrual clot with periods? blood thinners? HaveHas HaveDo anybodyyou you you still ever ever haveever been had diagnosedmenstrual toldany burningyou haveyouperiods? orwith Epstein-Barr discharge antiphospholipid from Virus your (Mononucleosis)? syndrome?penis? 84.77. HaveIf you no, everat what had age Hepatitis?cancer did yourof any menstrual kind? periods stop? ____ If104. you Have areIf yes,you allergic whathad a kind?______hysterectomy?to any medications or food, please list them below: WhenIf yes, andwhat where was your were age you at diagnosed?______the time of hysterectomy? ______78.105. Have Have you you ever had hada mammogram? a blood transfusion? If so, what was the month/year of year most recent mammogram? Which(mo/year) of the following______immunizations you have received? Yes No 85.106. Tetanus Have you ever had lumps in your breast? 86.107. Flu Do you experience PMS (Premenstrual syndrome)? 87.108. Hepatitis What was the year of your last pap smear? Year: ______88.109. Gamma Have you Globulin experienced difficulties with infertility? 89.Fill Pneumovax in the number of each of the following: Number 90.110. Varicella Pregnancies Exposure111. Children History born alive Yes No 91.112. Have Premature you ever births smoked cigarettes regularly? (if no, skip to question 102) 113. CesareanIf yes, operationshow old were you when you started smoking? ______114. StillbirthsHow many years have you or did you smoke? ______115. MiscarriagesHow many cigarettes per day (on average)? ______92.116. Do Abortions you smoke cigarettes now? If you quit smoking, how old were you when you quit? ______93. When you were growing up, did any members of your family smoke daily If yes, specify relationship to you (example: father): ______94. Currently, do any members of your household smoke regularly? If yes, specify relationship to you (example: spouse): ______95. Do you drink more than 3 cups of caffeinated coffee, tea or soda per day? 96. Do you drink any alcohol? (if no, skip to question 109) 97. How often do you typically have a drink containing alcohol? (circle one which applies): a) Every day b) 3-5 days per week c) 1-2 days per week d) 1-2 times per month e) 1-2 times per year 98. Have you ever had or been told that you have a drinking problem? 99. Have you ever used illicit injection/IV drugs (heroin, amphetamines, etc.) 7

Personal History Yes No Have you had any of the following diagnostic tests or procedures performed? 121. Chest X-RAY 122. Electrocardiogram (EKG) 123. TB Skin test 124. X-rays of hands or feet 125. Cat Scan, MRI, or Ultrasound If yes, list year and body part scanned: ______Have you had any of the following conditions? Yes No 126. Cataracts 127. Glaucoma 128. Anemia 129. Gall Stones 130. Kidney Stone 131. Ulcers 132. Phlebitis 133. Tuberculosis 134. High Cholesterol 135. High Triglycerides 136. Asthma 137. Diabetes Mellitus-Type I (early onset) 138. Diabetes Mellitus-Type II (late onset) 139. Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis 140. Crohn’s disease 141. Ulcerative colitis 142. Gout 143. More than 15 pound weight gain or loss in the last year 144. Do you often take antacids or laxatives? 145. Have you ever been exposed to any toxic chemicals in the course of your work or daily activities? If yes, please list the name of the toxic chemical(s):______146. Have you ever been treated for a venereal disease? If so, list diagnosis and year: 147. Has anybody in your family ever had Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus, Discoid Lupus, Scleroderma or Myositis? If so, who and which disease:______148. Have you had Physical Therapy in the last year? 149. Have you ever had Plastic Surgery? If so, of what nature and when:______150. If you have served in the military, please list the service and years:

151. Is there anything important in your medical history that we did not ask which might be useful for the doctors to know? Document Number: 1 8

NOTICE OF PATIENT INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS 8737 Beverly Blvd., 301 and 302, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Pursuant to the health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), this notice to you that with respect to your medical and health care records at this office, you have the following rights:


In Accordance with 45 C.F.R. §164.524, you have the right to access and copy your own protected health information (“PHI”) maintained in “designated record sets”. A designated record set includes your medical records and billing records maintained in this office. Our office is required to respond to your request for access and/or copying of your records within 30 days following receipt of a written request from you. If your records are not accessible on site in the office, we are required to respond within 60 days. If for some reason we deny your request to access or copy your records, you may appeal that denial to the contact person/privacy officer at this office, whose name, phone number and address are listed below. You may be charged a reasonable fee for costs associated with the copying of your records. These costs typically will be ten cents ($0.10) per page for standard reproduction of documents of a size 8 ½ by 14 inches or less and reasonable clerical costs incurred in locating and making the records available to be billed at the maximum rate of sixteen dollars ($16.00) per hour per person, computed on the basis of four dollars ($4.00) per quarter hour or fraction thereof and actual postage charges


In accordance with 45 C.F.R. §164.526, you have the right to amend erroneous or incomplete PHI, unless the information was not created by our office, or the information is not in a “designated record set”, or is accurate and complete, or would not be available for inspection under the previous section. Our office is required to respond within 60 days, following receipt of a written request from you, by granting or denying your request. If we deny your request, you may file a statement of disagreement which will be included in your records. If you grant your request to amend the records, we will make the correction in all affected records, inform our business associates and others regarding the correction as needed and we will inform you when the correction has been made. Any corrections that may be made will conform to the medical practice model for amending medical records in order to retain the integrity of the original entry but append the correction.


In accordance with 45 C.F.R. §164.528, you have the right to obtain an “accounting” of disclosures of your PHI made within six years before the request, starting from the effective date of April 14, 2003. The accounting shall include disclosures of your PHI made by both our office and our business associates and shall include the date, receipt name and address, description of the information disclosed, and the purpose of the disclosure. Our office is required to respond within 60 days following a receipt of a written request from you. Disclosures exempt from the accounting requirement include those: (a) to carry out treatment, payment or health care operations; (b) to you or your personal representatives; (c) for

Notice of Patient Rights Page 1 of 2 9 incidental purposes such as the office sing-in sheet; (d) to family members and others involved in your care; (e) for national security or intelligence purposes; and (f) correctional institutions and other law enforcement agencies under the custodial exception.


In accordance with 45 C.F.R. §164.522(a), you have the right to request restrictions on how our office will use or disclose your PHI for treatment, payment, or health care operations and how your information will be disclosed to family members or others involved in your care. Our office is not required to agree to such restriction. However, if we agree, then we are obligated to comply with that agreement unless the information is required for an emergency, or is requested for law enforcement, judicial and administrative proceedings or research.


In accordance with §164.522 (b), we will accommodate reasonable request from you to receive communications of your PHI by alternative means or at alternative locations. For example, you may request our office not to send certain medical information to your home, so that a family member cannot access that information.


In accordance with 45 C.F.R. §164.520, you have the right to receive a notice of our office’s privacy practices that describe the uses and disclosures of PHI, you rights under the Privacy Standards and our legal duties regarding PHI. We are required to inform you of your right to complain to our office or the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) Secretary, if you believe that your privacy rights have been violated. If you have any questions or if you wish to register a complaint, the person to contact is the contact person/privacy officer at this office, whose name, phone number and address are listed below. The notice referred to in the preceding paragraph will be in plain language. Our office reserves the right to change its privacy practice in its privacy notice, but we will first publish a revised notice prior to any change in practices. Our office will provide its notice to patients upon request, at first service and on our Web Site if a web site is available.


As discussed in the section on uses and disclosures of PHI, infra, certain uses or disclosures will require your permission, whether consent, authorization or advance notice with an opportunity to object. In each of these circumstances, you have the right to grant or withhold that permission.


You have the right to complain if your privacy rights have been violated. You may complain to the contact person/privacy officer at this office, whose name, phone number and address are listed below. You may also complain to the DHSS Secretary through the Office of Civil Rights at 1-866-627-7748. We cannot require that you waive this right as a condition for providing treatment, payment or other services and cannot retaliate against you for lodging a complaint with the Secretary.

The contact person/privacy officer at this office is Karen Mullen, 8737 Beverly Blvd., Suite 302, Los Angeles CA 90048. Phone (310)652-2284.

Notice of Patient Rights Page 2 of 2 10 Document Number: 2

NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES 8737 Beverly Blvd., Suite 301 and 302, Los Angeles, CA 90048

Effective Date: April 14, 2003


If you have any questions about this notice, please contact our Privacy Officer/Contact Person, Karen Mullen, 8737 Beverly Blvd., Suite 302, Los Angeles, CA 90048 (310) 652-2284.

A. Who Will Follow This Notice

This Notice describes the privacy practices relating to protected health information (“PHI”) followed by the doctors, including but not limited to: Doctor Daniel Wallace and all of the employees and staff. The doctors, the office employees and staff may share your medical information with each other for treatment, payment of health care operations purposes described in this Notice.

B. Understanding Your Health Record/Information

Each time you visit a physician, hospital or other healthcare provider, a record of your visit is typically made. This record generally contains your symptoms, examinations and test results, diagnosis, treatment and plan for future care or treatment. This information serves as a basis for planning your car and treatment; a means of communication among the doctors and other healthcare providers that are involved in your care; a medical-legal document describing the care you have received; a means by which you or a third-party can verify that services billed were actually provided; a source of data for medical research, education and data collection; a source of information for public health officials charged with improving community health and other healthcare operations.

C. Our Policy Regarding Medical Information

We understand that medical information about you and your health (“PHI”) is personal. Our commitment to you is to protect medical information about you. Our office creates a record describing the care and services you receive at our office. This record is necessary in order to provide medical care to you and to comply with certain legal requirements. This notice applies to all of the records created in our office in connection with your care and treatment, whether made by the doctor and/or the employees and staff.

Notice of Privacy Practices for doctors @ 8737 Beverly Blvd. Page 1 of 11 11

Document Number: 3

PATIENT CONSENT TO NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES 8737 Beverly Blvd., Suite 301 and 302, Los Angeles, CA 90048

In Accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), you have been provided with our Notice of Privacy Practices that provides information about how we may use and disclose protected health information (“PHI”) about you. The notice provides a more complete description of information uses and disclosures.

As part of your healthcare, we maintain health records that describe your health history, symptoms, examinations and test results, diagnosis, treatment and plans for future care or treatment. This information serves as a basis for planning your care and treatment; a means of communication among other health professionals who contribute to your care; a source of information for applying your diagnosis and healthcare information to bill third parties; a means by which a third-party payer can verify that services billed were actually provided; and a toll for routine healthcare operations such as assessing quality and reviewing the delivery of medical services.

You have the right to review our Notice before signing this consent. As provided in our Notice, the terms of our notice and/or privacy practices may change. If we change our Notice and/or privacy practices, we will provide you with a revised copy by mailing it to your then-current address.

You have the right to object to the use of disclosure of your health information. You have the right to request that we restrict how PHI about you is used or disclosed for treatment, payment, or health care operations. We are not required to agree to this restriction, but if we do, we are bound by our agreement. By signing this form, you consent to our use and disclosure of PHI about you for treatment, payment and health care operations in accordance with the Notice of Privacy Practices. You have the right to revoke this consent, in writing, except where we have already made disclosures in reliance on your prior consent.

Initial {_____} I request the following restrictions to the use or disclosure of my health information:

I have received and read the Notice of Privacy Practices and consent to the use and disclosure of my health information for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations as described therein.

______Signature Date

Consent to Notice of Privacy Practices 12

Document Number:4


I, ______, hereby acknowledge that on ______, I received copies of the following documents:


DATED: ______

SIGNED: ______

______Acknowledgement of Receipt of Notice of Privacy Practices and Patient Rights 13

Document Number:5


Patient name: ______Home Number: ______

Date of birth: ______Cell Number: ______

I hereby authorize and request that ______Name of facility/individual

______Address City/State/Zip

Release information from my records to the following:

Name of the Facility/individual: ______

______Address City/State/Zip ______Fax number, if applicable Please be specific regarding record and dates requested Information to be released:

� Diagnosis and record of treatment ______Specific date/dates requested � Laboratory and/or X-ray reports ______Specific date/dates requested � Entire file (excluding confidential and psychiatric records, if any)

� Other______

Be advised that if you are requesting a copy of your medical record, a copying fee shall apply.

It is prohibited by law to release/disclose the attached/enclosed information to anyone except those specified above. I understand that this Authorization alone may not authorize release psychiatric or HIV information.

*In signing, I am aware that this Authorization is valid for 30 calendar days after today*

______Patient Signature Date ------Daniel J. Wallace, M.D. Use Only DISPOSITION/DATE: Mailed certified/return receipt requested (date) ______

Faxed (date and time) ______ID verification by______

� Records given to patient / date and time______Provider’s approval______

� Patient will pick up Patient Paid: Date:______

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