ABSENT: Art Torres, Ujala Batool
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SENATE MEETING MINUTES April 1, 2014 | 3:00-4:30p.m., | Location: 9C-5
VOTING: Arianna Rivera, Jonnathan Ortez, Claudia Walukouw, Melissa Villa, Nora Azzawi, Elizabeth Bravo, Fernando Aguayo, Jocelyn Ang, Tanner Naas, Erik Ruiz, Paola Mendoza, Ayo Osilaja, DD Kuffel ABSENT: Art Torres, Ujala Batool NON-VOTING: Adrian Del Villar GUESTS: Karina Maureira, Amayrani Ochoa, Dunia Valladares, members of robotics team, Matt Pawlak, Rachel I. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 3:01pm by Adrian Del Villar
IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion to approve the minutes of 3/18, 3/25, 3/27: M/S Nora Azzawi/Jocelyn Ang. Vote: 13/0/0.
V. OPEN FORUM Karina Maureira reminded the board the the resolution and bill on today’s agenda have been postponed due to lack of time, and she would like to see addressed today. Rachel from the ASL Club expressed her concerned about the ASL Club being able to participate in the Culture Fair. Edwin Romero will discuss this with her after the meeting.
VI. INFORMATION & ANNOUNCEMENTS 4:00 – Budget Presentation – Global Opportunites/Tamra Horton
VII. DISCUSSION & ACTION ITEMS A. Transfer of Funds – Livestock Program – Motion to approve $600.00 to be moved from the Livestock Conference fund to Livestock Supplies fund: M/S Jocelyn Ang/Erik Ruiz. Matt Pawlak spoke of the need of this. Vote: 13/0/0. B. Appropriation #16 – That the Associated Students approve an amount not to exceed $2,370.00 to fund the Society of Physics club to attend a conference in Colorado in June 2014. M/S Jonnathan Ortez/Erik Ruiz. Amendment: Claudia Walukouw moves to remove the hotel and vehicle charges, leaving an amount to be approved as $1,570.00. Tanner Naas seconds. Vote: 12/1/0 Main motion: Vote: 12/1/0. Appropriation passes for $1,570.00 for flights, food and shipping charges. C. Appropriation #18 – That the Associated Students approve an amount not to exceed $593.20 for catering for an Earth week event. M/S Jocelyn Ang/Nora Azzawi. Discussion followed. Vote: 13/0/0. Appropriation passes. D. Resolution #2 – That the Associated Students approve to endorse Mary Su for Council Member. M/S Jocelyn Ang/Melissa Villa. Karina Maureira spoke in support of this. Maryann Tolano-Leveque explained that this resolution passing would mean that this is the official opinion of the Associated Students and Mt. SAC. Vote: 0/6/7. Resolution fails.
Senate Meeting Minutes A.S. documents are retained for four years, per FCMAT guidelines. Page 1 of 2 SENATE MEETING MINUTES April 1, 2014 | 3:00-4:30p.m., | Location: 9C-5
E. Bill #6 – That the Associated Students approve revisions to the Organizational Directive (i.e. Adding Section 6: No Mt. SAC student can be appointed to a different senate position while currently seated as an A.S. senator. If they wish to run for a new position, they must first resign from their current position by the 2nd week of the semester) M/S Jocelyn Ang/ Tanner Naas. Discussion followed. Amendment: Nora Azzawi/Jocelyn Ang, to change the wording to read “resign by the end of the 2nd week of the semester”. Vote: 11/0/2. Main motion: Vote: 11/0/2. Bill passes, as amended.
VIII. REPORTS A.S. Advisor - Maryann Tolano-Leveque reminded all the check emails for agenda and back up documentation that is normally sent out the Friday before our meetings. Please review material prior to meeting and be prepared to discuss. Next Wednesday is the Culture Fair, volunteers are needed. Publicity is everyone’s responsibility, not just the Publicity Senator. The Leadership “it” was given to Adrian Del Villar by Jocelyn Ang. A.S. President – May Ochoa and Dunia Valladares have split up the list of A.S. officers and will be meeting with each one to discuss goals. Please email her your availability to do this. Regarding the housing on campus, PAC met briefly, and a task force is forming. However, this is NOT an adopted project as of yet. Since no one has volunteered for this task force, she is appointing Tanner Naas and Jonnathan Ortez, as they do not currently sit on committees. She reminded all senators that they must attend two Executive Board meetings per semester. Student Trustee – Karina Maureira reminded all of the board meeting tomorrow night. Bill Lambert from the Foundation relays his thanks to those that volunteered for the spelling bee. Public Safety Officer Kelly has approached Karina about having workshops for the “shooter on campus”, Karina wants to know if we should proceed with this. Karina also spoke about an alumni event she wants to put together. ICC Report – Alice Terriquez announced there will be a food drive for the Pomona Center, she is getting clubs involved. She encourages all to dress up for the Culture Fair. There is a blood drive in two weeks. Committee Reports – As May Ochoa reported, Dunia Valladares and she will be meeting with senators. She reminded all the get their A.S. hours in during Culture Fair. Also, to clarify the use of abstentions when voting, you should only abstain in the following conditions: 1) you are not prepared to vote, 2) you weren’t here for the information, 3) conflict of interest. Melissa Villa reported that the Art Gallery is open Thursdays 11-2.
X. BOARD COMMUNICATION – Claudia Walukouw is passing around a sign up sheet for Culture Fair. Nora Azzawi is working on the water bottle attachments, she will meet with her contact person in Facilities to discuss where these stations will be. Also, a sustainability fair is forthcoming. She reminded all to have no “side conversations” during meetings. D.D. Kuffel needs to get publicity out for the Culture Fair, also reminded all to nominate an Educator of Distinction. Adrian Del Villar congratulated all on a great 1st meeting, reminded everyone to speak loud and clearly. The meeting was adjourned at 4:25pm. Leslie J Hennings
Senate Meeting Minutes A.S. documents are retained for four years, per FCMAT guidelines. Page 2 of 2