Randolph College Staff Advisory Committee
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Randolph College Staff Advisory Committee
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 9:30 a.m., Casner
Present: Kathy Dupree (vice chair), Tina Hill, President Klein, Beth Knabel (secretary), Bob Lanning, Joy McGrath, Sharon Saunders, Joan Smith, and Cathy Williams (chair). Not present: Bob Hefner
I. Call to order by Cathy Williams, chair, at 9:35
II. Announcements & Reminders
Sharon Saunders announced that faculty and staff photos will be posted on the portal with employee data in our online directory listing. Target date is early August 2009. Employees will have the option to hide their photo by changing their display settings in the Online Directory Listing on the My Account page of the Portal. The intent is to help employees get to know each other by associating the name with their photo. 2009-10 academic catalogs are now available.
III. Discussion of Beat the Heat Tuesday Well attended, cost was manageable, social accomplished the goal. Continue with one per semester. Cathy will work with Cindy Lyons on a date and time for Community Coffee in the Fall. Sharon will work on April date for Faculty/Staff recognition.
III. Agenda Items
a. Admission/Enrollment/Retention Efforts
Faculty/Staff will receive an e-mail memo this week to ask their help with referring and bringing prospective students to Virginia Private College week. Other ideas: Tours are happening all year round; be mindful of tidiness in your area Don’t forget to use the “speaking tradition”, greet everyone you pass on campus and offer to help Senior staff worked on a simple narrative of our distinguishing features A Top Ten Reasons to Attend Randolph College list has been developed. Suggest printing a wallet card for staff, or printing full-size and framing for reference in staff offices. Objective is to help staff be more comfortable talking about the College and what we do well. A copy of the Top Ten Reasons will be provided at the August meeting. Staff members encouraged to take a Gold Key tour.
IV. Open Agenda no items presented
V. Next meeting – August 19, 2009, 9:30 am, Casner
Meeting was adjourned at 10:38 am by Cathy Williams, chair.