Watertown Senior and Community Center s1
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Meeting Minutes February 18, 2016 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Watertown Senior and Community Center
Introductions and review of agenda Attendance: Ashley Nelson, Susan Wollin, Abbey Frye, Gary Fisk, Andrea Turke, Kelli Kuenzi, Tina Crave
Review of events and resources Community Giving Project o Created a “Voice of the People” for the Watertown Daily Times . Waiting to see the article printed in the paper City will be applying for a grant for the bike path as posted in the Watertown Daily Times on 1/27/2016 Park and Rec Department is pushing for more micro parks throughout the community o Concord Ave and Oconomowoc Ave . Community member, Dot Steinberg, saw weeds cut down every year and wanted to see more greenery; began the initiative Goal Planning o Utilizing the Logic Model . Goal #1: Increase membership to core committee Committee completed this goal for 2016 Important Notes: 1. Tina Crave—Explanation of the Greater Watertown Community Health Foundation o LifePoint now has 80% ownership of the hospital, remaining 20% is held by the community foundation o Grants will be available for the community to apply ($50-60 million invested for health related issues=we have resources available) Focuses on chronic disease, physical activity, nutrition, etc. 2. Tina Crave—Questions about SNAP vs. WIC o Discussion about farmer’s markets and promoting these services in the community o Food Pantry—can they offer resources to those who need them through WIC, SNAP, etc. o Wal-Mart provides produce to WS & CC o Community members brings Brownberry bread around town 3. Andrea Turke-Reach out to the WACC regarding mental health providers . Goal #2: Creating a stronger presence in the Watertown community Committee began discussions on this goal 1. Will complete at next meeting in March
Community Health Priorities Access to Care – Andrea o 109 patient visits in January o 21% focused on mental health o 16% focused on hypertension o Max drug savings: asthma o Minimum drug savings: thyroid
Active Community Environments—Gary
o Walk on Saturday
. Numbers are down a little
. Jan 23-23
. Jan 30-9 (alternative site—Shopko; hospital location did not work due to privacy)
. Feb 6-20
. Feb 13-21
. High school may be on lock down moving forward, so we’ll have to be mindful of certain areas not being accessible for walkers
Park and Rec—Kelli
o All activities are still going from last month’s update
o Discussion was had that Cindy has concern about those people who cannot afford programming
. Grant/scholarships are available to help with costs of programming . Very supportive of those in financial need
o Candlelight Hike Through the Woods-February 6th
. Extremely successful!
. Attendance was challenging to gauge due to many people starting at various locations, however, an estimated 800 people attended
. Looking to change the date to the Winter Solstice instead moving forward
o Babysitting class is full
. Another instructor was added
. Held on 3/21-3/22
o Youth archery sign up is going on
o Men’s open gym is starting
o Foot Sole-indoor soccer program
o 5th Grade Girls’ Basketball—35 girls
o 10 teams for WHS intermural basketball
o Swimming sessions available
o No school, open pool to be available during spring break
o Senior walking program busy downstairs at the Park and Rec
o 5 individuals are signed up for lifeguarding classes
o Watertown Aquatics-35 individuals
. Will begin again in mid-May
o 6 exercise classes available
o Disc golf—35 people came out for an event
o Girls on the Run registration is beginning
o Spring soccer, softball, and baseball sign-ups beginning
WUSD/ Food Systems—Joan o No current update
Other Items
Facebook update—Abbey o 170 likes, 2 are new this week o Jan 22-posted about the Walk on Saturday-27 individuals saw o Jan 28-posted about the alternative route for the Walk on Saturday- 64 views o Posted about Wear Red Day-34 views o Posted about the Food Drive/Walk on Saturday-177 people viewed o Posted about the Food Drive/Walk on Saturday again-71 people viewed
Meeting To Do’s:
o Tina-learn more about backpack program: how many churches, schools, children
o Gary-learn more about Bread and Roses (Sarah Stocks in on the committee)
o Ashley-learn more about Loafs and Fishes
o Andrea-learn more about WACC’s mental health program and any food donations
o Susan-learn more/reach out to Joan at WUSD and Food Pantry
o Abbey-WIC
o Kelly-learn more about Second Harvest and donation to community center
Focus for Next Month:
o Complete second portion of goals for 2016
o Provide updates from “To Do’s” based on Goal #1
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17th (St. Patrick’s Day) from 8 a.m.-9 a.m. at the Watertown Senior and Community Center.