The Formal Study of Spanish, French, and Italian Consists of Courses in Language at The
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October 29, 2004
TO: Robert Mrtek, Chair Senate Committee on Educational Policy
FROM: Roger Nelson Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
I am submitting for review and action by the Senate Committee on Educational Policy the attached proposal from the Department of Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese in the College Liberal Arts and Sciences to eliminate the Bachelor of Arts in French Business Studies.
The proposed change was approved by the department on June 22, 2004, and by the College Educational Policy Committee on August 30, 2004.
RN: Attachment
Cc: C. Hulse R. Betts E. Pollack A. Tantillo T. Ford B. VanPatten P. V. Conroy Department of Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese
Title: Elimination of the Bachelor of Arts in French Business Studies
Sponsor: Department of Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Description: The Department of Spanish, French, Italian and Portuguese proposes the elimination of the B.A. in French Business Studies
Justification: The French section believes that students are better served either by enrolling directly in the College of Business Administration (and minoring in French, taking French classes, or studying abroad) or by adhering to the regular French major. Students majoring in French but interested in business can still take business French classes during their time spent studying abroad. In addition, many of our composition/conversation courses include training in such important skills as writing formal letters or making presentations in French. In the past, French 378 and 379, Business French I and II, have been underenrolled. The last time they were taught, there were 9 and 3 students, respectively, and at the present time we have no faculty free to teach these courses on the regular basis that would be needed to keep the business French major as a viable option for our students. In addition, only two students in the last four years have majored in French Business Studies; students who are interested in the major seem to find the classes in marketing, economics, accounting and management difficult to enroll in or complete. Furthermore, the opportunity afforded students in the College of Business Administration (CBA) to study at the ESC in Le Havre, Normandy, further supports our opinion that students interested in business should approach CBA directly. CBA students are quite welcome to take French courses with us.
Catalog Statement: See attachment
Minority Impact Statement: None
Budgetary and Staff Implications: None
Library Resource Implications: None
Space Implications: None
Unit approval date: June 22, 2004
LAS Educational Policy Committee approval date: August 30, 2004
Faculty approval date: October 5, 2004
Proposed Effective Date: Fall 2005
2 Present Proposed
The formal study of Spanish, French, and Italian consists Same of courses in language at the basic, intermediate, and advanced levels, as well as courses in the literature and culture of the countries where these languages are spoken. Teacher education forms an integral part of the department’s offerings in Spanish and French. The study of Spanish, French, and Italian prepares the student for advanced and graduate study in literature and/or linguistics, for use in business, industry, social services, and health-related fields. The department also offers its majors the opportunity to Same take Portuguese for speakers of Spanish that allows the Spanish major to reach an acceptable degree of proficiency in the second most important Peninsular and Latin American language. The curriculum in Spanish-Economics gives students a Same strong grounding in the analytical tools of economics, an understanding of how the national and global economies operate, and both written and oral fluency in the Spanish language, with particular emphasis on the integration of the two disciplines. The curriculum in French Business Studies provides Delete special training in business French and business theory in cooperation with the College of Business Administration. This major prepares students for careers in international business and banking and related areas. The Department of Spanish, French, Italian, and Same Portuguese offers programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts with majors in Spanish, French, and Italian, as well as the Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of Spanish and Teaching of French. Minors are also offered in Spanish, French, Italian, and the Teaching of Spanish and Teaching of French.
Curriculum in French Business Studies Delete Students who successfully complete the requirements of the curriculum are awarded the Bachelor of Arts in French Business Studies. For information on admission, additional graduation requirements, and academic regulations in the college, see College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Requirements Hours Engl 160, 161 6 Humanities 9 Social sciences 9 Natural sciences 13 Cultural Diversity 3 Fr 200 3 Fr 201, 202 6 Fr 231, 232 6 Native French speakers substitute other 200- or 300-level courses for Fr 231 and 232.
3 Present Proposed
Fr 301 or 302 3 Delete Fr 333, 334 6 Fr 378, 379 6 Fr 390 3 Fr 390 fulfills the Writing-in-the-Discipline requirement. Actg 110, 111 6 Econ 120, 121, 220 9 Mktg 360 3 Mgmt 340, 350 6 IDS 100 4 Electives 19
Total Hours 120
In addition to those courses required for the program, no more than 24 hours may be taken in courses offered by the College of Business Administration. Because of limitations on the number of spaces available in the program, students should declare the major in the department office. They will be considered upon successful completion of Fr 232. Students in this program are urged to spend a year in the Illinois Program in Paris. They are encouraged to prepare for the qualifying diploma offered by the Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris.
4 Courses to be Dropped
FR 378 Business French I 3 hours. Survey of French institutions and various commercial and industrial fields; practice in writing social and business letters; conversational practice reflecting needs of workplace. Prerequisite(s): FR 232.
FR 379 Business French II 3 hours. Advanced business correspondence; translation of business texts from and into French; advanced oral work using specialized vocabularies in preparation for Paris Chamber of Commerce examination. Prerequisite(s): FR 232.