Welcome to the Latest Magazine. I Have It on Good Authority That As
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DECEMBER 2015 & JANUARY 2016 Welcome to the latest magazine. I have it on good authority that as from today there are only 40 more sleeps until Christmas! Hopefully all your preparations are going well or maybe you are like me and leave it until the last minute! As this is the last magazine before the festive season I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hope to see you all at the New Year's celebration in the village Hall. If you are new to the village I hope you will soon settle in and enjoy living in our community. You will find useful information about what’s on and also important telephone numbers in this magazine.
NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY in the Village Hall, Hall Lane Tickets: Adults £5.00, 7-16yrs £3 under 7's free Includes Buffet, Bar and Disco There will also be a raffle on the night Doors open at 7.00pm til late Contact 01205 480341 for tickets Any profits made will be donated to Lives (Last year’s profit was £89.84) S.O.S. FROM THE COMMUNITY COMMITTEE The Community Committee held an Emergency Meeting on 11 November to re-elect a new Chairman to replace Tony Lewis who died recently. Unfortunately not many members were present and Phil Odlin, the Vice- Chairman, offered his resignation, which came as a bombshell to us all. After much thought and discussion Nick Gosling agreed to take over as Acting Chairman until the A.G.M. in May next year as well as continuing the considerable task of Booking Secretary. The existing committee, who are nearly all of senior years, feel that the time has come to appeal for new members, either representing clubs who use the halls or interested villagers who would like to help govern and maintain this worthwhile and much loved amenity. If you would like more information please contact Doreen Cooley (01205 480397). If anyone, or even two people, has an hour to spare on Friday morning/afternoon to set out the tables and chairs for Bingo this would be much appreciated. Our sincere thanks go to Phil who has worked untiringly for many years to help keep the buildings in good condition, most recently completely redecorating the Youth Centre. His input will be much missed.
Many thanks for all your help. Best wishes Doreen As we all know the Festive Season is nearly upon us so we would like to help you out with your shopping! We will be taking orders for any meat products, which will be supplied by Mountains Butchers, and any fruit and veg orders. Any order will be ready to collect from Stickney Post Office during Christmas week. Take the hassle out of going into town by letting us help you! We would also like to wish each and every one of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR Linda and Alan (Order sheets will be available at the shop from 01 December.) WHAT’S ON WEEKLY IN STICKNEY? (Fixed weekly meetings in the Village Hall (VH) and Youth Centre (YC))
TUESDAY’S Ballet & Tap Dance Class 4.00pm - 6.00pm (YC) 01205 480851 Ages 3 –10 years 07496 305167 Ladies Club 7.30pm (2nd Tues in month) (YC) 01205 480292
Badminton Junior and Senior 7.00pm (VH) 01205 368077
Stickney & District Gardening Club 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802 (4th Tuesday in month)
WEDNESDAY’S Short Mat Bowls 1.00pm - 4.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Table Tennis 7.30pm (winter months only) (YC) 01205 481212
Thursday Over 60’s Club 1.30pm - 4.00pm (YC) 01205 480802 (1st Thursday in month)
Short Mat Bowls 6.30pm - 9.00pm (VH) 01205 480397
Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm (YC) 01205 270352 (First Thursday in the month with Public Forum 7.20pm)
FRIDAY’S Cash Bingo, eyes down 7.30pm (YC) 01205 480802
November 28 Prize Bingo Doors open 6.30pm, eyes down 7.30pm Proceeds to St Luke’s Church (YC) ST LUKE’S CHURCH "Generous God - Generous Living!" is the title of our Advent booklet for December 2015. It contains daily reflection for individuals, as well as four studies for groups, and some beautiful illustrations. If you would like a copy please ask Rev. Fran or one of your Church friends. We have set up three study groups in our Church Cluster and would welcome any curious individuals to join us and share thoughts or just come along to listen. Meetings last around one and a half to two hours and include light refreshments. December brings several CHRISTMAS SERVICES to St Luke's. On Sunday 06 we are hosting a CHRISTINGLE for the Cluster of Churches; Thursday 17 the Primary School have their worship celebration; Sunday 20th our CAROL SERVICE with mince pies and cake; Thursday, 24 MIDNIGHT HOLY COMMUNION and Friday 25 a MORNING GATHERING for a special birthday. CAROLS with coffee on Thursdays sounds a good idea too! Through December and January we will have a collection box in Church for donations of tins and packets of food as well as soap, toothpaste and other useful items for CENTREPOINT in Boston. It is our way of acknowledging that Christmas and the New Year can be a struggle and a challenge for some people. We will also have a collecting box at the back of Church to raise funds for SHELTER BOXES. This is how our Deanery wants to help refugee families in disastrous circumstances, providing basic survival equipment. The AUCTION on the last day of October raised approx. £730.00 for the Church Cluster, a great amount! We had so much support and help, and lots of good humour. Thank you for all your generous giving of prizes, money, time and words of encouragement through another busy year now drawing to its close. The empty calendars and diaries we opened on January 01 2015 are now filled with reminders of so much that has happened. This year, as always, we end with the familiar story of a Baby born in a stable, fleeing with his parents to Egypt to escape death at the hands of a cruel dictator - becoming refugees seeking safety from war and persecution - sounds familiar. We pray 2016 will bring hope and peace to all who have suffered pain and heartache through past months. May God's Love and blessings be with you through this Christmas and the New Year. Rural Dean: Canon Peter Coates 01790 752526 Parish Priest and PCC Chairperson: Rev’d Fran Jeffries 01205 481183 Church Wardens : Mrs A Brady 01205 480661 Mrs B Gosling 01205 480641 PCC Secretary: Mrs M Weston 01205 480127 Treasurer (General Funds): Mrs D Cooley 01205 480397 Treasurer (Fabric Fund): Mrs B Gosling 01205 480641 DECEMBER CHURCH SERVICES Sunday 06 11.15pm Cluster Christingle at Stickney Sunday 13 9.30am Morning Worship Tuesday 15 3.00pm Holy communion at the Old Rectory Care Home Sunday 20 3.00pm Carol Service Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion Christmas Day 10.00am Family Service
Sunday 27 11.15am Cluster Holy Communion at New Leake
Every Thursday 9.00am Morning Prayer JANUARY CHURCH SERVICES Sunday 03 11.15am Cluster Holy Communion at Stickford Sunday 10 10.00am Plough Sunday at Sausthorpe Tuesday 19 3.00pm Holy Communion at the Old Rectory Care Home Sunday 17 11.15am All Age Worship with music by The New Name Sunday 24 9.30am Holy Communion
The Church is open daily from 9.30am until late afternoon. There is a good range of second-hand books and jigsaws for sale in the church, all proceeds are for St Luke’s church. A coffee morning is held from 10.00am every Thursday. KIDDIES CORNER Mini Christmas Cakes
These are great to make with your kids as they can do all the weighing (great for numeracy skills), mixing, cracking of eggs and decorating. All you're left with is the clearing up!
Method Line base of the tins with greaseproof paper (we've used empty tuna tins). Cream together the butter and sugar until fluffy. Beat the eggs and add to the mixture a little at a time, beating well. Sieve the flour and stir into the mixture. Stir in the fruit and orange juice. Spoon into the tins. Cook at 130degrees C for approx. 40 mins Cover loosely with cling film and decorate whenever you are ready. These will last for months so you can make them in advance, feed with alcohol if you wish and use them as presents for teachers, friends or family.
Ho Ho Ho
Q. What goes "oh, oh, oh”?? A: Santa walking backwards! Q. Who looks after Father Christmas when he's ill? A: The National Elf Service! Q. Who is Santa's most famous elf? A. Elfvis!! Christmas Picture to colour
Twig Trees
Winter Wonderland Can you find the words hidden in the box? They may be horizontal or vertical.
Be kind and helpful and spread good cheer. Merry Christmas Everyone Stickney Bus Service! The market day service is available on 09 & 23 December, 06 & 20 January and 03 and 17 February. The cost of the service is £5.00 per person. You can book your seat by phoning 01205 480241.
Mobile Library Visits The mobile library visits Stickney on MONDAY’S at the Youth Centre, Hall Lane between 10.15am and 11.15am and at Horbling Lane between 11.30am and 12.00noon. The next visits will be 28 December 2015, 25 January 2016 and 29 February 2016.
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Stickney Primary School Friday 11 December Farmers Market. We expect lots of stalls selling everything from vegetables to crafts. There will also be competitions, a raffle and refreshments. If anyone would like to hold a stall of their own, please contact the school on 01205 480254. Gardening tips: As I write, the weather is unseasonably mild and it is difficult to think ahead to the cold frosty days and nights that will surely come. It pays to organise your work carefully, just in case good days are few and far between. Here then are a few jobs for the next couple of months to keep us busy in between opening presents and having another spoonful of Christmas pudding! For December: 1} In mild weather open up cloches, frames and greenhouse vents for an hour to change the air and avoid those damp stale conditions that invite diseases. 2} When we do start to get frosts, which can be sharp and prolonged, protect frames and cloches with some kind of insulation. If you have winter salads and other crops in the greenhouse, cover them with newspapers on very cold nights. 3} Empty mature compost heaps and move barrow loads of manure around the garden, stacking it in heaps near the parts of the garden that will need it when conditions improve. 4} Take a little time to check over various tools. Clean, oil and if necessary sharpen any that need it, replacing or repairing handles or some other worn part. 5} Enjoy the improved flavour of many winter crops such as parsnips, Savoy cabbages and Brussels sprouts which come after the frost has been on them. And for January: Again the weather will dictate how much you can do outdoors. The Romans apparently called this period Preparing Time so now is the time to prepare for the coming season: 1} Order seeds and seed potatoes and a couple placed in a container and kept in a warm place will give some very early results. 2} Aim for a slightly acid soil with a PH of 6.5; if you want to grow cabbages or other members of the brassica family then aim to raise the calcium levels by adding lime. 3} Force rhubarb outdoors by placing large inverted pots over a few crowns. If you did this last year, do not force the same crowns. Finally a word from Joseph Addison to inspire us all in our gardening endeavours for the next few months, "I have always thought a kitchen garden a more pleasant sight than the finest orangery."
Happy Christmas and good gardening in the New Year and, of course, Happy Gardening. EVERGREENS MINITURE RAILWAY
Santa Special Saturday 05 December 2015 11.00am – 3.00pm Admission: £10.00 family ticket (2 Adults & 2 Children) Or £3.00 Adults and £2.00 Children Prices include a visit to Santa with present then unlimited additional train rides! A free tea or coffee for adults! www.evergreens-miniture-railway.co.uk
THE PARROT ZOO Christmas Cracker! Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 December Entrance to the Zoo for everyone £2.50 Santa’s Grotto from 12noon £5.00 per child includes gift A weekend of fun and festivities for the whole family! Traditional Christmas Market on Sunday with Festive Food, Carol Singing & Cheerleading www.parrotzoo.com Stickney Show 2016
Plans are under way to hold the Stickney Show on 16 July 2016 – make a note in your diary! In order to keep this a Cheap Family Fun Day Out the Jubilee Committee will be holding fund raising events each month on the run-up to the Show.
A report of the Craft Fair and Christmas Tree Festival will be given in the February Stickney News.
Dates for your diary in 2016 for the fund raising events:
30 January Pig Racing - Fun for all the family! You can purchase a Pig and become the jockey at the Pig Racing! There will be different races for each age group, come along and have a go! Look in the village notice boards, on the Parish Website, in the local press and on social media for further details. Sponsors are required for each race too! If you would like to sponsor a race please contact Cllr L Edwards on 01790 760558 – thank you.
27 February Country & Western Evening – artists being sought!
19 March Easter prize Bingo. This was a very well attended event last year and it is hoped we can do the same in 2016!
23 April Sausage & Mash Supper with Auction of Pledges. Again another great evening out last year, if you missed it give it a go in 2016. If you have anything you can pledge for the auction look out for details of how to do this in the February magazine.
21 May Horse Race Night! Another night out for all the family! Race sponsors will be needed and anyone can own a horse, name it and also name the jockey. More information will be given nearer the time.
18 June A walking Treasure Hunt using the public footpaths in the village and finishing at the Village Hall.
Hopefully there is something for everyone to attend, or join in with.
STICKNEY LADIES CLUB Invite you to join us for our XMAS CELEBRATION With the SALVATION ARMY At 7.30pm on TUESDAY 08 DECEMBER 2015 in STICKNEY VILLAGE HALL Entrance £2.50 (includes tea/coffee & mince pies) Everyone is welcome – the more the merrier GRAND RAFFLE Resident’s Association The Residents Association has been very busy this year. Members have been busy collecting signatures with regards to asking for a road crossing at Main Road. The petition has now been handed to our County Councillor, Victoria Ayling, who will present the petition to the full Lincolnshire County Council, on our behalf, on Friday 20 November 2015. A computer class for adults is set to start on the 22 February 2016 at the William Lovell Academy. The cost is £1 per person, per session. The class will run from 5.00pm to 6.00pm on a Tuesday evening. The tutor is the head of IT at the William Lovell Academy, Matthew Brown, who is donating his time free of charge. The hire of the school etc will be covered by the small class cost, grant money and money raised by the Residents Association Committee members.
The next meeting will be held in January 2016.
Thank you! The Parish Council would like to thank all the people and groups who have given information for the Stickney News in 2015. Not only is it important to have news of events to pass around the village, but it is important to have the people who deliver the magazines to each property in Stickney – thank you very much to you all. This is also a good opportunity to thank anyone who runs the groups, organises fund raising events and those who attend the groups and clubs in Stickney. Let’s see if 2016 can be a busy! If anyone has any ideas of items they may like to see in the Stickney News please let us know. Meanwhile we would like to wish all the contributors, the delivery people and all the readers of Stickney News a HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR!
THE LAW ON CLEARING SNOW AND ICE FROM THE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC SPACES There is no law stopping you from clearing snow and ice from the pavement outside your property, pathways to your property or public spaces. This includes both public carriages and footways. If an accident did occur it is highly unlikely that you would be sued as long as you: Are careful Use common sense to make sure that you do not make the pavement or pathway clearly more dangerous than before People using areas affected by snow and ice also have a responsibility to be careful themselves.
DO work from the footway at all times – working towards oncoming traffic wherever possible. DO NOT lift too much snow or ice at one time – compacted snow can be very heavy. DO NOT use hot water to melt snow or ice – it may refreeze for form ‘black ice’ DO place snow on the verge or grassed areas DO NOT obstruct accesses or footpaths with the snow DO place snow at edges of footways net to the road – this helps to form a barrier between cars and pedestrians DO put sand or ash down on cleared areas – this will give grip to walkers DO use grit/salt from grit bins sparingly DO NOT use grit/salt from highway grit bins on private property – that is theft You DO NOT need a lot of salt – a teaspoon of salt per square metre will defrost ice patches DO NOT work in blizzard conditions
Advice received from Lincolnshire County Council
Present: Cllrs Lamy-Edwards, Dodds, Edwards, and Bolland (Chairman), Dist Cllrs Ashton and Jones Apologies: were accepted from Cllrs Littlewood, Spring and Wood and County Cllr Ayling
There were three members of the public present. Questions were asked, and answered, about the Jubilee Committee.
Reports From Representatives On Outside Bodies Dist Cllr Jones asked if anything had been heard regarding the situation with West Fen – nothing has despite a further email request for information. Dist Cllr Ashton reported: The East Lindsey Local Plan needs to be in place in early 2017, if it is not the Government will prepare one and charge ELDC the costs incurred. Flood Risk Assessments are a problem in surrounding areas therefore putting pressure on Stickney and Sibsey regarding future development. Work on the Planning Policy will be delayed until the Local Plan has been sorted out. Complaints have been received regarding Fodderdyke Bank, this will be chased up. Planning Applications Received The following plans were looked and SUPPORTED: S/169/01938/15 – Mr S & Mrs J Fuller – Extension to existing dwelling to provide an additional bedroom on first floor at Almond Lodge, Main Road, Stickney S/169/02077/15 – Waterloo Housing Group – construction of a vehicular access and hardstanding area at 42 Horbling Lane, Stickney. The following plans were looked at and NO OBSERVATIONS were made: S/169/01915/15 – Ms C Waagensen – Outline erection of 4 houses (with means of access to be considered), redundant outbuildings on site to be demolished at The Nook, Main Road, Planning Decisions FULL planning permission has been received for: S/169/01511//15 - Mr & Mrs Knight - Change of use of part of existing house to provide a retail area for cakes with an external plant growing and plant sales area and associated car parking (works already completed) at Mill House, Main Road, Stickney To Discuss the Draft Budget for the Year Ended 31 March 2017 Councillors were sent a copy of the draft budget and budget notes. It was resolved not to increase the cemetery fees. Changes were made to the budget to set the precept at £17,000.00, this will be confirmed at the next meeting. To Consider a Donation to The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal £20.00 will be sent to Tattershall for the cost of the wreath. £30.00 to be donated to the Stickney Poppy Appeal on behalf of the residents of Stickney. Stickney Picnic Area LCC have reported that the position of a Warden has not yet received approval from the County’s resourcing board and therefore are unable to employ anyone at the present time. The work will be carried out by the Countryside Team twice a week.
Grass Cutting at the Cemetery, Churchyard and some Public Footpaths Seven tenders were opened and read out at the meeting. It was resolved to offer the contract for one year to the best tender. The Parish Council would like to thank all those who took the time to look at the jobs and present a quotation. . ANY POT HOLES OR STREET LIGHTS IN ALL DAY OR OUT AT NIGHT SHOULD BE REPORTED TO THE PARISH COUNCIL CLERK. STICKNEY PARISH COUNCIL REQUIRE ONE PARISH COUNCILLOR. IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN BEING ON THE PARISH COUNCIL PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK FOR MORE INFORMATION, OR WRITE/EMAIL THE PARISH COUNCIL. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Thursday 03 December 2015 in the Youth Centre at 7.30pm. There will be a public forum from 7.15pm.
To be considered for co-option onto Stickney Parish Council, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. Be registered as a local government elector for the Parish on the current Electoral Register.
2. Has during the whole of the previous 12 months occupied as tenant or owner any land or other premises in the Parish.
3. Has had his/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12 months in the parish of Stickney
4. Has resided either in the Parish or within 3 miles thereof during the previous 12 months. Matt Warman MP for Boston and Skegness Friday 11 December 10am – 12noon Wrangle Village Hall Friday 08 January 10am – 12noon Batemans Visitor Centre For an appointment please call 01205 809110 email [email protected] (your address will be required in the email) USEFUL PHONE NUMBERS: Parish Councillors: Cllr M Bolland (Chairman) 01205 480015 Cllr L Edwards 01790 760558 Cllr J Littlewood 01205 480548 Cllr L Spring 01205 480030 Cllr B Wood 01205 480253 Cllr I Dodds 01205 480463 Cllr T Lamy-Edwards 07503 703463 Vacancy – contact the Clerk if you are interested in filling this vacancy
Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs E L Arnold 01205 270352 Crookes Cottage Wrangle Bank Boston PE22 9DL Parish e-mail address: [email protected] Parish Website: parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Stickney
County Councillor: Cllr Victoria Ayling 07764 536867
District Councillors: Cllr Tom Ashton 07812 522372 Cllr Neil Jones 07577 957392 Police phone numbers: PCSO P Pollard 07939 312883 PCSO M Pearson 07944 777039 PC Paula Young 07939 312650 Police Office 101 Doctors phone number 01205 480237
Hospital phone number 01205 364801
Post Office phone number 01205 480225
Stickney Primary School 01205 480254
William Lovell Academy 01205 480352
Youth Centre and Village Hall bookings – Mr Gosling 01205 480641