Good Morning, Today is Wednesday, August 30, 2017. We are on the assembly bell schedule today. Students if you are taking the Adult School Math -2 class on Monday afternoons, the class has been changed to Tuesday afternoon, in room 404. If you are taking another class on Tuesday you need to see your counselor. If you completed Driver’s ED this summer with Mr. Kosinski and did not get your Pink DMV Certificate please go to room B6 at lunch on Wednesday and pick them up. Make up Photos – Will be Tomorrow, the 31 st , for the School year book and picture IDs. Please pick up your packet from the Admin office. Students please go to the Pirate Helm during your break or lunch time to have your pictures taken. Do not go during class time. Life touch will also be here after school until 4:00 PM. If you do not have an opportunity during these times to get your picture taken, your photo will not be in the yearbook, however you will need to see Mrs. Martinez in the Student Complex center and she will make a photo ID for you. Same for RHS Staff.. Students: Rabobank is hosting their 9th annual Fiesta Walk Run event on Saturday October 14, 2017, Please join Mr. Ahlin and see if you can out run him, sign up for this event in the Admin office. Dead line for sign ups is Friday September 22nd. Attention students: Apply for the Wendy's High School Heisman Scholarship: The Phase 1 deadline is October 2, 2017!! Do not wait at the last minute to start completing your scholarship applications. If you are interested in taking the ASVAB Testing this year, they are schedule for September 22, 2017 and January 12, 2018. Please come by the Career Center to sign up. Sophomores and Juniors: If you are planning to go to a 4 year college please sign up for the PSAT test. This test is a practice college exam for the SAT reasoning test. Go to the counseling office and get an application. Deadline is Friday, Sept. 15, 2017. See Mrs. Tasy for more info. FPU Rep will be here on September 5th from 1:03 PM. 9AM-12PM on Tuesday October 10, Monday November 6 . Please come by the Career Center to sign-up to speak to the Rep for: Biola University on Wednesday, September 13, 2017 William Jessup University Thursday, September 14, 2017 Scicon packets are now available to be picked up in Mr. Marquez's room (S14) . You must be a Junior or Senior to apply. Packets must be picked up at Lunch or before school. Please do not come during class time and each applicant must pick up their own packet; you cannot pick one up for a friend, they must pick one up on their own. Thank you.

CLUB NEWS Sports Medicine Club: Any students interested in being part of the Sports Medicine Club and/or the after-school sports medicine program this year are invited to come to Mr Kauk’s room (S8) during lunch on Tuesday, September 5. We will be discussing tee-shirts, hoodies, lanyards, fund-raising events, and goals for the year. The meeting will begin at 12:55. See you there Pirates! Today during Lunch United Health Care Volunteer Rep will be here in the Library. Please come by the Career Center to Sign-up. Club Rush will be postponed until Friday, during Lunch September 8. “CSF meeting this Friday the 1st of September in M4” Forestry Challenge Meeting will be tomorrow the 31st in S11. Teams will be finalized. Get your lunch first we will start at 1:00. SPORTS NEWS

Wednesday August 30 Girls Golf @ Sherwood, Sanger Tournament: Release students all day (SUV departs at 7:30 am from auto area. Match starts at 9:00