Unit 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

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Unit 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

Unit 1: Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Unit 1 Page 1: Objectives! Criteria for Success: I can transform a statement of equality to a conversion factor. Unit 1 Page 2, Accuracy, Precision, and Percent Error I can utilize conversion factors to perform single-step and multi- Content Objective: step calculations. I can collect data and make measurements with accuracy and precision. Unit 1 Page 8-9: States of Matter Criteria for Success: Content Objective: I can define and distinguish between accuracy and precision. I can compare solids, liquids, and gases in terms of I can explain how accuracy and precision relate to the lab setting. compressibility, structure, shape, and volume. I can calculate the percent error of experimental measurements. Criteria for Success: I can define compressibility, structure, shape, and volume. I can determine if something is a solid, liquid, or gas based on a Unit 1 Page 3-4: Significant Figures picture of its particles. Content Objective: I can determine if something is a solid, liquid, or gas based on I can express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific how it behaves when placed in different containers. conventions and mathematical procedures, including significant figures. Criteria for Success: Unit 1 Page 10-13: Pure Substances and Mixtures I can determine the number of significant figures in a Content Objective: measurement. I can classify matter as pure substances or mixtures through I can perform mathematical calculations involving significant investigation of their properties. figures. Criteria for Success: I can identify a substance as an element, compound, Unit 1 Page 5: Scientific Notation homogeneous mixture or heterogeneous mixture. I can explain the difference between elements and compounds. Content Objective: I can explain the difference between heterogeneous and I can express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific homogeneous mixtures. conventions and mathematical procedures, including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant figures. Unit 1 Page 14: Properties Criteria for Success: Content Objective: I can convert measurements between standard notation and I can differentiate between physical and chemical changes, scientific notation. physical and chemical properties, and intensive and extensive properties. I can perform mathematical operations involving standard Criteria for Success: notation and scientific notation. I can identify a property or change as physical or chemical. I can explain why a property or change is physical or a chemical. Unit 1 Page 6: The Metric System I can define intensive and extensive properties. Content Objective: I can identify a property as intensive or extensive. I can collect data and make measurements with accuracy and precision. Unit 1 Page 16: Changes Criteria for Success: Content Objective: I can explain the importance of a standard. I can differentiate between physical and chemical changes, I can list the base units of measurement in the metric system for physical and chemical properties, and intensive and extensive distance, volume, and mass. properties. I can explain how to use a system of prefixes to represent Criteria for Success: multiples of ten or submultiples of ten of these base units. I can define intensive property. I can explain how intensive properties can be used to determine Unit 1 Page 7: Conversions and Dimensional Analysis the identity of a substance. Content Objective: I can recognize that density is an intensive property and be able I can express and manipulate chemical quantities using scientific to calculate density. conventions and mathematical procedures, I can manipulate the density formula to solve for either mass or including dimensional analysis, scientific notation, and significant volume. figures. Accuracy, Precision, & Percent Error Unit 1 Pg 2

A. ______refers to the closeness of measurements to the correct or accepted value of the quantity measured.

B. ______refers to the closeness of a set of measurements of the same quantity made in the same way.

Accuracy = how close the measurements are to ______(______).

Precision = how close the measurements are to ______.



C. ______is a mathematical way to show whether or not your measurements in an experiment are accurate.

D. The higher your ______is, the less accurate your experimental results are. (So a 90% error means your results are 90% away from the correct value.)

E. ______is calculated by subtracting the accepted value from the experimental value, dividing the difference by the accepted value, and then multiplying by 100.

1. Percent error has a ______value if the accepted value is greater than the experimental value. 2. Percent error has a ______value if the accepted value is less than the experimental value.

Examples: Calculate percent error in an experimental mass measurement of 5g if the accepted value is 10g. Calculate percent error in an experimental length measurement of 10cm if the accepted value is 5cm.

Significant Figures Unit 1 Page 3 Significant Figures A. It is important for scientists to know, when they’re working with data from someone else’s research, how ______the other scientists’ data is (meaning how ______each of their measurements can get). B. For example, if I am doing research and make calculations using someone else’s ______data, it will negatively affect my ______. C. Scientists use a system called ______as a method to tell each other how ______their equipment was when they made a particular measurement. D. ______in a measurement consist of all the digits known with certainty plus one final digit, which is somewhat uncertain or is estimated. a. In other words, ______tell scientists which digits in a measurement were directly measured with their equipment. b. The system works so that the final significant digit (furthest to the RIGHT) is ALWAYS an ______.

c. If you know which digit is the ______one, you can easily figure out how good the other scientists’ equipment was, and how close together (______) the markings on that equipment are. d. So, ______are digits that are part of the measurement: either directly, or estimated. e. Any digits that are ______were not part of the measurement, and are only there to preserve ______. OFFICIAL Rules for Determining Number of Significant Figures

SHORTCUT Rules for Determining Number of Significant Figures Using Significant Figures in Calculations

A. When ______or ______, the answer must have the same PLACE VALUE for the estimated digit as the measurement with the least ______place value.

a. In other words, your answer can’t be more ______than the least ______measurement. If one value was measured with a worse “ruler” than the others, then that measurement isn’t as trustworthy as the others. You can’t say for sure if the mathematical sum/difference of that measurement is “true”.

b. So, look at PLACE VALUE. The measurement being added/subtracted with the most vague place value was measured with the worst “ruler.” That place value is where your answer should be rounded to!!

c. I’m not going to tell you how you are supposed to round your answers to math problems! You have to use significant figures to decide for yourself where you are supposed to round!

B. For ______or ______, the answer can have no more significant figures than are in the measurement with the ______total number of significant figures.

C. So for ______, you round based on ______. For ______, you round based on ______.

D. ______are considered exact values and should not be used when determining significant figures in calculations. (More on those later.)

A note on taking measurements:

Some glassware is better for taking measurements than others. Because of the way that lab equipment is made, some equipment is able to make more precise measurements than others. The shape and size of certain equipment will also make it better for some uses than others.

For instance, if you want to measure a solution, you’ll need to use glassware that is longer and skinnier. Glassware shaped like this is better for measuring because it is easier for manufacturers to calibrate the markings they write on it.

However, if you just want to mix and stir a solution, you’ll probably use glassware that is relatively large and possibly round, like these. These shapes allow you to have room to stir and mix with a low possibility of spilling or breaking things.

Notice that some of the “mixing and stirring” glassware still has measurement markings on it. Those markings are, at BEST, poor estimates. These types of glassware should NEVER be used for measuring because they are incredibly imprecise.

Scientific Notation Unit 1 Page 5

Scientific Notation A. To make very large or very small numbers easier to handle, scientists express them in a form known as ______, which uses powers of ______to reduce the number of zeros to a minimum.

Converting Quantities to Scientific Notation Step 1. Move the decimal point in the quantity expressed in long form right or left until there is only one ______digit to the left of it. Step 2. Use the number that results as the ______, M. Step 3. Count the number of decimal places moved, and call that number n, and use it as the ______of 10. a. Make the exponent ______if the original number was LESS than ONE. Step 4. Your final quantity should be expressed in the form ______(scientific notation).

Entering Quantities in Scientific Notation in your Calculator A. ALWAYS enclose each quantity expressed in scientific notation in ______when handwriting it. B. There are many ways to enter quantities in scientific notation into your calculator. We will use a method that replaces the “ x10^ ” with ______. You will need to enter answers to your homework on Quest using this method as well. (The _____ means “exponent.”) Example: 6.02x1023 How it will look in your calculator and on your online homework: 6.02E23 The Metric System Unit 1 Page 6

Base Units: The metric system simplifies measurement by using a single base unit for each quantity.

Table 1: Base Units Quantity Variable Base Unit Abbreviation distance d meter m volume V liter L mass m gram g

Table 2: SI Prefixes and Symbols Prefix Abbrev. Relationship Fraction Representation Example 1,000,000,000 (109) base 1,000,000,000 base units _10 9 bytes_ or 1 Gigabyte Giga- G in one Giga 1 Giga unit 1 Gigabyte 109 bytes 1,000,000 (106) base in 1,000,000 base units _10 6 bytes_ or 1 Megabyte Mega- M one Mega 1 Mega unit 1 Megabyte 106 bytes 1,000 (103) base in one 1,000 base units _10 3 grams_ or 1 kilogram kilo- k kilo 1 kilo unit 1 kilogram 103 grams 100 (102) base in one 100 base units _10 2 meters_ or 1 hectometer hecto- h hecto 1 hecto unit 1 hectometer 102 meter 10 (101) base in one 10 base units _10 1 Liters_ or 1 decaliter deca- da deca 1 deca unit 1 decaliter 101 Liters BASE m, L, or g (meter, (and we’ll 1 (100) base unit IS a 1 base unit 10 0 meter or 1 meter liter, learn base unit 1 base unit 1 meter 100 meter gram) more!) 1 base unit 10 1 decimeters or __1 meter__ deci- d 10 (101) deci in one base 10 deci units 1 meter 101 decimeter 100 (102) centi in one 1 base unit 10 2 centimeters or __1 meter__ centi- c base 100 centi units 1 meter 102 centimeter 1000 (103) milli in one 1 base unit 10 3 milligrams or __1 gram__ milli- m base 1,000 milli units 1 gram 103 milligrams 1,000,000 (106) micro in 1 base unit 10 6 microliters or __1 Liter___ micro- µ one base 1,000,000 micro units 1 Liter 106 microliters 1,000,000,000 (109) 1 base unit 10 9 nanometers or __1 meter__ nano- n nano in one base 1,000,000,000 nano units 1 meter 109 nanometer

Notice! Within each fractional representation, there is a unit that is written with a “1” and a unit that is written with a power of 10.

Sometimes the unit with a 1 is the base unit, and sometimes it is not.

There IS a pattern! How do you know which unit in a fraction should get the “1” and which unit should get a power of 10???

The ______unit is written with a 1. The ______unit is written as a power of 10.

Any time that you have to write such a fraction, ALWAYS be sure to put the 1 with the ______unit and the power of 10 with the ______unit.

Example: You can ask yourself, what’s ______, a kilogram or a gram? Then write the fraction: Conversions and Dimensional Analysis Unit 1 Page 7 Conversions A. A ______of ______describes the relationship between two equivalent quantities expressed in different units.

B. A ______is a ______derived from a statement of equality that can be used to convert from one unit to the other. 1. Conversion factors are equal to ______. Therefore, when you convert you are not changing the amount of what you have, just the ______you are using to represent the amount. 2. When completing conversion calculations, choose the conversion factor that will ______undesired units and leave desired units. Example Statement of Equality Possible Conversion Factors There are 12 eggs in 1 dozen. 12 eggs 1 dozen 1 dozen 12 eggs

There are _____ minutes in _____ hour.

There are _____ inches in _____ foot.

years, months

gallons, quarts

centimeters, meters

grams, milligrams

Joules, kilojoules (Joules are a real unit! We’ll learn about them later!)

narfs, decinarfs (I made narfs up, but they’ll work the same as any other unit!) States of Matter Unit 1 Page 8 Solids, Liquids, Gases Solid Liquid Gas

______Volume and Shape ______Volume and takes shape Assumes Shape and Volume of its (volume and shape don’t depend on of the part of the container it occupies the container) ______Relatively ______Kinetic Energy ______amount of kinetic Relatively ______Kinetic (only movement is ______) energy (particles can ______and Energy (particles can move any slide) way possible) Relatively ______amount of ______Amount of Order Relatively _____ order (particles order (particles are ______) (particles have some ______) have almost no ______) Very ______Rate of Diffusion ______Rate of Diffusion Relatively ______rate of (particles mix ______) (think of (particles mix ______) (think milk diffusion (particles mix ______) pouring sand into a bucket of salt) into coffee) (think Axe Body Spray) Relatively _____ Density (high mass ______Density (medium Relatively ____ Density (small in little volume) mass for the volume it has) mass for large volume) ______(can’t be Relatively ______(can ______Level of squished) squish a little, but enough pressure will Compressibility (easily squished) turn a liquid into a solid) ______attractive force ______attractive force between ______attractive force between between particles particles particles COMPRESSIBILITY

Pure Substances and Mixtures Unit 1 Page 10 Classifying Matter A. Materials are made of either a ______substance or a ______of substances. 1. ______substances have a ______composition, and can NOT be separated by physical means (You can NOT separate by sorting, filtering, heating, cooling, magnetic properties, etc.) All the matter particles are ______. a. An ______is a pure substance that is made up of just one type of atom. (All the atoms are the same identity as each other.) b. A ______is a pure substance with two or more elements combined inS a fixed proportion. Each particle in a compound is called a ______. 1. The law of ______states that a ______contains the same elements in exactly the same proportions by mass regardless of the size or source of the ______. So no matter where your compound sample came from or how big it is, the smallest particles are all the same, from wherever in the universe it formed. 2. A ______is a blend of two or more kinds of matter, each of which retains its own identity and properties and can be easily separated by physical means (You CAN separate by sorting, filtering, heating, cooling, magnetic properties, ______, ______, ______, etc.). a. A ______mixture contains two or more substances blended evenly; also called a ______. . A ______mixture is well-mixed; a sample taken from one area of the mixture will be the same as a sample from another area.

1. The substance doing the dissolving in a solution is called the ______. 2. The substance being dissolved in a solution is called the ______. b. A ______mixture is a mixture of different and easily distinguishable materials; not the same throughout.

Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter Unit 1 Page 12

Methods for Separating a Mixture A. Both heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures can be separated by ______means into the component parts that make up the mixture. 1. A solid and liquid mixture can be separated by pouring the mixture through a ______paper designed to allow only the liquid to pass. 2. A homogeneous mixture of liquids can be separated using ______, a process in which the mixture is heated and the more volatile (more easily vaporized) liquid is boiled off first. A condenser is then used to recollect the vaporized component. 3. Paper ______takes advantage of the fact that different components of a homogeneous mixture have different attractions to a solvent and paper.

Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes of Matter Unit 1 Page 14

Physical Properties/Changes A. A ______property is a characteristic that can be observed or measured without changing the ______of the substance. 1. Color 2. ______3. Malleability 4. Ductility 5. ______6. Solubility 7. Mass 8. Volume 9. ______10. Dissolving

B. When a ______change takes place, chemical bonds within compounds are NOT broken in the reactant and no new chemical bonds are formed in the products. The ______of the material does ______change. 1. Changes of ______. 2. Changes in ______.

Chemical Properties/Changes A. A ______property relates to a substance’s ability to undergo changes that transform it into a ______substance(s). 1. ______2. Flammability 3. Toxicity 4. ______5. Ability to Tarnish

6. Ability to Ferment 7. Ability to Oxidize

B. When a ______change takes place, chemical bonds within the compound are broken in the reactants and new chemical bonds are formed in the products. The ______of the material changes. 1. ______change. 2. Production of a ______. 3. Formation of a ______. 4. Formation of an ______. 5. ______change. Intensive & Extensive Properties A. ______properties depend on the amount of matter present. Having more matter or less matter will change the value of the property. 1. Mass 2. Volume 3. ______B. ______properties do NOT depend on the amount of matter present. Having more matter or less matter will NOT change the value of the property. 1. Color 2.______3. Malleability 4. Ductility 5. Luster 6. Odor 7. Melting Pt. 8. Boiling Pt. 9. Conductivity Density Unit 1 Page 15 Density A. ______is an intensive physical property that relates the ratio of ______to ______.

1. The derived units for density are typically in ______or ______. 2. Density is a characteristic, ______, ______property of a substance and can be used to help ______a substance. 3. An object will ______if its density is less than the density of the fluid it is placed in. a. Density of water is ______.

Density and States of Matter Solid Liquid Gas

¿Qué Dijo? Unit 1 Appendix—Polyatomic Ions Unit 1 Pg 16

A polyatomic ion is a group of elements, usually nonmetals, that are covalently bonded together. Due to unequal sharing of electrons, the overall group of elements will carry a charge. In most cases, the charges are negative, but sometimes they are positive.

This year, you will be required to memorize a list of polyatomic ions—both their formulas, and their ions. Each six weeks, there will be certain ions we memorize. You will be expected to know all old ions from previous six weeks as well as the new ions we add on each cycle.

For the first six weeks, you will have to memorize all the ions listed below:

Ion Name Formula Ion Name Formula nitrate nitrite

carbonate (carbonite)

iodate iodite

chlorate chlorite

sulfate sulfite

phosphate phosphite

bromate bromite

You should notice a pattern between the “ate”s and the “ite”s of similar ions. How is an “ite” ion related to an “ate” ion?


There is a shortcut to memorizing all of these! Use the following sentence:

Nick the Camel ate an Icky Clam for Supper in Phoenix with his Bros

This sentence uses several tricks to represent things about the ions and their formulas! See if you can determine these: The bolded letters: ______

The word “ate”: ______

The number of consonants in each word: ______

The number of vowels in each word: ______

Please note: if you memorize the sentence wrong, you will not be able to properly determine the ion formulas! For instance, if you spell “Phoenix” with the wrong number of vowels, or if you accidentally memorize it as “icky clams” instead of “AN icky clam,” or if you mistake Clam as standing for carbonate when it actually stands for chlorate.

Unit 1 Appendix—First Six Weeks Quizzes Unit 1 Pg 17

In Pre-AP Chemistry, we will take only two quizzes in class every Six Weeks. These two quizzes will both cover the same material as each other.

This material is not necessarily information that we are covering in the current unit. Rather, the materials on the quizzes will be content that the Pre-AP teachers feel is important for you to know and continue practicing all year long. These quizzes will build on each other as far as what they cover from one Six Weeks to the next.

We have a system in Pre-AP Chemistry to make retesting easier:

 If you pass the first quiz of the six weeks (grade of 70+), great! Just make sure you study and also pass the second quiz.

 If you fail the first quiz of the six weeks (grade <70), make sure you study hard for the second quiz!

o If you pass the second quiz, we will count that as your retest for the failed quiz grade!

. So if you get a 30 on the first quiz and a 70 or higher on the second quiz, you will keep your second quiz grade AND your first quiz grade will go up to a 70!

. If you don’t pass the second quiz but score higher than your original score, your first quiz grade will raise to whatever you got on the second quiz. So if you got a 30 on the first quiz and a 60 on the second quiz, your first grade will still go up to a 60.

o If you fail the second quiz, you will have to come in before or after school to take a requiz.

. Use the testing schedule on my website (also posted outside my classroom) to know which room to go to and when (every teacher will have a copy of the requiz for you to take, no matter when you go in)

. If you pass the requiz, all failing quiz grades you have will be raised to 70s.

. If you fail the requiz, your top 2 out of the 3 grades will go on your report card.

. As before, if you fail the requiz but score higher than either of your original quiz grades, your original grades will go up to whatever you made on the requiz.

Feel free to ask any questions about this system that you may have.

First Six Weeks Quiz Material that YOU NEED TO STUDY:

 Have all your polyatomic ions memorized and/or be able to use Nick the Camel to figure out the ions and formulas (including charges) (See Pg 16 of Unit 1—Appendix for Unit 1)

 Be able to look at a number and figure out how many significant figures it has  Be able to look at a measurement and figure out how many significant figures it should be written with

 Be able to do a calculation and figure out how many significant figures the answer should have, and round the answer appropriately

 Be able to put a number into or out of scientific notation

 Memorize your metric units and prefixes, what powers of 10 they relate to, and what order the prefixes go in

 Be able to convert metric units from one prefix to another, or to a base unit

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