Congregational Council Minutes
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CALL TO ORDER: 7:10 PM by Council President, Rebecca Brunetta
PRESENT: Rebecca Brunetta, Pastor Jerry, Kip Boggs, Bob Errett, Bobbie Laciak, Wendy Piper, Joe Bartlow, Gwen Irwin, Lynn Hochrein, Pastor Marleen Excused: Tom Gockel, Dean Cichetti, and Babs Pascarella Absent: Elinor Giovannini
JOY OF THE DAY – The weather, children, grandchildren, and other things that make us all happy.
DEVOTIONS/PRAYER: Pastor Jerry…Short devotional and prayer.
LEARNING TIME: Pastor Jerry…Two basic questions that lead toward determining a mission: 1) Who is our neighbor? 2) Who should we encourage to worship? Scribes & Pharisees controlled who could come to the Temple. All should be clean, no blemishes, no dirt…With Christ, this rule no longer applies. All are welcome! Is First Evangelical Lutheran Church more like a hospital or more like a hotel? In the end, God will tell us what our mission is….Apart from God we can do nothing…at the same time…with God, we cannot do nothing.
MINUTES: Motion was made by Gwen Irwin to accept the minutes and seconded by Wendy Piper. Motion approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report made by Bobbie Laciak and seconded by Joe Bartlow. Motion approved.
STAFF REPORTS: Pastor Marleen I returned on Easter Sunday! It was a wonderful celebration of the Resurrection of our Lord. It has been good to be back. Since returning, I have been working with IT and our sound system installer on adjusting the sound system for better quality during the service and better volume on our CDs and online posts. We have the system working well but still need to train some new people. My hope is to have a training session early in June! I have also been able to meet with Michelle Stang, our IT intern, who has been working to improve our website and helping me with social media tips. If you have not visited our website recently, do so at and check out Firlu Griffith-Stull’s and First Evangelical Lutheran Church’s Facebook pages as well! We can always have more friends and likes for those pages. In addition to regular activation team meetings, I began the Monday evening Bible study again. We are currently watching and discussing the History Channel’s “The Bible”. I have also made 10 individual or household visits and 3 hospital visits. I am behind on shut-in visits currently but hope to catch up in the next few weeks. Outside of the congregation, I did attend a Lutheran Service Society board meeting. In the coming months, we are excited about our Day Camp VBS here at First Lutheran. It will be a great way to give our community a taste of a Lutheran Camp. We are working hard to give more and more children the opportunity to go to camp because it does make a huge impact on their faith lives.
Page 1 of 6 This week, come to church and get some desserts to go! All donations from the desserts will go toward helping defray the cost of the National Youth Gathering this July. Thank you for your support of our youth.
Pastor Jerry Another month of great mutual ministry! Provided meals and food for hundreds of people during a cold winter. Provided deep and profound Holy Week services (received comments from worshippers). Filled two boxes+ with piggy banks for world hunger. Daily Ministry Completed 8 weeks of teaching Confirmation. Completed Wednesday mid-week learning/worship. Consistent attendance of 12-20 people. Evangelism project of “branding” our congregation as a place of hope begun. Attended planning meetings and preparation meetings for Youth Gathering trip this summer. I will be attending along with Julia Gogol, Drew Erdman and Gabrielle Beaken. On-going Ministry Continue to guide Council in thinking and planning with adventure and creativity, instead of hunkering down. Seeking to discern how we might more deeply minister with young adults. Continue to mentor new pastors in our synod. FYI Gone for my niece’s wedding the first weekend in June. Attending National Youth Gathering, July 15-19. Going to Germany to see Luther sights, August 15-23.
COUNCIL BUSINESS: For Information: 1) Delegates for the Synod Assembly on June 11-13 at Thiel College in Greenville, PA are Bob Errett, Bill Griffith, Linda Griffith, Lynn Hochrein, Joan Orr, Pastor Jerry, and Pastor Marleen. 2) Pre-School Graduation Ceremony is on Thursday, May 21 at 6:30 PM.
. For Action: Executive Committee recommends: 1) Approve invoice to CREE Corporation for $7,499.97 for the LED lights for the first floor and the preschool classroom in the Educational Building. Seconded by Kip Boggs. Motion approved.
SPECIAL ACTIVATION TEAM: PRESCHOOL No report submitted. Possible meeting in May.
STANDING ACTIVATION TEAMS: CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Met Tuesday, April 14, 2015 @ 7:00 PM a) Library needs additional low shelving for children’s books.
Page 2 of 6 b) Next SCS opening will be on Sunday, May 3rd. c) SCS intergenerational event is planned for Sunday, May 17th. d) After discussion, it was decided to do Day Camp VBS with Camp Sequanota. Action needed by Council: None Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 12 @ 6:00 PM
PROPERTY/PARK II Met April 29, 2015 @ 6:00 PM a) Guardian Security upgrade was installed and activated March 30, 2015. b) Lighting Phase Two Materials were delivered May 4, 2015. c) Heating and AC maintenance schedule and problems were reported. d) Main Street wall cross on educational building was hung on April 1, 2015. Lettering will follow in near future. e) Park II and front lawn projects were outlined and options were discussed. f) Sanctuary lighting replacement scheduling was examined. g) Sacristy banner storage remodel was requested. h) Gazebo furniture was brought out of storage and set up. Action needed by Council: None Next meeting: May 27, 2015 @ 6:00 PM (in gazebo, weather permitting)
EVANGELISM: No report submitted.
FINANCE. Met April 21, 2015 @ 6:30 PM a) Reviewed insurance quotes from several companies for presentation to Council. The details will be discussed at the special Council meeting on April 26th between services. Dave Mickley will present the options and the Finance Activation Team’s recommendations. b) Finance Activation Team has finalized a policy for record retention for the church. The policy will be presented to Council at the next regular monthly meeting for discussion. Discussion was made on this issue and tabled until next Council meeting in June, so Council members can help with establishing record keeping methods for each type of record. Office has already established 1 place where all records will be kept. c) Don Long has completed his newsletter article concerning bequests to FLC. The article will appear in an upcoming newsletter. d) Pastor Marleen and her family need to be added to our medical insurance beginning June 1st. This is anticipated to only be for about 3 months until her husband’s insurance is available. Finance committee is recommending the Cobra option as they do not require a 60 day notice like the plan through the Synod and has a lower premium. Council should note that the medical benefits line on the budget will need to increase by approximately $4,766.00 ($1,592/month x 3 months) and the transfer from the Trust Fund will increase by the same amount.
Action needed by Council: Insurance proposal vote, record retention policy vote and budget adjustment vote. Insurance vote was held on April 26…Chose combination of insurances totaling $10,382 for the year that will cover the church for all insurance needs. This was completed at the special meeting of Council on April 26, 2015 at 9:45 AM. Vote needed on
Page 3 of 6 Fund Transfer to cover Pastor Marleen’s health insurance for the summer. Vote needed on record retention policies. Next meeting: May 19, 2015 @ 6:30 PM
SOCIAL MINISTRY Met Sunday, April 26, 2015 @ 9:30 AM a) April “Soles for Souls” collection is nearly completed with a tremendous response. b) May 2nd was the roadway clean-up of Union Cemetery Road. c) The net/blanket sales will take place for Mother’s Day, May 10th, and Father’s Day, June 21st. d) A check has been forwarded to Adrien Ennis for the mission trip in which he will participate. Action needed by Council: None Next meeting: Sunday, May 24, 2015 @ 9:30 AM
STEWARDSHIP No report submitted.
WORSHIP AND MUSIC No report submitted.
PERSONNEL No report submitted. Next meeting: May 12, 2015 @ 6:00 PM
FELLOWSHIP Met April 8, 2015 @ 7:00 PM a) Discussion centered on the confirmation breakfast. Menu was planned. The breakfast will be held between services. Congregation will be welcome with reservations beforehand. The date is May 24th. Action needed by Council: None Next Meeting Date: May 6, 2015 @ 7:00 PM
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Meeting held March 8, 2015 at 9:30 AM Intern update…Michelle is back in full force. Website is coming along nicely. Steve Flory has offered to show Pastor Marleen how to make the website mobile-ready for use on Smart Phones and cell phones. Updates should be done soon. The IT Activation Team has decided to purchase a new copier/printer from Total Service, because the current color printer is not functioning any longer. The Total Service copier/printer should be purchased, because after two years of ownership, the copier/printer would have a depreciated value of $1,740. Total Service is offering a complete open-ended maintenance agreement to go with the purchase price of $2,195. The original asking price was $5,090, from which Total Service is deducting $2,895, because of its existing relationship with FELC and our being a non-profit. Other bids were entertained. Total Service was chosen because they are a local business and have a great service reputation with our staff. The piece of equipment we are buying is the Sharp MX- C301W Full color advanced digital document solution. It has B&W and full-color capabilities, 1200 DPI resolution, 50-sheet pans, reversing automatic document feeder, trayless unlimited duplex copy unit, 250-sheet paper drawer with 50 sheet stack by-pass unit and Sharp advanced full color network print controller with Sharp Desk full-color Network Scanning solution with Facsimile Expansion capability. Full color full service maintenance contract monthly rates are as follows: a. B&W copier and prints: $0.015 per page
Page 4 of 6 b. Full Color copier and prints: $0.095 per page c. Full Color Maintenance includes: All service calls, parts & supplies, including toner, developer, drums, rollers and technical support
Included with the purchase… d. Equipment set-up, delivered and installed at no charge, with operating supplies e. Training on operation and use of equipment f. 1 Sharp Power Surge Protecting Filter If we limit color usage to necessary items, we should be in good shape using IT budget to cover the maintenance program. Over the last few weeks we have been able to burn the services to CDs and upload them to the website. There is a problem with the volume on the CDs. We are keeping on top of Premier Sound to assure that everything works as it should. The AV sub-team will hold a training session for those who are interested in learning how to set-up, record, edit and burn/upload services to CDs and our website on June 7th after the 10:00 AM service (around 11:15 AM). Those interested should plan to be in the stage left sacristy at 11:15 AM that morning. Dean said the transfer of the records is still being done. It is on track to meet this year’s project needs and projections. Council Action Needed: Vote needed on purchase of Sharp MX-C301W copier/printer/scanner/fax. Next meeting: May 10, 2015 @ 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM in the church parlor.
YOUTH Met Wednesday, April 29, 2015 @ 6:00 PM 1) Three youth that will attend the ELCA National Youth Gathering are Julia Gogol, Drew Erdman, and Gabrielle Beaken. 2) Youth will be hosting “Desserts To Go” on Sunday, May 10th. 3) Worked on High School senior gifts. 4) Advertising CampBlast and camperships for Lutherlyn and Agape. Action needed by Council: None Next Meeting Date: TBA
a) Pastoral picture gallery in the education wing hallway was discussed. Project is on track. One picture missing. Should have it shortly.
a) Pastoral evaluation team is meeting with the pastors on Thursday, May 7th. A report will be made at the next Council meeting. b) Wendy Piper moved and Joe Bartlow seconded that the purchase of a Sharp MX-C301W color printer be purchased from Total Service for a price of $2,191.00. The purchase was approved.
Page 5 of 6 c) Motion was made by Kip Boggs and seconded by Lynn Hochrein to pay the Cobra amount for Pastor Marleen’s health insurance at $1,592/month for a total of $4,766 from a Trust Fund transfer. Motion approved. d) Record retention policy was tabled until the June meeting to get help from Council on determining policies for record retention.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Joe Bartlow to adjourn the meeting and seconded by Bob Errett. Motion approved. Pastor Marleen closed with the Lord’s Prayer.
Respectfully submitted, Bob Errett, Council Secretary
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