Name______Class______Date______SECTION 21-1 REVIEW TERRESTRIAL BIOMES

VOCABULARY REVIEW Define the following terms. 1. biome ______2. tundra ______3. taiga ______4. savanna ______5. canopy ______MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank. ______1. The biome that is characterized by the presence of permafrost is called a. savanna. b. desert. c. taiga. d. tundra. ______2. Plants living in the taiga are adapted for a. long, cold winters. c. nutrient-rich soil. b. long summers. d. very small amounts of precipitation. ______3. Prairie, steppe, and veldt are different names for the biome known as a. tundra. c. temperate deciduous forest. b. grassland. d. taiga. ______4.Which of the following is not an adaptation that limits water loss in desert plants? a. protective spines c. broad, thin leaves b. a waxy coating d. opening of stomata only at night ______5. The amount of light that reaches the floor of a tropical rain forest is limited by the a. short growing c. dense growth of short vegetation that the tropics covers most of the floor. b. forest canopy. d. dense fog that exists within the forest.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. Modern Biology 113 Terrestrial Biomes Name______Class______Date______SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided. 1. Name two factors that limit tree growth in the tundra. ______2. What characteristic of grasses enables these plants to survive occasional fires and continuous grazing by animals? ______3. How are the plants of savannas adapted to the rainfall patterns of this biome? ______4. Describe three adaptations of desert organisms that conserve water. ______5. Critical Thinking Why aren’t the forests of the taiga cut down and converted into farmland as often as temperate deciduous forests? ______6. Critical Thinking Why are vines so common in rain forests? ______STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS The bar graphs below summarize the typical temperature range, annual precipitation, and soil-nutrient level of four biomes. Label each graph according to the biome it represents.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. Modern Biology 114 Terrestrial Biomes Name______Class______Date______SECTION 21-2 REVIEW AQUATIC ECOSYSTEMS

VOCABULARY REVIEW Distinguish between the terms in each of the following pairs of terms. 1. photic zone, aphotic zone ______2. neritic zone, oceanic zone ______3. pelagic zone, benthic zone ______4. eutrophic lake, oligotrophic lake ______MULTIPLE CHOICE Write the correct letter in the blank. ______1. Which of the following is not an environmental factor that organisms in the intertidal zone must cope with? a. periodic exposure to the air c. constant darkness b. the force of crashing waves d. the possibility of dehydration ______2. Coral reefs form in the a. neritic zone. b. intertidal zone. c. pelagic zone. d. aphotic zone. ______3. There are fewer species in the oceanic zone than in the neritic zone because the oceanic zone a. receives very little sunlight. c. is very cold. b. has low nutrient levels. d. is under very high pressure. ______4. A salt marsh is an example of a(n) a. pelagic zone. c. estuary community. b. species-poor community. d. oligotrophic zone. ______5. Eutrophic lakes a. have very clear water. c. contain little organic matter. b. generally do not contain fish. d. are rich in vegetation.

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. Modern Biology 113 Terrestrial Biomes Name______Class______Date______SHORT ANSWER Answer the questions in the space provided. 1. What are some adaptations of intertidal organisms that enable them to survive in this zone? ______2. Why is plankton important to aquatic ecosystems? ______3. Explain why the productivity of the oceanic zone is high, even though nutrient levels are low. ______4. Explain how producers near deep-sea vents obtain energy. ______5. Critical Thinking Water that drains from agricultural fields during heavy rains or over-irrigation may contain high levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients. What effect might this water have if it is allowed to enter an oligotrophic lake? ______STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS Identify the ocean zones labeled a–g in the diagram below.

a ______e ______b ______f ______c ______g ______d ______

Original content Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Additions and changes to the original content are the responsibility of the instructor. Modern Biology 114 Terrestrial Biomes