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Superintendent of Schools

Student-Parent Athletic Handbook



James Buchanan High School James Buchanan Middle School 4773 Ft. Loudon Road 5191 Ft. Loudon Road Mercersburg, PA 17236 Mercersburg, PA 17236 Page3 student-athletesand parents of the Tuscarora School District. Athletic Director). My washope that this handbookbecomes a valuable forresource incovered this Handbook, please themaddress to the appropriate individual(Coach or successful participation in the athletic program.Ifquestions should arise which are not parents.and The intention thisofhandbook provideis to information that will facilitate Purpose : This : handbookhas preparedbeen to serve as a guide to student/athletes James Buchanan High School Assistant Principal James Buchanan Middle School Principal James Buchanan High School Principal Superintendent of Schools Capital Campaign Website School Resource Officer Athletic Websites Mr. Rodney Benedick Mr. JamesMr. Carbaugh Athletic Director Dr. CharlesDr. Prijatelj Athletic Trainer Mr. Larry Strawoet Mr. VincentMr. Amigh Mr. DickeyChip Mr. Joe Cox 2 Page3 good sport!good sportsmanlike behavior as exhibited bothon playingthe fieldand in the stands!a Be the James Buchanan Family to promote andobserve the importantvalues of positive thatWith importantidea inmind,we again youremind the of need allfor membersof sportsmanlike manner on the athletic fieldcourt. or while unfailingly representingJamesBuchanan in an extremelypositive and them thesefor quality efforts as they continue performtoto the best theirofabilities off season preparations for their particular Rocket sport’s upcomingseason. thankWe coachesOur havebeen working very diligently,ashave our student-athletes,intheir past academic, ROCKETS! Congratulations ourgo to Rocket athletes for their many successesthroughout the the Mid PennConference and throughout andDistrict 3 the stateof Pennsylvania. the year as we engage inexciting contests with the best competitionscholastic within athletic year. We forwardlook manyexcitingto athleticevents fall this and throughout It is againgreat my pleasure welcometoyou our2014-15to James Buchanan Rocket Letter from Athleticthe Director ______ATHLETICS desire indesire our students andcommunity take to part insports eitherasa participant or a integral part the of educational process of the Tuscarora School District. It promotesa ATHLETIC PHILOSOPHY AND OBJECTIVES: Strawoet, AthleticLarry Director Sincerely with PRIDE,“ROCKET” Rockets! will cheer heartily thefor Rocketsand haveanenjoyable athletic experience. Go greatlyWe appreciate your attendance thisatJBHS parent meetingand trust that you the of entire Rocket athletic program. provide funds purchaseto needed, but non-budgeted items and services the for benefit successful inits effortseach Pleaseyear. begenerous in your supportasthey seekto JamesOurBuchanan Athletic Boosters organization continuesbe extremelyto

The athletic program is an

3 Page3 4. 3. 2. 1. COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES additional source of self-esteem ourfor students. attainment.The athletic shouldprograms also promote school morale and provide an educationalvalues suchassportsmanship, citizenship, health,and scholastic spectator.Our aimisto develop competitive student-athletesbut not to sightoflose MISSION MISSION STATEMENT FOR ATHLETICS 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. SCHOOL AND STUDENT-BODY OBJECTIVES within the economicwithinthe constraints the district’s budget. school of to facilitieseffort madebest andequipmentEverybe provide possible should the coaching, athletes. playcitizenship allshould goals Sportsmanship, fair andgood school the of be student- special privileges. beshould policy appliedasstudent-athletesSchool soto with consistently provide not guests. Allvisitingschools treatedbeas should student Propershould interest promoted. be should Athletics in promote one’s andcommunity. pride school should Athletics same program mindshould thatathletic anThe contestcommunity iskeep in partconstantly school of the numbergames or taught, rather the on of lost.won of new andgoodcitizenshipnumber spectators, skillsandgood acquired sportsmanship thesuccessofonofshould the The the numberparticipants,community the judge season spectators.competition and student iswillingcommunity toprogramthat seethe isfor conductedsolelythe benefitof student afurnish forathletics opportunitythepublicSchool should recreational general as long as a the authorities.entirely school with should The community that realizeof for controlschool and responsibility athletics rests ofconcept teamwork To understand individual’sthe teamand the amember.role as competition. the the of To reapspecialtype of disciplinebenefits that comes andparticipationfrom competition. thatathleticTo realize competition privilegeis a thatdefinite carries responsibilities and opportunitiesTo provide to good and practicesportsmanship. observe meetingstudent-athletesteams.byopposingfriends from opportunitiesTo provide to realwithfriends maketeam members and widencircles of desirable physicalfitness To develop and safety and habits. hygiene health, abilities. opportunitiesTo provide to learn and improve playing theirskillsbest games to the of 4 Page3 approachthis meetingin calm, a courteous and manner. logical responsibilitiesand beitmay an emotional time. Call makeand an appointment for a time later and notapproach the immediatelycoach at the conclusion of a contest.At this coachestime, have other instruct guideand the team is crucialin many respects.Should you have any questions or do concerns, wantthe best for himher. or Buta student-athlete can onlyhave one coach. the Allowing tocoach In role your as sport-parent, a youobviouslylove and concerned are about your welfare.child’s You THE PARENT-COACH RELATIONSHIP startingposition. ultimately impedeyour sondaughter’sor progressaffectand their playingtime whetheror theywina interferemay conflictand with theinstructional processat practicesessions and games.This may parent,can greatly affect this relationship.delicate Receiving or technical strategicinstruction home at your her convictions. Your son daughteror then will tohave interact with coach. this You, as the sport- child, you need remember to that he shereturnor will to practice thenext day and carrymay with him or canfeelings have a decided effect your upon child. If you express a negativeopinion front in your of relationship.While you may notagree alldecisionswith of coach, a how whenand you expressyour Unfortunately, sport-parent a can ahave pronounced effect on this importantvery and delicate notthe coach. The player-coach relationship is perhaps the most critical relationship athletics. in newfound this expertise heightenmay your appreciationof a sport, as sport-parent, a however,you are thatthey understand perhapsor know thanmore many coaches. Everyone becomes anexpert. While Unfortunately, throughtelevised games theand recentmore proliferation of cable TV, many adultsfeel THE PLAYER-COACH RELATIONSHIP student-athletes to successfully compete at theleague, district, stateand levels. responsible,sportsmanlike manner. It responsibility is our provide to challenging opportunities for our participate a in game they are expected to themselves, represent family, team schooland in a theseason. Each timeparticipants stop schoolinto a onto or thepractice field anytimeand they aBeing ofmember the interscholasticprogram is a privilege to be earned maintainedand throughout Wesupport high standards of good citizenship propriety,and with along regardthe for rights others. of to promotingthe properideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, fair and at allplay athleticcontests. athleticprogram enhances supportsand the academicmissionof the school system. Weare committed tovital the positive physical, social, educationaland development of students. The interscholastic The TuscaroraDistrictSchool supports the philosophy thata quality interscholastic athletic program is AT JAMESAT BUCHANAN HIGH SCHOOL MIDDLE AND SCHOOL relationship,can which be damagedeasily spectators. by Coaches, athleticadministrators and schools often work hard to establish a rapportand good working spectatorsremoved. many In sports, a team see will the same several official times duringa season. importantto remember thatthey in are ofcharge the contest have and completeauthority to unrulyhave So youwhile notmay withagree allof their please calls, donot harass or taunt them.It is also cannotbe played withoutthem. victor. is also It important to understand thatthey a are necessaryvery part ofgame. a A contest code a of ethics. They really do notcare have or vested a interest in teams which emerges the as particular sport neitherand team has control of which are officials assigned. Officials agree to followand schoolnotdoes get the officials. All officials assigned are a by commissioneror assignerof the Thereis an age-old often refrain used by fans, irate “How much you paying are the officials?” The home RELATIONSHIP WITH OFFICIALS them how theteam did?Did son or your daughterplay hard, 100% give and a have good experience? contest don’tdwell heron or his play, how many pointsthey scorediftheyor started. Instead, first ask expectations can alter most this fundamental forreason playing. Whenyou withspeak your after child a determinedthatmost student-athletes participate for enjoyment fun. or Excessivepressure or daughterto enjoy grow and valuable fromthis experience. In numerous national itstudies, has been important,but adding pressure and unrealistic expectations canbe extremely harmful.Allowyour son or Somesport-parents trymay live to through their athleticchild’s efforts. Being positive and supportive is THE PARENT-PLAYER RELATIONSHIP 5 Page3 conference. are addressedaaboutplaying inplayer-coach concerns time a best or parent-coach Thosedecisions ultimately each player. program.Questionsrest coaches with in the the or does not mandate playing whichamount timeDepartment rules,have any the of received by exposed the of stylesConsequently,are variety athletes coachingAthletic a as a andtechniques, stylesour students exposed of Just to our arevariety teaching student- DIFFERENT COACHING STYLES to taken If still concernbeen the4. resolved the not then has satisfactionof to concerned, will all it be If persists, concernwill3. it the taken be principal. to If is still 2. there concern, awill building to it taken the be athletic director. It level. is Thefirst step 1. the isthe specific to coach of thatassistant/head to take concern the sport at followed:be to andbest the maintain oforder protocol resolve concern, followingcontinuity issues should into expressed, andemployees be patrons, that Ifparents, have concerns need and students Problem Resolution Protocol In addition to embracingand to committing the TSDphilosophy, we also will encourage promote:and held,and 8. The withcommunication student-athletes parentsand with respectto when practice sessions be will 7. The ofselection team captains. 6. The establishingof team rules. 5. The decisionof who plays what in position. 4. The determinationof who starts howand long an athlete in contest. plays a 3. The teachinginstructionand at practice sessions. 2. The determinationof the style of play, including theoffensive and defensivephilosophy. 1. The ofselection the squad. At Buchanan James High School Middle and School, coach a hasthe responsibility for the following: RESPONSIBILITIES OF A COACH really youwhichto explanation,may any help understand is given. may overridesandreason. receptively blinded emotionand thislogicListeningparent be by Once concern, to question have stated Oftenyou the 4. your or listen sport- explanation. a totally unacceptable. Raise incalmconcernandcivil3. amanner. your being or foullanguageisYelling, rude using meet. coach to Call the day2. andfollowing make whichandthe youappointment, an for both is convenient your thediscussion concerning a or team. child Neverapproachcoach aimmediately1. contest.aafter This the time place is not proper or for guidelines: occasionalanwith concerncoach,following When expressing areferto the pleaseand use EXPRESSING CONCERNS the superintendent. the the goal to the to issue resolve goal at the level.this - - - - The The conceptof the broadest-based participationpossibleby offering allof the teams, which specific sport. The beliefthat student-athletes participate should in and multiple not specialize in anyone The The approachthat allteams are treated fairly as as possible. part of athletic our program. No sportone is considered more important than any other. The that premise allteams are considered forvital our student-athletes each and valued is a can, andwe extending theopportunity to participate to many as students as possible. 6 Page3 This means:This 1995,March p.10]. Sportsmanshipinvolves a tocommitment fair play, ethicalbehavior, integrity.and allrules for of the sport and allothers - - players, coaches, officials, fansand [National Federation News, Allathletes parentsand shall exhibit good sportsmanship. (Sportsmanship is an overt respect display of SPORTSMANSHIP: option of contactingthe Principal. correct a manner. If thecallerdoes not accept theAthletic Director’s explanation, thecallerhas the theconcern the for purpose correcting of or it; explainthey will the to the callerwhy iscoach operating in aboutconcern a coach team.or After listening to theconcern, the Athletic Directoreither will address about a or teacher class, a the Athletic Directorprotect will the identity of theperson expresses who a AthleticDirector. as Just the Principal protect will the identity of the person who concernexpresses athleteparentor feels uncomfortable about talking to the it coach, advisableis then to contact the conferenceis still the most appropriate to way express a concern. If, whatever for reason, student- a leadto other problems for the student-athlete, the coach, theor team. A player-coach aor parent-coach is always It better to concern expressa than to internalizeit. valid A thatconcern is not addressed can CONTACTING THE ATHLETIC OFFICE athletictrainer. 6. injured, If student-athlete a must report allinjuries to either thecoach more or, importantly,to our theand school. need to thatremember theyare ambassadors representand not themselves, only but thecoaching staff 5. a As ofmember a team, a student-athlete agree must to followand the team rules. Student-athletes 4. members Team are for responsible allissued uniforms and equipment. 3. must Players be receptive to coaching. holidayand periods. 2. student-athlete A needs to consistently attend practice This sessions. includes also weekend 1. The goals, team’s welfare successand must come before any individual. coaches Most would expect a student-athlete to adhere the to following guidelines: RESPONSIBILITY A STUDENT-ATHLETE OF level of fair, clean, wholesome competition. Good luck to both teams! Welcometo offair,clean, wholesomecompetition.Goodlucktobothteams! level for keepingthiscontestatahigh idealsbytakingpersonalresponsibility sportsmanship ofgood toassistinthepromotion andachievement can, andareexpected, spectators and Participants,officials,cheerleaders, InterscholasticAthleticAssociation. Pennsylvania totherulesof Thiscompetitionisbeing conductedaccording from (name)school. tohostourguests growthoftheparticipants. Wearepleased opportunities forpersonal and positivelearningexperiences Thepurposeofthisactivityis toprovide participants. primarilyforthestudent atJamesBuchananHigh Schoolare Athletic programs whenEvents public addressa is used:system The followingstatement be will read enforcedand before allJames Buchanan High/Middle School 6. In specific some sports such as basketball, we not should anyellwhile opponent takesa foul shot. 5. Weshould notimpede or interfereourwith opponent’s cheerleaders fromleading cheers. their 4. Fans be should supportive and positive. Cheeringshould be done our for team and notagainst our 3. Spectatorscannot leave their bleachers enterand onto thecourt fieldor during a contest. 2. Tauntingtrashor talking of our opponents theirand cheerleaders cannot be tolerated. 1. There canbe no vulgar inappropriateor language from our fansspectators. or opponent. whenthe sessions start will finish.and

7 Page3 UnacceptableBehavior BehaviorAcceptable SPORTMANSHIP EXPECTATIONS BuchananHighSchoolhomeoftheROCKETS! James obnoxious. tocontest. watcha and privilege a verbally is orIt not license to assault to others be offending individual. the purchasing Remember, youwith ticket a the that provides opportunity or seeyouwhichIf hearsomething, by please ussomething to is inappropriate, help saying Sportsmanship Do’sand Don’ts ------Doing yells followingDoing own instead ofof lead cheerleaders. profanity Use displaysangerthatof draw attentionfromor game. away the or distractTaunting name-calling opponent. anto game participants.Blaming loss of official, or on coaches, or to Refusinggive shake hands forgood recognitionperformances. opponents.Yells that antagonize officialsCriticizing indisplaysofway;any temper with official’s ancall. hecklingofficial’san Booing or decision. oryells,Disrespectful or chants,derogatory songs, gestures. or Yelling opponent’s waving arms during free-throw attempt. only sportsmanlike Encourage conduct. showing concernforinjuredEveryone team.regardless player,of endof participants. contest allApplause at for performance or out coach.searchCoaches/players participant and congratulate opposing competition notTreat as war. agame, a outcome. ofparticipantsregardless contest,andcoaches of between at Handshakes end fans Cheerleaders lead school in in positive positive yellsa manner. decisionsof allAccept officials. player’s a recognize performance with applause. shaking with Players opponents hands whilesets who bothof foul out fans introduction of Applause coaches during and officials. players, e. d. c. b. a. j. only Notsportsmanship, alsodisplay this does this poor damagesthem but i. h. g. f. Do not yell at yell or Do not foulshots. distract player a shooting at Yelling officials vulgaruse or Do language. not profane atdon’tyellopponents.But your Cheer athletes. parent,setpleaseAs apositive for our andstudent- a example students kick the Do not bleachers.... cheers. interfere cheerleaders Do attempt lead with opponent’s not and their our to inbleachersRemainthe contest.during the permitted. directedandtrash players, talking is Taunting not and fans coaches, for team.your : cannot be 8 Page3

determinationbe will the made by principal,athletic director, athletic trainer, schooland nurse. requiredto be re-evaluated re-certifiedand that physical conditionyour is satisfactory. This a If student/athlete seeksto participate subsequent in thesport(s) in school same year, you bemay after1June of each school. (comprehensive initialpre-participation physical evaluation) form to be Theused. must be completed athleticactivity. The Pennsylvania InterscholasticAthletic Association requires the useof CIPPE a director onand file thewith athletic trainer a before student participatemay a in school sponsored mustassistant perform the exam. Certification of the must exam be provided to the high school athletic participate any in tryout, practicecontestor of a school team. A licensedphysician a or physician’s 1. Physical Examinations All students – be must examined and determined to bephysically tofit ATHLETIC FORMS: practiceschedules, pre-game post-gameand procedures and policy. travel ofcode conduct, expectations,sportsmanship, and chainof command), selection of team members, Eachhead coach a of sport is required have to a meetingto cover team and rules regulations (including PARENTS/GUARDIANS: PRE-SEASON MEETING FOR STUDENTS and of theevent. contests canbe excitingvery and the cheerleaders to need be allowed to and direct control this aspect therefore,is absolutely necessary at allathletic contests. The emotionand atmosphereat athletic often or cause leadto confrontationsthewith opponents. Following thecheerleader’s directions, responsibilityinto your own hands is notappropriate. Fans thatleave thestands to cheers direct may Cheerleaders tryto infusespirit into the fans/spectators and to leadthem selected in cheers. Taking this SPECTATOR-CHEERLEADER: orcoach feels that theathletes’ safetyis riskat elevated heat index,orwhen theathletic director, athletictrainer, officials scheduledat contests precautionsto protect athletes’ safety. includes This times of thunder, lightning, severe rain, Whendangerous weather occurs during practices or coachesgames, should take thenecessary Severe Weather they can tryoutfor any team. whocoaches then will submit them to athleticthe directorand clearancereceive before RequiredAthleticForms: Student athletes must submit completed toforms the head until the Maynext 31 regardlessof when performed during the year,school remainseffective only fitnessto participate. In allcases, an Authorized Examiner Medical must certify, on thePIAA CIPPE form,as to your physical duringwrestle theseason. dayContest the of season,wrestling certification a of the minimum weightwrestling at they may which firstRegular Season Contest day and thanno later the Monday preceding the first RegularSeason Wrestlers also must obtain from an Authorized Examiner, Medical no earlierthan six weeks prior to the 3. 2. 1. Emergency MedicalEmergencyForm PhysicalCIPPE Form Athletic Parental ConsentForm

ACIPPE be may performed no earlier 1 Junethan

st .

. . Cancellation todue inclement weather follow will the

st ; and,; 9 Page3 JAMES BUCHANANJAMES ACADEMIC ELIGIBILITY The purpose of organizations these are follows: as Buchanan James is subjectto allrules, regulations and of policies these organizations. AthleticAssociation (P.I.A.A.), District 3 the of P.I.A.A. and the Mid Penn Conference. As members, Buchanan James School High Middleand Schoolare members of thePennsylvania Interscholastic ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMNETS FOR STUDENT-ATHLETES delayedtodue weather conditions. district,conference, P.I.A.A., policy. All fans should proceed tosafe a shelter cases in when gamesare B. A. 1. 1. 2. 2. 1. a. Student Student EligibilityAttendance Standards: Student Academic EligibilityStandards: athletes’ school grades, attendance, personaland conduct. includeshome schooled and dual enrolled students. participants accordance in the to participation requirements stated the rules. This principal athleticor director of each certify schoolshall the eligibility of all interscholastic been establishedto adhere to allrules governingparticipation interscholastic in athletics. governingthe academic eligibilityof studentathletes. The following athleticguidelines have The TuscaroraDistrictSchool and Buchanan James High School adhere to all P.I.A.A. rules 4. 3. 2. building administratorbuilding athleticor director. poorattendance patterns be will reviewed for possibleremoval froma sports team the by Any studentathlete placed on medical requiresand a doctors note for absenceeach due to schooltodue illness notmay return to practice competitionor thatday. thediscretion of the administratorbuilding athleticor director). Student athletes who leave thatday (unless it valid is a excuseor has been pre-approved.Approval of these isexcuses at athletesbe must school priorin to 11:30 a.m. or theynotmay participate practice in or contest administratorbuilding athleticor director for possiblesuspension from the team. Student Any studentwho is absent and lateor five (5) daysa in given season be will reviewed by the equivalentthe marking last period of the previous schoolyear duringor the ofend any marking regular of rules the school. If student a did notpass the four (4) full credit or subjects, the orsubjects, the equivalent. Back workbe may made up,providing it accordanceis in with the Period Marking Eligibility Standards: student A athlete be must passing four (4) creditfull followingtoMonday determine eligibility for thatweek. fill should out the sheetsgrade by ofFriday each week. The will grades be reviewed onthe deficiency weekly report forms will be onavailable hard copy the by athleticdirector. Teachers the by athleticdirector and coaches. At thebeginning each of sports season, team lists and EligibilityWeekly Standards: Student cumulative marking period grades be will checked weekly totals. four (4) periods. grading Summerschool make-upworkapply may to thefour (4) creditfull fifteen school(15) days of the nextgrading period where James Buchanan School High has said studentathlete shall beineligible to participate interscholastic in athletics for at least where student’s a work any in preceding grading period does not meet the above standards, periodduring the currentschool year the student athlete be will deemed ineligible. In cases remainder of thatcurrent season. 40%of the sports season be will declared ineligible and suspendedfrom the team for the participate scheduled in contest,travelor withthe team. A studentathlete who is ineligible week.a During week of ineligibilityor suspension,students notwill be permitted to practice, competition that for calendar week. Ineligibility is defined as throughMonday Saturday of that School High students receiving two (2) moreor failing will grades be ineligible declared from To promote To uniformity of standardsallinterscholastic in athletic competition. interscholasticathletics cultivateand the high good ideals of sportsmanship. formulate To maintainand that policies safeguard will the educational values of protect, conserveand thehealth physicaland welfare of allparticipants. organize, To develop, directand an interscholastic athleticprogram, which promote, will Thecoach is responsible to monitor The The 10 Page3 theacademic high schoolyear. Registration is throughavailable the EligibilityNCAA Center at The certificationprocess for student-athletes planning to enroll as collegefreshman begins August 1 academicinformation determineand ifthey meet the NCAA’s initial-eligibility requirements. Initial-Eligibility must them.certify The EligibilityNCAA Center will the analyze student-athlete’s graduating fromhigh school and they wishto participate in or Division I sports, Division II theNCAA Ifscholarships. a high school student-athlete is planning to in enroll collegeas freshman a upon to according the and size ofscope their athletic programs and whetherthey provideathletic threemembership divisions-Divisions I, II, III. Institutionsare ofmembers one anotheror division established rules oneligibility,recruiting, financialand aid, regulates collegesports. The NCAA has The NationalCollegiate AthleticAssociation (NCAA), an organization founded 1906 in that has N.C.A.A ELIGIBILITY CENTER Summer** schoolmake-up workapply may to the4 creditfull total. are cards issued, as except provided Section in 5. periodwhere the school has six (6) periods grading school per year, beginningon the first day report hasfour (4) grading periodsper schoolyear, foror at leastten (10) schooldays of the next grading interscholasticathletes at for least fifteen (15) schooldays of the next period grading where theschool notdoes meet thestandards provided above, said student shall be ineligible to participate in eligibility for thenext grading period. cases In a where student’s work in any preceding grading period thestudent’s final credits his/her in credits for thelast period grading be usedshall to determine his/her be reported weekly ona basis, and be filedshall in theoffice.Principal’s At the end of theschool year, orsubjects, the equivalent. Eligibility shall be cumulative from thebeginning a of grading period,shall approvedby the Principal as full-time curriculum.a The student must be at passing least four full-credit be eligibleTo for interscholastic athleticcompetition, a student must pursue curriculum a defined and P.I.A.A. ELIGIBILITY ACADEMIC other other forced couldphysical activity which adverselyaffect the physicalhealthand ofthesafety individual, and calisthenics, elements,exposure the to forced consumption ofany food, liquor, ordrug othersubstance, any or include, bebut not limited any to, ofa brutality physicalsuchnature, whipping,as beating,branding, forced underthe sanction of or asrecognized organizationa aninstitution by ofhigher education. term The shall or intoadmission or affiliation with,ora as condition continuedformembership in,any organizationoperating ofa safety willfullystudent or which ordestroys removespublic or private forproperty purpose the of initiation “ sectionunless the context clearlystates otherwise: The followingand words whenphrases usedin act this shall thehave given meanings to them this in [P.S.] 5253.Definitions PENNSYLVANIA HAZING LAW immediately should report the to matter a coach, teacher, athletic director, or administrator. Any studentexposed to assault, harassment, or hazing, suspects or thatsuch activities are occurring, anyother activity which in student-athletes represent James Buchanan School High Middleor School. program at Buchanan. James meansThis on the fields courts,or in room,the locker on the bus,ator StudentHandbook. Hazing, therefore, cannot and not bewill condoned or permitted in theathletic Codeoffense. more A completeexplanation of harassment can be found the Jamesin Buchanan bonding. However, itis actually a form of harassment representsand a James Buchanan Disciplinary In athleticsettings, some viewhazingmay as harmless a rite of initiation anor important for activity team HAZING throughavailable HAZING.” C. 1. 3. Disciplinary IneligibilityDisciplinary illness. exceptionsAttendancemay buildingby be made the administrator or athleticdirector due injuryto or the building the administrator or athleticdirector. Any thatisstudent athlete chronic a problemdisciplinary bedeclaredmay ineligible atthe discretion of action Any or situation recklesslyor which intentionally theendangers mental or physical healthor . . an If athlete is interestedparticipating in an at college NAIA information is . . st of 11 Page3 mannerat alltimesand avoid situations that bring will James Buchanan School High disrepute. in athlete is a Buchanan James High School Ambassador.Athletes should conduct themselvesin proper a Studentsthat participate extracurricular in activities assume additional responsibilities. The student Rules Governing Interscholastic Sports and Cheerleading Squads individualto insuch participate activity notwithstanding. organizationdirectlyis or indirectly condition shall bepresumed be “forced”to activity,the willingnessofan definitionthis uponinitiationwhich orthe admission into or affiliation with or continuedmembership in an destructionor removalofpublic or private Forproperty. purposes definition,of this any describedactivity as in physical activity which adverselyaffectcould the mental healthor dignity ofthe individual,or any willful shall include any would activity which individualsubject the extreme to anyembarrassment, otherforcedor 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. D. C. B. A. 1. 12. 11. 10. 9. A. particular particular sport approvalwith of the athletic and director principal. Additionaland rules regulations bemay included by the coach charge in of his/her thediscretion of the coaching staffinvolved, the athletic director, principal.and compete that in particular sport, until theyserve probationary a period which is up to Any player from dismissed varsity a team disciplinary for may reasons no longer Requirements varsityletters for are determined by established athletic guidelines. theteam bus to athletic contests. administration coach.and It is understood thatallathletes cheerleadersand will ride parentswith bemay given special in circumstances with prior approval fromthe Allathletes should return fromathletic contests on theteam bus. Permission to return player froman athletic team. (2)Two absences from practicewithout permission bemay grounds to dismiss a Allathletes must be prompt practice for sessions well as as games. Athletesmaintain must grades passing according to P.I.A.A.and theschool district. program would disqualifythe athlete fromparticipation the in athleticprogram. condition a to maintain probationarystatus. Failure to participate completeand this required A program of specifiedcounseling as by the administration bemay invoked as dismissal and/or probation. of Use tobacco in any formresultmay disciplinary in action, may which include probationotheror action disciplinary by theadministration. Any usepossessionor of drugs or alcoholby studentathletes may in result dismissal, schoolyear athletics. in fromthe team for the remainder of the and season on probation the remainder of the Any athletesuspended under thedistrict drug and alcohol policy shall be dismissed / DRUG ALCOHOL POLICY for ATHLETES: AthleticDepartment and Administrationfor: participatingany in interscholastic sport bemay establishedat the discretion of the probation A period,dismissal, revocationor of the privileges of trying out for or practiceparticipateor in athleticevents during the suspended period. Studentsplaced on suspension in-school(i.e. or out-of-school) not are permitted to clearedthrough the athleticdirector principal.and Permanentsuspensions from teams,other than automatic suspension, be shall practiceanor athletic contest to beeligible to participate on theday. Allathletes must attendschool a of minimum a half-day a.m.) (11:30 the day of a regulations. Out-of-seasonsummer violations Athletic of Department and rules school policies and 12 Page3 discrimination,fighting, vandalism, academicdishonesty, underage drinking, and illegal drug violentorillegal activities (examples: hazing, sexual harassment/assault, gambling, commentsagainst race gender). and/or No posts depictshould orencourage unacceptable, commentsaimed at student-athlete, a coach or at team schoolanother and derogatory individualor (examples:entity derogatory comments regarding school;another taunting • limited not images to that portray thepersonal marijuana use of and drug paraphernalia. • pornographic and nature other inappropriate material. • • participationonline in communities includedepictionsmay presentationsor of the following: futureoptions (i.e. college, Examplesprofession). of inappropriateand offensive behaviors concerning athlete’s perceptionof the student-athlete and our canschool.This be detrimental also to a student pictures,videos, comments posters.and Inappropriate material foundthird by parties affects the collegeofficials--could easily access your profiles viewallpersonaland information. includesThis all athletes be should aware that third parties--including themedia, faculty, futureemployers and Student athletesone in formanother. or byused the majority of student Facebook,times. Twitter and other social sites media have in increased popularity globally,areand responsibilityto portray your team, your coaches, our school,and ayourselves in positive manner all at the highestin regard areand asseen role in models the community. As leaders you have the athletes held are Playingand competing James for Buchanan High/Middle School privilege. is a Student Signature______Date ______Printed Name ______sports socialand media guidelines for theJames Buchanan High/MiddleSchool AthleticDepartment. the I undersigned student-athlete understand adhere will and to the governing rules interscholastic coach. permanentsuspension fromthe team, as determined by the administration, athletic director,headand adhere to policies these and guidelines result may disciplinary in actionincluding temporary or requirementsthat you must adhere to a as JBHS/JBMS student-athlete. Also, you affirmthatfailure to Governing InterscholasticSports and Social Media for Guidelines Student-Athletes and the signing By below youaffirm that you understandthe James Buchanan High/Middle School Rules team, your familyJamesor Buchanan. School. always Remember, present a positiveimage doand not do anythingto embarrass yourself, the positivelyand reflects your own values and wellethics as as those of Buchanan James High/Middle you If ever doubtare in of theappropriateness of your onlinepublic material, consider whether itupholds use). James James Buchanan HIGH/Middle SCHOOLSOCIAL MEDIA GUIDELINES FORSTUDENT-ATHLETES Content Content online unsportsmanlike, that is derogatory, demeaning orthreatening towardany other Pictures,videos, comments orposters condone that drug-related activity. This includes is but Photos,videos, comments and that are of a sexual nature. This includeslinks to websites of a Photos,videos, commentsorposters showing thepersonal use of alcohol,drugs tobacco. and ‐ C. B. coaches,administration, game officials, otheror school personnel. NOathletes write should articles to the news media criticizing team fellow members, school“in” or of “out” season. Violationsof the lawand other acts which bring disrepute embarrassmentor to the ‐ ‐ ‐ 13 Page3 invited to remain on the high school team. Those not selected for the high school team and those who choose notto andthose whochoose forthehighschoolteam team.Thosenotselected toremainonthehighschool invited staff,willbe selectedbythecoaching asperP.I.A.A. ninthgradeathletes, andasetpracticeperiod After try-outs thefollowingconditions: highschoolteamunder bepermittedtotry-outforthe gradestudentsshall the ninth schoolprogram, program,aswellahigh amiddleschool/ninthgrade athleticteams.Insportsthathave school “ Ninth Grade Participation payable to theTuscarora School District. the before firstscheduled for contest the beathlete to eligible to participate. Makechecks writtennote to thecoach. All fees mustbe in handed to thehead coach and mustbe received familycap. Those individuals receiving and free reduced lunch are exempt, must but submita Student-Athletes. The is fee $100.00 per sport. aThere is $200.00 individual cap a and $400.00 School Tuscarora The School District has imposed a Student ActivityFee on all High School and Middle ACTIVITY FEE dayofcompetition. levelinclassonthe ondeterminingtheirparticipation athletes withstudent- willuseprudentjudgment PhysicalEducation teachers onthedayofcompetition. classes even Education tobeexcusedfromPhysical expect“special”treatmentfromteachers athletesshouldnot interscholastic whoparticipatein courseforgraduation.Students importantandrequired sport.PhysicalEducationisan particular duringtheir classesevenwhen“inseason” requiredPhysicalEducation toactivelyparticipateinall expected EducationClassParticipation Physical contest atthattime. ordemandsofthe playersbestsuitedtotheconditions efforttowin,acoachwillusethe In an playingtimedoesnotexist. orguaranteed orintramuralteams,equal However,unlikerecreation student-athlete. theresponsibilitiesofa teammeansacceptingall one’smembershiponthe onandmaintaining right. Being privilegeandnota teamatJamesBuchananHSisa onanathletic tounderstandthatparticipation It isimportant PARTICIPATION ON AN ATHLETIC TEAM as appropriate as sectionsof the form insurance out filled the by athletictrainer parent/guardian.and protectionnotdoes cover. An injuryand report accident formneeds to be onatfile Central Office as well isThis to cover additionalcosts incurred from an athletic injurythat participant’s a primary insurance athletics.The Tuscarora DistrictSchool havedoes a secondary policy insurance on individual athletes. parent/guardian throughor the schooldistrict purchased to insurance participate in interscholastic AthleteInsurance: declarea primary secondaryand sport the in case ofconflict. a Agreement must be receivedfrom both sport coaches theand athleticbuilding director. The athlete must TwoSport Participation: thatsport season on any non-school team that in sport. Non-schoolSport Participation: thatsport. Status:Amateur ParticipationOther Requirements bechanged. cannot and theteamforentireseason School)he/shemustremainon level(JV/VarsityorNinthGrade/Middle certain hasbeenplacedata scrimmage.Onceafreshman ofthefinal scheduled mustbemadeattheconclusion decision This forapprovalunderP.I.A.A.guidelines. highschooladministration willpresentthenamesto director staff, theathletic consultationwiththecoaching totheathleticdirector.After schoolteam,shallbegiven the high for graders,whoareselected staff.Thenamesofninth andmiddleschoolcoaching bythehighschool coordinated willbe schoolteam.Thisprocess totry-outfortheninthgrade/middle theinvitationwillstillbeeligible accept Super Frosh” guidelines are established within the P.I.A.A. guidelines. Ninth grade students maytry-outforhigh Ninthgradestudents withintheP.I.A.A.guidelines. Frosh”guidelinesareestablished Super    all applicable P.I.A.A. regulations/guidelines are adhered to areadhered P.I.A.A.regulations/guidelines all applicable permissionisgranted parental levelofcompetition choosestotry-out forthehigher student A student A who a represents school in an interscholastic sport be must an amateur in Allathletes must acceptablehave insurance protectioneither from his her or Athletesparticipatemay in activities two during a current sport season. A student A who member is a of any team notmay participate during - It is important to also understand that all the student-athletes are allthestudent-athletes toalsounderstandthat -Itisimportant 14 Page3 Allobligations such as returninguniforms and equipment must also be completed priorto joining a 2] Any player a quitting team must getthe approval of the original coach before second joining a team. 1] Any fromplayer cut squad a during tryoutsis free to immediately try outjoinor another team. order achieve to allof the objectives, above the followingguidelines be will used: also we want to safeguard fairnessanand ethical approachregardwith to allcoaches teams.and In bealtered. atWhile we James Buchanan High andSchool Middle wantSchool to promote participation, Whetherby cut, being quitting by or being by dismissed, student-athletes’ a membership on a team can STUDENT-ATHLETES CHANGING TEAMS difficultthisprocessdecision, for all. less experience apainfulbecomes the sport.andstudent-athletes and support coach’s another understand When parents cutAnyoneais fromwelcome keep everyone. to team again to season tryor try out next forstudent-athletesdisappointingparents,cannot manyandeven for wetheir unfortunately did not individuals or the cutwho we makeWhilethatdid team. understandbeing is meetindividuallywill team member with andwill post each prospective listnot anyof as available andbe answerquestions.Coaches task possible, student-athletes’positively as to every toCoaches of sensitivefeelingsgiven disappointment,consideration. are will the handle will isathlete expecttreatedthe fairly Parentsshould candidate make squad. that every and aduring yearstudent- the evenbeing thatensureaof team senior previous or a does not JVmake or automatically the the varsity year.aeither following squad member Having been are from that guarantees. previous there no Players year’s fornot the JV team,example,do The criteriafortheaisIt developedby selecting coach.important team to is also remember factors. the coachhasandauthority Every other responsibility hisfor selectingor team. her limitations ourdue to of regulations facilities,to some specific restrictions, travelsports, and School, High may squad.Buchanan itsports a necessary in be to This occur some cut may our Whileisto greatest athleticultimate goal promote possible participationthe at James TEAM SELECTION be must approved the by III District committee. Non-traditionalStudent Athletes: faculty,and administration. Student-athletes theAthletic Director. Departure be timeswill scheduled publishedand coaches, for players, custodians, Transportationfor allathletic contests,scrimmages and when necessary, practicesbe will arranged by TRANSPORTATION beinga memberofateam. andenjoying thevalueofwinning, learning, thesame timeacknowledging while at ofaJuniorVarsitysquad betheultimatepurpose ofstudent-athletesshould Varsityteam.Thedevelopment Junior theprimaryobjectiveofa should notbe recordorwinningachampionship however,compilingagreat athletics, isimportantin eachyear.Strivingtowin forvarsitycompetitionwillmakethesquad bestsuited The student-athletes yeartothevarsitysquad. moveupthefollowing a student-athletewillautomatically notguaranteethat team does aJunior Varsity given.Beingamemberof Acaution,however,mustalsobe varsitysquadinthefuture. make the potentialto thestudent-athlete’s onaJuniorVarsityteammayenhance thevarsityteam,participation not making thelimitingfactorin age,size,orskilllevelmaybe Whilethestudent-athlete’s skillsandgainexperience. to develop squadanopportunity toparticipateonthevarsity student-athletesunable Varsityteamsexisttoprovidethose Junior THE PURPOSE OF A JUNIOR VARSITY TEAM activities otherwith teams without undue pressure from coach a to change teams. 6] the During off-season,a student-athlete can participate in weight-training,conditioning and similar season.prohibitionThis of recruiting should wouldand extend throughthe off-season. program.wouldThis include any player who beenhad a ofmember a squad during the previous 5] coach No attempt should to recruitstudent-athletes from another James Buchananteam to his/her thefinal decision. 4] The athleticdirector mediate will allproblems when a student-athlete changes teams and have will director joining before anotherteam. 3] Any player from a dismissed squad must getthe approval of the original coach fromand the athletic second team. Mustbecompliance in currentwith P.I.A.A. regulations. Waivers MUST useschool-provided transportation to allathletic 15 Page3 Varsity, Varsity, andJuniorVarsity MiddleSchool Athletic AdmissionCosts: Admission General Policy ADMISSION TO SPORTING EVENTS Handbookmay in result dismissal fromsports teams. nutritionalsupplements the for purpose of enhancing Failure comply withthe Student tobacco.Students notmay distributeuseor the any over counter prescriptiondrugs dietaryor and actionsoutlined within this Students policy. notmay use,be or possession in of drugs, alcohol, or Handbook.Violations of the Substance Abuse Policy be will handled to according the disciplinary The TuscaroraDistrictSchool policies concerning substance abuse outlined are in the Student SUBSTANCE ABUSE circumstances.emergency legal parenta or guardian transportmay student-athletes. This however,should only in occur school-provided by transportation unless the head coach receives parental personally. permission Only addition,student-athletes who are transportedby school-provided transportation to events contests scrimmagesand unless priorarrangements have been madethewith administration. In entry entry fee.We make attemptwill every to ensure thatgame officials, officers, security and deciding whetheran individual can be allowedto leave and re-enter withoutpaying another Theseare some typesof situations where the rule common of sense prevail should when 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. 9. 8. requests re-entry, cooperate. please others in attendanceat athletic events. an individualIf has a legitimatetoreason leave and schooladministration are appropriatedisplaying courtesyand cooperationto parents and -> a -> parent awith young child leavesto geta jacketblanketor from the car; Someexamples: anotherfee, itis expected that good judgment be usedunder certain circumstances. guidelines of notallowing spectators to leave athletic and events re-enter without paying field must area) pay again to re-enter.Exception – While we the support general Any guest paying attending an athletic contest who leavesthe site (gymnasium, specific Allschool age individualsbewill charged admission. guest. Thesebadges are non-transferrable. Tuscarora School Employee IDBadges are good for district employees and one residence. “ varsity footballgames. Football and Green and White passes. The parkingpasswill be valid home for Seasonarepasses sold on a season to season basis. Passesare non-transferrable. competitions. level competitions$4.00 and and $1.00 respectfully for middle school price The adult of admission is $5.00 student and admission is $2.00 for varsity In-season have thehave on aanimal leash at alltimes must and cleanup after the animal. bringingan animal on to school property a for permitted and approved purpose must forused public school-sponsored programs approved by school administration. Anyone theschool administration. Exceptions guide are dogs, assistance and animals animals dogs No otheror pets permitted are the in athleticfacilities without direct permission of productswhile on school district property. schoolAll district facilities are tobacco free. Pleaserefrain from theuse of these -> a -> parent otheror adults needs to leave to attend a family emergency. a -> parent leavesto pick-up another child froman after-school activity; A A parkingpasswill issued be to purchasing those tickets season thesportin of GOLD” cards issued are those to district residents65 or who showolder proof of athletes shall beadmitted withoutcharge awith activity valid card.

MUST return 16 Page3 Golf Tennis Country Cross Football withoutmeeting the above requirements ifhe/she has met standards II, III, and IV. so. Any student,after participating onthe varsityteam for 2 years,more or may receive letter a award therequirements. A player complete must theseason good in standing, unless medically unable to do fulfilled to thesatisfaction of the coach. Letters bewill awarded only to players those who meet allfour of adhere to thestandards. However, it notdoes guarantee thestudent a letter unless #II, III,IVand are 1] Listedbelow are the criteria for earning letter a at James Buchanan High School. All coaches shall VARSITY LETTERING recognized those the end-of-the-seasonin report that be will on file the in athleticoffice. regulations.The head coach staffand shall determine thenumber of individual andteam awards include Individual athleticteam awards should conform to thePennsylvania InterscholasticAthletic Association ATHLETIC AWARDS receive receive (1)one varsityletter throughout or his high her schoolcareer. 3] The varsityletter be will the approvedschool letter including appropriate emblem. An athlete will only receive letter. outstandingjob performed. was These individualswho do not attend allpractices eventsand should not 2] StudentAssistants and shouldManagers normallyserve two before years lettering unless an Cheerleading Soccer Volleyball II. I. V. IV. III. 80% of of 80% games of 50% halves matches of 50% matches of 50% matches of 50% of 80% meets quarters of 50%

Attitude andTowardPracticeTraining Participation in – met Contests Has requirements Respect of Respect home facility and facilityvisitor Facilities Care of and Equipment Sportsmanship/Citizenship - attendsregularly practice- - returnsall - equipment assigned demonstratesfor concernequipment- accepts decision - coach’s - shows officials, - respect coaches, andspectators for the team - andfollowsinstructionslistens andcontests practicesto during - followstraining rules - displays competing- attitude excellent an while Track &FieldTrack Softball Baseball Swimming/Diving Wrestling Basketball 80% of of 80% meets pitchers 25% of 50% innings / pitchers 25% of 50% innings / of 50% meets of 50% matches of 50% quarters 17 Page3 Eachcoach is responsible his for her or area team’s on thewebsite. informationabout Buchanan James Athletics, be will available by the visiting following website; promotional purposes.The updated most schedules, cancellations,directions, scores, otherand website,the booster’swebsite, otherand Tuscarora DistrictSchool publications for educational and/or Throughout theyear, photographs videotapesand bemay taken of students to be used on the school’s ATHLETIC WEBSITE middleand school main offices. athleticteam including the next school year, have will and on afile financial obligationthe in highschool paid,the studentathlete not will receive letter a award, be to participateeligible on any otherschool football helmetsshoulderand pads.) Until any forcharges lost equipmentreconditioningor have been to be professionally reconditioned the for nextseason be will charged the reconditioning fee. (i.e., theschool for purchasing new replacement items. Studentathletes who do not returnequipment in time performedcommitments during that season. The price replacing for items these be will the actual cost to (outsideof normal and wear or usage) misplaced.They also will be responsible for anyfundraising will Parents befinancially responsible equipment for uniformsand that are stolen, lost, damaged is the It responsibility of the student/athlete to maintain and return allequipment and uniforms issued. EQUIPMENT awards. 8] Any studentathlete who does notcomplete the sports season not shall be eligible end for of season letter. 7] (volunteer)Parent ininvolvement a shall program no in be way a factor for toone achieve school a one for to aachieve school letter. 6] Participation fund in raising by activities the student his and heror parents in shall no be way a factor 5] certificate A also will be awarded individuals to who receive varsity a letter season.each schoolsimilar related insignias. 4] Forawards subsequent for years sport/activities,and participants receive will sports specific pins, or Consideration should be should to other sportsavailability.given siteConsideration be andpractice in-season minimize potentialto the forthe detrimentaleffects the health participants.of upon P.I.A.A.of regulations the regulations orderPractices and training must carefully be in planned coachandathleticaccordance directorwiththe determined by the head in rules and helpful performance invery be athleticcan to Thearecontest.athletic schedules practice Positivevery encouraged. however, are teamsmuch support nurturingandstudent-athletes of setting. compromised. academic beat cannot in games, settingSpectators Education any bein disruptioncannot practice more a any focus in thanwouldallowed toleratedanbe toinstruction Interruptionsstudent-athlete’staking place. and interference a concentration and sessions the are equivalent of These teacher’s classroomandthere a quality is real, are closedtherePractice verysessions isnormally to a spectators sound for and reason this. PRACTICE REGULATIONS questionsanswered toand obtain the most update informationconcerning our athletic program.    and twoand hours for thehigh school level. This length time of is exclusive of dressing,showering Oneand one-half hours of practicetimeshould be asused a guideline at themiddle schoollevel should Coaches prepare practice a plan on a basis. daily consideration will be givento other school functions. practiceHightime. school sports have first priority when scheduling practice;however, special Sincemany sports shareathletic facilities, itrequires coaches to work together to schedule meetings.and Visit site this often to yourhave 18 Page3

An certifiedAn isathletic a trainer educatedin care,professionalthe medical recognition, injuriesthesustained treat high andmiddleschool during byathletes school the school year. DistrictThe SchoolprovidesTuscarora licensed, a tocertified athletic trainer evaluate and ATHLETIC TRAINER student-athlete. for our District,School Tuscarora dowe will ensurethat andhealthy all environment we to safe can a and awarepossibility.parents bethis andunderstand student-athletes the need to At activities In extremely our occur. result.and do could can some death rare also cases, All are risksinthere when athletics.some someone participates Injuries associated of in some spiteof protectivesupervisionandsoundinstructionour In byand the equipment, coaches, RISKS OF ATHLETIC PARTICIPATION (ASSUMPTION RISK) OF school. If injury school. the onIf the as occurs weekend, attention free medicalto seek needed. Feel injury an informIfduring or see practice occurs a your game, athletic trainer coach and the at WHAT SHOULD IDO IF ISUSTAIN AN INJURY neurologist,podiatrist, etc.] and physical therapy alsomay be recommended. referralis made by the athletic trainer the for athlete to specialist seea [orthopedic, surgeon, knows theathlete best and insurance dictates typically the MD’s anathlete see.may On a occasion, toReferral a physicianis made to the athlete’s family physician(M.D.). The family physician(M.D.) THE ATHLETIC TRAINER WILL safely,withminimaldelay. sports participation athletebackto seeandaimtoreturnthe carefortheathleteswe thebestinsportsmedicine We strivetoprovide throughout school and athletic practicesevents the year. athleticSaturday’s athleticon scheduled trainercontests occur. when The isat numerous isSchoolavailable High Friday Buchanan through for school Monday several afterhours and oftreatment, injuries/illnessand rehabilitation Theathleticof trainerJames active people. at          Most physician. needMost mild to ainjuries seen byare not be and do athletephysicianif a refer the to necessary. needed. athletic are practices exercises rehabilitateto recommend injury modifications help any ifthe and indicate in the instructionsathletefor theirgive treatment of injury. the whatthe athlete’s anddeterminei.e.evaluate injury parents. is a It recommendation thata copy of the practice schedule be outhanded to players and members. recommendedthatcoaches should maintain a practice and gameattendance of record team required,the athleticbuilding director headand coach approve must said practices. It is student must attendallpractices unless excused the by If coach. special practice schedules are student A practice must with the team in to order represent the schoolon that team.Each beoptional studentand athletes cannot be disciplined not attending.for approves practicesgamesor can be held.If administration that decides is ok practice, to itmust held events the highin schoolmiddleand school are canceled unless the administration to determinewhat events be will canceled. If schoolis canceled, allpractices, games,and of schoolclosing. If school is called off, decision a be will made by central office administration policy. The following is in policy placeregarding cancellations of practice and gamesor because Cancellation todue inclement weather otheror unforeseen circumstances follow will the district would after begin 12:00noon. has approval granted been the by administratorbuilding athleticand director. Thesepractices Sundays are notto be scheduled videodays, team meeting days,practiceor days unlessprior

19 Page3 SPORTS BOOSTER CLUBS concussions.oncourse IMPACT onlinealso completeanprogram.Allapprovedcoaches concussion are required to TheTraining James actually Department Athletic the Buchanan subscribes to if occur Syndrome can participates athletean with head a symptoms from injury and can headonesignificantinjury. havemore Second than sometimes serious consequences Impact psychologicalneurological Several permanent headproblems.injuriesand canmild head injuriesof (“getting my seriouslyrung”) bellavoid must taken be injury to further and willathletic trainer if physician.the determine needs athleteto a seen bymildest be the Even injury mustseen athletebeby head/brain of athletic kind, the trainer any the TheASAP. injuries should the head reported be athletic to or suspectstrainer. athlete anIf parent a concussion)fromA head (nota always occur injury can or direct Allindirect blow the INJURYHEAD isbefore athletepermitted office the to participate. Acopyfacilities. the medicalwritten fileof muston be intrainer’s examiner the release athletic This appliesinexaminer. caseswheretoroom,also goathletesemergency an urgent or care prescriptionwrittena slip returnto full indicating athletic the participation, by medicalsigned seesathletean Once physician or a for sports any related injury illness,the must athlete bring WHAT HAPPENS IF ISEE A PHYSICIAN athleticthetrainer by or doctor.medical a injury.youice Ifhavepainyou the the with restbody part,the of until use isinjury evaluated it part andelevate(ifswellingand pain. Use the ice injury while an possible)on pack body participation duethe lostto time injury. anInitially after injury, isan important it to control AN IGNORE INJURY!! The is athletic here help trainer andminimize participatingkeep you to could and chronic should athleticityou ainjurytrainer be the see immediately. DON’T your the contact physician and/or athletic tobodypartsorertrainer. gettingaseems beIf daily, Fix Fix website JB Sports at the campaign about capital involvedlearn and to with more worthwhile get this project, visit the by environmentfor exercisecommunity positive andfitness and a providing access training. To environment. addition,Campaign safe In the improvethe wellnesswill overall of our otherhave facilitiestheathletes comparable districtsin to to opportunitya compete and have programs in Districteducation schools.all DistrictSchooltoaTuscarora era beginAthletics Buchanan new in and physical James athletic facilities would require substantial funding. Fix isprivate partneringwithJB Sports the andthe organization, Fix Committee toJB Sports made the that concluded improvements Athletic a Buchanan Association (3)Inc., Boosters federally non-profit 501(c) recognized of the repairandsome meet 2008,State James need standards. longer no and league In James of Many the athletic over Buchanan old.Theyfacilitiesare are years 35 in desperate FIX JB SPORTS CAPITAL CAMPAIGN activeanmember.andbecomeClub Booster SchoolandMiddle School High athletic joinand itsprogram.Allparents encouraged are to a servicepolicy. isItaandsupport which organization, with Buchanan works in harmony James vehicle a remove not interests to advance Athletic coaches,vested alterto or Department school ClubandpromoteTheincrease Boosterspiritgood andto sportsmanship. encourage is threehasClub primary Booster athletic to to programs,goals: raise the funds assist to monthat 7:00 James Buchanan unlessotherwiseHigh School announced. program. Buchanan’s Booster Sports James alltheto existsClubs athletic support entireteams and

The JamesBuchanan Athletic Boosters the meet 2 TheFix JBSports ourensure Campaign will .

nd Wednesdayof each The The 20 Page3 Middle School Cheerleading (Coed MS) Junior High Junior Football &9(Coed 7,8, ) Conference. Mid Penn aremembersofthe Thefollowingschools by-laws,rules,andregulations. byconferenceschedules, implies abiding standardsandgoals.Membership toconference theactivitiesprogrambyadhering generallyupgrading meets, and conductingleague equalizingcompetition, isderivedfromarrangingschedules, ofconferencemembership value programs. The toimprovetheirextracurricularathletic memberschools Theconferenceencourages Conference. MidPenn Schoolaremembersofthe HighSchoolandMiddle SchoolDistrictandJamesBuchanan Tuscarora PENNMID CONFERENCE AFFILIATION regulations. rules,and toabidebyallstateby-laws, and MiddleSchoolagrees Buchanan HighSchool the P.I.A.A.,James memberof theStateofPennsylvania.Asa activitiesofallschoolsin andcontrolofinterscholastic the supervision Pennsylvania for oftheState servesastheauthorizedrepresentative AthleticConferencewhich Interscholastic ofthePennsylvania aremembersofgoodstanding MiddleSchoolathleticteams HighSchooland James Buchanan P.I.A.A. Affiliation star meeting star ifrequired, anyand end of the season sport specific meetingrequired by theMid Penn attendsport specific pre-season conference meeting, interpretation rules meeting, ofend the season all- theathletic that director they want discussed at these meetings. is mandatory It that head coaches AthleticDirectors from theconference meet regular on a basis, and coaches bring should questions to SPORTS SPONSORED by TUSCARORAthe SCHOOL DISTRICT Football (CoedFootball CoedV/ JV) Boys’ Soccer (BV / Boys’ BJV)Soccer (BV / Cross Cross Country (BV/GV) Girls’ Soccer Girls’(GV/GJV) Cheerleading (Coed V) Volleyball(GVGJV) / Girls’ Tennis Girls’ (GV) FALL SPORTS Golf (Coed V) Central Central Dauphin East CumberlandValley Bishop McDevittBishop CentralDauphin Boiling SpringsBoiling Chambersburg Cedar Cedar Cliff Big Spring Camp HillCamp Altonna Carlisle (GMS-2) SchoolBasketballGirls’Middle Middle SchoolWrestlingMiddle (Coed MS) Middle School Cheerleading (1) Middle School Boys’ (BMS-2) Swimming & (BV/GV)Diving James Buchanan Boys’ Basketball (BV/BJV) Girls’ Basketball (GV/GJV) BasketballGirls’ East PennsboroEast Mechanicsburg Lower Lower Dauphin Milton HersheyMilton Cheerleading (Coed V) Greencastle Middletown Harrisburg Wrestling(Coed V) Northern Hershey Palmyra WINTER WINTER SPORTS Susquehanna Township Steelton-Highspire Shippensburg State State College Waynesboro West Perry Red Land Palmyra Trinity Middle School Volleyball (GMS-2) Track &FieldTrack (BV/GV) Baseball (BV/BJV) Boys’ Tennis (BV) Softball (GV/GJV) SPRINGSPORTS

21 Page3 step.This assessment willhelp youdetermine the appropriate of level forplay your realisticA assessment yoursonof ordaughter’s athletic talent is animportant first kids get recruited. grades, there areadditional steps parentsof high athletesschool can take helpto their outs” collegeof recruiting. While there is no substitute for outstanding talent and great havefrequentlyI been asked by parentsof high athletesschool about the “insand 2014-2015Senior High Sports’ Enrollment Classification enrollmentfigures was female 701, enrollment336, maleand enrollment 365. proceduresall-conference for selections. Lastenrollment date Friday. was October 11, 2013. Total meetings. Lastly, please respond a in prompt mannerto allconference recommendationsand voting Conference.Fines and postseason penalties beenhave established non-attendance for at these athletic athletic opportunities.Someare quite effective and othersfallshort. Before hiring Many companies and consultants exist to matchhelp graduating toseniors collegiate financial assistance the from community-based scholarships,student loans. They can earnalso $20,000up to in total financial package throughotherforms of financial suchaid as academic or should keep theseopportunities open, too.Remember, yourchild cansupplement their scholarshipsto cover onlyportion a of the associatedcosts withattending college. You uncommon in smaller schools, or lessprominent sports at schoolslarger for scholarshipmoney moreplayersto thantheir program is funded It is not Some schools do not athleticsoffer scholarships, or toneed allocate scarce academic results. the and pool availableof money yourchildto willbesubstantially increased strongwith addition to athletic scholarships,manycolleges offerothertypes of financial assistance Having a realistic expectationwith respect athleticto scholarshipmoney is helpful.In yourimprove child’s ofchance being successfully recruited. if schools they can help your child attain their academic goals. aCastingwide net will son or daughter the at collegelevel. Don’trule out The“Ins and Outs” of collegerecruiting Swimming/Diving(AA) CrossCountry (AA) Track/Field (AAA) Basketball(AAA) Wrestling(AAA) Boys’ Boys’ SPORTS Baseball(AAA) Football(AAA) Soccer Soccer (AA) Tennis(AA) Golf (AAA) Army NationalGuard . NAIA Swimming/Diving(AA) CrossCountry (AA) or Track/Field (AAA) Basketball(AAA) Volleyball(AA) Girls’SPORTS Softball(AAA) Soccer Soccer (AA) Tennis(AA) NCAA Division II andIII Golf (AAA)

22 Page3 - - - - - * athlete’scontact information inthe video extraordinary musicskills – and specialeffectsare desirablenot Short- – three minutes max with in-game highlightsthat offshow athletic ability or correspondence let and collegecoaches know tohow byfind includingit the fullURL inyour * - - * behalfof your child - - - * areHeresome important thingsyoucan do: ishighlyhelp recommended. somebody toelse yourhelp achievechild their collegiateathletic dream, some self- called back. more discouraging tocollege a coachthanto interestshow in an athleteonly not to get If a displaysschoolsome interest,it is importantto reciprocate the attention. Nothing is different Timingtimes. andcircumstances are huge factors. should not be discouraging – schools, teams andcoaches value different thingsat the athlete a fit intothe program socially?Just because there is not a onefit at school there a strong atneed the position played? Does athletethe qualify academically? Is factorsSeveral will weigh into a school’s interest in recruitingparticular a athlete. Is an outreachcampaign and follow-upwith a phone fromcall your child the to coach. some other salient points aboutathletic achievements andacademic results. Conduct the highlight video can beeffective inpeakinginterest. Yournote should also include letter,A or e-mail,to collegesalerting them to your athlete’sinterest along with a tolink The is $60.00cost college, your athletemust registerwiththe eligibility centerand academically qualify. Clearinghouse). If you hope obtainto an athleticscholarship from an NCAA-affiliated * ConnectionCoach A complete databaseof all coachesNCAA allat levels is fromavailable “ Contactcolleges and let them ofknow your child’sinterest Thereisnothing wrong withsendingyour athlete’sbest full-game video Labelthe and DVD put infocontact into the atvideo the start andconclusion Send this coachesto thataskto see video Have your athleteprepare for the event – don’t go incold during the off-season Dosome toresearch ascertain that collegecoaches will actually be at eventthe Ask if coach is willing taketo the next step reachingof to out collegescoaches on Gauge interestcoach’s in promoting your athlete to college scouts andcoaches Ask anfor assessment of your child’s appropriatenext level of play Prepare aPrepareDVD that contains both highlightsand a full game aPosthighlight package on yourHaveson daughter or attend off-season tournamentsexposure or combines Talk yourhighto school coachfor advice Register yourRegister athlete at the ” onlyfor $49.95. NCAA CenterEligibility YouTube , , known(also as the NCAA ,other or sharingvideo site - Include your College 23 Page3 of theirofsenior year. Most students improvealso their scorethe second time around. half allof students take the twice— SAT inthe spring theirof junior year andinthe fall studentsMost take the duringSAT theirjunior senior or yearin school.high leastAt Plan aheadthroughouthigh school When to take the Test andnoticed land scholarship money. Andy He Beal. insightsoffers his on parents how can thetake lead helpingin their athletes get Information within this articlewasprovided by; provided by the service. thenand communicate to directlycoaches by using updatedits live addressese-mail subscribe to outCheck eachcollege’s website contactfor information, or bemoreto efficient, out theseto schools to broaden your choices. andschools many offer combinations of athletic scholarships and financialaid. Reach mindopen – lots greatofathletic andeducational opportunitiesare atavailable smaller important factor is reaching out the to schools you would like anHave additionIn your sonorto daughter’s athletic ability andacademic standing, the most at leastattwo years study.of the course inthe subject. Students tendto do better on other testslike languages after World History, Biology E/M, ChemistryorPhysics as soon as possibleafter completing year or theat beginning of their senior year. general,In youshould take testssuch as the ForSubject SAT Tests™, studentsmost take them toward the end theirofjunior 1. 1. You You should take leastatfive solid academic classes every semester. These Take challenging classes Create a high school plan Freshman higher-level coursesto challenge yourself. foreignlanguages, andthe arts.Try take to advantage of andhonors other usually include classes in English (language arts), math,science, social studies, o o College Coach Connection Get Get to theknow levels coursesof offered by your school. thatand takingtheyou´re rightclasses starting this year. Make sure youknow what high coursesschool are required by colleges

searchto schoolsfor that meet your criteria Founder and President 24 Page3 World World History, Biology E/M, ChemistryorPhysics as soon as possibleafter completing year or theat beginning of their senior year. general,In youshould take testssuch as the ForSubject SAT Tests™, studentsmost take them toward the end theirofjunior theirofsenior year. Most students improvealso their scorethe second time around. half allof students take the twice— SAT inthe spring theirof junior year andinthe fall studentsMost take the duringSAT theirjunior senior or yearin school.high leastAt Plan aheadthroughouthigh school When to take the Test at leastattwo years study.of the course inthe subject. Students tendto do better on other testslike languages after 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. foreignlanguages, andthe arts.Try take to advantage of andhonors other usually include classes in English (language arts), math,science, social studies, You should take leastatfive solid academic classes every semester. These Take challenging classes Create a high school plan Sophomore skills, readingcomprehension and vocabulary. magazines, keeping a journal or blogging can help you improve your writing beyondGo yourreading and writing assignments in school.Reading booksand Read and write as much you can subjects, example:for WorldHistory, BiologyE/M, Chemistry, and Physics. there are some teststhat you should take as soonas possible after takingthe Although studentsmost take Learnthe about SAT Subject Tests Learnthe about SAT Subject Tests higher-level coursesto challenge yourself. o o Make Make sure youknow what high coursesschool are required by colleges Get Get to theknow levels coursesof offered by your school. thatand takingtheyou´re rightclasses starting this year.

SAT Subject Tests beginning in their junior year, 25 Page3 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. your your horizons andfindwhat you are passionate aboutdoing. Extracurricular activitiescanhelp youdevelop time-management skills,expand Keep up participationyour in school activities volunteeror efforts the ismaterialstill infresh your mind. someForsubjects, toit’s best take those exams at endthe theof year, while Are you takinganycourses this year thatare relatedto an aboutThink takingthe SAT Subject Tests youhelp yourimprove performanceon year’snext exams. offered in the 10th grade.By taking it this year, you’ll receive a score report to it’sWhileusually given inthe 11thgrade, the ifAskPSAT/NMSQT® the offered is10th-graders to Program institutionsaward creditbased on AP Exam grades. evenmaybe collegereceive Morecredit. than 3,000 higher education outTry college-levelwork,improve yourabilities, and,with rightthe grades, Explorethe Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) skills, readingcomprehension and vocabulary. magazines, keeping a journal or blogging can help you improve your writing beyondGo yourreading and writing assignments in school.Reading booksand Read and write as much you can subjects, example:for WorldHistory, BiologyE/M, Chemistry, and Physics. there are some teststhat you should take as soonas possible after takingthe Although studentsmost take . SAT Subject Tests PSAT/NMSQT beginning in their junior year, Learn more aboutthe AP SAT SubjectTestSAT is oftenalso ? ? 26 Page3 year year or theat beginning of their senior year. general,In youshould take testssuch as the ForSubject SAT Tests™, studentsmost take them toward the end theirofjunior theirofsenior year. Most students improvealso their scorethe second time around. half allof students take the twice— SAT inthe spring theirof junior year andinthe fall studentsMost take the duringSAT theirjunior senior or yearin school.high leastAt Plan aheadthroughouthigh school When to take the Test at leastattwo years study.of the course inthe subject. Students tendto do better on other testslike languages after World History, Biology E/M, ChemistryorPhysics as soon as possibleafter completing 1. 1. 1. foreignlanguages, andthe arts.Try take to advantage of andhonors other usually include classes in English (language arts), math,science, social studies, You should take leastatfive solid academic classes every semester. These Take challenging classes Create a high school plan Junior Learnthe about SAT Subject Tests higher-level coursesto challenge yourself. o o Make Make sure youknow what high coursesschool are required by colleges Get Get to theknow levels coursesof offered by your school. thatand takingtheyou´re rightclasses starting this year.

27 Page3 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. best getway to ready the for SAT. upSignfor the test, which inis given October. Takingthe Take PSAT/NMSQTthe your horizons andfindwhat you are passionate aboutdoing. Extracurricular activitiescanhelp youdevelop time-management skills,expand Keep up participationyour in school activities volunteeror efforts the ismaterialstill infresh your mind. someForsubjects, toit’s best take those exams at endthe theof year, while Are you takinganycourses this year thatare relatedto an aboutThink takingthe SAT Subject Tests youhelp yourimprove performanceon year’snext exams. offered in the 10th grade.By taking it this year, you’ll receive a score report to it’sWhileusually given inthe 11thgrade, the ifAskPSAT/NMSQT® the offered is10th-graders to Program institutionsaward creditbased on AP Exam grades. evenmaybe collegereceive Morecredit. than 3,000 higher education outTry college-levelwork,improve yourabilities, and,with rightthe grades, Explorethe Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) skills, readingcomprehension and vocabulary. magazines, keeping a journal or blogging can help you improve your writing beyondGo yourreading and writing assignments in school.Reading booksand Read and write as much you can subjects, example:for WorldHistory, BiologyE/M, Chemistry, and Physics. there are some teststhat you should take as soonas possible after takingthe Although studentsmost take Plan yourPlantesting schedule ifcarefully youwantto take both types tests.of You can take eitherthe Plan for spring tests . SAT orupto three SAT Subject Tests SAT Subject Tests PSAT/NMSQT beginning in their junior year, Learn more aboutthe AP PSAT/NMSQT SAT SubjectTestSAT is oftenalso on one testday. is the ? ? 28 Page3 1. 1. 1. 1. information insessions your hometown or scholarships.for interest andmay usescores to qualify you for special campus visits programs, sending them in the spring yourjuniorof year. Colleges see this as a ofsign If you whichknow schools you'dlike to yourreceive thenscores,consider Send scores collegesto and scholarship programs Take SATthe readyGet the for SAT Subject Tests readyGet the for SAT o o o o full-length officialpractice test Visit the questions and answer explanations all for 20 tests. Visit the the forusing SAT a study plan onbased results.your PSAT/NMSQT CollegeQuickstart Use the access codeon scoreyour PSAT/NMSQT report signto into practice. Be signsure to up for SAT PracticeSAT SAT SubjectTestsSAT Practice . this Withpersonalized planning kit,you can prepare section taketo The SATOfficial Question of the Day . sectionto get free practice free practicequestions dailyfor and a free My 29 Page3 World World History, Biology E/M, ChemistryorPhysics as soon as possibleafter completing year or theat beginning of their senior year. general,In youshould take testssuch as the ForSubject SAT Tests™, studentsmost take them toward the end theirofjunior theirofsenior year. Most students improvealso their scorethe second time around. half allof students take the twice— SAT inthe spring theirof junior year andinthe fall studentsMost take the duringSAT theirjunior senior or yearin school.high leastAt Plan aheadthroughouthigh school When to take the Test at leastattwo years study.of the course inthe subject. Students tendto do better on other testslike languages after 1. 1. 1. higher-level coursesto challenge yourself. foreignlanguages, andthe arts.Try take to advantage of andhonors other usually include classes in English (language arts), math,science, social studies, You should take leastatfive solid academic classes every semester. These Take challenging classes Create a high school plan Senior Learnthe about SAT Subject Tests o o and thatand takingtheyou´re rightclasses starting this year. Make sure youknow what high coursesschool are required by colleges Get Get to theknow levels coursesof offered by your school.

30 Page3

1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Plan Plan for spring tests best getway to ready the for SAT. upSignfor the test, which inis given October. Takingthe Take PSAT/NMSQTthe your horizons andfindwhat you are passionate aboutdoing. Extracurricular activitiescanhelp youdevelop time-management skills,expand Keep up participationyour in school activities volunteeror efforts the ismaterialstill infresh your mind. someForsubjects, toit’s best take those exams at endthe theof year, while Are you takinganycourses this year thatare relatedto an aboutThink takingthe SAT Subject Tests youhelp yourimprove performanceon year’snext exams. offered in the 10th grade.By taking it this year, you’ll receive a score report to it’sWhileusually given inthe 11thgrade, the ifAskPSAT/NMSQT® the offered is10th-graders to Program institutionsaward creditbased on AP Exam grades. evenmaybe collegereceive Morecredit. than 3,000 higher education outTry college-levelwork,improve yourabilities, and,with rightthe grades, Explorethe Advanced Placement Program® (AP®) skills, readingcomprehension and vocabulary. magazines, keeping a journal or blogging can help you improve your writing beyondGo yourreading and writing assignments in school.Reading booksand Read and write as much you can subjects, example:for WorldHistory, BiologyE/M, Chemistry, and Physics. there are some teststhat you should take as soonas possible after takingthe Although studentsmost take Get readyGet the for SAT yourPlantesting schedule ifcarefully youwantto take both types tests.of You can take eitherthe . SAT orupto three SAT Subject Tests SAT Subject Tests PSAT/NMSQT beginning in their junior year, Learn more aboutthe AP PSAT/NMSQT SAT SubjectTestSAT is oftenalso on one testday. is the ? ? 31 Page3 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. January ofJanuary your senior year. If you haven’t yoursent anyscores institutionsto or Many collegesand universities haveapplication deadlines inDecember or Send scores collegesto and scholarship programs your increased knowledge. continue study to the subjectand take testthe again,yourscore should reflect SubjectTestsSAT Take SubjectSAT Tests™ Improve performanceyour theirimprove score. Researchtime. shows thatstudents who take SATthe a timesecond usually If you plan on Take SAT theagain? information insessions your hometown or scholarships.for interest andmay usescores to qualify you for special campus visits programs, sending them in the spring yourjuniorof year. Colleges see this as a ofsign If you whichknow schools you'dlike to yourreceive thenscores,consider Send scores collegesto and scholarship programs Take SATthe readyGet the for SAT Subject Tests if youif would tolike o o o o o o o Be Be signsure to up for full-length officialpractice test Visit the Question of Daythe Visit the next level Visit improvement Use questions and answer explanations all for 20 tests. Visit the the forusing SAT a study plan onbased results.your PSAT/NMSQT CollegeQuickstart Use the access codeon scoreyour PSAT/NMSQT report signto into practice. My SATMy ScoreOnline Report SAT Skills SAT Insight taking thetaking againSAT SAT PracticeSAT SAT PracticeSAT SubjectTestsSAT Practice measure your knowledge a of particular subject. If you send moresend scorereports . this Withpersonalized planning kit,you can prepare Question@SAT on forTwitter daily practice. section taketo section andbesure signto up for The SATOfficial Question of the Day understandto skills the neededto take theyou to , the, beginning of yearisseniorthe best . reviewto yourstrengths and areasfor sectionto get free practice , now, the free practicequestions The Official SAT dailyfor and a free My 32 Page3 May 2,2015 March 14,2015 January 24,2015 2014 December 6, 2014 November 8, October 11,2014 Test Dates U.S. dates2014-15registration U.S. for deadlines and datesandinformationforU.S.internationalstudents Important SAT® international datesanddeadlinesbelow. international outside theU.S.,seeapplicable theregistrationprocess.Forstudentstesting negotiate register for the SAT by providing them with the testing schedule inaddition to helping them for the SATbyprovidingthemwiththetestingschedule Subject Tests SAT & SAT only Subject Tests SAT & Subject Tests SAT & Subject Tests SAT & Subject Tests SAT & Test U.S.A.) Time, Deadlines(Expireat11:59 p.m.Eastern U.S. Registration April 6,2015 2015 February13, 29,2014 December 6,2014 November 9,2014 October 12,2014 September Regular (a fee applies) (a fee Late (for registrations made online or by phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 2015 April 21, registrations) (for mailed 2015 April 17, phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 2015 March 3, registrations) (for mailed 27,2015 February phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 13,2015 January registrations) (for mailed 9,2015 January phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 24,2014 November registrations) (for mailed 21,2014 November phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 28,2014 October registrations) (for mailed 24,2014 October phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 30,2014 September registrations) (for mailed 26,2014 September You canhelpyourstudents

33 Page3 June April February December October September June 6,2015 ACT Test Dates-

18, 13,

25, 2015

TestDate 2015 7,



2015* 2014

2014 2014 SAT &SubjectTests May 2015 8, March 13,2015 January 9, 2015 November7, 2014 September19, 2014 August8, 2014 Registration Deadline 2014–2015 May 8,2015 September20–October 3, 2014 August9–22, 2014 May 9–22, 2015 March 14–27,2015 January10–16, 2015 November8–21, 2014 (for registrations made online or by phone) madeonlineorby (for registrations 2015 May 27, registrations) (for mailed 2015 May 22, (LateFee Required) 34

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